Rescue Mission
We returned to Berk relatively quickly, and with the help of Ash I went up to Gothi's hut to receive first aid so I would be able to walk on my own as well as consult with her on how to seek out Crone's Island as well as how to bring back a captive who owed a price.
Meanwhile the rest of the riders were gathering up weapons and provisions or resting up for our next mission to Crone's island. The dragons were either at play or napping after the long flight. Toothless lay inside Gothi's hut close to me as I received medical treatment. After , Gothi scratched out the runes on the floor as to what I must do as I read them out loud to make sure I understood what I absolutely must do.
"So your saying if they did magic against me it will go back on them times three?" I asked.
Gothi nodded in reply then resumed writing on the floor. "And since they did magic against me I can challenge them by the laws of magic to right what has been wronged." I clarified.
Gothi nodded once again. "What if I want to claim Dagur as my own "prisoner" for what has been done against me. Do you think that would out?" I asked.
Gothi thought and scratched out "Only problem is how would you be able to get off the island then. The Crone's are tricky and crafty you must stay alert at all times. To them everything has a price."
I thought about it my brows drew up in concentration. Toothless nudge my kneed crooning his large green eyes looking up at me. I then came up with an idea.
"What if I had something they wanted? I asked would they be willing to accept a trade?" I asked Gothi.
She began scratching again. "Well it would depend on what you had to trade. It would have to be at least worth that of a young, strong Viking warrior Chief." Hiccupa read out loud.
"What if I had a Nightfury?" I asked.
"Hiccupa No." Ash said looking up in shock. "I understand your friendship and with Heather and peace alliance with the Berserker's is important but don't sacrifice Toothless. He is practically your brother."
Toothless let a warble and I pet his head. "Don't worry Bud I won't let anyone hurt you." I said and kissed his head putting the nightfury at ease.
Gothi scratched out. "Well I suppose such an offer would be worthy of a human man but what exactly are your intentions, Hiccupa." Ash read out loud from Gothi's writings.
"For now that is something I am keeping to myself." I stood up leaning against Toothless. "Thank you Gothi for all your advice but I have to leave we are running out of time. I don't know if they intend to leave Dagur alive or kill him and we need to hurry."
Gothi moved over to the side of her hut and pulled out a small pouch and presented it to Hiccupa then began scratching "If things get out of hand throw this in to a fire. It will buy you time to get out as fast as possible." Gothi then embrace Hiccupa and Ash giving her blessing.
It was dangerous business going to Crone's island few returned from the trip unscathed. Now that Hiccupa had intentions of collecting a prisoner who owed a price to the Crone's that made the trip three times as dangerous and thrice times as likely as not returning. Yet their was something about the young Viking maiden as she limped along with the help of her intended and the so-called unholy offspring of lightning and death, that perhaps the very God's themselves were looking her and protecting her through every dangerous errand she was thrown into.
Gothi sent up prayers to the Gods and Goddesses themselves to watch over the future Chieftess of the village. Their were things she had not told her because it was not her business too. It was all up the Gods and the fates now.
"Hiccupa where are we going now? Why won't you tell me what your planning?" Ash asked his Fiancée.
"I am sorry Ash if I tell you, you may try to stop me. Where I am going is the forge I have something I have been working on in secret I had wanted more time to finish it but I don't have time for that now."
Several hours after the return to Berk all the riders were assembled armed, packed, and saddled ready to embark to Crone's island. It was then a masked figure emerged in a black leather suit completely obscuring their identity but upon the notice of an improved metal peg leg it became evident who it was. The rider removed the mask allowing her auburn braid to fall across her right shoulder.
"Alright, everyone are we ready?" she asked determined.
Eyes widened upon the sight of seeing her in such impressive armor complete with her personal Nightfury/Viking insignia on the shoulder pad.
"Whoa, Hiccupa that is badass. Can you make me one?" asked Tuffnut.
