Jason squinted down at the new chapter title like there was Mist obscuring it. The words made less sense the longer he stared. "Tyson leads, Tyson leads a- Percy what the hell did you get him into?"
"Tyson leads a what?" Alex demanded, looking very close to strangling Jason already for even hinting at teasing him.
Thalia leaned over his shoulder to finish, "Tyson Leads a Jailbreak? Yeah, no, I'm on Jason's side, you're a bad influence on that kid. Do we need to have another custody battle?"
"Tyson beat up cows and Canadians just fine without me telling him to do so," Percy crossed his arms, he looked almost proud as he leveled a look at Thalia. "I'm sure whatever this is was a great moment in history, revolutionary, and my little brother is helping, erm, the masses not be oppressed anymore or something. And I will bribe a jury to keep him full-time Thalia!"
"Because that's the right way to win a kid," Will stage whispered while Nico snickered in surprise beside him.
Thalia and Percy began actually bickering who would be a better influence on him though, and Magnus looked on in concern for several moments. "I think I liked it better when Percy kept rolling his eyes and wanted to ignore the chapter titles," he admitted to Alex.
"Are you kidding? This is world class entertainment! If we play our cards right, we might start World War III right here!" Alex was definitely placing bets in his head.
Jason finally had to give an almighty throat clearing and a stern look at the pair. He was pretty good at that when he shut off those questions and actually tried to be serious, like he had experience getting wily kids together. "No offense Thalia, but I think Percy wins by default, Tyson's old enough to get a say and he's going to pick Percy."
Percy not-so-silently cheered. "Now, on with the show?"
"Fine," Thalia huffed, "but I still insist nature spirits don't count and Artemis would consider letting me train him."
"Get your own little brother," Percy smirked before sticking his tongue out at her.
Thalia smiled like a good sport as her secret little brother she hadn't told anybody about finally started reading and she fought back tears for everything she'd done wrong regarding him. She was starting to get worried if she kept this bottled up much longer she'd do something drastic, like try to bathe a cat just to get some kind of battle out of her system.
She knew she should tell Percy at least, he wouldn't bat an eye at the multitude of problems that would arise when he found out she planned on murdering a god for what they'd done, but she wanted to give her friend a chance to breathe first. Get his memories back, actually have a chance at some normalcy back at camp with Annabeth before he got into this while she figured out details, so until then, she'd wait.
The good news: the left tunnel was straight with no side exits, or turns.
"I'd actually prefer it if there were though, if something big is chasing me," Magnus said skittishly. "If you're smaller, you can take the turns that'll slow whatever's chasing you down."
"But we could also look over our shoulder and be vaguely comforted we couldn't see it yet instead of thinking it's just behind that corner," Percy said in his attempt at a wise voice.
"Yeah, man, that's, that's not better than an actual good reason," Magnus frowned in concern how this guy was alive, as usual.
The bad news; it was a dead end.
"The kind of news that trumps any good news anyways," Thalia said in fair compensation, to which neither of them disagreed.
... Grover said. "Don't bring the roof down, but hurry!"
"Grover's sure asking a lot of him right then," Alex pouted, "multitasking ain't that easy."
"And Tyson's not even ADHD," Percy agreed.
..."Close the entrance!" Annabeth said.
"Bossy, bossy," Alex huffed one more time.
"Someone's got to give the orders in those kinds of situations or everyone would run around in chaos," Jason reminded.
Alex was more of a deadly, solo, ninja assassin though if he'd ever stop wearing the brightest stinking colors, so nobody was surprised when he rolled his eyes at Jason.
We all got on the other side of the boulder and pushed.
"Teamwork makes the dream work though," Alex laughingly approved. "I knew you guys could move any problem if you just put enough brute force into it."
"If Alex suggests we just throw rocks at the next monster to kill it, I want you all as witnesses to prove it was justified to see I threw a rock at him first to prove why that wouldn't work," Percy chuckled.
Thalia flicked him in the forehead and fought off a laugh. "See, this is why Tyson should hang around me more, he gets all his violent ideas from you!"
