Why are you always hiding?
Hiccupa's POV:
I was starting to wake up the sun was peering through the shutters of my window I could hear Toothless's breathing where he slept on a slab in my room. I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed and stretched my arms up in the air and scratched my sides while yawning. I stood up and got dressed in my brown leggings and green knee length dress with my brown fur vest and then pulled on my one boot. I brushed out my hair and stuck in a ponytail. Then I went over to Toothless and stoked his face
"Good morning Bud how'd you sleep?" Toothless then yawned and stretched out like a cat and licked me in the face.
I laughed and said "Yeah I'm happy to see you too. Hungry for breakfast?" Then we trooped out of my room and down the stairs where my father Stoick the Vast was already eating.
"Good morning dad" I said.
"Good morning Hiccupa" he replied. I went in the kitchen area where we kept some Atlantic cod on ice an grabbed a few for Toothless
"Here ya go Bud" I said putting them in front of him. Then I scooped some oatmeal in a bowl and joined my father at the table where I started to think of what has been bothering me lately.
"Dad can I ask you a question?" "Of course what kind of Chief and father would I be if I wasn't there for my only daughter" he said.
"Well I've noticed that Ash has been distant lately and busy and its starting to bother me. He just doesn't seem to have any time for me anymore. I just don't know what to think." I responded then I looked to my father hopefully looking for advice. My father looked a little uncomfortable for a moment which caught me by surprise because Stoick the Vast has a reputation of being calm in any situation.
Then he said "You know Hiccupa just because he is busy doesn't mean he isn't thinking about you. When I was younger and your mother was still around I went off on raids and I would think of her the whole time I was gone. Looking forward to my return home when I could have her in my arms again." he said with a far away look in his eyes. "Oh I guess I hadn't thought of that" I said.
"Still he isn't gone on a raid though he is here in the village" I pointed out. " I try talking to him and he tells me he is busy and we will talk later or I will see you later" I said looking down in my oatmeal having lost interest in breakfast. "Also, their was that day last week when I walked into the house and you and Ash were talking and he ran out of here in a big hurry barely even telling me goodbye. What were you two talking about anyway that was so importance and secretive anyway?" I said.
My father who had been talking a drink of water slammed his tankard on the table and started coughing and choking turning red in the face. "Dad are you OK?" I said worried.
"I'm fine. I'm fine" He said waving me off "I have to go Chief things to do a newborn sheep needs a name and someone stole a baby" he said grabbing his helmet and charging out the door in a hurry and letting it slam behind him. Toothless looked at me in confusion and I shrugged my shoulders back at him not sure of what to think of the men in my life anymore. Then I sighed and started picking up the dishes and putting them in the kitchen washing the bowls and putting them away to dry.
"OK, Bud it's time to head to the forge" I said walking out the door and closing it behind me. We started walking through the village which was in full swing for a typical weekday villagers running about their business dragons stomping past or flying overhead. Various villagers would stop and pay their respects to me wishing me "Good morning" or a "Fine day for flying mistress Hiccupa" and I would nod and wish them in kind. This morning however people were acting stranger teenage girls walking by would take one look at me and erupt in fits of giggles which hadn't happened since before the red death. The villagers greeted me but seem to give me strange knowing smiles almost as though there were some inside joke I did not know about. Even the older market women saw me and started giggling uncontrollably.
"Toothless, is it just me or has the whole village been taken over by teenage girls" I said looking over at Toothless who seemed to shrug.
Finally I reached the forge Toothless went off to his usual spot to nap until I took my break for lunch. I went in the forge tying on my leather apron and lifting up my ponytail. When all of a sudden Gobber came charging out of no where in a frenzied state.
"Hiccupa what are you doing here?" he cried out.
"Uh..I work here I thought I would start working on a saddle for Sven" I said looking at Gobber strangely.
"Well not today your not. What if you got hurt and burned yourself? Not to mention your hair. Get out of here and take the day off" he said.
"Gobber I have been your apprentice since I was seven years old you have never worried about me burning myself let alone my hair in all these years. I'm my father's daughter remember I'm not a delicate little flower I have a peg leg for god's sake." I said gesturing down to my leg out of exasperation.
Then Gobber said "True but for the sake of arguments today your NOT working the forge." He looked around then picked up a parcel " Here take this to Gothi for me that will keep you busy and out of harm."
"OK your the boss" I said taking off my leather apron and hanging it back up one the nail then I picked up the parcel and walked outside. Toothless perked up his ears at seeing me come out.
"Slight change in plans Bud want to go for a flight up to Gothi's" I said. Toothless leaped up with his wing spread so I could climb up on his saddle and place the parcel in his saddle bag. I slid my peg leg into place and made the proper adjustments for flight. Then Toothless began to beat his massive wings and we took off into the air to Gothi's house on the hill.
~~~Time Pass~~~
We landed at Gothi's I climbed off the saddle taking the parcel with me and knocked on Gothi's door. Maybe Gothi can help me with my problems with Ash she is elder and she does possess a lot of knowledge I thought to myself. The door opened and Gothi's eyes lit up as soon as she saw me and she gestured for me to come in. Her terrible terrors were sprawled around her home like house cats sleeping or reclining wherever they felt comfortable which was everywhere.
"Gobber told me to bring this to you which is why I am here today" I said presenting her with the parcel she took it from me bowing her head in thanks and then setting it on a table. Then she gestured over to a chair bidding me to sit with her. Gothi and I had developed a bond after I lost my leg since she helped nurse me back to health almost like an aunt I never had. Sitting down I decided I needed to talk to her since everyone I know is acting strange lately. I looked up at Gothi was was looking at me with a big smile on her face and a knowing look her eyes similar to what I had been seeing today well here goes nothing I thought.
"Gothi I'm having some problems with Ash he seems busy and distracted lately and I don't know what to do? Also, everybody is acting weird around me today" I said anxiously.
Gothi was tracing her staff in the ashes by the fire place which is how she typically communicates so I looked over to see what she was writing and I had to admit I was taken aback by what I saw. The village elder of Berk was tracing hearts and arrows like a lovesick teenage girl would do on her math notebook. I also saw my and Ash's initials being traced in one of the hearts.
"Uh...Gothi what does this mean?" I asked her confused. Then she looked up at me in surprise as though she hadn't heard what I just said. That's when I determined I was on my own in this matter because everyone was lost in a daze or too wrapped up in their own lives to give me any support.
"Well anyway Gothi I need to be going so I will see you around" I said and then stood up and walked out of her hut.
I looked over at Toothless sadly "Alright Bud how about you and me go for a fly and then well just go home, OK?"
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