A Start to A Hopeful Ending
Hey guys it's me the author! I just wanna say that before reading this, this is a sequel to Billycorn2002's story "Melting a Frozen Heart"
I do not own the characters portrayed here (except maybe some pokemon that i'm going to introduce in future chapters). And also that i recommend reading Billycorn's story first. It's very awesome and interesting. So go make sure to check it out. Here's the link:
I tried my best to portray them as to how they we're originally created. But sorry if there are confusions and mistakes made in this book...
Also this sequel isn't canon and not official. I know i said that this is a sequel , but it's kinda like a sequel to his story, but in my own words, perspective, creativity and imagination. Please don't think that this is the official sequel. ( I did get his permission though don't worry hehe.)
Now without further ado, let the adventure begin!!!
*Xander's POV*
It was just another ordinary day and i'm planning to visit Bella and give her a gift. It is our monthly anniversary today so why not?
It's a dark blue colored medium sized box with a snowflake print for a cover and a light blue ribbon on the outside of the present encasing it perfectly to make this pretty bow in the top. Inside has chocolates and desserts i bought in the local dessert store, they contain Bella's favorite sweets that i discovered while we were dating. Which all boyfriends should do, but don't because i'm better and they're stupid hehehe.
I'm sure she's gonna love it, afterall, what can't i do?
I just got out of the store, and I'm now on my way to her house that was built by Dash.
While i was walking in the perfectly paved road, i somehow can't get rid of this weird feeling out of my chest... What is this feeling? And why am i feeling it?
Whatever it is, it's probably not that important... So i've put that thought aside for now.
'How long is a walk to her house gonna take?!' I thought as i felt like decades walking to her house.
As if on cue i finally made it to her house... Why is the universe like this?
I then approached the unsuspecting door infront of me. It looked really medieval for some reason... Why did Dash created the front like this? I guess i will never know... I then knocked on the door, only to be answered back by a leafeon whom Bella hasn't mentioned before.
"Greetings young lady." I greeted.
"Oh hi... uhm... Who are you?? Bella never said anyone about a guest" The leafeon said with a curious tone.
"Oh I'm Xander, her friend. I wanted to give her a gift as an token of appreciation for helping me with the battle practice at school a few days ago." I replied.
Even thought it seemed like this leafeon is close to Bella, albeit be her sister, I have no intentions to tell this leafeon about my relationship with Bella just incase that it goes south.
"Is there by any chance that she's here?" I asked politely.
"Oh i see. Sadly she's not here. She left a few minutes ago to go somewhere. Probably to Dash's House" She answered
"Oh i see... By the way may i ask your name ma'am?" i asked.
"No need for the ma'am remark but I'm Emily, Bella's Sister" she replied.
So she was her sister...
"Okay Miss Emily. I will take my leave now Goodbye" i said walking away from the door.
"Bye!!" She said with a waving gesture
I returned the gesture and made my way to Dash's place.
Why in the world is she at Dash's place... And what is she doing there? Better go check it out myself...
I was now in the forest probably a few miles away from town. I was just walking around trying to find Dash's Damn house, like my dude be living in the middle of nowhere or something...
Even though i was Dash's friend, i never really knew where he lived. Sure we've been friends for a few years now, and i probably found some hints on where his shelter is, but i never really did...
Why didn't he tell me where he lived though? Another weird thought...
As i walk out of an area full of trees i saw a very tall tree house in the center of the forest. It had windows and a very comfy roof... Or balcony...?
This should be the place! I think...
You never really know unless you look at it yourself right? So i just decided to approach the door and see if it really is Dash's humble abode.
As i walk towards the door i hear... Voices?
Huh? Where is it coming from?
I then realized where the noise was, it was above me?!
I looked up, and saw probably what answered to all of my questions...
It was Bella and Dash together on the rooftop.
Now what is MY Bella doing with Dash?!
I got curious and felt the need to know what they we're talking about, and so i eavesdropped on them. Yes it may seem like it was impossible for me to hear what those two we're saying, but i do have good hearing if i do say so myself.
While i was doing my eavesdropping, i heard some very things... Things that even Dash doesn't seem to understand... But then i heard...
"Fairy-tale's dont come true, Bedtime stories are fantasies... But i'm willing to bet on us."
What does she mean by that???
As i look more intently, i saw her bring out something, a book it seems. Then after that, Dash and Bella both blushed and kissed.
So... It was true... She really did still have feelings for Dash...
"Agh!!!" i shouted internally.
I was so frustrated that i threw the box of desserts at the ground literally destroying it, resulting in the box opening and letting all of the contents fly out.
And i just sat there... Not knowing what
to do...
I'm just so shocked at the moment that i kinda just... Stood there...
Seeing those two together... Made my self-esteem go to the lowest point it has ever been... My confidence shattered and reality started to frick with me...
All of these bizzare feelings all came to me at once, like can't the universe just give me one thing to worry about at a time?! I don't need the excessive stress thank you very much!
But... I just... can't believe it... What went wrong?! Did i do something wrong? Was it me?
I should've known this was gonna happen! Like it was basically in plain sight!!!
And yet...
Realizing that i shouldn't stay here, i went my way back to my house. Don't want them to think i eavesdropped and became a creep like that...