"I resemble that remark," Percy agreed casually.
"I'm assuming he doesn't actually mean resent?" Magnus muttered.
"He does not," Alex agreed without concern.
... We'd tunneled straight into a cell.
Will let out a long, tragic whistle. "What in Hades did that mortal do to deserve getting a cell next to a literal hellish pit? Can you imagine that poor inmate lying awake at night, hearing any number of things through that wall, and yet being so desperate to escape and chance going in?"
"Or, on the flip side, monsters keep getting into just that cell to eat whoever's in there and going back to the labyrinth, so the prison just accepts that as the black hole cell and throws the ones in there they hope will vanish," Alex offered.
"Is it possible? Did Percy finally stumble across a place you're not going to try to vacation to?" Magnus asked him with a smidge of hope.
"Are you nuts? This is easily in the top five places I need to know every detail of!" Alex looked at him in hurt he'd assume otherwise.
"Yeah, should have seen that coming," Magnus sighed in resignation. The real question would be what would Alex get arrested for to get sent there.
... Annabeth tugged on the bars. They didn't budge.
"Confirmed, Annabeth does not have super strength," Jason nodded to himself like he was compiling a mental list.
"Was that really something you were holding out for?" Percy asked with mild curiosity.
"Can't automatically disqualify it after she held the sky so long. I'm now marking that as strength of character," Jason shrugged.
..."Shh," said Grover. "Listen."
"I would almost rather not, though," Magnus admitted. He'd had to imagine all the time what prison sounded like and wasn't looking for any more descriptors.
"It, uh, it wasn't," but Percy didn't know how to answer that, other than just saying it sounded very weird. Like someone was trying to speak with construction equipment.
...Tyson's eye widened. "Can't be."
"I never considered Tyson might know a second language and that's why he's so minimal in English," Alex said in fascination.
"Do monsters get their own language?" Magnus asked awkwardly. What the heck was going on? Were they even in a mortal prison, or had the labyrinth dumped them out in some hellish monster prison?
"As far as I know, it's a pretty universal kill Percy Jackson language," Percy shrugged, but the look of intense surprise on Tyson's face made him nowhere near downplaying something was up.
...He grabbed two bars and bent them wide enough to slip through.
"So is Tyson jailbreaking himself? That's not something anybody can be upset about," Will was only mock confused, but the slight notes of dread in his voice weren't fake. He was not looking forward to Kampê being described in vivid detail. He still had nightmares about her.
...Tyson wasn't about to wait. We ran after him.
"No easy task I imagine," Jason mock saluted him.
"Yeah, he's weirdly fast, must be all that peanut butter," Percy agreed.
The prison was dark, only a few lights flickering above.
"I don't think it's an active prison?" Magnus said in surprise. Surely somebody else would have been spotted by now. That just made it creepier though, now he was wondering when the vengeful spirits were going to show up. He still hadn't ruled out monsters were lurking about and the cells were just for show.
... Annabeth told me. "This is Alcatraz."
"Fascinating," Alex yelped.
"Growing less surprised by the second the labyrinth dropped you off there," Nico muttered while fiddling with his ring.
..."My school took a field trip here. It's like a museum."
"What the hell do they sell in that gift shop?" Magnus spluttered.
"I swear if it's jumpsuits and space food I'll move in," Alex snickered.
...we popped out of the Labyrinth on the other side of the country,
"Like, seriously, where was this magic path the last two bloody times you needed it," Jason agreed with Percy's very put out look.
"I'm sure if we tried to take the exact same route we'd end up popping out in the South Poll," Percy grumbled at all of his luck.
... She probably knew what she was talking about.
"I just assume that in general," Will nodded. "If she started babbling on about brain surgery or rocket science I'd take her at word."
Nico repressed the urge to gag that literally everybody but him was in love with this girl.
...Grover grabbed his arm and pulled with all his strength.
"Did that cause a sequel of the flying shoes?" Thalia asked in concern and admiration at Grover trying so hard. He was all heart, a true protector, even with someone he wasn't fond of.
