Playing The Angel
Dagur's POV:
I was getting ready to meet with Hiccupa again we had taken a break after an afternoon of dragon training with the gronckle. It's amazing to watch this slip of a girl commanding a giant creature and treating it like an over grown puppy. Not to mention the enjoyment I feel at the closeness that is growing between us over these past couple of weeks. Only a matter of time now.
I was just a few feet from the door when I heard a scream cry out all of a sudden.
"Hiccupa" I say to myself. Fearing the worse that she is being attacked again I charge ahead and slam through the doors ready to take on whoever is threatening her.
However, what I find takes me by surprise Ash of all people is in the room and Hiccupa looks absolutely terrified. When she sees me she comes running towards me and throws her arms about me taking me by surprise because shouldn't she be happy to see Ash but then I recall the potion and my smear campaign against him must be working. My lips quirk up in a smile when I realize this.
"Alright, Dagur I have come to bring her home enough is enough" he said brandishing an axe.
Judging by Hiccupa's reaction that was not what the desired outcome Ash was hoping for as I felt her cling to me even more. I smirked and looked back up at Ash.
"I don't know about that Ash it looks to me Hiccupa could use some convincing about going with you" I said stroking her hair in a comforting gesture. I could see him grimacing in anger and gripping onto his axe even more a vengeful Thor come to take back my goddess.
"Dagur I don't know what's been going on around here to cause her to behave like this but I demand that you release her and let her return to her home and family where she belongs" he said sternly.
"Pretty brave aren't you Ash ordering a Chief about in his own home. Tell me where are the rest of the dragon riders?" I asked him in a taunting manner as I spread my arms out wide.
"It's just me Dagur I'm on my own" Ash confessed.
"A regular suicide mission then. Alright tell you what why don't we let Hiccupa decide then." I look down towards Hiccupa tilting her chin up "Hiccupa my love do you want to go with Ash and return to Berk? I'll let you go with him if that is what you truly desire" I said.
She stepped away from me "I'm sorry you went through so much trouble for me but I don't want to go back to Berk. I never really belonged their I can have a new life here" she said her voice trembling.
"Hiccupa please think about this do you know what you are giving up? I love you I want to marry you. Doesn't that mean anything to you anymore?" Ash said clearly begging.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes at this display if he thought this was going to sway her he had another thing coming. The potions hold was on her too strongly and while I had heard it only once she was falling in love with me.
"I'm sorry Ash it's just... I don't feel the same anymore." she broke down in tears and couldn't speak after that. She turned away from Ash and returned to my arms. I smiled and lifted my chin up in triumph.
"Ash your upsetting Hiccupa I think it's time for you to leave. Since I care for Hiccupa I'm feeling generous I will allow you to return to Berk unharmed if you leave right now and promise never to return" I said with a smile on my face.
I watched as a defeated Ash turned away called for his dragon a deadlynadder and flew away. Leaving me with my lady fair.
Hiccupa was in tears and inconsolable after Ash had left. After failing to calm her I bent down and scooped her up in a bridal carry and walked into the sitting room bringing her close to the fire. I sat down in a chair and held her close to me she lay her head on my chest tears streaming down her cheeks. I wiped her tears away and after a moment of silence I decided to speak.
"It's alright Hiccupa Dag-y is here. Ash is gone now you don't need to worry anymore tell me what's troubling you?" I asked her.
She looked up to me wiping tears away and said "That was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do and I don't even know why it was."
Perhaps she still has feelings for him after all the potion still has another two weeks for the thirty days to be complete I thought apprehensively. I pulled her closer to me.
"You must have been badly shaken up by him did he threaten you? or hurt you?" I ask avoiding the obvious.
"No, No it was just telling him to go away and leave me as though I didn't want him to but I was scared of him all at the same time . That I didn't feel that way when a part of me does. I feel so-so confused right now" she said.
I rub her back to comfort her. I better get tonights potion and soon she's gonna need it.
"Here let me get you a drink it will help calm you down" I say in a soothing tone.
