Mistakes Were Made
Ash's POV:
We had been traveling by cover of night not wanting to draw attention to ourselves I was leading the gang acting as leader since Hiccupa was not around. I was on Toothless manipulating the pedal and tail fin to guide him through the air. I looked to my side every now and then offering encouragement to Stormfly. Loyal Stormfly knew the reason I flew on Toothless was because Hiccupa was gone and Toothless was grounded without his rider she had no reason to be jealous and cawed in encouragement. I glanced towards the others seeing Fishlegs on Meatlug, Snotlout on Hookfang, the twins on Barf and Belch, and Chief Stoick on Skullcrusher.
I looked ahead the island of Berserk was ahead of us we would land but our auxiliary riders would hang back in the clouds led by Gustaf and Spitelout. Should they need to come to our aid if we found ourselves outnumbered by Berserkers. We were just near land when I gave the signal to come in for landing.
Many soldiers were running about the island we saw as we flew in closer. As well as ships at sea searching the waters for what we did not know. I decided we would touch down in the courtyard outside of the main compound in the cliff where I had seen Hiccupa being kept previously. The plan was for Heather to meet us with Hiccupa waiting outside.
Our dragons came in for a landing touching down on enemy soil we were all on high alert. Our dragons on defense senses alert. We dismounted from our dragons and hefted our weapons in case enemy soldiers encountered us. Our eyes were focused all around us looking our ears focused on the slightest of sounds.
"Well Fishlegs here it goes I hope Heather was telling you the truth or this kidnapping mission will become a rescue mission if we aren't careful" I said.
"Don't worry Ash I trust Heather completely body and soul she would never lie to me. Let alone wanting to help Hiccupa she's become like a sister to her in this amount of time" Fishlegs reassured me once again.
It was then two robed figures were sighted walking towards us a taller one and a smaller one the smaller I was guessing to be Hiccupa as she remained to be small for her age. The taller I assumed to be Heather who as promised was meeting us. I heaved in a breath of relief finally I was bringing my beloved home who I would hold in my arms during the flight home. Hopefully Stormfly would forgive me for not riding her on this mission.
The robed figures stopped before us the first one lowered their hood to reveal steely green eyes and long raven hair in a braid that was draped along the side of her pale skin. "Hello Heather" I greeted her.
Fishlegs let out a squeal and ran up to her embracing her in a bear hug and swung her off of her feet a smile spread upon Heather's face. "Oh, Heather I have missed you oh so much" Fishlegs gushed.
I slowly approached the second figure the anticipation killing me till the hood fell and I immediately became enraged hefting up my axe and raising the blade to the figures throat.
"Dagur you bastard! Where the hell is Hiccupa what have you done with her?" I snarled pressing my axe closer to his throat. The others were encouraging me on and questioning where Hiccupa was and what was going on?
Dagur raised his hands up "Oh, ho, ho their Ash why don't you put that away and well talk like men about this you know man to man." he said wrinkling his forehead at me and looking a bit anxious. "Uh, sis a little help here?" he said looking towards Heather anxiously.
I growled and gripped the handle of the ax tighter pressing the blade closer to Dagur's throat. I wanted to cut out his throat shut him up for good.
"Ash, please everyone we have a lot to discuss please come in so we can all discuss what has happened this evening" Heather said with a pleading tone to her voice.
"And give me one good reason why I should sit down to a civilized conversation with this barbarian?" I snapped.
"Uh, because I happen to know where Hiccupa is and you don't" Dagur said in a taunting tone. I pressed my ax closer to his throat hearing a high pitch gasp escape his throat.
"DAGUR! that's enough" said Heather "It's time for you to start cooperating if you want to save Hiccupa."
"What do you mean "Save Hiccupa" what's become of my daughter?" Stoick stepped forward anger and intimidation rippling off of him in waves with a hint of concern in his eyes showing through.
"It's a funny thing actually haha. You see Alvin and the Outcasts were here for the wedding and they kinda, sorta abducted Hiccupa" Dagur said awkwardly while rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"YOU LET THEM TAKE HER" everyone shouted at once.