"He would have fallen if Tyson hadn't actually stopped to catch him," Percy agreed. "I think it would have been easier to pull on the anchor of a cruise ship, but that's Grover for you."
... a monster more horrible than anything I'd ever seen before.
"Which is really saying a lot when you've met, how many monsters now?" Magnus preemptively put his hand on his stomach to hold it in place for what he might be about to hear.
"Not even a fraction of all of them," Thalia shook her head in sorrow she couldn't promise this would get any better over time.
... a monster from the beginning of time, before shapes had been defined.
"That is the coolest stinking thing I've ever heard of," Alex said slowly, clearly savoring each word.
"How, do you kill, that?" Magnus looked sickened such a thing like shapes even existed now.
"She's how I'd have imagined the mother of all monsters if you hadn't described Echidna already," Jason admitted. "A little bit of everything."
"You guys have no idea how lucky you are just to be hearing about this thing," Percy sighed. She was the kind of monster that made him fleetingly wonder if he was going to wet himself and not care if he'd feel that liquid.
Will's breath came out sharp, the sounds of screams and the smell of that poison and the looks of fright and pain still on faces covered in shrouds coming all to easily back to mind as he fought off a shiver. Nico placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, waiting to be shrugged off, or for Will to scream in fright at the death kid touching him right now.
To his surprise, the opposite happened. Will relaxed under his touch, one last shake of his head, and then he smiled at him. It was a small, tired one, but he mouthed thank you like he'd needed that moment to be grounded. Nico slowly drew his hand back all the same, examining it carefully to make sure he hadn't grabbed a skeleton hand by mistake just in case. Nope. There was that scar on the pad of his thumb from the first time he'd handled his sword. It had been real.
..."You will work for the master or suffer."
"Is Tyson a human translator? Cyclops translator?" Jason asked, always pleasantly surprised to find out more things no matter how persistent that nagging voice in his head was still saying all this time later this wasn't normal.
Percy was clearly puzzled by the question, obviously never having asked, so Nico offered, "as far as I know it ties into that whole voice mimicry they can do. If the person whose voice they plucked it from can speak it, so can they."
"That is so stinking cool!" Jason and Percy both cheered.
Annabeth shuddered. "I hate it when he does that."
Percy looked chagrined while Thalia gave him an understanding nod. Annabeth was allowed to be excused from thinking that was cool after what she'd been through, and Percy had a tendency to forget because Tyson was his daily Cyclops reminder instead of her nightmares.
... I enjoy your pain, Briares." Tyson faltered... never stopped when mimicking.
"You've only seen him do that once," Thalia gave him a bit of a judgmental eyebrow. "I'm actually quite pleased to know they can be shocked out of doing that trance." Much like Annabeth, she found that distasteful even being used on their side considering it had once been done to her.
"Who's Briares?" Jason cut into the uneasy silence that followed. "I, um, didn't realize Tyson had other friends besides you." A prison isn't the nicest place to have a sleepover, but it was even more awkward to realize Tyson might have been homeless before when there might have been some monster friend with plenty of space he could have been staying.
"I have no idea," Percy didn't sound to thrilled about the idea either. Prison break, the chapter title had promised, like Briares was stuck there and Tyson was going to help get him out. What the heck was a monster so old and powerful going to be like he needed help?
..."Kampê, cyclopes' worst nightmare." Tyson murmured.
"Like a canopy?" Magnus was sure he'd heard wrong. "That sounds way to relaxing and nice to be translated right."
"I'm not making it up!" Jason promised.
...Stories scare us when we're babies, our jailer in the bad years."
Percy frowned and swallowed a tight throat. He'd never asked about Tyson's mom, how long he'd been homeless before they found each other. Like with Annabeth, Percy worried it wasn't the best circumstances.
That bit also made him a tad grateful his mom never tried to give him bedtime stories, he was to restless a child. He vaguely recalled her singing her favorite songs to him instead, and wondered if he could get a recording sometime so Tyson could fall asleep listening to that instead of stories about the worst jailer of all time.
...the Titans imprisoned the Cyclopes and the Hekatonkheires."