I shift her in my lap standing myself up and settling her back on the chair then prepare and mix the potion. I bring her the potion and she gasps and begins to drink it with a trembling hand but manages to drink it all down as she has been every night. Her eyes blinking as the lucidness takes control.
"You don't regret staying here with me do you?" I asked her with a hurt expression.
"No, Dagur I just feel strange at the moment and guilty for some reason but I don't know why I do. I-I want to be here with you" she said with a shy look on her face her cheeks turning pink. "I was just surprised and scared all at the same time remembering everything and all we had been talking about together"
I see her eyes cast down to her hand and I see the ring on her finger. That ring has been there long enough it is past time I was rid of it no wonder she is conflicted how can she possibly develop feelings for me when she has another man's ring on her finger. A ring marking her as someone's betrothed.
I kneel before her and take her hand in mine gesturing to the ring. "Hiccupa if you truly want to stay with me and care for me why continue to wound me with this ring. You say you are afraid of him yet you continue to keep this symbol of his love for you. A symbol of the love the both of you have shared" I said.
Hiccupa nodded her head "Your right I need to do the right thing now. I need to send it back to Berk." she said. She was about to remove the ring herself when I gestured "Please allow me" I said and slid the ring from her finger putting it in my pocket for later.
She was no longer crying at this point as I went to wipe the few tears from her porcelain face. Then I leaned in for a kiss feeling her soft warm lips on mine. As I pulled away I whispered "Thank you."
"For what?" she said. "For freeing your heart so that I might lay claim to it" I replied leaning in again for another kiss. This time I flicked my tongue towards her lips and felt them part for me and I slid my tongue into her warm mouth. I heard her gasp as I moved my lips and tongue feeling her shift in my embrace against me and I heard another gentle gasp escape her mouth sending shivers down my spine. I pulled my mouth away from hers and trailed kisses down her neck and began nipping and nibbling at her neck hearing her gasps. I realize if don't stop what I am doing I won't be able to control myself much longer and that was one of the stipulations of the spell.
"You must wait for your Wedded union for any conjugal bliss as well" added the third. All three crones giving him a knowing smile and nodding their heads as if they knew what he thought about when he was alone at night in his bed.
I regretfully pulled away breathing heavily myself "It's getting late and you've had a hard day let me escort you to your chambers" I said avoiding eye contact to help regain my composure.
I can feel her trembling "Y-your right Dagur I am very tired right now" she said.
I escorted her from the room to her private chambers where Heather was waiting I gave her a nod she sent Hiccupa off with her attendants to prepare for bed..
Heather then stood up and came up to me "What happened I heard there was a deadlynadder on your balcony and you didn't call for any help? was it Ash?" she asked me.
I sighed in annoyance "Yes, it was Ash thankfully I got there in time it was a botched rescue mission on his part but Hiccupa wouldn't leave she chose to stay with me" I said grinning in delight.
"Well isn't that what you wanted Dagur?" Heather asked.
"I know I just can't believe this is all working out just the way I always wanted. Hiccupa will soon be mine all mine" I said getting more excited.
Heather looked uneasy "What about Ash?. What happened?" she asked.
"Oh he came charging in with that ax of his scaring Hiccupa and she called for ME! We let her choose to stay or leave and she chose to remain here. I let Ash leave because I want Hiccupa to see me as the good guy for once" I said.
"How could she be scared of Ash? they have been friends and lovers for years" Heather asked confused.
"Yes but not always and maybe there is reason for Hiccupa not to trust him anymore" I said rubbing my hands together and narrowing my eyebrows.
"Your the reason?..." Heather said her eyes wide in surprise.
"Well Yeah how can I get Hiccupa's trust if she carries a torch for Ash. It's all a part of the potion anyway add a little distrust and a little fear and presto. I start looking better and better" I told her.
Heather then said "I still think using magic is a bad idea and interfering in a matter of the heart-"
"But you said you would support me as my sister right Heather?" I asked cutting her off.
"Yes Dagur I did but that doesn't mean I don't have a guilty conscience about it" she said casting her eyes down.
"Heather stay with me it's hard but a couple weeks and it's over" I said reassuring her again. "Now I am to bed. I need to start preparations for my wedding to Hiccupa"
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