Uncomfortable Encounters
Hiccupa's POV:
I was thrilled to see Toothless in third period and shared with him my Creative Writing experience.
"Sounds like little Miss Hiccupa has some Suitors" Toothless said jokingly.
"It's not funny Toothless. I don't like getting public attention you know it makes me feel nervous and anxious. I get the hiccups" I said.
"Oh come on you never go on dates. You should try it sometime" he said winking.
"Thank you for summing that up." I said deadpanning. "And Your not helping matters either."
"Fine. Fine live vicariously through others. Spend your nights with your geeky friends or babysitting" he said.
"You do realize you are my "geeky friend" right" I pointed out.
"Touche" he said grinning. "You've been having a crush on Ash Hofferson since forever anyway maybe this is a good thing.
"By the way it hasn't been "forever" it's been since the fifth grade" I dead panned. Then the teacher walked in and began covering the syllabus and our conversation was dropped.
I survived my morning of classes where I had Ash and Dagur in each of them at least I wasn't sitting between them in all of them. I had been walking the halls to classes even though I had been feeling confident and relieved at the start of the day for my senior year. I noticed a lot of people were looking at me more than usual and I couldn't wait to see Toothless again at lunch to see a friendly face.
Fourth period went by and the bell rang signaling it was time for lunch I grabbed my backpack and met Toothless at the basement lunchroom along with half the school.
"I've been feeling like everyone's staring at me today it's making me feel self-conscious" I said as we were grabbing our trays.
"Uh, yeah their staring at the hot chick walking the halls of Berk high. I've been hearing random dudes talking about you some of them asking if your single. I mean if I hadn't known you since we were six I would ask you for your number." Toothless said causing me to turn red in embarrassment.
"You think so?" I asked Toothless while hesitating in the lunch line over which salad I wanted.
"I know so. It's the dress and how you carry yourself. You seem more confident this year your not the same scared freshman. I mean even Dagur's bullying has backed off over the years" he added.
"Yeah I guess your right. I just wanted a change something to express myself better" I said gesturing to the dress a departure from the baggy jeans and over sized shirts of my self-conscious youth.
"Just know I always thought you were beautiful no matter what these clowns think" Toothless said looking serious and waving a dismissive hand.
"Thanks Toothless that's why your my best friend" I said giving him a hug. "Whoa keep this up and people WILL think we're an item" he said. I smacked him playfully in the arm.
I got a ceaser salad and found our usual table on the far side of the cafeteria away from the jocks and popular kid's. Toothless joined me setting his tray down with a fish sandwich on it. Giving me a smile he took a huge bite out of it chewing happily I rolled my eyes and started eating my salad.
I felt a presence behind me and Toothless started giving a death glare I gave him a look out of curiosity and concern and I turned around and cringed at the sight of Dagur.
"So Hiccupa I never got a chance to see that drawing of yours any chance I could see it now" he said with a smug grin.
"Since when are you an art lover Dagur" I said sceptically.
"Since I found an artist to love" he said wriggling his eyebrows at me.
"I think I just threw up in my mouth a little" I muttered out loud glancing back at Toothless who erupted in laughter while keeping an eye on Dagur.
Dagur heard me and erupted into laughter "Hiccupa you always bring the funny" he said while crushing me in a side embrace.
"Let me guess you won't leave until I show you the drawing will you?" I asked him sarcastically while rubbing the pain in my arm.
"Nope" he said looking at me expectantly with his wide green eyes.
Toothless made a motion to stand up and said "Hey Dagur how about you-" but I put my hand on his arm cutting him off "Toothless it's OK" I said reassuring him.
I rolled my eyes and sighed opening my backpack and pulled out my sketchbook flipping the pages to the drawing I had been working on feeling mildly embarrassed as it was of a dragon. I then presented it to Dagur whose eyes seemed to widen in surprise.
"You drew this?" he said sounding genuinely surprised.
I cringed expecting him to tease me relentlessly when he said "This..this amazing is this one of your own creations or did you copy it?" he asked me.
"Uh no came from up here" I said sheepishly tapping my head.