"Can they not just be called heck-spawn? That's so much easier to pronounce," Percy sighed.
"Oh come on Percy, it's not that bad after you learned in school how to pronounce deoxyribonucleic acid," Will said bracingly.
"And now you're putting way to much faith in my education," Percy scoffed.
...well, they had a hundred hands.
"The Greeks really didn't go out of their way to get creative with these names huh?" Alex said tragically.
"I'm, um, not complaining. Better than calling them the toe-to-head devourers or something," Magnus was definitely not wrapping his head around that right though. Were all the hands going to sprout out of his arms? Was he going to be a giant hand made of hands? Did that mean they were all thumbs and clumsy?
They were elder brothers of the Cyclopes."
"Looks like Percy's got some competition!" Magnus chuckled.
"Bet I'll win!" Percy said at once.
"It's okay guys, Tyson can have all the big siblings he wants, no need to fuss," Thalia mock playacted just because she was really tired of this being discussed.
Percy opened his mouth, a challenge on his tongue Thalia was just trying to move on from this because she didn't think she'd win, but he really saw her. The exhaustion in her eyes, the way she held herself like they were discussing Luke. Something about Tyson was really bothering her right now, and like Annabeth, he did forget her bad experience with them. So he quickly waved Jason on, but he kept watching her, and noticed how she didn't quite seem to want to watch Jason either.
..."Cool," I said. "Unless you're a mountain."
"Might be cool for the mountains," Alex grinned. "I quite admire monsters that can break me."
"Only you Alex," Percy told him without surprise.
..."And now Kampê is back," I said. "Bad," Tyson summed up.
"I swear we could just plaster that as the chapter title and it would always be relevant," Nico muttered.
... how something tall as the sky could fit in a cell, and why he was crying.
"Hopefully it's just a minor inconvenience, like his warden forgot to put a mint on his pillow," Jason said with an odd look at Percy. It seemed pretty obvious anybody would be crying to be in these circumstances. They were all holding it together by willpower and sarcasm.
... we should check it out," Annabeth said, "before Kampê comes back."
"And that's why the child of wisdom is leading this charge," Alex snorted. "I'd rather wait until Kampê came back to do this properly!"
"You would," Nico said, never entirely sure how much Alex was kidding about that.
As we approached the cell, the weeping got louder.
"Do you expect noises to get quieter the closer you get to them?" Will asked in concern.
"I don't know, I've never tried being quiet at anything," Percy shrugged.
...Several of his hands were covering his face as he sobbed.
"That guy, is very cool," Alex instantly decided.
"Helps he might not kill you upon first meeting you," Magnus agreed, though he was still reserving a scream for that in case they got double-crossed.
"Either the sky isn't as tall as it used to be," I muttered, "or he's short."
"Mist manipulation?" Jason offered awkwardly.
"Or he didn't get Ouranos's genes," Percy snorted.
Thalia rolled her eyes at the pair of them again, so at least that was still normal.
... deep brown eyes with no whites or black pupils, like formed out of clay.
Jason gave an impressed whistle.
"That's what impressed you?" Percy yelped. "You weren't even phased by the arms, but his eyes?"
"Eyes are the window to the soul Percy, and that just sounded cooler than spaghetti arms," he chuckled. His blue eyes flashed a familiar, cocky kind of way when he mocked him that nagged at Percy's mind for a moment.
..."Run while you can," Briares said miserably. "I cannot help myself."
"Yeah, why is that exactly?" Magnus stage whispered. "He doesn't exactly sound pinned down."
"Sometimes your head can be prison enough," Nico murmured sullenly. If Magnus hadn't seen his lips move, he wouldn't have been entirely sure he spoke at all. Magnus swallowed a sharp, bitter feeling on his tongue of understanding and didn't press farther.
"Sounds to me like he just needs a helping hand," Percy said casually and then even laughed at his own pun, so the others just rolled their eyes at him and moved on.
... A few others were making ducky and doggie shadow puppets against the wall.
"I feel like trying to watch him sign would give me a headache," Magnus seemed fascinated how he was able to function all of those fingers at once. He did good to walk and have a conversation without tripping.
