What Possesses Me To Right What You Have Sufferred
Dagur's POV:
I can't believe how well things are going. The Crones were right she has only had three servings of the potion but she is already putting up less resistance then when she had the first mixture. Still a long way to go till she completely trusts me and is able to share my affections. I can't help but feel guilty when I embrace her and see the fear in her eyes. When I kiss her the tears that fill her eyes and stream down her face. It's a necessary evil though to show her my true intentions and affections. When I first touched her she recoiled from my touch now she seems to have grown accustomed to it.
The Crones did say she was a strong willed woman so gaining her love would take time and I know she hasn't mentioned or brought up Him but I know she is thinking about Ash. I can see it in her eyes and the careful way she chooses her words around me scared to bring him up. Scared of what my reaction would be I can only presume but I refuse to bring him up either. It is important I wait because that is the next phase of my plan where I start to make her believe that Ash is the one she should not trust.
As her trust in me grows I will make sure she distrusts her own father and Ash. Oh, what a blow it will be to the Chief of Berk to have his own daughter fearing him I think with a smirk. Perfect demigod Ash what can you do knowing the woman you love is terrified of you and recoils from your touch. A smile spreads across my face just thinking about it.
I remembered the sight of this small defenseless girl missing a leg striding up to a dragon ten times her size without a worry on her face as if it was an everyday occurrence. She went up to that dragon with just an outstretched hand a confident air and it was like a trained puppy at her feet. I had never seen Hiccupa so fearless in all my life not since she was a very young child before my torment of her began. I had to admit I found her rather attractive in her commanding tone giving orders and able to control a dangerous predator all at the same time. It was hard to believe because later that evening she was a trembling, teary mess in my arms once again.
Still her eyes, bright green emerald orbs, as they were took my breath away. Her soft, smooth, milky, white skin I loved to run my hands over. And her lips gods her soft sweet lips it was worth stealing her kisses when I think about them. Her small body so easy for me to possess and caress.
I soon reached my private quarters I found the letter she wrote I untied the piece of twine and read it over. Clever girl she must have known it would be read as she left nothing to personal in the letter. I saw my name one way of communicating who held her without being accusatory. I deemed it worthy to send onto Berk I pulled out the missive I had completed earlier.
To Chief Stoick The Vast,
Please be advised your daughter Hiccupa is under my protection and will remain as such. No harm shall come to her I pledge my life on it. If peace is to remain between our villages and we are to be brothers in arms then an alliance must be made. I request the betrothal of your daughter to cement this alliance further with or without your approval. If Berk should interfere with our wedding day. War will be imminent and I assure you I have many strong allies who are sworn enemies of Berk at my disposal who have sworn allegiance to my cause. If you choose not to then you shall gain a worthy son-in-law of your daughters hand and an alliance in the future against your enemies.
Chief Dagur the Deranged
I then gathered the two letters rolling them up and tying them up with twine I strolled outside to where the terrible terror was. I slipped the missives in the satchel on the beast and said "Off to Berk with you!" I watched as it gave a squawk and took off into the air disappearing into the night. Then I went off to sleep.
The next day I woke up and after breakfast I visited with my war cabinet in preparation in case Berk should give resistance to my matrimonial plans. I wanted to be sure the men were training and remaining sharp and focused. Check the inventory of weapons make sure what we had was in proper form and keep up the construction of new weapons. I was with them quite awhile in talks some asking if she was worth such trouble till I brought up the matter of the gronckle. After hearing how she tamed the savage beast all protests grew quiet.
She would be a worthy ally in the future to be sure especially as we acquire more dragons and with her skills in training them. Not to mention her nightfury give it time and I will make sure she is reunited with the creature once more. She obviously cares for the creature a great deal and it is an endearing quality to her nature surely one who can love a dragon can grow to love myself I thought with longing.
Finally after much discussion and deliberation we were adjourned. I decided to work out all the pent up aggression and energy and go spar with the men. I took up my Axe and went off to the training area where I took to sparring off. I warn my men never to go easy on me because any enemy I face won't give me the privilege. I order them to treat me the same when training to come at me as hard as possible so that I can stay in top form.
I took up my Axe and shield and began facing off swinging and fending off blows. I felt the sweat start to pour down my face as I faced off fending off one after another. Of course I try not to be to brutal to my own warriors not wanting them wounded when we might have need of them but still they need to be able to defend themselves. I think of this as I knock one of my men to the ground my axe going to his throat.
"Now if I was your enemy and not your chief you would be dead. I suggest you train harder or you can expect to be a casualty in the next battle" I said lowering my axe blade.
Then I moved on to the next taking on two at a time sweeping one of my legs out and knocking one down I swung out and blocked a blow with my shield. I kept at my pace the men being no match for me soon I was finished I stood their leaning against the handle of my axe breathing heavily. One of the men brought me a skin full of water I thanked him and drained it right away.
I decided to head back to my chambers I would bathe and then join Hiccupa for dinner soon that evening. I was walking the hallways of my home when I heard a crashing noise and Hiccupa screaming then it went quiet. I took off running with my axe in hand I heard where the noise came from down a hallway. I ran up to where I was sure I heard the noise in a supply closet. I pressed my ear to the door I heard muffled cries and sounds of struggling and men's voices. I hefted up my axe and began chopping down the door in a matter of a few swings I was through and what I saw caused me to fly into a blind rage.
