Why Do I Love When I Still Feel Pain?
Hiccupa's POV:
I fell asleep in the cabin of the ship lulled to sleep by the rocking of the ship over the waves. I was left with little choice as my wrists were bound behind my back and I was unable to loosen them after an hours struggle. Fighting off the growing anxiety at being hauled off to Outcast Island I eventually fell into a dreamless sleep. It was only when I heard a pounding at the door and the jangling of keys that I awoke feeling disoriented at where I was and I began panicking when I could not move my wrists.
The door swung open revealing a smug Savage "Welcome to Outcast Island Milady! I trust you enjoyed the voyage" he said smugly as he stepped forward grabbing me by the forearm roughly and forcing me to my feet. I stumbled in my drowsy state and the fact I did not have my sea legs further, complicated by my peg leg and the gown I wore.
Savage dragged me along from the room out on deck where I was brought before Alvin while many of the Outcasts scrambled about preparing the ship to come into port. I felt my heart sink into my stomach as we stood beneath the grey skies with Outcast Island coming closer into view. I felt a large hand land on my shoulder causing me to flinch and look up Alvin casting me a smug look.
"Right men steady on to dockside" bellowed out Alvin to his crew as they further scramble with the ships rigging. Meanwhile his warriors prepared to disembark for home.
Alvin leaned in close to my ear "Thar ya' go I'ccupa take it all in yer new home." he leered his cabbage breath filling my nostrils causing nausea to stir within me. I was stunned into silence for once I had nothing in me to say fear coursing through me.
The ship came to rest dockside the plank was lowered and Alvin moved along guiding me with his arm like a sheep dog with a lamb. Once again I stumbled my peg leg catching on my skirt. With an eye roll and sound of exasperation from Alvin. I let out a squeak as I was lifted off the ground. Savage slinging me over his shoulder and walking towards the main buildings of the island.
I was then set upon my feet roughly by Savage who stood back while several Outcasts gathered in what must have been Alvin's main audience chamber. I looked around I was surrounded not that I had any hope of escape I thought. I looked up to see Alvin sitting on his throne on the dais looking over those assembled the door closing he made a gesture I immediately felt the bonds cut away. I brought my arms forward rubbing my wrists to restore circulation.
"Well I'ccupa I trust you 'ad time on the voyage to reconsider training muh, dragons" Alvin grumbled through his thick accent.
"You know my answer, Alvin" I said harshly attempting to mask the fear in my voice.
Alvin sat their a smug grin spreading "P'raps ye should reconsider especially when I tell you what the consequences would be" he said. He made another gesture and I watched as many of the warriors left the room adding to my confusion and growing anxiety.
Alvin stood up stalking down to me I felt myself shrinking in upon myself under his approach as he sized me up. "I know you say No, and you won't but really do you want the harsh consequences to happen to an innocent young girl like yourself."
I felt myself swallow nervously "What do you mean?" I asked nervously.
He glared down at me "First I might shove ya' on yer knees and force myself in that smart mouth of yers then I might take ya' in front of my men. After that I'll let the rest of the Outcasts have a turn starting with ole Savage 'ere" he said.
I immediately felt myself feel sick and I knew all the color had drained from my face judging from the sick look of satisfaction on their faces. I took in a shaky deep breath to help me calm down. "Ve...Very well Al..vin I...I will teach you to train your dragons" I mumbled my eyes downcast feeling like a traitor.
I felt a hand beneath my chin as my face was forced upwards "Good Girl I knew'd you'd see things my way" Alvin said grinning at me darkly.
Later after being led through the dragon cells where I saw many mistreated dragons locked behind bars and I was hauled into the dragon training arena. I made up my mind to confront Alvin in the training.
"If...if this going to work you have to agree to listen to everything I tell You, Alvin?" I said my voice shaky at what I am about to do.
"An if I don't?" he challenged.
"Then the training will be unsuccessful. Look you've forced my hand in this if you want me to properly teach you to train dragons then your going to have to actually listen to what I tell you, Alvin." I said with more confidence and sass.