"Like trying to listen to a song at mock ten speed, he'd just bang out everything at once," Alex agreed, but he sounded more impressed. He was probably imagining punching 98 people at once and giving himself a high-five.
"Put on your brave face!" ...then his face turned back to what it had been before.
"Does every part of his body just go nuts?" Percy half laughed half asked. "Do his ears change out to bionics?"
Thalia smacked him on his ear to shush him.
... "Don't be rude. They all have fifty different faces."
"I don't think ignorance should be called rude," Will said fairly.
"It is if you ask to see all fifty faces at once," Alex said with a very disappointed face of his own he knew he shouldn't and yet very much wanted to.
"Must make it hard to get a yearbook picture," I said.
Thalia laughed against her will and agreed, "a face a mother doesn't have to love, she could just tell him to change it to another!" Then kept snickering at her own joke.
Percy sighed in relief, it was kind of depressing watching her try to be all responsible and lieutenant-y. He was already worried the Hunt was going to make her boring and stiff.
Tyson was still entranced. "We will help you! Can I have your autograph?"
"Does he have an autograph book?" Alex asked in surprise.
"I think we found his celebrity crush," Magnus grinned.
"My question is, can you get one of those on Alcatraz island? I'm still not sure what to expect in that gift shop," Will chuckled.
Briares sniffled. "Do you have one hundred pens?"
"I only keep up with one because it's magic!" Percy looked traumatized at the idea of collecting all of those.
"His hands move independently of each other though," Nico frowned at the odd question.
"Maybe each would want to write their own autograph," Will said, an odd bit of disappointment in his voice nobody got because he hadn't gotten an autograph when it was available.
... "Briares is very strong. Stronger than Cyclopes, even!
"That's, pretty strong," Magnus agreed, but with a weary kind of frown. How much stronger than Tyson could you be without tipping the terrifying scales?
Alex was no more impressed, because if Briares could break out of there, then surely he would have by now.
...started playing patty-cake, but not one made an attempt to break the bars.
"This is just sad," Jason frowned. How long had this guy been a prisoner already?
Alex tangled up a few strands of hair in his fingers and gave a painful tug. The memory, the feeling of how hard it was to walk out a door wasn't something he'd had to think about in a few years, but then he'd been kicked out. He hadn't gone back in.
Hopefully, it wouldn't take Briares that to get such a forceful freedom.
... "Kampê imprisoned him in Tartarus for thousands of years. How would you feel?"
Percy couldn't imagine it. Even at his worst moments with smelly Gabe he'd had his mom, or being underground in that Labyrinth, he'd been with his friends. He'd been able to move, have a sense of freedom, know that he could leave if he'd ever wanted to even if it wasn't something he'd ever consider.
... grabbed the door and ripped it off its hinges like it was made of clay.
Alex made a noise of appreciation. He knew Tyson would enjoy doing that with him.
...Several of his arms reached out, but twice as many slapped them away.
"I've heard of people fighting with themselves, but geez, this is ridiculous," Thalia said with grudging admiration for how much control Briares must have over himself. He could defeat any enemy if she could find him twenty-five bows.
...furrowed brow and a pouting mouth. His brooding face, I guess.
"I think Briares is going to be a great influence on you," Jason said in a very unhelpful tone to Percy. "Maybe seeing someone actively change their face around will help you figure out what an angry face is."
"Fat chance it'll do any good," Percy scoffed.
... I couldn't just leave him here. Tyson would cry for weeks.
"Yeah, that's why you shouldn't just abandon someone," Will sighed while rubbing at his forehead.
"I think this is a great, helpful tool to learn," Nico grinned. "All we have to do to win any fight is tell Percy it'll make someone cry if we don't."
"We shall achieve this quest or it'll make us all cry!" Percy said in a triumphant tone, even hefting an invisible sword. Then he lowered it and gave them a spectacular eye roll. "Nah, doesn't have a good ring to it."
"One game of rock, paper, scissors... If I lose, we'll leave you in jail."