Hiccupa was pinned to the floor three of my men were their holding her down. One was straddled on top of her while another held her arms down while covering her mouth. Tears were treaming down her face. One of the other men held her legs down he had blood streaming down his face. She had put up a fight. Good for her well I will finish it for her.
The men looked stunned and turned to me in surprise. "GET THE HELL OFF OF HER RIGHT NOW" I ordered them. They stood up and then spread out preparing to fight me. I smirked true I was back from training heavily but I could feel rage and adrenaline pumping through my veins. I noticed one of the men had a bloody wound on his leg. She really had put up a fight.
"You cowards think you can take me on" I challenged "Well come on then don't let me stop you." I cast my axe aside.
The first to come at me was the one with the knife wound in his leg I immediately punched him in the knife wound causing a yelp of pain to come out of him and he kneeled down. I kicked him in the stomach then I started punching him in the face repeatedly. When I could tell he was yielding I threw him down.
The next to step forward was the one I saw straddling her I immediately went after him with all the rage I could muster striking him down with my fists and then kicking him in his stomach and ribs when he was down. After he was a crumpled mess I turned my sights on the last one.
He had blood running down the side of his face and he held his hands out as if wanting to yield I shook my head and lunged at him. I hit him on either side of his head and then continued to punch and kick him down. When he was a fallen mess to the floor I shoved him with my boot.
It was at this time I turned to see several of my guards watching the commotion. "Take these traitors away to the dungeons and clamp them in chains. They are to be made examples of in the morning" I told the guards. They stepped forwards grabbing the pathetic excuses of humanity and dragging them away.
I slowly walked up to Hiccupa who was sitting on the floor hugging her self and trembling her face buried in her knees. "Hiccupa it's OK now those men are gone I will make sure that they never hurt you or another woman ever again" I told her touching her hand. I saw her dress had been ripped in several different places. Then I asked one of the remaining guards for a cloak to be brought to me.
One of my guards arrived with the cloak I wrapped it around Hiccupa and then I nodded at him to leave us. I stroked her loose hair. She lifted her tear stained face up which just about broke my heart. Her face was red where they must have been hitting her I needed to get her out of here and to my private quarters. Then I was going to find out how this happened. I instinctively put my arms around her and felt her stiffen at first but then she threw her arms around me which took me by surprise and she laid her head on my shoulder. I then slid my other arm under her knees and lifted her up off the floor and carried her away.
I walked to my private quarters going to my lounge and setting her down in a chair near the fireplace then I kneeled in front of her. I sighed and looked into her eyes she had a mix of emotions running across her face.
"Hiccupa I am going to ask you some questions you don't need to say anything unless you want to just nod for yes or no. Is that alright." I said. She nodded her head at me.
"I need you to show me where they hurt you if you are comfortable enough to do that. I see they hit you in the face already but if you can show me where else, is that alright?" I then asked her. She swallowed and nodded her head again.
She lifted her hair up slowly and turned her neck to show me bruises and cuts all over her neck. I grit my teeth and suppressed my anger "They tried to choke you and held a knife to your neck. Is that why you can't talk?" I asked her. She nodded her head again closing her eyes.
Then she held her hands to her stomach and grimaced. "They punched you in the stomach?" I asked she nodded her head yes. I rubbed my hand over my face this was too much.
Then she parted the rips of her dress to show me her shin which had large bruises from being kicked forming already. "Is their anywhere you aren't injured?" I asked incredulously.
Then I sighed again not looking forward to my last question I would have to approach it as delicately as I could. " Hiccupa did they...I mean...are you... still a maiden?" I asked. She then nodded her head vigorously her cheeks flushing. "I'm sorry I had to ask but I need to know. I am going to have Heather, the Healer, and a few other women to come and sit with you. I have some business to attend too." I said clenching my fists.
I poured a glass of water and handed it to Hiccupa who then gasped "Thank you for stopping them." I cringed out of guilt obviously it was my fault this happened not leaving her better protected. "Don't speak rest your voice" I said.
I stepped out of the room and spoke with the men outside the door to fetch my sister and the Healer. I returned to Hiccupa placing my hand on her shoulder she looked up at me with a half smile and then turned away blushing. I then smiled her feelings towards me are changing I think.
The door burst open and Heather came in panic on her face she looked at me then at Hiccupa "Dagur I came as soon as I heard I am so sorry I didn't know where she was. I've been looking everywhere" she said.
"Heather calm yourself for Hiccupa's sake she has been beaten within an inch of her life. The healer is coming to tend to her wounds. She is going to need a change of clothes as well. I want you and several women to stay with her while I visit the dungeons. I need to find out how this happened" I told her.
Heather then nodded her head looking worried and guilty still. The door opened again and the healer arrived I explained to the healer Hiccupa's wounds. Then I returned to Hiccupa
"I am going to leave you with Heather she will take care of you. I will see you later tonight" I told her then I leaned in and brushed my lips to her cheek.
I stood up and left the room my features hardening as I ventured to the dungeons thinking about how I would make them pay for what they had done and what they had attempted to do.
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