Let Me Be Your Armor
Ash's POV:
Finally it's been almost a week news from Berserk. News about Hiccupa my beloved. I have been a wreck barely sleeping or eating. I've been watching the skies or the waves to see if any form of messenger or news would arrive. Surely he isn't keeping Hiccupa he must want something and is using her for ransom. Right?
My beloved do you know how often I have stared at clouds hoping I would see you there. I think to myself as I race towards Chief Stoick's home. Stoick told me any news he received he would wait till I was present and we would read together. I ran up the stairs of his house and pounded on the door.
"WHAT IN THOR'S NAME IS THAT RACKET?" I heard Stoick bellow through the door till he opened it when he saw it was me he relaxed. "Oh Ash it's you. Come in lad I'm dying to read the letter myself."
We gathered at chairs in front of the fireplace Stoick sat and untied the twine unrolling letter. He held up a letter a smile spread across his face. Then he looked to me and said "It's from Hiccupa written in her own hand" he passed it over to me so I could read it myself.
Dear Dad,
I am alive and well in Berserk. Dagur is treating me as an honored guest in his home meaning I am being well cared for. Please know I love you and look forward to when I may see you once more. Take care of Toothless for me I know he must be terribly lonely without me. Also, please give everyone my love.
Your Daughter,
Hiccupa Helena Haddock III
I was a little disappointed that their was no mention of me in the letter but I could understand she must have been worried about having it being read by Dagur. Who knows what danger she could be in at the moment. At least it sounded like she was safe but who knows she could have been forced to write that down for all I know. I sighed at when she wrote give everyone my love I would assume she meant that for me.
I looked back up at Stoick who had a stern look on his face as he was reading over the other letter then he looked up towards me and shook his head. "I'm afraid your not going to like this lad" he said passing it towards me as I started reading my eyes widened in shock.
To Chief Stoick The Vast,
Please be advised your daughter Hiccupa is under my protection and will remain as such. No harm shall come to her I pledge my life on it. If peace is to remain between our villages and we are to be brothers in arms then an alliance must be made. I request the betrothal of your daughter to cement this alliance further with or without your approval. If Berk should interfere with our wedding day. War will be imminent and I assure you I have many strong allies who are sworn enemies of Berk at my disposal who have sworn allegiance to my cause. If you choose not to then you shall gain a worthy son-in-law of your daughters hand and an alliance in the future against your enemies.
Chief Dagur the Deranged
I looked towards Stoick in shock "Stoick you can't seriously consider this letter we have to rescue her from that mad man" I said.
Stoick shook his head in defeat "Ash what can I do he has my daughter. If we choose to go to war it could be dragged out for ages you heard what he says he has formed alliances with our enemies that would mean the Outcasts and countless others" he said.
"But what about Hiccupa and her life? Do you think this is what she wants being married off to the Berserker chief against her will stolen from her home?" I asked in disbelief.
"Of course I don't want this for my own daughter. I wanted her to be happy and to lead Berk and make her own decisions. She chose you and I couldn't have been happier for the both of you because it was a choice you both shared in. But I am a Chief I have to think of her personal safety and that of my people their are too many risks involved?" Stoick said looking down ashamed and guilt ridden.
I shook my head "This can't be the only way it can't be. We have dragons we could fly in there and be out before they even knew what hit them" I said.
Stoick sighed "Ash...I have been thinking about all of this since you told me she was taken it has not been an easy decision to come to at all." he paused "I want you and the riders to plan out a rescue mission to bring my daughter back home. I need time to contact our allies and to contact any enemies of Berserk. Dagur is not the only one with strong ties" he said clenching a fist.
"Chief you will not be disappointed in fact we had been secretly brainstorming plans all along. I have one plan that might just work" I said excitedly with hope restored within me.
"Stoick the plan we have is to go in with as few warriors as possible. We want stealth on our side to slip in and slip out if we can get her out before they notice that would give us time to build up defense around Berk from the Berserker Armada" I explained to Stoick.
"I will lead the riders in to Berserk and we will return triumphant with Hiccupa. You can count on me as your future Son-in-law" I told Stoick sticking out my hand to seal the deal.
Stoick looked at my hand but grabbed me up in a bear hug instead "We're almost family lad no need to be so formal" he said. "But Ash we will need to be patient. I need time to contact our allies and to formulate a proper plan. We will also need to make sure we have weapons in stock and our ships are well maintained. A weeks time at the most."
"I hate to wait but if both letters have anything to go on Hiccupa should be safe from harm. A week will be worth it to have her back in Berk" I said to Stoick. I thought of Hiccupa back in my arms safe again, her smile, and her bright green eyes it would be a long wait but worth it in the end to have her back.
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