Chapter 2
The sun is shining through all the windows. I open my eyes and see a ceiling I'm not used to. This one has the smallest hint of green, mine is white. I sit up and look around. Oh yeah I'm not at home...... I'm.. not.. at.... home. I just want to go back and act like the earth didn't eat my home. Why did it do this to me? Why? Why why why why why??? I didn't do anything and neither did my family...
It's now 1:00 in the afternoon and grandma wanted us to help her clean around the house. I don't want to clean though, I want to sleep. Sleep till I can't sleep anymore, till I feel no more pain. Is that too much to ask?
But regardless I go to the kitchen and get the broom. She told me to sweep all the corners that she couldn't get to. I found the most random things. My grandma's house looked clean like in the movies but when you look close you can see all the dust and spider webs. It's not that surprising that there are spider webs considering we are surrounded by forest. After a while of sweeping I look around for a clock to see the time but there is no clock. I walk up stairs and look down the hallway but no clock, none in any of the rooms either. I go find my phone and see that it's 3:30 pm. My phone's battery is at 12%. I don't have a charger because it got eaten by the ground. I shut it down and put it back in my pocket. I put the broom back where it was and looked around for my grandma. I can't find her or my parents, maybe they're shopping. I found Cedric sitting on the couch looking sad. I walk up to him and say, "what's wrong?". He looks at me and says "nothing". I know that's a lie. "Tell me what's wrong" I say but he just looks away. I sit down next to him and drape my arm around his shoulders and we just sit there in silence.
It's been two weeks since my house disappeared and us leaving the animals behind. It's been 12 days of living with my grandma. I have gotten a new phone charger and computer. I can keep talking to my friends but they don't talk to me that much anymore. There's one more week till summer break but it doesn't matter for me, mine started early. My dad told me I'm still going to high school next year unfortunately. I dread high school, I know nothing about it and I know no one there. I don't even know which one I'm going to but my parents said they sorted it out.
I'm bored so I go outside. I want to go explore the city or whatever part of Texas I'm in. It's humid outside and everything is damp. I walk around and look at the stream that's in front of the house. There's koi fish and they're so cute. I tried to pet them and they didn't let me and bit me. I jerked my hand away and gave them dirty looks but the fish didn't care and swam away. I keep walking and I feel the wet grass under my feet and I smell it. After the smell of rain, I decided to explore around since I never really took in the life of nature. I was exploring around until I came across a huge cave. I don't know why but I felt uneasy. My curiosity got the best of me and I entered the cave. Inside the cave was this purple shiny light in the distance. I walked towards the light, I reached for it and my vision went all white. The next thing I know the floors and the ceiling started to shake. I regained control of my consciousness and I took the purple crystal and ran for the exit. Once I exit the cave my eyes suddenly open. I looked around and I realized I was on my bed. "Was that a dream..?" she said. She looks down at her hand, the crystal in it. Her eyes widened.
I look around confused. It's morning outside. This makes no sense. Was everything a dream? Did I dream about this morning? Is someone messing with me? I look at the crystal but it's not glowing anymore. Now it looks like a rock with a purple tint. I put it under my pillow and got out of bed. I walk downstairs and I don't see my parents. Maybe they are out. I walk outside and everything is wet like in the dream, I even see the fish down the stream. I look around but see nothing, no cave anywhere. I thought I knew my way around this place.
It's been a while now walking around. I don't know where I am but I really don't care, that panic will set in later when I'm even more lost. The sun isn't directly in the sky anymore, it's off to the side so I'm assuming it's after noon. I love this forest, I don't know why or how but there's something magical about it. After walking about 20 more feet and I hear commotion another 20 feet in front of me. I walk to the noise without stepping on anything that would give me away. I get to a tree and look over to see a pack of wolves. They seem to be attacking a deer. The same exact one I saw staring at me days ago. The deer is a mess and it's a small pack of wolves, like 3 but they look quite big. I can't keep watching them attack the defenseless creature. I look around for something and find a rock. A single rock with nothing around it. This is some kind of movie type thing. Who cares, I grab the rock and throw it as far as I can. My aim is horrible so it went so far to the side instead of straight. The wolves look around to follow the noise. I hear a mouse screeching. Poor thing.
I go over to the deer very slowly. Now I actually can see all of it. It was all black with a skull head with huge teeth, maybe fangs. It had weird shaped antlers that faded from black to yellow. Its legs had fur on them like a Clydesdale's. They faded from black to dark blue and the smallest tint of white at the bottom as if the deer was getting old. I could see some white on the underside of it going from the bottom of the chest to the tip of the tail. Besides that it was completely black and very skinny. The deer wasn't that tall either, around 4'5 feet (134.62 cm).
It looked so weird, why was it so skinny and had weird colors? It just layed there looking dead but I know it's not because I see it breathing. The breathing looks weird though.
*A moment of silence passes*
Oh yeah I came to help. I bend down by the front of the deer so it knows I'm here and doesn't get scared. I don't know what this thing can do. I want to run but if I do I'll feel guilty for letting it die. It's just a smaller, weirder, creeper version of my horses.
I try to look at its eyes but it doesn't have any, just pits of black. I get a shiver down my spine but I keep looking at it. There are a bunch of scratches on its already thin-ish skin. There is also a lot of blood. I would go back to the house to get cloth or something to pressurize the wounds but I don't know where I am. I have nothing extra with me. Then I remember I'm wearing those shorts where they have two layers of fabric like the ones basketball players wear. I hate them but I had nothing else. I tear off the top layer and push it onto the deeper cuts to stop the bleeding.