"That should have been the chapter title," Magnus busted out laughing in surprise. "I Win Rock, Paper, Scissors a Hundred Times."
"Thanks for the confidence," Percy grinned, though he suspected they were all going to call him a cheat.
Annabeth looked at me like I was crazy.
"There's a face he could never forget," Jason clearly wasn't going to let that joke go.
"It's my favorite one," Percy agreed fondly.
Briares's face morphed to doubtful. "I always win."
"Why? Can he read hands better than Magnus?" Alex asked suspiciously.
"I'm not a palm reader," Magnus frowned.
"Shush, you know what I meant," Alex waved his fingers concerningly close to his nose, exposing the dried in clay still in the folds of his skin Magnus had shamelessly been watching when he thought he could get away with it.
... and enough paper to make a fleet of airplanes.
"He cheated!" Will yelped. "He still has to only pick one!"
"Game sounds a tad more interesting though if you used both hands," Nico grinned. "Bit more of a strategy involved."
"This guy could play a whole game of chess by himself and not use half his hands," Will grudgingly agreed. "Somebody's got to make it a challenge."
"Then he came to the right place," Percy cracked his knuckles in delight.
...a trick Paul Blofis had pulled on me, but I wasn't going to tell him that.
"Percy, you cheated too," Will groaned in disappointment.
"And kids shouldn't play with guns, Paul is a terrible influence," Thalia rolled her eyes at Will to make him hear how ridiculous he was being.
He opened his mouth, then shut it again. What was he supposed to say? He should have used a sword instead?
... She's going to blame you for ripping off the bars. Now come on!"
"You're being a manipulative little shit," Thalia said approvingly. "You don't get enough credit for being able to do that."
"Annabeth gets all the good credit, I'm just the sidekick," Percy reminded cheerfully.
... "Demigods are cheaters." But he slowly rose to his feet and followed us out.
"Not a great lesson I'd want to instill in him," Magnus said uneasily. The last thing Percy needed was this guy as a powerful enemy, and making all future generations of demigods his enemy.
"I saved his life, he can call me a sore loser and a poopoo head too if he and Tyson want to hide under a blanket and laugh about me," Percy shrugged.
I started to feel hopeful.
"And then all hell broke lose," Jason said with such calm confidence, nobody even realized that hadn't been in the book.
...On the ground floor right below, Kampê was snarling at us.
"Is run the right word there?" Magnus tried hard not to whimper.
"Better than freeze?" Alex shrugged.
Percy was making a strangled kind of noise that wasn't a word at all, his eyes large enough he resembled a deep sea fish.
"The other way," I said.
"Unless Tyson wants her autograph too, then you might stop," Thalia shivered.
"Nope, sorry, I'd have to make the tough call on that and tell him no," Percy said only a tad frantically.
...he sprinted out front, a hundred arms waving in panic.
"Oh, good to know that's all it took," Jason yelped in something close to betrayal, but he also had half a mind to lash a rope to one of his arms and hang on for the free ride, so he wasn't that offended.
Behind us, I heard the sound of giant wings as Kampê took to the air.
"Is now a good time to discuss how exactly it's possible for dragons to take flight?" Alex asked critically. "Especially the European ones which are all heavy-armored tanky beasts, and you cannot tell me she's gliding in there."
"You know Alex," Percy tried to say as casually as possible, "I think we should shelve that, and save it for a quiet time when we've just dodged our own near death experience, not in the middle of one."
"Duly noted," Alex nodded.
...I didn't need a translation to know she was planning to kill us.
"I'm sure Tyson's feelings won't be to hurt," Jason snorted.
..."Left," Annabeth said. "I remember from the tour."
"I'd trust any direction that wasn't backwards," Will promised faintly.
...After being inside for so long, the daylight almost blinded me.
Magnus winced along with him, because he didn't usually experience that very harshly, or he got over it weirdly quickly. He'd never considered that of any use outside of just hanging around making sure Hearth or Blitz didn't bump into anything, now he realized he might have been able to take in the area a split second faster than someone like Percy or Annabeth.
