Chapter 19
Authors Note: Sorry for the wait my friend beth/'somethingsmissing' persuaded me to post this so enjoy. XD
Previously on How Did We Get Here?
It couldn't get more difficult to control my feelings than seeing Deeks with a towel hung low on his hips. His toned abs, his muscular arms, his chiselled chest all shimmering from the water droplets. He is hot... I can't believe I just admitted that, even to myself.
I need to keep a distance until I sort my head out. He may be alive but I could lose him again. It makes it so much more real, considering that I lost him once.
I finish brushing my teeth and leave the bathroom to get changed. I put on a pair of jeans and a V-neck t-shirt. We're planning on going round the neighbours to get to know them to see if they are the terrorists we're looking for.
After we visit some of our neighbours we rule out 4 of them and have 4 left. The 4 we ruled out were either too old or not there, probably on holiday.
"Hey Eric I need you to do some background checks for me ok,"
"Yeah sure give me the names and I'll get on it."
"First ones, Joe and Katie-mae Travis, then a Nadia Francesca, a Colt and Tracy Reeves, a Kerri Jones and a Leonardo Charles who are living together."
"Ok got it when I have something I let you know"
"Alright Eric, thanks."
I hang up and put my phone in my pocket, Deeks and I have been here for 4 days and still have no idea who were looking for, but we've narrowed it down.
I want to go check out Kerri Jones and Leonardo Charles something about them is off.
"Yeah what's up?"
"I'm going to see Kerri Jones and Leonardo Charles, you wana come?"
Deeks puts a shirt over his tee and we go. I ring the doorbell and am greeted by a young women same age as me, white, with long and I mean long blond hair (it goes down to the middle of her back).
"Hey I'm Lucy Tyrell and this is my husband Jake. We just moved in down the street and thought we'd introduce our selves."
"Oh, Hi I'm Kerri Jones, and my fiancé Leonardo Charles is in the back. Nice to meet you, do you want to come in for a drink Leonardo is just starting a B-B-Q?"
"If you're sure I would hate to impose."
"It's no problem, come through to the back."
"You have a lovely house Kerri" complements Deeks
"Thank you, but it's not actually ours we're house sitting for Leonardo's sister."
"Well then his sister has excellent taste"
"Leonardo we have visitors, this is Jake Tyrell and his wife Lucy they're going to stay for some B-B-Q"
"Hello, lucky you guys came over we have way to much food here." He says while shaking mine and Deeks' hand. We need to get there fingerprints to run make sure they are who they say they are.
Kerri and I head over and sit down at the table while the boys chat about what ever boys chat about. Once sat we start talking and Kerri is one crazy chick but I like her, we get chatting about her plans for the wedding and that's where I notice that she seems to struggle to remember dates and things that need to be done, it's like she has no idea when it is or what she's planning for it. They have a date for the wedding but she keeps forgetting or stumbling. With this I head to the bathroom, on the way I send a text to Deeks telling him to talk to Leonardo about the wedding to see if it the same. I obviously don't need the loo but have an inkling to snoop. I head to the study and plug my ironclad in copying all the data for Eric, as I look around while its copying I spot a gun, a glock in a draw. We're going to have to bring these two in too make sure there are or not the terrorists.
I send Deeks another text as I make my way back outside, letting him know we will make a move soon but quiet so not to blow our cover, just in case it's not them.
Once outside I go and sit back down with Kerri continuing our conversation. The boys join us once the foods done and we eat while keeping good conversation, then head inside. Once inside however, I signal to Deeks that the time to take them down is now but quietly.
We stand up and draw our weapons.
"Federal Agents! Don't Move!" I say, Kerri and Leonardo just look at each other but don't say anything as put their hands up. Deeks puts his gun away and searches the two pulling out a gun and knife each. We might have the right people after all.
"We are going to walk slowly to your car and get in, we will the cuff your hands to the inside door handle and take you in. Got it!" when they nod their heads we move and do just that.
Deeks drives us to the boat shed, on the way I contact Eric telling him to get Callen and Sam to meet us there and to let Hetty Know.
We arrive at the boat shed and get the suspects in the interrogation room.
Deeks and I are waiting for the others to arrive,
"Look Kens don't take it the wrong way, you know I trust your judgement and would follow you into a volcano if you thought it was right, so don't hit me or anything ok,"
"Deeks stop. Just spit it out, I know you trust me I trust you to ok, more than anyone else."
"What made you think it was them because the texts were vague?"
"Well I was talking to Kerri about their upcoming wedding and she kept stumbling on the date and things you wouldn't for get if you were actually planning a wedding. Also when I went to the 'loo' I was copying data off their computer and snooping and I found a gun!"
"Just for the record I'm the one who gets paid to snoop so that was out of your pay grade." He says with a smile that lets me know he joking, "Good job by the way... with the snooping"
Just as I'm about to come back, Sam and Callen walk into the boat shed.
"Hey guys, are you sure it's them?" Callen asks.
"No. So we took them quietly to try and keep our covers intact."
Beep! Its Eric.
"Guys I was running background on the suspects and well they didn't exist 10 years ago. I have loads of info on them but none before 2004, like nothing. Can you send their finger prints over so I can check as many data bases as possible?"
"Sure Eric, Thanks"
Deeks' POV
Kensi and I head into the interrogation room with two bottles of water in hand.
"Jake, Lucy you're not really Federal Agents are you this is some joke." Leonardo splutters out.
"We are 'really' Federal Agents. This is Special Agent Kensi Blye NCIS and I'm Detective Marty Deeks LAPD. Water" I say as I hand them the bottles. They both pick them up, drink then put them down.
"Can I ask you if you will be willing to give us your finger prints?"
"Why do you need our fingerprints? I'm not giving them. Lawyer."
"That's fine you just sit there," I say while picking up the bottles by the cap, Kensi points at the bottle I'm holding and says
"Thanks for being so willing" and I shut the door.
Eric has ran the prints and has got nothing back, not even the names they told us. Like Eric said they don't exist prior to ten years ago, something is going on we just need to find out.
To make the day even better Granger turns up, what the hell does he want? He doesn't say anything to us and just waltzes into the interrogation room. Leonardo immediately stands up,
"Granger, it's good to see you."
Authors Note: Thought the story needed some evil granger whats he going to stur up? stay tuned for next chapter. XD
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