Day One Afternoon
We touched down shortly after noon Fiji time. The sun shone bright and the cool island breeze smelled heavenly.
"Can you believe this?!" I said as took a deep breath.
"This place is gorgeous," said Trinity.
"Stunning," said Ashley looking around.
"In total agreement," smiled Adam as he placed an arm around Ashley and McKenna. Aniston rolled her eyes.
"I guess it's fine," said Aniston with a shrug glued to her iPad a device she had been glued to since LAX.
"Ani look around you," I said as I took the iPad.
"Hey," snapped Ani as she looked up and at that moment her mouth dropped "Woah."
" See , "I said smiling "Stunning."
Ani nodded her mouth still agape.
"Come on Ani," said Adam we still have to check in.
Day One Afternoon
We made it to Fiji. I stepped out of the car at the hotel. Here I am solo as per usual. My friends and co stars were right behind me but they were paired off like damn Noah's Ark.
"Come on Colby," said Remi.
I followed everyone into the lobby of the hotel we are staying in. The island breeze wafted threw the open doors that were in the back of the hotel that lead straight to the beach. As I was staring out there that is when I saw her. A gorgeous red head within a group of people that seems to be paired off too along with two young kids that looked like one of the men in the group. She shook her head and laughed as she followed them to the elevators.
"Dude," said Remi snapping his fingers in front of me.
" Huh? " I said.
"Have a nice trip Colby?" smirks Elizabeth.
"Umm sir can you check in please?" said the poor person behind the counter.
"Oh sorry," I said turning red.
I check in and pay. I followed my friends to the elevators.
That girl had me flipping out and I didn't even know her name.
Day One Night
I am getting ready in my room as we were all headed to supper in the hotel restaurant.I am wearing a dark blue cocktail dress ,a nude heel, a diamond necklace from my Grandmother Quin and I wore my hair in fish tail braid. Now I am not one to dress up in fact I hated it but this was our first night and a nice restaurant.
There is a knock on my door as I open it's Trinity and Jayden looking like a million bucks.
"Girl you look fly," said Trinity.
"Thanks," I said as I turned to show Trinity my entire outfit "You two look like a million bucks."
Trinity smiles "Girl I heard a rumor!!!!"
" What? "I said as I closed.my hotel room door.
" I heard that some of the cast from How Deep Is Your Love? is here!!! "
My mouth dropped "What?! Who?!!!"
Trinity shrugged "I just heard some of the girls at the spa talking."
" Cool, " I said "Don't tell Ash though."
" Bitch I know that, "laughed Trinity.
I smirk "Of course I know you know that I was telling Jayden."
Jayden gave a thumbs up and nodded "Got it."
Trinity and I look at each other and laughed.
Day One Night
I was getting ready in my hotel room as my thoughts stray to this afternoon and that red head I saw in the lobby. She was so gorgeous wish I knew who she was. Maybe during this trip I will see her. As I tied my black tie there came a knock on my door.
"Be right there," I said.
I pulled my hair into a ponytail and slipped on my black sports jacket. I wore my signature black on black outfit. I rarely if ever wore a white button down shirt. If I had to dress up I'd wear a black button down with a black tie,pants and coat. I hated with a passion to wear suits and ties but for work as Seth is a business man on How Deep Is Your Love? I have no choice but outside of work give me a good t-shirt, jeans and, a backward ball cap and I am satisfied.
I open the door to find Stephen and his girl waiting for me.
"Got some news for you buddy," said Stephen "Tiffani saw that girl you were getting cartoon eyes for at the salon this afternoon when she went to get her hair done."
" You did?! "I asked as I shut the hotel room door.
Tiffani nodded her black waves moved back and fourth "Sure did," she said her southern accent coming threw thick "I got to talking to her to her name is Becky. I didn't tell her who I was with. I saw her reading the soap opera magazine and I just asked if she liked any soaps. She nodded and said How Deep Is Your Love? and General Hospital (fun fact that is my favorite soap irl me Elizabeth not Colby 😂😂😂) and we got to talking and Seth is her favorite character and she thinks you're and I quote 'Pretty god damn sexy'."
I look at Tiffani in shock for a moment "Thanks," I said.
Tiffani smiles "She's here with her best friends for a week and then they are off to Tahiti."
As we stepped onto the elevator my mouth dropped "How did you find that out?!"
" Colby hair takes like a long time if you're a girl, " said Tiffani rolling her eyes.
Out of all of Stephen's girlfriends Tiffani Caulfield was becoming my favorite one.
Ahhhhh Becky what a beautiful name I thought.
Day One Dinner
As we are seated at a table eight (ugh thanks for reminding me I have no one seat) we are handed menus and just then the matre'd asks if a person could sit with us as he was a single person and his group was already a group of eight.
I nod because I felt sorry "Sure," I said and then Trinity who was across from me gasped as the matre'd walked him over. I turn to see.
"Holy shit," I said a little louder than I meant too.
"So you don't want me to dine with you after all?" asked none other than Colby Fucking Lopez!!!!!!
I look at Trinity and her mouth was hanging open so far Jayden had to shut it.
Ashley sat there in absolute shock as did Adam.
"Aren't you Colby Lopez?" asks Ani.
He smiled and nodded "As matter of fact I am."
" I'm Aniston Copeland, "said Ani "But you can call me Ani,that's my sister McKenna but call her Kenny,that's my Dad Adam, his girlfriend Ashley Fleihr, and our friends Trinity Fatu, her boyfriend Jayden and our very single friend Rebecca Quin but we call her Bex."
At that moment I could cold cock Aniston and hug her all at once.
Colby smiled and shook everyone's hand and then he got to me was I crazy or did he shake my hand just a little longer then everyone else's? Were we having a moment?!!!
"Have a seat Colby," said Adam.
"Oh yeah that would probably help to eat," laughed Colby as he pulled my seat out for me.
He sat down next to me!!!!! I honestly don't remember anything else from that moment on!!!!! Holy shit I had dinner with Colby Lopez!!!!!!
I can officially die now!!!!!
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