Bizarre Love Triangle
Heather's POV:
when Dagur told me about his plan's for Hiccupa I was resistant from the start it sounded too cruel and underhanded a scheme to carryout. Hasn't the poor girl suffered enough at the hands of my brother due to my father's meddling not to mention the fact she survived losing her leg in a dragon battle. I had a lot of respect for Hiccupa as a fellow woman and for her reputation as the Dragon Rider of Berk who I had know since I was a child.
Then Dagur confessed to me his feelings about Hiccupa and how he was never able to truly communicate how he felt to Hiccupa because she was terrified of him. It was all our father's doing and I was well aware of what my brother went through as a child if he refused to obey our father the punishments were intolerable. He was torn apart in love with her yet could not get with in 3 feet of her to confess his love and intentions. It broke my heart seeing him this way and I witnessed it my self on occasions when we were visiting Berk. Dagur trying to be the gentleman I know he is but Hiccupa unable to accept his apologies or have a conversation with him for long.
Then there was the matter of Ash
I had known Ash since we were children as well but he had grown into a demigod practically. Tall and muscular his long blond hair and sky blue eyes. The way he could hurl axes and carry heavy objects. Well let's just say he had an appreciative admirer in me. Of course he could not see me because he could only see Hiccupa and Hiccupa could only see Ash. Hence my brother's predicament.
Then he came to me a month ago excitedly.
"Heather I have been to Crone's Island" said my brother Dagur.
"Crones Island? but that's a myth" I had said.
"We all thought so but it isn't. If I tell you something will you support me even if you don't approve of it" he said.
"Your my brother I will support you in anything you do" I said not realizing what I was getting myself into.
"I have a potion that will help me to win Hiccupa's heart" he whispered in my ear. My eyes went wide and I looked at him.
"You can't be serious" I said. "She's basically betrothed to Ash you do realize that Dagur"
"Of course I know that but they aren't married are they it is easier to break an engagement than a marriage" he said smiling slyly at me.
"I don't know Dagur this feels wrong to me. I mean magic and meddling in Hiccupa's life isn't their another way" I asked in concern.
Dagur sighed " Heather I have tried so many ways I've tried writing letters they return unread, I send gifts they return unopened and unwanted, I try and talk to her and she flees and that dragon doesn't help either I've dodged flames" he said looking sadly downcast.
"Then their's the fact of her Father, Ash, and all the other dragon riders who come to her aid how can I show her the true me when to everyone I am a villain and and Dagur the Deranged" he said looking absolutely defeated.
I sighed "Oh Dagur I hadn't realized how long has this been going on?" I asked.
"For close on 4 years" he said.
My eyes widened in surprise "Dagur I will support you in this just promise me you won't hurt her or force her into any physical relations she doesn't want" I said uncomfortably.
He looked at me in shock "Heather I would never besides that's a condition of the spell I have to wait for our wedding night" he said. Then he added "I know I'm not the only one who has been pining for someone they can't have."
I looked at him in astonishment "What are you talking about?" I said.
"Don't think I haven't seen the way you look at Ash whenever he is near" he added. "This arrangement could be to your benefit as well. We might both get what we want" he said.
Well that was then now I am furious.
I had offered to help Hiccupa since it was her first night in Berserk and she was probably lonely. I thought a friendly face would make her feel relaxed. Dagur asked me to select handmaidens to attend to Hiccupa and make sure she had everything she needed. I chose Ingrid because she was outgoing and friendly as well as discreet she was not one to gossip and spread rumors.
I was a bit surprised when Dagur told me he was keeping her locked in her rooms. "I thought she was a guest why is she locked away like a prisoner?" I asked sceptically.
"It's because I don't trust the men. Relations with Berk are not always pleasant and the fact that I have their leaders daughter here is too great a temptation. Don't forget her reputation precedes her as well the great "Dragon Rider of Berk"" he said worriedly as he offered me a key to her rooms.
Ingrid and I went to her rooms and opened the doors what greeted us was a timid and anxious Hiccupa. Her clothes were torn and dirty and her hair was askew and a mess. Well it's a good thing Dagur arranged new clothes for her before having brought here I thought. We introduced ourselves then set to work with lighting fires and hauling water into the wash basin that was in the bathing closet. When we finished we then gestured to Hiccupa to disrobe so we could help her into the basin since we knew she had a peg leg and might need help.
She immediately became uncomfortable and averted her gaze "Uh, I can do this on my own" she said. "Hiccupa it's all right we are all women here. That's why we're here to help you bathe since you have a bad leg" I pointed out. Ingrid encouraged her as well.
Hiccupa sighed "Very well" she muttered. She started to undress when she seemed to have trouble with her tunic Ingrid stepped forward and help her but then as the rest of her clothes came off. I gasped. She had bruises, welts, and cuts all over her body. My gods what the hell had they done to her. Ingrid and I shared a look. Hiccupa removed the peg leg which was a wood and metal affair of many movable pieces. Then we helped her gently into the basin I watched Ingrid as she helped pour hot water over her back and sore muscles, then washing her hair. We let her stay in as long as she wanted the heat of the water would help with the pain she was probably in.
We helped her out of the basin gathering sheets to help her dry her skin and helping her to the bench so she could finish drying off and reattach her peg leg. Ingrid offered her a shift which she seemed relieved to accept. Must not be used to being undressed around others I thought. We walked back into the bedroom. Opening the wardrobe where Ingrid selected a blue dress for Hiccupa. I helped her with putting the dress on and then excused myself I had to speak to my brother.
I calmly left the room shutting the door softly behind me and then stormed down the hallway in search of Dagur. He wasn't in his rooms. I walked the halls asking anyone I happened upon where he was till I was told he was in a map room. I went to the room and opened the door seeing him alone I slammed the door shut. Dagur looked up in surprise at my outburst since I never slammed doors.
"What the Hel Heim have your men done to her?" I yelled at him "She is covered in bruises you told me yourself you weren't going to hurt her so what the hell was that"
"Heather please calm down and let me explain" he said calmly. "Unfortunately when we were apprehending her and thought she was alone she wasn't Ash was there and then the men got on the defensive and she mistakenly got shot down off her dragon."
I shook my head at him "I never should have agreed to this. This is a deal with the devil if I ever heard of one"
"Heather please it was just a minor set back it won't happen again" he said looking exasperated. "It's too late the damage is done and we are in too deep now."
"Alright but nothing else better happen to her" I said.
"Of course would I ever lie to my own sister. Tonight I will have dinner with her and work on getting her to earn my trust and show her my love." he said.
"I thought the potion was supposed to do that" I asked sceptically.
"It's a condition of the spell. Well, I don't just want her love based on a spell if their's a chance I can win her heart honestly it could help strengthen the spells chances." he said.
"She looks really upset and heartbroken Dagur do you really think you can win her heart?" I asked him.
He sighed "What choice do I have I love her" he said. "I will make it up to her in the future she won't want for anything I will make her happy and give her the freedom she needs." he added.
"Alright well Ingrid should be done getting her dressed for dinner so you should get ready to meet her as well" I told him.
"Thank you Heather" he said embracing me in a big bear hug. "Your welcome now go get her" I told him.
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