Chapter 26
Enjoy the Chapter XD btw I should be updating every 8th of the month. Photo will make sense at the end ;)
Previously on How Did We Get Here?
The agents at the hospital had still heard no news. A doctor comes out covered in blood and they rush over.
"I'm Dr Andrews..." before he could finish Kensi cuts him off.
"Is he okay?" Kensi asks her voice laced in worry.
"I'm sorry to tell you this but he didn't make it off the table we tried everything we could but the bullet nicked his heart and we couldn't stop the bleeding and he died from a cardiac arrest."
Kensi's legs give way and Agent Skye only just catches her before she hits the ground. All Kensi can think is 'NO it can't be happening again' she knows she can't lose him again, she could barely cope once this time she will self-destruct.
"Mr Chillen was a fighter but no could have survived what he endured." Dr Andrews states while putting his hand on Kensi's shoulder. Kensi jerks away from his touch as if it was fire.
"Wait. Wh... What you mean Patrick died?"
"Yes that was my patient." The Dr says confused.
"So detective Deeks is still alive" Kensi stands up with hope laced in her voice.
"I wouldn't know but I believe he's still in surgery."
Kensi couldn't believe her ears, Deeks is still alive. It's the best news she's heard ever. However Skye takes a step back as if she's been hit by a freight train.
"Skye I'm so sorry."
"No. Don't be he tried to save Deeks for a reason. He saw what I see between you two."
"There isn't anything between us."
"Trust me there is, you would have to be blind not to see it. Deeks is crazy about you and you are crazy about him. Patrick must have thought that Deeks needed to live more than he did."
"Did he have any family?"
"No. Never married, no kids, his sister died a few years back in an accident. He had nothing left but the job."
"You know I owe Patrick he saved my partners life and I will make sure that he won't be forgotten by either me or Deeks."
"That means a lot, now go see your partner. I'm going to see Patricks body."
"I can come with you"
Skye just waves Kensi off and points towards the nurses' station. Kensi makes her way over and asks the lady were her partner is.
"Room 198 A"
Kensi says thanks her and speed walks to Deeks' room, however she stops outside worrying that if she goes in he will be in a coma or dead.
When she finally bucks up the courage she opens the door and sees her partner in a bed with tubes pocking out of him. He looks so peaceful almost as if he's just asleep and not sedated.
Kensi walks round the bed, leans over and gives him a kiss on the forehead.
"Please wake up. I can't lose you again." She whispers as she pulls away.
Kensi pulls up a chair, grabs Deeks' hand then falls asleep.
Kensi wakes up to the feeling of her hand being stroked, she open her eyes to see blue ones staring at her.
"Hey" speaks Deeks softly.
"Hey yourself. How you feeling?"
"Fine I guess; how did the case end?"
"Katie-mae tried to blow up a navy seal who took out bin larden at an airport we got there on time and disarmed the bomb. Colt is dead, Katie is in lock-up."
"How am I here Colt had the gun aimed at my head, shouldn't I be dead?"
"Agent Patrick jumped in front of the bullet he saved you life."
Deeks starts pulling IV drips out
"What are you doing Deeks!"
"I need to see Patrick thank him I owe him that."
Kensi rests her hands on Deeks' chest halting his movement, making him look at her. She looks at him with tears in her eyes she knows how much this is going to hurt him.
"Deeks, Patrick never made it off the table he passed away yesterday. I'm so sorry."
"NO! He can't die for me, no one should die for me I'm not worth it. I have nothing in this world, I'm worthless, I'm nothing" Deeks shouts before collapsing in the bed, he knocked himself out as he was so worked up.
Kensi stands there in shock of Deeks' outburst, she puts her hand on his cheek,
"You are something Deeks." With that she leaves Deeks' room, on the way out of the hospital she sees Granger. Not being in the mood to deal with him she just walks out leaving Granger there.
Deeks spent a week in hospital, which for him was worse than actually being shot. Hetty then made him stay at home for another week, Deeks was bored out of him mind the only relief was when Kensi came over with some food and a movie. She would stay for a few hours then go home.
Today was his first day back and he was itching with excitement, he had to see the Assistant Director first because Granger had an op for him.
Deeks walks into Mission like any other day ready to fight the bad guys. The Detective is the first one in which is unusual. Deeks makes his way to the Assistant Directors office, he knocks on the door and heads in.
"Sir, you said you have a mission for me?"
"I do, shut the door and sit down..."
Sam and Callen are the next Agents in, they notice that Deeks' bag is on his desk but Deeks is no were to be seen. Kensi waltz' in, noticing too that Deeks' bag is there but he isn't.
"You two seen Deeks?" Kensi asks
"No, we only got here just before you, haven't seen him."
The three agents sit down and chat about their weekends.
"What did you do Callen?" Kensi asks
"Had a date with Joelle and bought some furnisher."
"I'm sorry what? You brought furnisher, Joelle is obviously doing something right," Sam jokes
"I don't know if I like it too much stuff, I keep walking into things."
Both Sam and Kensi burst out laughing with Callen slightly chuckling.
"What about you Kens?" Callen enquires.
"Me? I had a date with a bath and a tub of ice cream. Best weekend ever. Sam did you spend the weekend with the family?"
"Yeah, Aidan was back for the weekend so we went out for a meal and spent some quality time together."
Deeks walks back in to the bullpen, making a beeline for his desk.
"Hey Deeks how are you feeling" Sam asks.
"Fine" Deeks answers sharply
"What did you do at the weekend?" Callen asked trying to get the Detective to talk.
"Nothing" Deeks snaps
"Deeks are you ok?" Kensi asks softly.
"JESUS, Get off my case!" Explodes Deeks
At the back of the mission watches a woman with an evil smile, who will tear the team apart.
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