Tourists were milling around...didn't give any hint that anything was wrong.
"Still want that picture-perfect moment Will?" Nico asked mildly.
"Ever notice how nobody takes pictures of hard times?" Will asked with a sad smile. "Maybe I would, do a before and after thing."
"You're insane," Nico chuckled with growing affection for his particular insanity.
..."Keep moving," Briares wailed. "She is behind us!"
"And you guys keep telling me I have bad timing," Alex said in exasperation. "At least I didn't want to stop and talk about the scenery!"
"You're trying to tell us you wouldn't stop and smell the roses while a dragon canopy is behind you?" Jason asked in disbelief.
"Roses are so cliché," he scoffed like that was actually an answer before waving him on.
..."Kampê's can't fit through the doors," I said hopefully. Then the wall exploded.
Thalia's smile looked painful as she tried to smother a laugh, and was failing. "Okay, next, I want you to say, I don't want a million dollars!"
"It doesn't work like that, I've tried," Percy promised through a grit-tooth smile.
...after you shrivel slowly to dust, yes."
"Because of course the giant every-monster gets poisonous swords! What next, a propeller hat? A backpack full or restores?" Magnus looked exhausted for Percy even hearing of this unstoppable beast.
Percy wondered when the heck his life had turned into something that made a horror movie sound bland. It didn't sound great when he decided always.
"Let's avoid the swords," I decided.
"That is possibly the wisest thing you've ever said," Thalia said, clearly impressed.
"You and Grover putting that one good brain cell to use at the right time," Jason snorted.
... He appeared to be wearing his absolutely terrified face.
"I'm very disappointed you haven't continued describing all these new features," Alex pouted. "Did he have a button nose? A wide forehead? Dimples?"
"You know, I really didn't think about it much," Percy grinned, "like Jason said, it was all in the eyes."
"Ha!" Jason gave a barking laugh before falling off into snickers for a solid minute before he could keep going while Percy stared on, pleased with himself he'd gotten him to laugh so hard. Jason definitely needed to stop thinking and counting so much and have a little more fun.
...For a second I thought about drawing Riptide and facing her,
"And you have two great guys to help you throw rocks at this monster and everything," Alex smirked right at Percy.
He took in a deep breath and raised his hand at the giant white boulder still sitting in the middle of the room from where he'd nearly caved in the roof.
It didn't move, and after several silent moments of everybody watching blankly, Percy shrugged. "See, told you it wouldn't work."
"You weren't really trying at all, were you?" Alex asked tragically, as if actually offended Percy hadn't thrown a rock at him to really nail his point.
"My attention is a little split, try again later," Percy rolled his eyes.
Alex sniffed, he knew a dismissal when he heard one. "I remember what ADHD stands for you know," he grumbled, but Percy was back to staring at the book and chewing on the cap of his pen.
... Annabeth said what I was thinking: "Run." That was the end of the debate.
"I want you to remember this moment if you ever think of joining that particular club at Goode High," Nico told him conversationally enough. He hadn't even been in awe this time Percy had run like a sensible person or taken charge. He was just a guy running for his life like anyone.
"Yeah Nico, this is for sure the first thing I want coming to my mind joining any club," Percy gave him a bewildered frown.
...I don't know what they saw through the Mist, but it could not have been good.
"Stampeding elephant," Alex offered.
"Raining men?" Magnus asked.
"A very angry woman throwing snakes at people out of a bazooka," Jason said with a little to much confidence, his mind offering a weirdly specific image of seeing someone on the news talk about this...
"The boat?" Grover asked. "Too slow," Tyson said.
"Not with Percy driving it!" Will yelped.
"I wasn't going to argue with Tyson, who knew if she was just getting started," Percy shook his head sharply. He hadn't exactly sat around and clocked his ability to move a boat faster than every monster.
..."Go, brother. I will meet you inside."
"It was never hard to guess who Tyson took the best influence from," Thalia chuckled, handing him a mock stack of documents. "I concede the case, you now have both kids all to yourself."
Percy gave her a tragic look as he mock-hugged them to his chest and pleaded, "you won't even offer child support?"
