Chapter 28
Soooooo sorry it took me so long to update
Previously on How Did We Get Here?
She then opens the door to her house, walks in dropping her stuff, kicking off her shoes and grabing a beer before crashing on the couch. She sits there thinking about how much Deeks means to her and if he has truly moved on from her and they can't be friends then she can't continue to work for NCIS.
Two weeks later - Deeks has still been distant from the team, barely talks to them always doing paperwork or leaving early. Sam and Callum has been supportive of Kensi's decision to leave, with two weeks to go Kensi has never been more sure about her decision to leave.
The team and Deeks sit doing paperwork but no one speaks, Hetty watches from her office as her team falls apart. Sam suddenly stands shocking everyone including Deeks
"I can't just sit here and let you rip this team apart" Sam shouts and points at Deeks
Deeks just looks at Sam before getting back to his paperwork.
"God Damn it Deeks we all respected you and we were a family but you are now being a selfish man, you've driven one of our best agents away from NCIS."
"I don't know what you want me to say." Deeks states calmly before getting up and heading to the burn room with folders in hand.
Sam watches as Deeks leaves, then starts to follow joined by Callen.
They open the burn room door then shut and lock it.
"What the hell!" Deeks exclaims
"You are the cause of our team breaking apart, we want to know why you're giving Kensi the cold shoulder and forcing her to transfer."
"I didn't force her to do anything she made her own choice, she couldn't deal with the true me, she can get over it."
Deeks tries to get past, so Sam slams his hand in Deeks chest stopping him from getting past.
"Problem is she can't get over it, she liked you Deeks in a less than professional way and I think those feelings were getting stronger but you changed and not for the better, NOW she's broken and it's your fault!"
"Not m problem!" Sam looks away to control his anger, however Callen pull his fist bak and hits Deeks directly in the jaw, while Deeks is recovering Sam spits at him.
"That... is for hurting our little sister" Callen snarls.
Sam and Callen leave a hurt and shocked Deeks in the burn room and return to the bullpen.
1 Month Later...
Deeks is sitting on the couch nursing a beer when there is a knock at the door, not expecting anyone, he approaches the door with his berretta 92FS in hand
He opens the door an inch and looks who's there before lowering his gun.
"Georgia what a suprise" Deeks stats happily.
"Marty, were you going to shoot me" she says motioning to the gun.
"I wasn't expecting you"
"Well I hope it was a good surprise" she says while putting her hands on Deeks' chest. Deeks instinctually puts his hands on Georgia's waist.
"Of course" Deeks purrs before leaning in and capturing Georgia's lips with his own. Things get heated however Georgia pushes Deeks away and looks at him, Deeks not taking no for an answer continues to kiss down Georgia's neck.
"Marty listen..." she lets out a moan as he sucks on her pulse point, "Marty I want to go out,"
Deeks stops and looks at her and says,
"But I was having so much fun" before leaning in again only to be stopped by her finger on his lips.
"Trust me Marty this will be fun" Georgia stats with a hit of evil in her eyes.
"Okay babe, let me just get changed"
Once Deeks is change the couple head out to a navy bar in Venice, Deeks wonders why but doesn't question it.
As Deeks pulls up in the car park, Georgia explains the plan then exits the car.
Deeks waits for half an hour before Georgia comes out of the club with a sailor hanging off her. This sailor pushes her against a wall and kisses her.
Deeks gets out of the car and storms over to where Georgia and the sailor are, Deeks then drags the sailor off Georgia and punches the guy making him fall down.
Georgia rubs her mouth then kisses Deeks.
"Beat him up babe" Georgia whispers
"My pleasure"
Deeks walks over to the sailor who is struggling to stand and kicks him back down, punches him again and again till the sailor passes out from drink and the punches.
Georgia walks around Deeks and gets in the car. Deeks opens the car door to get in but Georgia stops him.
"Marty shoot him, he saw your face"
"He won't remember lets go,"
"Shoot him!" Georgia all but shouts before batting her eyes at him "Just to be safe"
Georgia hands Deeks a 22. Pistol with a silencer. Deeks takes the weapon and feels the weight before walking over to the sailor, who is starting to come around. He checks no one is around before taking aim and shooting the man twice once in the chest and once in the head.
Deeks runs back to the car and drives away rapidly.
The next day Deeks arrives to work early and goes to talk to Hetty. By the time the Agents arrive Deeks is still in Hetty's office. "Mr Deeks you should have told me, you have torn this team apart and I could of prevented it however you didn't tell me!" Hetty shouts at Deeks before regaining her composiur.
Deeks stands and says, "It had to be done!"
Deeks walks in to the bullpen, brushing off the looks he's being given before walking off and leaving the building
Eric walks onto the steps and blows his whistle the three agents in the bullpen make their way up to ops.
In ops Eric starts to debrief the team on the murder of a petty officer.
"Where the hell is Deeks" Callen asks as the detective has still not turned up.
"He's running an errand for me" States the Assistant Director, Callen snaps his head towards Granger.
"Since when does our LAPD liaison run errands for you?"
"Eric can you please play the footage you found" Granger asks while ignoring Callen.
So Eric does, the team watch as a women makes out with the dead petty officer before being dragged off by another man wearing a hoody, the petty officer is beaten. When it looks like the man and women are about to leave the hooded man pulls a gun and shoots the petty officer the video then goes static.
"That's all I've got"
"Have you tried all the video feeds?"
"Yes there all static and both the suspects have their faces tuned from the camera" Nell informs them.
Granger walks over to the computer with all the people in the room looking at him, he types something in to the computer and pulls up another feed.
"Eric play this,"
"That camera doesn't exist I looked everywhere." Eric says confused.
"It's one of the owners he placed it and I know him so he gave me access. Now Eric play the video!"
Eric does the video show them the scene play out from a different angle then the hooded looks directly in the camera.
"No way" Eric and Nell say baffled.
"What the Fuck" Sam says in disbelief
"Mother Fucker" Callen breaths
"No, No it can't be him, he wouldn't Kensi almost shouts.
Granger looks at the team feeling sorry for them, "We only have 24hs before the case is handed over to the FBI!"
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