12.Thank God You're Okay
We hop off the large truck and I am met with Ashley and Trinity throwing their arms around me.
"Thank God you're okay," said Ashley with tears streaming down her face as she took my face into her hands "Don't you ever scare us like that again Rebecca!!!"
"Okay Mom," I smiled.
"You idiot," said Ashley hugging me again.
Trinity shook her head "Girrrrl if I wasn't so relieved you were okay I'd seriously slap the taste clean out of your mouth," she said hugging me tightly.
"We are so glad you're okay Bex," said Ani and Kenny hugging me.
"You definitely put the fear of God into us," said Adam hugging me.
I glanced over at Colby who was having his own reunion. He saw me smiles and winks at me.
"I was in safe hands," I said.
"What happened?" asked Ashley and Trinity as they both put arms around my waist as we.walked towards the hotel.
"Colby and I were finishing up lunch when the skies opened up and we had to find shelter. We just fell asleep as we listened to the rain. We knew we would be stuck for awhile but we never imagined that we'd wake up to a river outside our door," I said as I loose sight of Colby.
My Hotel Room
My friends have basically yelled at me as well as hugged the stuffing out of me all at once. They were thankful I was alive but angry I didn't just leave when it started raining. I reminded them.that us not leaving was what saved us.
I grabbed a shower and boy did that feel good. As I was getting into warm and dry clothes a knock came upon my hotel room door.
I looked threw the peep hole and see an adorable red head on the other side.
"Hey," I said opening the door.
"Hi," smiled Bex "Can I come in?"
" Sure, "I said stepping aside and let her in.
She entered and she turns to me as I close the door.
" Colby, "she began but before she could finish I kissed her she moaned slightly "You're not making what I am about to say easier ," she said against my lips.
I pulled back from the kiss to see sadness in her brown eyes.
"What's wrong?!"
" I'm leaving tomorrow, "she said with a sigh as I lead her to the couch in my room.
" What why? "I ask as we sat down.
"I think it's safer to just go home, " she began as she stared at her hands "I don't want to be in Fiji anymore.Neither do Ani and Kenny. They are so shaken up and want to go home.So I am going to take them back to the states while Ashley, Adam, Trinity and Jayden stay and then continue onto Tahiti. It's better that way. The three of us are basically third wheeling it with them."
I hand her a box of tissues as she wipe the tears away.
"Bex,-" I said .
Her eyes snapped up to me.
"-Would you mind if I came with you?!"
Colby's Hotel Room
"Would you mind if I came with you?" asked Colby
"What?" I ask.
"Can I come too?"
" To Chicago?! "
"Yeah I still have a ton of vacation time left and well quiet frankly I am over tropical islands for a while."
I laugh "If you want I mean I live with Trin and Ash and Ani and Kenny are going to be staying with me so I don't have any room to put you up."
" That's fine I'm from Davenport so it will be easy. I can stay there with my parents and I can drive to Chicago. "
"You'd actually cut your vacation short to go back to the states with me?!" I said raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah," he said "Let's get to know each other back home."
"Sounds like a plan to me," I said "Our plane back is at noon tomorrow," I said.
"Perfect. What airline?!" he asked.
"Pacific," I said.
Colby grabbed his phone and after a few minutes he had booked a seat on the same flight as well as upgrading Ani,Kenny and my tickets to FIRST CLASS!!!!!!
"There we will all be on the same flight," he said.
"You know you didn't have to do that," I said.
"What?" he asks.
"Upgrading Ani, Kenny and my tickets."
" I know but I wanted to, "he said with a smile "We have twelve hours to get to know each other."
I smile as he slid a hand up my cheek and placed his soft supple lips onto my lips.We kissed for the next hour only coming up for air.
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