He then proceeded to flip through my sketchbook seeing drawings of my cat Night Fury, more dragons, Toothless, and the kids I babysit to name a few. "These are incredible" he said. "Do you think you could draw a skrill?"
"A what now?" I asked.
He showed me his belt buckle depicting a dragon engraved into the metal. "It's a family crest" he told me handing back my sketchbook.
"Uh, probably but I'm gonna be busy what with school, work, and babysitting" I said hoping he would take the hint. There was a commotion on the other side of the cafeteria involving some of Dagur's friends.
"I'll catch you later Hiccupa" He said sauntering away to join in the fray.
"Did Dagur just flirt with you?" Toothless said glaring at Dagur's retreating back while sounding puzzled. "Why do you let him get away with doing shit like that all the time? seriously if you want I could kick his ass and then he would have to back off and stop harassing you all the time." Toothless looked genuinely angry.
"Because I don't want you getting hurt or into trouble Toothless your my best friend and I care about you" I said being sincere. "Anyway it's one more year of this and I never have to see him again after graduation." I looked Toothless in the eye to emphasize my point hoping he won't do anything stubborn or stupid.
"You know what? You are way too good for your own good you do realize that" he said. Looking at me with a caring look in his eyes. "I just don't want to see you get hurt anymore Hiccupa"
It was then the bell rang we gathered up our trays and backpacks. We dumped our trash and stacked our trays and made our ways out of the lunch room. "See you after school?" I asked.
"Of course. Let me know if anything else happens todays" Toothless said and we parted ways to our next classes.
I got through my next class and then I had art and a free period which I planned on spending in the art room provided homework would be manageable. I was happy to see my art instructor again Mr.
"Hey Mr. Bucket I have something to show you on my phone I did over the summer" I told him.
"Hiccupa so good to see you I hope your summer was lovely" he said beaming at me.
I pulled out my phone and scrolled through to show him the sculpture I had worked on all that summer with Gobber's guidance. I then showed it to my teacher and felt success when I saw his jaw drop in amazement.
"Hiccupa is this really one of your pieces?" he asked in almost disbelief.
"Yes it is" I said proudly "Made of found and scrap metals at the foundry with guidance from my boss and mentor." The sculpture was large and had been pieced and welded to construct a dragon and all the metals stripped down and exposed to give off a rusted patina.
"I really hope you consider art school as part of your academic planning during your senior year. A student with your talent should seriously consider the field in your future. It would be a great way to establish networking contacts" he added giving me a wink. "Unfortunately I'm going to have to start class but we can have more talks later."
"Thank you" I said and headed to one of the last remaining empty seats which no one ever sat in because I always used it as it had the best light. I sat down and waited for class to begin thinking over what my teacher had just said and smiled in delight.
Then Ash walked in and I groaned internally 'Why is Ash in art he never takes art?' I thought this is supposed to be my year and it just keeps getting worse I thought. I watch as he came in the class looking like he owned the place as he usually does when he walks around. Then he sits near me and I glare daggers at him not that he's paying much attention to me as he checks a text on his phone with a smile on his face. Then he looks towards me and I avoid my gaze turning back towards my sketch book I had flipped open in front of me .
Mr. Bucket then stood before the class and announced "Hello class welcome to senior art. I thought instead of discussing the syllabus I will just pass it around you can read it and if you have questions feel free to ask. Instead as an ice breaker you will be drawing the person next to you since you are all in pairs" he said smiling at us. "Feel free to grab any paper or drawing implement you choose then decide which among you will go first for the first half of class and the next person will go the next half of class. Then we will critique"
I turned and faced Ash since he was my partner in this "Ladies first" Ash said helpfully with a smile. "Such a gentleman" I mumbled as I got up to fetch a sketch board and paper. I sat down pulling out drawing pencils from my pencil pouch and an art gum eraser and studied Ash's face not that I needed to since I had it memorized after many drawings I had done of him in secret. Why do I still have this pitiful crush that will never go anywhere I think as I start drawing out the outline of his face.
"So why are you in art? I'm taking art because I need the elective for my scholarship chances and because I thought it would be fun" Ash said making conversation.