"Same." said Ruffnut.
"What is this a rescue mission or a fashion show?" Sassed Spitelout.
"Well if you really must know it's away to protect myself as well as a flight suit in case I get separated from Toothless in the future." said Hiccupa feeling exasperated.
"My daughter are you sure you are up to this we can always send the riders on their own. I could go in your place." Stoick asked Hiccupa in concern.
"Dad I understand your worried about me but this is something I have to do I gave my word. Remember you taught me that to always stand by your word. Also, I can't let these beldams continue on like this what if they cause more harm to Berk. You also taught me a Chief protects his own so I am going to protect my own." Hiccupa said her emerald eyes looking her father determined in the face.
Stoick smiled. "Alright, I see that I have raised you right. Well then please know that I love you and look forward to your return. Take care of yourself and your own." Stoick said as he embraced his daughter and gestured to her crew.
"Of course Dad and I love you too. I will come back to you and we can talk about a wedding. Doesn't that sound better then battles and rescue missions." Hiccupa said returning the embrace the armor cushioning her from her father's crushing embrace.
After, they separated Hiccupa mounted Toothless and replaced the mask upon her face. Lifting it above her forehead she called out "Alright, gang we're off to rescue Dagur the Deranged. I can't believe I am saying this." Then she lowered the mask and Toothless took flight leaping into the air and one by one the rest of the riders followed.
Meanwhile, on Crone's Island Dagur the Deranged had just regained consciousness he was weak and groggy unaware as to where he was. He attempted movement when he felt and heard the heavy clank of metal manacles and chains attached to his wrists and ankles their was even one about his neck.
"What the Hel?" he spoke out loud. For a moment he had a flashback to Outcast island back when he was a prisoner but no that wasn't right. Then he remembered those blasted Crone's had come to him the previous night? He couldn't tell what day it was or if it was night as he was in a darkened cell. It was damp where he was they had left him on a pile of fresh hay with a burlap blanket covering it. Slowly his eyes adjusted to the dark there was a wooden door on the other side of the cell with a faint light creeping in from under the crack as well as muffled voices.
Sitting on the mound of hay restricted by chains all he could do was bow his head and chuckle to himself. He wished he'd never heard of Crone's island in the first damn place as it had brought him nothing but troubles but it wasn't all true. He thought of Hiccupa in that moment the guilt blooming in his chest and all of the wrongs he committed against her.
Yes, he was a bastard but he wouldn't have traded a moment of it. The look of her emerald eyes as they looked upon him for the first time without fear, doubt, mistrust clouding them. The touch of her hair as he ran his fingers through it. The feel of her small lithe body against his own muscular build as he embraced her or carried her in his arms. The feel of her soft lips when he pressed his own to hers and his tongue as he laid claim to her mouth exploring. The feel of her bosom as it pressed against his chest and the excited gasps and small moans he had heard her make because of him.
No, he didn't regret a moment of any of it being able to that close to the love of his life. Unfortunately, for him he had ruined any hope or chance of ever being close to Hiccupa again. He remembered the look of utter betrayal and devastation that befell her beautiful face once he had confessed his sins to her. The words she spoke while they hurt they had been the truth spoken from a broken heart. He would never blame Hiccupa for any of this no, it had never been her fault in the first goddamn place it was all his. If he hadn't been such a bully and an idiot when they were children he might have had a chance with her now and given that Ash a run for his money.
Now it was too late the damage was done their was nothing he could do except to give her up and walk away. She was with the one she loved. Ash was obviously meant for he since he hadn't done anything as shitty and underhanded as Dagur the Deranged had and used magic against her to make her love him. His only hope was that maybe someday in the future Hiccup might find it in her heart to forgive him for what he had done. Not that even he deserved that he thought.
"This is what I deserve" Dagur said out loud quietly as he looked down at the manacles on his wrists sitting in the dark.
