The Price Was High
I watched forlornly as Hiccupa flew through the air she was returning back to my Chief's hut to finish recuperating and then would return to Berk. Return to Ash. I felt empty and wished I had never heard of Crone Island in the first damn place. Now my heart was in pieces and the only one to blame was myself. I saw her hair flutter in the breeze it came loose from it's braid. I longed to run my fingers through her hair one last time or even one last kiss. No I need to stop these thoughts this is how I got in trouble in the first place.
When we landed back at the main entrance to my hut I saw Ash and the other Berkian's were their. Ash ran up towards Toothless and lifted Hiccupa from the saddle embracing her in a hug. I looked away in remorse. Heather and some of my guards came up to me.
"Chief" they saluted. I nodded towards them and dismissed them.
"Dagur, I can see by the look on your face that your talk with Hiccupa did not go as you had hoped" Heather said.
I recalled our conversation from the night before: "What do I do Heather? I'm desperate. I fucked everything up. Now I've really lost her. She is my light Heather what do I do when my light is gone? How do I live?"
"Dagur, brother please remember you are a Chief of Berserk you have many who look up to you for protection and guidance. You need to be strong for their sakes and mine." Heather said looking me in the eye determined but I could the see guilt and the care in her eyes for me.
"I know that Heather. I will never neglect my duties but she was to be my happiness." I said forlornly.
"Dagur it's not over yet. When you speak with her tomorrow you need to be as sincere and as truthful as possible. Confess your love and devotion admit your crimes and vow not to repeat them in the future. I can't promise you she will love you but at least she will know the truth" Heather told me firmly.
I nodded my head "I will give my all tomorrow."
After my meeting with Hiccupa. I nodded my head. "She turned me down. She doesn't trust me anymore either" I spoke solemnly. "She's going back to Berk soon and will resume her engagement to Ash and in time they will..." I paused. "marry."
Heather looked at me sadly. "I am sorry, Dagur. Truly I am. Is their anything I can do for you?" she asked.
"No. I just want to be alone for now." I patted my large hand on Heather's shoulder and walked away.
I led Shattermaster back to his pen. He could tell I was feeling down as he cooed and nudged his head towards my hand. I rubbed his nose and gave him a sad smile.
"At least I have you Shattermaster" I said.
It was late and I was alone I dismissed the guards for the night so I could tend to Shattermaster. A lone tear slipped from my eye. 'Funny I haven't cried in years not since I was a young lad. Oh, Hiccupa what have you done to me.' I thought as I was feeding Shattermaster tossing rocks in the air so he could fly up and catch them.
The time passed on I was about to take my leave and head to bed. Judging by the moon it must be on midnight. It was then a strange sensation passed over me, clouds swept over the moon making it seem to have grown darker and an ominous aura was beginning to creep in around me. I decided one last rock for Shattermaster and I would leave him for the night, I had a rock mid throw when I heard them.
"So, Chief Dagur of Berserk"
"It would seem your beloved has rescinded your offer"
"Yes, truly a love made in deceit is not a love that can last"
The three crones emerged from the shadows once again taking turns speaking. Their hoods pulled upon their wrinkled faces and grayed hair. Clutching their wooden staffs as they approached me. I gripped the rock hard in my grasp anger within me now that the Crones were here. "Yeah, what of it? Come to gloat over my misfortune." I snarled.
"Sisters, I believe he has forgotten"
"Yes, an important detail he neglected to remember when he left our shores"
"We did warn him, did we not?"
I looked in confusion now "Forgot what? What the hel are you hags talking about?" I asked.
"Ah, listen as he speaks to us in such disrespect"
"Truly, the insolence of the young and prideful"
"Tis, not wise to anger those you owe a debt to young Chief"
"Debt? What debt? Would you mind explaining to me what the Hel is going on here?" I said my anger dispelling and my concern beginning to rise.
"Sister's need we remind him?"
"When you make a deal with the crones"
"The price is High!"
It was then it came back to me when they had given me the potion they never requested payment. Till now apparently. "Oh, if gold is what you want I have plenty to give." I said beginning to understand. After all I had been through and losing the love of my life a few gold coins mattered little to me.
"Do we three look like we desire frivolous notions?"
"Silver and gold"
"Finery and wealth"
All three of them raised their fingers "No, what we desire is YOU, Chief Dagur" they all spoke in unison pointing their fingers towards me.
I was taken aback "Me. What do you mean, me? I have so much at my disposal to give you. If you require a slave I can purchase a dozen for you. Each." I said beginning to become concerned.
"No we do not desire"
"Three dozen slaves"
"What we desire is the one who struck a deal with us"
"Why now? Why am I only learning of this now?" I demanded. "Surely you could have told me this at the time of our visit." I demanded.
"Surely Chief Dagur the Deranged"
"You knew the risks"
"Of striking a deal on Crone Island"
I looked at them doubtfully. 'What are they on about?'
"This is how we kept our existence"
"A closely guarded secret"
"Few who make a deal with the Crone's of Crone Island live to tell of it"
I felt a cold shiver run down my spine at their words. It was almost comical the way they spoke yet it was the things of nightmares to hear. "I-I can't do that I refuse. I have an island to protect and look after. I have a little sister. Who will watch over them when I am gone?" I challenged.
"You should have considered"
"Those you hold dear"
"Instead of throwing your life away on a gamble"
"You can't force me to go with you. What can you do your three crippled old women? I am a Viking Chief from a proud line of Berserkers" I hefted my ax. "I dare you to take me away." I challenged a cold edge to my voice as I swung my ax out.
"Foolish mortal"
"Do you think brute force and strength"
"Can stop us?"
They then began to laugh and cackle as a lightning bolt blasted through the sky accompanied with a loud clap of thunder. I leaped out of the way lest I be stuck down.
"The price is high!"
"The price is high!"
"The price is high!"
They then began chanting in tongues as they consorted in a circle around me. I stood on guard my axe in my hand watching them closely as they waved their staffs about. A green, black mist began to appear from nowhere. "What is this witchery?" I called out. The triptych of crones simply ignored me as they continued their chants and the mist grew thicker. I felt my body grow heavy and unable to move.
"Hey, seriously! Their must be something you want I can give you for payment? land? a trained dragon? anything? ANYTHING?" I frantically tried to bargain with the beldame's but they continued to ignore my pleas. 'Why can't I move? What is going on?' I struggled but was unable to move. I could hear Shattermaster whimpering in concern at what was happening to me.
The green fog rose up and engulfed me. I was losing consciousness and incapable of movement. My body felt as though it were slipping away.
The fog recedes and Dagur the Deranged is no longer on Berserker island. The Crone's however remain in a circle long enough to begin chanting.
"The price was HIGH!"
"The price was HIGH!"
"The price was HIGH!"
Then they too disappear from Berserker island. The clouds moved away from the moon revealing it's light, the fog and ominous aura recedes, and all that is left is a distressed Shattermaster whimpering and crooning for his lost master.
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