"Well I wouldn't exactly say let them more like they ambushed us at dinner" Dagur said not making eye contact.
"Anyway to make a long story short Alvin forced Dagur to choose either between me or Hiccupa and he chose me" Heather said casting dirty looks at her brother. "Please come with us and we can discuss how to rescue her from the Outcasts."
"Oh, this is just wonderful first we had to come up with a rescue mission from the Berserkers now we need one for Alvin and the Outcasts? What's next maybe the Grimborn brother's want in on this?" Snotlout threw his hands up in the air in exasperation and started ranting and grumbling.
"Snotlout that's enough of that. If you please Heather, Dagur" Stoick said struggling through Dagur's name with venom in his voice.
The Berkian's followed the Berzerker's to their mead hall to discuss all the events and how they would form an uneasy alliance to rescue Hiccupa.
I looked towards the sky and sighed "Hiccupa my love where are you? How long till you are safe in my arms again? Once you are I swear I will never let you go."
Heather coerced and forced her brother to confess to what he had done and told the Berkian's everything about his journey to Crone's island, abducting Hiccupa, ultimately drugging and brainwashing Hiccupa, encouraging Hiccupa to train him about dragons, and being foolish enough to trust Alvin the Treacherous with an alliance.
I had to restrain myself from wanting to take up my ax and severing his head from his body.
"So what your saying is when I came to bring Hiccupa home you had her under a spell? That wasn't her choice at all? You sick bastard give me one good reason why I should trust you after everything you've done?" I said.
"Because I, Because I Love her" Dagur confessed and the room erupted in protests and arguments of disbelief. "Hear me out ok do you really think Hiccupa would give me Dagur the Deranged a chance?"
"Hello, your insane why would she?" Ruffnut said crossing her arms.
"You said it sister" said Tuffnut.
"Yeah, I know I was a young and stupid kid I didn't realize how truly special Hiccupa was till now. I regret everything I have ever put her through as well as all of you gathered here. She is truly a one of kind among women a hidden beauty like a rose in a thorn bush. I would have given anything to have had her share the same feelings as I. And so I did the only thing I could think of...a magic spell sure it was dishonest but it was the closest I could come to winning her heart".
"I know saying I am sorry won't help matters but you have my deepest apologies. I will do anything in my power to rescue her from Outcast island she does not deserve that fate. You will have my Armada at your disposal."
"Considering we wouldn't need your Armada or your help without your meddling in Hiccupa's affairs we will accept the offer" said Chief Stoick gruffly. "However, as a warning this isn't over once we have Hiccupa back we will have a score to settle Chief."
"We already learned about your scheme we just wanted to here you fess up" Snotlout added.
"I have something to confess as well" Heather said standing up we all looked in surprise. "I have just as much guilt in all this as my brother I could have contacted you as soon as she was brought here but I didn't. I knew all about the potion and my brother's intentions and yet I did nothing." Heather took in a breath and then looked towards me.
"I know how my brother feels wanting someone who he can't have as part of my going along with his plan I too would benefit but not as I had intended" she then smiled and took Fishlegs hand.
"Ash, I truly am sorry for what I have put you through this past month I wanted to make my brother happy as well as myself but it was for our own selfish needs. We weren't taking into consideration those who we were hurting."
"Heather I forgive you after all I know you can't control your brother" I said glaring at Dagur.
"Stoick I hope you will forgive my part in all of this as well. I think of Hiccupa as a sister and I truly feel guilty I will do everything in my power to help rescue her from the Outcasts."
"Heather I forgive you. Hiccupa is lucky to have you for a friend" Stoick said.
"Enough time has been wasted let us go finish this rescue mission and bring my fiancée home where she belongs" I said not even making eye contact with Dagur.
Once again maps were brought but this time of Outcast island and Dagur provided information on weak points against our own information we already had. Later we saddled up after allowing the dragons to rest during our meeting. Dagur and Heather joined us as well on their respective dragons.
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