The dragon riders were in sight of Crone's island it was dark at the moment the sun had set half an hour ago. The dragon's flew past the sea stacks and landed down on the beach. Hiccupa dismounted removing her mask standing against Toothless stroking his side. Ash came up beside her. The other riders dismounted and everyone gazed upon the island made up of the massive rock formation that resembled an old woman.
"Let's split up" announced Hiccupa. "Ash and I will go seek out the Crone's. Some of you should stay here with the dragons on the beach. The rest see if you can find Dagur or if their is anyone else on the island." Hiccupa finished.
Hiccupa and Ash began walking towards the cave opening where a green light was seen Toothless followed along. Heather and Fishlegs went off in search of her brother Dagur. The twins went off in search of boars. Spitelout decided to stay on the beach and catch some sleep. The dragons set about playing in the water or napping.
Hiccupa was walking having some difficulty with the pegleg sinking in the sand. "Here let me help you." Ash took hold her arm allowing some her weight to shift to his side so she was able to walk on easier. "Thank you, Ash" Hiccupa smiled then pecked his cheek. Ash was caught a bit off guard and blushed it had been awhile since the two had shared any physical affection.
Ash stopped all movement spun Hiccupa in front of him and then pulled her in pressing his lips to her in a heated kiss. Then he abruptly separated and straightened out Hiccupa to continue their walk to the cave.
"Ash wh-what was that?" Hiccupa gasped breathless.
"We just never seem to have the time you and I. So I wanted to make the time." Ash then turned to Hiccupa with a cocky grin "By the way I'm not finished that was just the start when all this is over you and I are running off to be alone."
Toothless made a sound behind the two. "OK so we won't be that alone." Ash corrected.
They reached the cave entrance where the sickly, green light was and muffled voices were heard. Hiccupa and Ash faced each other "Are you ready for this?" Ash asked.
Hiccupa pulled out a sword from a hip sheath selected a button which caused it light on fire causing Ash to look on in shock and surprise. "Yes, yes I am." she said determined.
Then she entered the cave first with Ash following when they reached the main room of the cave pulling aside the hides which hung to prevent drafts their senses were assailed by scents, sounds, and sights. The chamber of the cave all around was crowded with artifacts of magic bones, feathers, scrolls, jars containing various substances, furniture and chests everywhere. At the center a fire with a massive cauldron it was everything you expected of a witches coven to resemble the three crone's stood at the center of it all in their ragged gowns looking on in shock, anger, and rage.
"Sisters look who comes upon our doorstep"
"The maiden fare who rides the unholy offspring of lightning and death itself"
"Truly an ominous omen this is"
Hiccupa then spoke "I mean you three no harm, for now. You have committed magic against me and in order to right this wrong I am owed a boon." said Hiccupa standing determined the flaming sword drawn before her.
"Well sisters it would seem she knows"
"A bit about the laws of magic herself"
"A worthy adversary don't you think?"
Hiccupa sighed and drew the sword aside "I have come for Dagur the Deranged his sister and tribe wish for his safe return. Return him to me and I will consider our business final." Hiccupa said.
The three crone's looked amongst themselves and began to laugh.
"It is true we have dabbled in magic against you."
"But it was due to the meddlesome actions of one Dagur the Deranged himself"
"Had he not set foot on our shores and made such a request we would not have made such an inconvenience upon your life in the first place.
The three spoke.
"However he owes us a price as well"
"For a service granted and rendered"
"His freedom for that price we simply cannot allow. You would have to trade us something far greater in return to relinquish him to you."
"A strong lad such as him"
"Can perform a great deal of laborious tasks and chores for us"
"And when he can no longer work he will be the makings of a great many spells and charms for us in the future"
"Ah, but to go back on what you owe means it will come back upon you times three. You owe me a boon yet if you wish not to carry on that added demerit." Hiccupa said challenging the Crone's further.
"Young maid look upon us"
"Yes gaze at us now"
"Do we three look like we fear the price that comes of paying the threefold pact."