After a few minutes it isn't bleeding as much. Now there's blood on my arms. If anything came they would think I killed it.
What am I going to do? I can't just sit here with it and what if the wolves come back? I decided that I'm going to bring it back to the house. How am I going to carry it though? It's only over a foot shorter than me. I throw it over my shoulder. To my surprise it's only around 20 pounds.
After hours I finally recognize the area and I walk back to the house with blood all over me and a broken deer over my shoulder. I'm in pain, I can't walk much more. My legs are going to give out but I'm at the house. All I have to do is knock on the door and I do so. I see my mom walking to the door and open it. "What the f^%$ harlow" she says. I just look at her and walk to the bathroom and put the deer down. I grab a towel and put water on it. I put the towel on the cuts. My mom comes in and gets the gauze and wraps it around the deer.
I go to the back of the house to see if the deer is alive. And it is. A bunch of the scratches are already healed, I would say that's weird but not really considering how the deer looks. I also don't have the right to judge how anything looks.
I walk up to the deer and inspect it. I wonder why it's so skinny. I get up and go outside to grab a bunch of grass and I shake off the dirt. I then go back to the deer who is staring me down with its eyeless eyes. I hold the grass but it refuses. I try to shove the grass into its face but I feel a tap on my shoulder and jump. I turn around to see Cedric looking at me all judgy. "What are you doing?" He says. I responded with "trying to feed the deer, what else??" "You can't force something to eat" he counteracts. He's not wrong. I look at the deer again and I swear if it could smirk that's what it would be doing. "What are you going to do with him?" Cedric asks. I look at him, "how do you know the deer is a he?" Cedric looks at me like I'm a failure, how rude. "Anyways, you didn't answer my question," he says.
"I don't know what to do, I just saw him dieing and decided to save him". He shrugs and walks away. I look at the deer and he's facing me again. It's like he's begging me to take off the bandaging and I do. The scratches look fairly healed. I want every injury I get to heal this fast, that would be nice.
~time skip~
It's been a week now and the deer is completely healed besides the remains of the scars. I tried letting him free but he keeps following me around no matter what I try. He also won't eat anything. I'm curious as to how he is still alive at this point. Everytime I'd go outside he'd appear right next to me and wherever I go he's right there. At this point I just follow him around and explore. This forest is so pretty, when I was little I wasn't allowed to go away that much. But now I can.
Right now I'm following the deer and there are so many trees. This forest is so dense but bare at the same time. Considering all the trees overhead a lot of light makes it through the trees, so there's a lot of grass but there are also a bunch of dirt patches mixed in with it. There's something magical here and I don't know if it's the beauty or the deer-ish looking creature that is walking in front of me. I get shaken out of my thoughts when I hit my foot on a tree root that is partially out of the ground. I almost fall but I catch my balance. Looking back at the tree root and I give it dirty faces as I look at my foot. I'm happy that I wore shoes today. I look up to see the deer waiting for me, he hasn't turned around but is just standing there. I caught up to the 10 feet gap between us and he just kept walking as if the tree didn't just try to kill me.
As we continue on the trees keep trying to trip me and my own big feet try to also.
After a while of walking the forest is starting to clear. I thought it went on for miles or have I lost track of time? Anyhow, we're at the end of the forest and I just see land. It's beautiful, as far as the eye can see. The valley looks untouched by people and barely touched by animals. Now I don't want to ruin anything, not even move a piece of grass. I look at the grass in front of me where the forest fades into the valley. The grass is so pretty with its dark roots and light tips. I try to look at the grass more but I hear shuffling in front of me. I look up to see the deer looking at me. I decided to follow him, I don't really know what else to do anyways. The sun is starting to go down but everything is still light up like it's noon and the air is so clean. It wasn't this clean back at my home.
I look up to see water. Are we on the coast line?? Why was I never told about any of this? I look back at the deer who is just standing there. I walk up to him and look into the direction he is. The water is moving around even though all the other water is still. Something's in there. I watch as something rises. It looks like a deformed shark and it had legs. A deformed shark with legs just came out of the water!!! I keep watching intently trying to figure out if it's going to chase us. Soon as I think that it looks right at us. My heart is speeding up some. I can sense the deer slowly backing up so I do the same without looking away from the shark thingy. It notices us moving and just starts chasing. Not even slowly following, just running. My heart drops. The 50 feet distance is closing. For a shark it can run fast. Me and the deer book it. The deer is obviously faster than me even though he is over a foot shorter than me. I've never ran so fast. We make it to the forest within 4 minutes but keep running. I know that if I look back I'll trip and get eaten so I can't look back. I doubt it has the agility to run around each tree, I'm barely making it. I see the deer in front of me also trying to avoid all the branches.
We finally made it to the house and I can finally turn around to see if it's still there. I don't see it and I instantly relax. I look towards the deer who seems to be looking around still suspicious.
After a while I sit against a tree that is on the opposite side of the stream from the house. It's so hot outside and I want to go in but my grandma won't let me bring the deer back inside. So now I'm sitting here looking around.
I hear some noise on the right, where we came from minutes ago. The deer looks over to the noise and acts the same as when the shark thingy came after us. I guess this is my sign to get up. This doesn't make sense though, don't sharks need water to live? How is it surviving this long?
The deer does something and I see the shark thingy turn around and run away. Now we are safe.
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