Alvin looked down at me sizing me up and for a moment I thought I had overstepped my bounds but he surprised me when he let out a loud laugh. "Alright, I'cuppa thar's tha lass I know 'ad me fooled for a moment thought that Berserker 'ad you tamed. Got the same bite all the same I see. Don't get me wrong though I won't tolerate too much of that back talk from tha mouth of yer's." He threatened holding up a sharp knife.
"Right what I do first then" he said re-sheathing the knife.
"Well for starters you can get rid of that" I said gesturing towards the knife. A remembrance of one of the first times I met Toothless flashed through my memory.
"What! You gotta be pullin' ma leg?" he said glaring at me.
"No. I am serious you have to lay down your weapons so the dragon will learn to trust you." I said emphasizing my point.
He looked at me distrustfully and I felt myself gulp this is not going to go well if he won't even listen to what I tell him. On one hand he will never successfully train a dragon but on the other my life and virtue was on the line.
He gestured towards Savage who stepped forward Alvin undid the sheath with the knife and handed it to Savage. Then he removed the ax from his back passing over to Savage when I thought he was unarmed he surprised me by pulling a sword out from his side I didn't even know he had. Savage shifted the ax and knife to accommodate the sword. Alvin shifted his armor and removed a hand ax. Then he bent over and pulled a dagger from each of his boots Savage gave Alvin a look at this point that screamed 'Seriously' as he shifted the growing arsenal of weapons in his arms.
"O..K.. Well if that's everything I suppose we should go to the dragon pens then." I said feeling awkward all of a sudden and having a new found fear of Alvin the Treacherous.
Then Alvin said "Oh wait almost forgot" he reached under his armor and pulled out a quiver of arrows both Savage and I gave Alvin a look that said 'How?'
Savage gestured with his head for a couple of Outcasts to step forwards and he unloaded all of Alvin's weapons on them then he proceeded to remove his sword and a dagger. He shot a look at Alvin but didn't say a thing the whole time.
Alvin then led the way with me following and Savage taking up the rear along with two other Outcasts.
We walked out to the dragon fight arena which would have to do for training grounds I looked around it was somewhat similar to Berk although more rundown and threatening. Alvin and I stood in the center along with Savage the other Outcasts were on the sidelines to observe or act if things went wrong.
Alvin bellowed "RELEASE THE DRAGON."
The gate at the end of the arena began to open but I felt a rumbling beneath my feet. 'Oh No it can't be.' A Whispering Death emerged. I was taken aback Alvin wanted to start his training with a Whispering Death? It couldn't have been a Gronckle or Deadly Nadder even a Monstrous Nightmare would be a cakewalk compared to this. It shot into the air thrashing around wildly sniffing about since it was blind I heaved in a deep breath well if I somehow survive this and fail training Alvin will kill me anyway I thought.
I look around well it is a boulder class so bribing with fish isn't going to work. I see a cart of boulders and slowly step to the side keeping an eye on the dragon the whole time. I could feel Alvin's breath on my neck
"What are ye doing girl?" he asked me harshly.
"Remember what I asked of you Alvin" I said heaving up a decent sized stone and then slowly approaching the Whispering Death I could jeers and comments from Alvin's men behind me. When I was close enough I heaved up the stone as an offering and waited the dragon swooped in sniffing at the stone then took it slicing it to pebbles in it's razor jaws. I felt a few sharp whiplash back at me and I heaved a breath of relief.
Then I tentatively held up my palm out flat holding it out towards the Whispering Death my hand was shaking and I was overcome with fear. Fear at being on Outcast island and being forced to train untrainable dragon. I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I saw it approach my hand and began to sniff at my palm then it did the unimaginable and pressed it's head to my palm.
I exhaled in relief and began to look over the dragon closer as I stroked it's face and I saw the scars and whip marks this was a mistreated dragon which would be even more impossible to train. I shook my head I would have to tell him no sense wasting our time and lying.
I stepped back towards Alvin "I'm not going to be able to train this dragon Alvin."
"Oh and why is that" he glared at me "Remember my threat still stands."
"Yes, Alvin I could not forget that" I said paling a moment. "For one this is a Whispering Death they are impossible to train. Second this dragon has been mistreated I see signs of abuse all over it's skin. You can't bond and gain trust if it fears you."
"Well it's this dragon OR yer'll suffer the consequences" he threatened.