Then all three crone's pulled back the hoods of their cloaks revealing the most hideous and deformed (could they even be called humans anymore?) women Hiccupa and Ash had ever seen. Their skin were the colors of ashen grey to sickly green, warts and lumps of misshapen skin covered their faces, their teeth were discolored, crooked or missing. Both Hiccupa and Ash had to resist the urge to run out of the cave or scream. One of them barely had any hair only a few white hairs left, her pate covered in spots. Another had red and grey hair though thinned in areas. The last had a single braid of red hair and was otherwise bald. This is truly what it meant to practice in the dark arts.
"So now you see what others have not"
"Few have seen and lived to tell the tale"
"For this privilege we will let you live and tell the tale. Now consider the boon fully paid"
Hiccupa gripped handle of her sword in anger a cheap trick they had played but one she had been expecting.
"Why you no good son of troll-" Hiccupa had to stop Ash from cursing at the Crone's she knew he was angry as was she but losing their temper would not help them in this moment.
"Very well may I at least want to see Dagur before I make an offer in trade for him?" Hiccupa then asked.
The Crone's all resumed their hoods one of them walked towards the dark side of the cave to open the door and enter a moment later she emerged. A dirty and down hearted Dagur emerged bound in chains when he saw Hiccupa he thought he was imagining things perhaps a trick of the witches but then he saw Ash and knew Hiccupa was truly their.
"Hic-Hiccupa what are you doing here?" Dagur asked in shock looking at her in the dark armor the sword in her hand. She looked like a Valkyrie straight out of Ragnarok looking for revenge he thought to himself. The Crone who led him out forced him to his knees for being three old hags they possessed an inhuman strength Dagur found.
"Heather has requested that I bring you home, Dagur." Hiccupa said shortly being all business at the moment.
"Oh, Heather right, right." Dagur said all hope that had bloomed in his chest of Hiccupa requiting his love extinguished.
"Here he is then in one piece"
"The man responsible for so much grief and strife"
"Are you sure he is worth the price you will pay?"
The Crone's asked in their odd choice of speaking all three speaking a sentence as though they were one.
"Depends what can I give you three that I possess in trade for Dagur?" Hiccupa asked.
The three Crone's gathered close in conference whispering amongst each other suspicion arose amongst the others present. The three then straightened and assessed Hiccupa and began their speech once more.
"We took notice"
"In fact it was hard to ignore"
"You wear the shredded scales of a Nightfury."
"A creature such as that"
"Is very rare"
"and Illusive'
The Crone's grinned.
"If you truly desire this brutish thug"
"Then we require payment in full"
"The offspring of unholy lightning and death itself."
Dagur's head snapped up in shock there was no way Hiccupa would make such a trade for a worthless lout like him no he had made his bed and that was all there was to it.
"Hiccupa, as much as I appreciate the sentiment I know you won't be able to make that trade. Just tell Heather I love her and she can be Chieftess of the Berserker's." Dagur said dejectedly.
Ash whispered "I knew this was going to happen Hiccupa. What are we going to do now?"
Hiccupa heaved in a sigh she had promised to protect Toothless and no more harm would be fall him. She had a plan still she only hoped it would work.
Hiccupa looked up determined. "Very well while what you command as a price is far too high consider it done. First, release Dagur to his sister. Then the Nightfury is yours."
At this point Heather and Fishlegs had come wondering into the cave. They were about to speak when Hiccupa raised her hand asking for silence.
One of the Crone's waved her hand and the chains fell from Dagur who stood up shakily and moved over to Heather.
"Go then Dagur the Deranged"
"To your sister dear"
"and island home and never return to our threshold. For we will not forget this."
The Crone's spoke with a threat. Dagur nodded his head at them.
"Oh, Dagur I was so worried about you." Heather embraced her big brother with tears coming to her eyes.