As i walk away, i looked at them, one last time...
The both of you better not breakup again you understand?!
*Sophie's POV*
It was around sunset when i was at the dinning table watching Chris make his cupcakes. It was so mesmerizing to watch, yet so intriguing.
"Do you really have to stare at me like that sis?" Chris asked me as he looks at my direction while mixing something on his bowl with a whisk.
"And how could i not when you're baking skills are off the charts?!" I said puffing my chest out.
He just giggles it off and continues to bake.
While i was there watching him i hear a knock on the door.
"Who could that be??" I asked myself
"Then go check it out." Chris sarcasticly said.
"I was gonna..." I replied.
I then got out of my seat and walked into the door.
I opened it and to my surprise it was Bella.
"Bellie!" I screamed as i hug her. She returns the gesture patting my back.
"Hey Soph is Dash home?" She asked as she let's go of me.
"Ooh? What're doing? What's the next stage of our romantic conquest?" I asked curiously.
"No conquest, just a proposal." She replied as she smiled at me.
"Proposal?! YOU'RE GONNA PROPOSE TO HIM?!" I said shockingly. I never knew that she was this courageous, my apprentice is growing up... I cry at the thought.
"No no! Not at all!! I just want to talk to him." she quickly replied.
"That's it? Boring.... He's in his room i think." i said half-heartedly. Welp i guess i got my hopes too high...
"Thanks Soph." She replied before going to his room.
"Hey Bella." Chris quietly greeted.
"Hey Chris, i'm gonna go look for your brother is it okay?" Bella asked.
"Sure!" He cheerly said.
"Thanks..." She quickly responded as she went to his room, waited and went in.
I got a little curios about what she was up to so i began to do my usual "Detective Work" Hehehehe.
So right after Bella entered Dash's room, i sneakily went there aswell.
"Um Soph... You know you shouldn't just go to other people's rooms without there permission, ESPECIALLY if they want some privacy." Chris said with his warning look on his face, emphasizing on the word "especially"
"Pfff. Come on i wanna see the next chapter of this love story!" I said excitedly.
"But Soph-"
I opened the door only to find nothing but an open window that leads to weird stairs.
"Huh... Never seen this before?"
Since when did Dash install this? Was there some kind of rooftop balcony i've never heard of? And why didn't Dash told me about this?! This is awesome!
I could hear Chris giving out a big sigh, face palming himself in the forehead, but i didn't care as my curiousity came over me.
I then walked up these stairs only to find myself in a rooftop with leaves that kinda looked like a balcony. This is soo sick! I'm definitely gonna go here a lot more. Probably for personal reasons that I can't tell y'all hehehe.
Look sharing is caring right? What's my brothers is mine and vice versa! But they can't have my stuffed pokemons, hell naw!
When i reached what seemed to be like the end of the staircase, i saw Dash with Bella talking to each other very closely. I eavesdropped cause you know me.
I can't clearly process what they we're saying to each other, but i guess those two were talking it out. I was sooo full of excitement right now i can't-.
"Fairy-tale's dont come true, Bedtime stories are fantasies... But i'm willing to bet on us."
Huh? What did she meant by that?
After that she brings out this book of some sort. After a while i saw both of them blushing.
"It's probably something those two only know." I concluded.
Wait... I just realized...
As i thought that to myself, both Dash and Bella Kissed!!! They kissed!!!
"He kissed her... AAAAHHHHH!!!!" I whisper shouted to myself with excitement squealing not too loudly, so that i wouldn't be heard.
This is it. The happy ending i'm expecting. All of that hard work payed off after all.
"Good job Sophie, you've done it again." I said as i was giving myself a pat on the back.
Then suddenly at the corner of my eye i saw a slyveon walking away from our house. It looked very mad and grumpy too...
'Why was a slyveon there? What is he doing there? What business does he have with my bros? What was his purpose or goal coming here? And what was he so mad about?' I've thought to myself.
I then rushed to the door. I've sped past the window, Dash's bedroom door, the flight of stairs down to the living room, Chris...
Wait... Chris?!
"SIS BE CAREFUL!" he screamed. I've never heard him scream like that before...
"Sorry Chris!" I said as i book it down while dodging the obstacles that were in my way.
Chairs, tables, random stuff you name it.
I reached the front door and letting out a sigh i opened it.
He was gone...? I guess i was just a little late, or he was just a fast fella'.
Either way, as i look around. It was a mess!
All kinds of desserts and treats we're scattered everywhere! All kinds of chocolatey goodnes wasted...
Though... what caught my attention the most was this dark blue box with snowflake prints... and a light blue ribbon underneath it.
As i examine it... These we're Bella's favorite colors... And these snowflake prints... There was no doubt he was somewhat affiliated with Bella.
And now that i think about it... These chocolate desserts... These are some of Bella's favorite desserts! How did he knew?!
Since i don't have the full story, i think it's best if i tell Bella about this...
I didn't even bother to clean the entrance, i'm too lazy! Plus i could just probably let Dash clean up this mess. He is way better than me when it comes to these things...
I then proceed to come inside, closing the door behind me in the process...
As i went inside to get some answers... A question pops in my head.
Who is he?
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