I winced thank you for not taking this seriously at all I thought. "Well if you must know I'm hoping to go to art school some day" I said while in concentration.
"Really?" Ash asked interested "You do art? Would you ever show me anything you've done before?"
"I did that landscape last fall" I said gesturing across the classroom and then had to stop when Ash turned his head to look.
"Wow that's really... wow you're really talented" he said seeming to be stumped for words as I resumed my drawing.
"Well I've had a lot of practice at it" I said blending some shading with my thumb. "There ready to look" I asked as I held the drawing far from me and admired it not bad for something I had to throw together in a hurry I thought.
"Sure" he said in surprise " Mr. Bucket hasn't even said it was time to switch yet."
I flipped it around and held it out to him he studied it a few moments I sat their feeling a bit self-conscious what if he hates it. Then he looked up at me "It's incredible I don't have the words" he said.
"Oh, Uh it it was nothing really" I said feeling myself start to blush and rub a hand on the back of my neck and then Mr. Bucket announced it was time to swap partners.
Ash looked a bit panicked "Hey it'll be OK it's just a sketch on the first day" I said helpfully. He nodded and got up grabbing materials and returned. Then he looked at me and started drawing focusing so hard he was really quiet and I could see his forehead creased. I decided to remain quiet since he wasn't saying anything watching him grab an eraser a few times.
"Well it's not as good as yours but I hope you won't hate me" he said as he passed the drawing to me. I looked at it and I had to say I was impressed. I wasn't sure what I was expecting but it was well done Ash could use a bit more practice and work and he could become better.
"Actually it's really good maybe a bit of shading and more definition here and here though. With more practice you could be an artist in your own right you know" I said.
"Wow thanks Hiccupa coming from you that means a lot" Ash said. I couldn't help but blush.
Then Mr. Bucket called us all to hang our drawings and the remainder of class was spent in a expedited critique where some drawings received criticism, praise, or suggestions. I couldn't help but here all the comments about my drawing when asked if everyone knew who it was everybody could identify the drawing as Ash. I always appreciated the praise in art class one of the few places I felt belonging or complimented at school or much of anywhere for that matter. Even Ash's drawing received praise with some helpful suggestions. The the bell rang for class to end.
School was over and I headed to my locker where I was putting materials away and selecting what to take home when I noticed Ash standing next to to me. I looked up at him curiously since he never spoke to me outside of classes. "Hey I just wanted to thank you for what you said about my drawing and maybe you could help me out in art class since you seem to be really good at it and all" he said looking a little sheepish.
I replied back "Of course I'd be glad to" even though part of me was reeling inside while the other part was hopping up and down in excitement.
"Cool I'll see you tomorrow then" he said flipping his fingers off his forehead in a salute goodbye.
"Bye Ash I'll see you tomorrow" I said as he walked away.
Internally I couldn't help but squeal inside I actually had a conversation with Ash Hofferson and I could talk back without feeling self-conscious. I felt like I was on cloud nine.
Toothless's POV
Friends that's what we are.
Always have. Always will be?
I started feeling differently about Hiccupa a few years ago. I had always found her cute but I started to find her more and more beautiful, attractive. At first I played it off thinking no that's not right she's my bestfriend I can't think like that about her but the feelings weren't going away only growing stronger. Of course I have never told her how I have felt only that I cared for her as a friend.
I would always come to her defense especially when that punk Dagur was always harassing her I've landed a few punches on him in the past. Seeing the way he was acting at lunch only raised my hackles and no it was not the first time I had noticed his flirtations. Sure I played it off as a joke but inside I was hurting at the thought of Hiccupa finding somebody.
Ash Hofferson the object of her affections she doesn't talk about him all the time but I notice her looking at him in school. I've seen the drawings in her sketchbook. I usually ignore them or play them off as a joke. It's hard when she is so busy looking at someone else she can't see who is right in front of her. So whenever my parents pester me about meeting a nice girl I tell them I already know one. Of course my parents point out that is not what they meant.
All I can do is stand by her side. Listen when she talks, be her shoulder to cry on, and support her anyway I can. Maybe someday I will be brave enough to tell her.
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