Dagur hugged her with one arm and replied "Yeah. I did too. Come along Heather let's get you out of here."
"Fishlegs take them down to the beach we will be their shortly." Hiccupa said.
"Right, Hiccupa." said Fishlegs.
The Berserker's and Fishlegs then left the cave moving on to the beach where the dragons waited.
"Now then Hiccupa"
"It is time"
"To fulfill your part of the bargain"
Hiccupa lifted the skins and called "TOOTHLESS!" The nighfury then came bounding in like an excited puppy and slinked around Hiccupa in a protective manner.
Hiccupa rubbed Toothless's head "Ok Bud just like we talked about." Hiccupa whispered in his ear.
The Crone's looked on excitement gleamed in their dead eyes upon seeing such a sleek magnificent creature.
"Sister can you believe it"
"Right before our eyes"
A Nightfury!"
"This concludes our business well be leaving for Berk then." Hiccupa said. The Crone's at this point not paying attention to lost in their greed and plans at what they could do with a nightfury the possibilities unlimited. They were so distracted they did not see as Hiccupa slung the pouch Gothi had given her into the fire and then run out with Ash.
Hiccupa and Ash ran through the cave to the beach moving as quickly as they could kicking up sand. The sounds of screams and explosions filling the air as they ran.
"What did Gothi put in that Ash" Hiccupa said as they ran.
It was then the highpitched scream of a Nighfury filled the air and a plasma blast explosion shot out of the mountain behind them Toothless flew over landing by Hiccupa.
"Oh thank Thor it worked. I am so sorry Bud I will never put you in a situation like that again." Hiccupa said caressing Toothless. Toothless thought little of it when the explosions occurred he began climbing up higher into the cave. While the Crone's panicked and screamed each one looking out for their self. No loyalty in sisterhood it would seem. When he got as high as he could he found a weakness in the rock and blasted a way out and found Hiccupa again. He never belonged to them to begin with much like he didn't belong to Hiccupa just like Hiccupa didn't belong to him, they were like siblings in that way.
A massive explosion sounded behind them. Crone's island was going to sink into the sea. "Alright, Toothless get us out of here." Hiccupa said climbing on with Ash behind her.
Down at the beach the other rides had mounted and began to take off when they saw Toothless leap heading towards the sea stacks to wait. Heather, Fishlegs, and Dagur reach their dragons at the beach and Dagur was pounced at once. He shook his head and looked up grinning "Shattermaster! It's me daddy so good to see you." Dagur cried.
All the dragon riders sat atop the sea stacks watching the explosions fly into the air the mountainside collapsing. A whirlpool appeared and began to suck in the remains of Crone Island deep into the sea never to be seen or heard of again.
"It didn't have to be this way." Heather said.
"It was their own greed and darkness that drove them to this in the end." said Hiccupa.
Hiccupa looked all around her everyone was assembled safely and mounted on their dragons. Ash had returned to Stormfly.
"What will you do now Dagur?" Hiccupa asked her ally and former lover.
Dagur looked guilty. "Well Hiccupa I will return to my island and honor our treaty. You can rely on me to be your ally for life after all the trouble I have caused. Also, I hope to one day make things right between us so that you will forgive me." Dagur said.
Hiccupa heaved in a sigh she offered her hand "Yes, Dagur we will be allies for life. You are welcome on Berk as a friend and ally perhaps in time I will forgive you." she said.
Dagur smiled and shook. "You won't regret this Hiccupa. I swear to you Berserk will never harm nor hunt dragons again. In fact I will teach my people to appreciate dragons."
Hiccupa smiled "Thank you Dagur that is just what I wanted to hear."
"Alright, lets go home everybody." Hiccupa called out.
The riders took to the air flying towards Berk. While Dagur, Heather, and Fishlegs went towards Berserk. Heather wanted to spend more time with Fishlegs and since Fishlegs knew so much about gronckles Dagur gave him an official invitation.
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