I Don't Care If You Get Hurt
Dagur's POV:
After I left Hiccupa I went straight to the dungeons. There I told the guards to fetch the three traitors who were just brought in and take them to the torture chamber provided they were conscious after the beating I just gave them. I needed answers. I was in a rage after what I had learned of what happened to Hiccupa and the extent of her injuries Not only had they disobeyed my orders but they attacked a guest who was under my protection. Not to mention she was to be my fiancée and the thought of what they were about to do to her...they were not going to live to see the next full moon. I swear to Odin.
"Chief they are ready for you do you want us to take care of them or..." the guard spoke.
"I plan on handling this personally you can stand witness to what they confess" I interrupted him
I can already feel the battle hysteria taking me over as we enter the chamber partly why I chose my moniker in the first place. The three men I see before are for the most part awake chained and looking like pathetic rag dolls rather than the proud Berserker warriors they once were. When I am through with them they will be reduced to quivering heaps of flesh begging for death.
"So who wants to go first any volunteers?" I ask spreading my arms out wide and giving my most sadistic grin.
~~Hours Later~~
It had taken some time for them to break. I gave them credit as well as to my own warriors credit my men were built of hardier foundations than others. I also got the answers to my questions resolved. I was cleaning the blood from my hands whose it was hard to tell at this point it had all been a bloody mess after half an hour of "playing" with them.
Yes, they had all been in on it together seems they didn't take to kindly to a Berkian stepping in and giving orders in regards to the dragon. Especially to their Chief who they felt was going soft. I smirk at the reactions they gave me after the lashings I gave after that answer I went in a frenzy for a solid 20 minutes easily. They had been following her around waiting for a time when she would be alone and vulnerable which they felt shouldn't have been to hard since she was only a woman and a runt at that with a missing leg.
They also had no desire to bend the knee to a crippled, runt from Berk if she was to be my bride and Chieftess. They felt it was a proper alternative to getting rid of her without killing her off of course since that would have brought disgrace on my house. Regardless it would have resulted in war between our two tribes the damn fools!
"Well you won't have to worry about that happening I plan on having each of you executed within in the next two days. You will each receive a disgraced cowards funeral no one shall mourn you publicly." I told them.
The shocked reactions they gave me only made my smile grow wider. Not to mention the objections about their families.
"You see I can't have others believing their "Chief has gone soft" now can I. I also can't afford to allow traitors to live it's a sign of weakness and would be an insult to a neighboring Chief as well" I had told them thinking of Stoick's reaction if he knew what had happened to his daughter. I was most likely doing them a favor. Then I stormed out of the room telling the guards to drag them to their cells.
I was in an antechamber to my chambers. I had asked for a change of clothes to be brought as well so I could clean the sweat and blood off before going to visit Hiccupa again. No sense in scaring her with the site of me looking as though I had just walked off a battlefield. I had just finished changing and was drinking some mead when I heard a knock at my door. I opened it and saw Heather I motioned her to enter she had a concerned look on her face. I knew what was coming or at least I thought I did.
"Dagur I don't think this is such a good idea any more after what just happened. You should send her back to Berk before anything else happens." she said holding one of her arms and looking pensive.
I looked at her in shock "Heather you said you would support me in this as my sister you can't just change your mind we are in to deep now" I told her.
"I just feel so guilty after what happened to her you should have seen her Dagur she is covered in bruises and wounds. It was bad enough after how she was brought in but this is just...it's unforgivable" Heather said looking away.
"Heather I personally stopped those men myself. I just got back from the dungeon where I have been beating them within an inch of their lives for as much information as I could get out of them. They are going to pay for what they have done and they are already paying as we speak." I told her grasping her arms and tilting her chin up to look at me.
"Hiccupa finally trusts in me she doesn't fear me anymore we are friends. In time our bond can only grow stronger. I swear to you I will never hurt her. I love her. I only want to protect her. You will have a sister when this is over wouldn't you like that? Hiccupa as your sister. Think of Ash he'll need someone to comfort him when all this is over. I think you will be perfect for the job." I told her with a confident smile.
"It's just Dagur this feels all so deceitful you are playing tricks with that girl she is changing. She's not the same Hiccupa she was before." Heather said grabbing my arm.
"Of course you feel it's a falsehood I am only doing this to make her trust in me it was the only way I was at my wits end Heather. Why she doesn't even remember being abducted which makes this even more perfect. Of course she's not the same Hiccupa remember how scared and insecure she was now she's so confident and strong why you should have seen her with that dragon." I told Heather with a wide grin waving my fist in the air.
"No, Dagur I am telling you she's not like that anymore she's reverting back to her old self. I don't think you've noticed since you don't spend enough time with her or because your love has made you blind. She's more anxious now fearful why I walked in on her the other day and she just about jumped out of her skin in fright." she said.
I gave a heavy sigh "Heather this is only temporary after the thirty days the potions will stop. Hiccupa will love me we will be married and I will never use magic on her again. In time her confidence will return. Don't you want me to be happy for once?"I asked her looking downcast.
"Your my Brother of course I want you to be happy. I just wish their was some other way so it was not at the expense of innocent people's lives" she said touching my cheek and looking me in the eyes.
"I do too, but it's to late for that now we are in too deep. We can't go back it would mean war between the tribes at this point we need my marriage to foster peace. Stoick would never go to war knowing his daughter is now in love and married to another Chief. I know him, he cares for his daughter why do you think he allowed Hiccupa and Ash to be engaged? He could have easily betrothed her off years ago." I told Heather looking her in the eyes.
"Alright, Dagur I suppose your right" She said with a hint of reluctance "What are you going to do with those men who attacked her?"
"Oh, I have plans for them!" I said with a devious grin on my face "A public execution to serve as an example everyone will be present as witnesses. Do you know they had the nerve to accuse me of going soft? Dishonorable burial no public mourning. Their families will be cared for of course but no honor for those traitors."
"When you say everyone do you mean Hiccupa?" Heather asked me.
"Of course the very reason those cowards are being executed to show her injuries and how they hurt her. Also a public way of everyone seeing my intended for the first time and her beauty" I said.
"Dagur you really want to present your fiancée at an execution of all places? Not to mention the poor girl is in a lot of pain right now and is deeply traumatized. I don't think her witnessing an execution is going to be doing her any favors. The healer said she needs rest and should stay in bed for a few days." She told me crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes at me.
"Fine. Fine. I won't have her there but everyone else except for those who are guarding Hiccupa will be there. It is to serve as an example of my strength and not to disobey my orders" I told her. Now I am going to see Hiccupa I will see you tomorrow" I told her.
"Good night, Dagur" She told me.
"Good night, Heather" I told her walking away.
Two days later the executions took place they were drawn and quartered and then buried on unhallowed ground. Few objected after hearing the charges of their execution we Berzerker's' might have a bad reputation as warriors but we still have honor.
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