"Ha, ha, ha," she chuckled as she gave him a light push. Hopefully this would finally get him to let go of that stupid joke, and besides, she'd meant it anyways. How could she not admire the hero he'd been to Tyson the instant they met? It was who he always was.
I hated the idea... there was no time to argue, and I had no better idea.
"Sometimes the best idea is blind trust," Jason agreed gently.
Percy wasn't sure he liked it when he heard Jason saying stuff like that, and not because he disagreed. It just sounded exhausting, like how Chiron sometimes sounded so old. Jason was his age, he shouldn't know all that.
...Tyson bellowed, lowered his pole, and charged Kampê like a jousting knight.
"Getting medieval times up in here," Alex grinned. "I told you to get Tyson a cyclops-sized horse Percy, this would have been perfect!"
"I bet Rainbow would come around if we'd had time to call," Percy agreed.
...all the little snakes in Kampê's hair dotted with tuttifrutti.
Percy couldn't describe the dread that filled him if he wanted to. He would have learned to run backwards or started a jousting tournament or anything if he'd thought it would help in that moment.
But he trusted Tyson. He said he was going to meet him and so he clenched his fist tight enough he could have held a hundred hands and told himself to get a move on, this is what Tyson needed from him right now. The ocean had been roaring in his ears like a cheer from their dad.
He didn't seem to realize, as usual, he was really causing the ocean to begin stirring around them.
... One of the bear heads was now wearing a pair of crooked plastic sunglasses.
"I cannot believe Rachel isn't here to help me get a visual on this," Alex groaned. "You think Oceanus will let us take souvenirs when we're done, because I will fight someone for that paragraph to exist so I can make a sculpture of it!"
"I'm sure you can just rip out a page and stuff it in your shoe," Percy told him, letting himself be temporarily distracted. People were in his room. Vulnerable friends who he couldn't blast away. "In fact, I'll be starting a fire underwater soon enough to burn all these, so get your picks while you can." Like he wanted anybody else to suffer the nightmare that was his life when this was done.
"Hurry!" Annabeth said, like I needed to be told that.
"She's just a good leader like that, making sure you're all on the same page," Jason snickered.
"I'll shove that page up your nose, see if you can finish it then," but Percy couldn't help but force a laugh. He needed to hear Tyson was okay more than jokes right now.
... Kampê was gaining. She raised her swords.
Percy moved on reflex. He was flinging only in his mind, but the water reacted around him.
There was now a hole punched into the door at least, instead of someone's skull. Perfectly shaped for someone to fit their head through like they wanted to be Janus for Halloween. Percy's arm was still flung out like a follow-through on a hoop until Thalia gently stood up and grabbed him, lowering him back into his seat as he stuttered for unneeded air while Jason calmly finished like a cannon hadn't just gone off.
... I threw it at her face. The shield hit, while Tyson dived into the maze.
Percy rubbed the empty space where that watch used to be with the smallest of regret. Tyson was alive, and he'd make him an even better watch with their new, even more deadly adventures on it when he got back.
... We didn't stick around to play knock, knock with her.
"Talk about one of the greatest punchlines of all time," Thalia said faintly. That had been close. Way to close.
"Would anybody begrudge me making one up for that though?" Alex grinned. "I bet nobody will see it coming."
"You go right ahead Alex, like we can stop you," Will chuckled.
... for the first time (and last) I was glad to be back in the Labyrinth.
"Someone needed to bring a photographer on these trips to commemorate all the happy times you keep glossing over," Jason said as he began to hand the book over. "I can't believe nobody commemorated that first and last time in one moment!"
"That's what we have you for Jason," Magnus smirked as he took the book. "You're our bookkeeper."
"That would have been much funnier if he was about to start his turn," Alex frowned at him. "Work on your timing Magnus."
"I'll get right on that," he agreed. Half of him wanted to sit in a daze and wonder if Alex had some implications of that, but his fingers were already grazing along for the next chapter. Was it to much to hope this quest would go a tad easier now that they had Briares on their side?
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