"I was afraid of that" I mumbled. "Alright. Alvin, do as I did take up a stone and offer it up to the dragon this class of dragon is known as boulder class. Which means they don't eat fish they eat boulders."
I watched as Alvin heaved up a stone almost as big as me on his shoulders and charged up to the dragon causing it's defenses to arise "Alvin careful your threatening the dragon" I called out. Next thing I knew Alvin heaved the stone and launched it at the dragon as I stood in disbelief it whizzed past the dragons head catching it's attention.
That's when it let out a mighty roar and turned on Alvin sniffing him out while he tried reaching his hand out. The Whispering Death prepared to strike at Alvin in a rage.
"ALVIN RUN she's going to attack" I yelled.
Alvin then lunged out of the way and it was chaos as Outcasts ran about with nets and weapons attempting to chase down the dragon. Alvin leapt to his feet in a rage demanding a weapon and hollering at his men.
Meanwhile the Whispering Death was near range of me so I once again held out my palm and as calm as I could I stayed standing. I felt it press its nose into my palm again. "Hi girl" I said "Do me a favor can you calm down before they try to hurt you?" I continued to pet the dragon and stroked it under it's chin causing it to collapse on the ground in a contented state it's legs pawing the air.
Alvin stomped up to me in a rage holding a mace in his hand. "Alvin it's ok now she's calm..." That's when he cut me off by backhanding me across the left side of my face causing my head to snap back.
I was stunned and looked back in shock wide eyed "Yer little bitch. Yer were holdin out on me tryin to kill me off were ya?" he seethed.
"No, Alvin it wasn't like that at all I swear" I pleaded in a panic. He slapped me across the right hand side of my face this time I could taste the metallic taste of blood in my mouth his knuckle gauntlet cut my lip.
"I won't listen to yer bloody lies" he said as he punched me in the stomach. I gasped for air and crouched to my knees my right arm wrapped across my stomach while my left arm braced the ground.
I struggled back to my feet when he knocked my legs out from underneath me causing me to fall to the ground with a loud groan. Then he kicked me in the stomach causing me to cry out in pain and clutch at my stomach. When he drop kicked my good leg and I screamed in unbearable. That's when the Whispering Death began to become enraged and come to my defense unfortunately by then the Outcasts were in the process in recaging her so she could not come to my aid. I had an unlikely savior though.
"ALVIN STOP YOUR GOING TO KILL HER." I heard Savage yell and then start holding Alvin back.
"And who cares if I do?" Alvin snarled at Savage trying to fight him off.
"Then who will help you train your dragons? or how will get vengeance on Stoick the Vast?" Savage asked.
Alvin stopped processing this information "Alright you have a point ther'. Get 'er outta my sight" Alvin growled. "I'll deal wi' 'er later."
"Of course Alvin you let ole Savage take care of her for ya." Savage said obviously brownnosing to win favor with Alvin. Alvin left the arena to drown his anger in mead and ale.
I was too busy laying on the ground in pain to pay much attention feeling as though I could black out if the abuse had continued. When Savage approached me I tensed up and braced myself against anymore attacks. "Hey take it easy. I'm not gonna hurt ya" he said.
"Why...why would I..I believe an Out..Outcast" I struggled to speak through the pain. I could feel my face was swollen.
"Well I suppose you can't but at the moment you don't have a choice. Can you walk?" Savage asked me.
I gritted my teeth feeling the pain shooting through my leg and shook my head no. He then placed an arm behind my back and under my knees and scooped me up in a bridle carry and started walking out of the arena. I really didn't pay much attention to where I was being taken till he stopped in what looked like a cell.
He handed me a cloth for my bleeding mouth "How's the rest of ya? Do ya need a healer?" he asked me.
I winced and said "I don't know I just feel I'm in a lot of pain right now"
I was placed on a pile of hay and rags "Sorry Alvin's orders" he said and clamped an iron collar around my neck attached to a long chain that connected to the wall. He passed me a flask for the pain he said.
He stood and stepped out of the cell and the door clanged shut.
***Hello my little Nightfuries yay 200 reads woohoo. Feel like a real author. Let me know how you feel the stories going. I don't know I probably shouldn't have involved Alvin and the Outcasts but bad things come in threes you know so I felt it needed that extra element.
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