the next morning I woke up even more stunned than the day before, I saw that in my bed there was Aliar still sleeping, our clothes scattered all over the room, but to be led by the fact that Aliar was naked in the bed of that room that could hardly be defined as such, take advantage of the fact that Aliar slept to go and rummage through his pants and look for my cell phone, Fortunately I managed to find it the first thing I had to do was check the news, in just 24 hours had already been published thousands of articles on the matter happened last night, I read some, more or less all said the same thing: I was blamed for what happened.
"Massacre last night in a house in the state of Washington , a bomb exploded killing many agents and wounding 4 , for now an investigation has been bolted but the main suspect is the poisoned technician Tara Johnson"
I had to redeem myself , I had to tell the mono how it really went, but first I had to run away and come back from the team, I recovered my clothes , when you hear a noise coming from the person lying on the bed:
to"Are you running away already, honey? You say that between me and you there will never be anything but tonight you said the opposite"
t" aliar, it was a mistake, all this was a mistake"
a"I don't think so, maybe you didn't understand, look at your ankle"
Turn the square and I noticed a chain that started from my caliva and ended up in the wall, I was trapped again:
t"aliar , I ask you for one last time, what do you want from me ?
a"simple, you and I as in the old days, together, taking revenge on all those who made us suffer"
T"That's not how you're gonna get something, I give you an ultimatum : let me go now or I'll be forced to use the hard way"
a" I like it when you get angry, you're so pretty! Take away a curiosity Anonymus, or sorry Tara, why do you do it ?
T" Why do I what?
A" defend so much the people you call friends, those people I'm sure are now blaming you for that succes last night, even they will sooner or later abandon you, if they knew you as I know you would be disgusted by you, they are not like everyone, Why shouldn't we bring revenge?
T" they are different " without realizing we were fake against a wall, Aliar so close it was enough even so little to escape I decided to face him:
a" different in what puppy? Why are you still struggling?
T" because I have to be for them the hero that you and I never had, and you're wrong about them , they never turned their backs on me until now, what do you think they're gonna do?
Aliar left suddenly, I seem horrified by what I had just told him, but this and the truth I really thought, I had stopped running. I thought of a way to escape; I could dig a tunnel or simply force the iron door that closed the room; everything had only one fibula that made these plans impossible; Aliar.
As long as he remained in the room it was impossible even to get out of bed, I had to find a way to get him away, to get him out; when I saw that Aliar was getting dressed:
a"e chiaro che ti devi ancora schiarire le idee, I leave you alone to reflect"
I had a golden opportunity and I could not waste it, I tried to understand with what I could take off my anklet; it was iron curled, the long chain that held me tied to this place, I checked well the anklet ; it had a padlock with a combination, Aliar was a sentiment so I tried the date when we met: 12/09/1920. I tried: nothing I searched in my hair looking for a hairpin that maybe Aliar had forgotten to take off me; I managed to find one, I tried to break the lock but I could not, he had also predicted this. Once again I was a prisoner of my past, I couldn't escape. I gave up completely, you feel the tears coming down relentlessly on my face I could not revere everything again , no I could not bear it, I had to do something, but all the plans that came to mind were completely null ; Everything I did Aliar had anticipated, it was useless. My hope died too.
As the door to the room opened, it was Aliar who had returned with a meal:
to "I thought you were hungry, after all it's already evening"
was it already evening? I had been all that time to fill up without even realizing the time passed:
t"go away, I don't want to hit"
even a little food, could console me. My only hope was placed in the team, hoping ceh would arrive as soon as possible:
a"All right, but I'll leave the vessel here, in case I'm hungry."
arrival night I thought it was some animal; when you hear the door of my cell opening again, perhaps it was still Aliar who had come to humiliate me and bring me my Sons, but I saw that it was Janet, I had not been so happy to see her:
J" Baby, are you okay? Can you get up?
T" Yeah, I think how long have I been locked up?
J"We'll explain everything later, now come with us"
I tried to get up and I saw I felt powerless, Janet helped me support me, we managed to get out of that place, it was the San Joseph Mental Hospotal, I couldn't believe it, and that room was my room when Aliar and I were patient , I fell on my knees because I didn't realize it before? It was obvious, how could I be so stu
it was obvious, how could I be so stupid, the nightmare was recommenced, I burst into tears Janet I try to pull to go but I could not move, I was a fuiome in full :
J" Tara, come on, we gotta go! Philip and the others are all over it? Tara's all right."
I shouted, I wanted to shout to the whole world what had happened to me, and I was completely destroyed:
t"no, no Janet you don't know what happened to me"
J"You'll tell me later, okay? Now it's better if we go," he gave me his hand to help me get up, I could not stand up, Janet supported me with all the strength in her body.
As we turned the corner I saw, Philip, Sara and Argo, I was so happy that they were okay:
t" guys, how long have I been happy that you're okay"
a"the same could not be said of you, come "Janet I pass to argo, that I help to get in the van that they had taken for this operation, for the first time I managed to see me in a mirror; I was very slimmed down, I almost could not recognize how much time I was held prisoner?
A" here, drink this, it should help you regain strength for a while" he handed me a fruit juice, typical of argo
t" how long have I been a prisoner?
A"10 days"
10 days? All this time had passed? What did Aliar do to me? How dare he destroy me so deeply?
s"Philip, will you get going back to headquarters, tara, can you lie down on this bed so I can pay you a quick visit?
T" si, si credo" I was in a state of shock , in these days many things have happened, some good and some very bad:
s"ok for me and all right" the visit of Sara was verament very fast, I had not even noticed, I still had to metabolize that success.
I was very happy to go back to the headquarters, but I could not admire him very much because Sara and Janet took me directly to the infirmary, making me lie on a bed and colelgandomi to many different macchnari :
j"Don't worry, honey, everything will be fine now"
Janet was like the mom of the team, making sure everyone was safe.
For the next 3 hours Sara gave me all the exams needed to check my health, I was exhausted .
I decided to get out of bed and see how the team was doing, I wanted to help :
"Tara, what are you doing here? I told you to rest, don't worry, we'll find the accomplice, "
t" don't worry Sara I'm fine, I just wanted to know at what point only the investigation" I wanted Aliar the paghasse , but deep down I knew they would never find it .
a "we managed to get a DNA from your tests, but we still have to trace an identity"
Yes, we are at a deadlock, now Tara as your doctor I advise you to go back to bed"
I felt useless, completely useless, I felt like a stranger in a new world again.
T" OK is fine! But guys, I wasn't the one who blew up that explosion"
p"we know this Tara"
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