All Hel Breaks Loose
Several Weeks Later
Hiccupa's POV:
I can't believe it I am actually engaged to the man I love Ash. I keep thinking I am going to wake up and this is all going to be a dream but then I see the ring on my finger and I know this is really happening. Walking through the village everyone smiles and waves like they always have done but now they wish me congratulations or ask when the big day will be I just smile and say "Thank you" or "We are still discussing it there is a lot of planning involved". Which is the truth.
I remember telling my father Stoick he gathered me up in his arms and swung me around like I was a little girl again I almost thought he was going to start crying. He invited Ash to dinner the very next night to talk to us about our plans so far and any help we might need. He also said "You two have been valuable to Berk so as soon as you decide where let me know and that is where your house will be built." Ash and I were speechless when he told us this. Today we decided we would meet and look for a place to live since we both had some time. Which is why I was on my way from the forge to return to the house to meet up with Ash and our dragons.
I saw Stormfly and Toothless playing together just outside the house and Ash was waiting outside he smiled when he saw me approaching. He walked up to me and wrapped his big arms around me " Hello Hiccupa I missed you" he said. I laughed and said "You just saw me last night." "I know but that was last night and this is another day" he said with a sly smile on his face as he drew back from me holding my hands in his. I shook my head and laughed at him.
"So have you thought of where we would want to live?" I asked him. "Well I thought maybe close to the village but it is getting sort of crowded. However, with our dragons we could live further away and fly into the village though" he pointed out. " Yeah, I always wanted to be close to the cove but I'm worried about ruining the peaceful serenity of it by having people too close to it. The place means a lot to me and Toothless" I said wistfully. Ash smiled "Well how about halfway then between the village and the cove as a compromise. Let's start scouting it out on our dragons right now." he said. I smiled and reached up and pecked him on the lips then I made my way over to Toothless climbing onto the saddle and strapping my self in. Then Ash and I both took off into the air together.
~~~Time Skip~~~
We'd both been flying for several hours waving each other down at certain points discussing what would be a good place for our future home but none of them seemed right to us. Every where we went there were pluses but also minuses and we had to consider the fact we might have children as well so that added to the confusion. Until we found it. We would not be to far from the village, nor to far from the sea. It would be safe no cliffs for children to fall off. There was a creek nearby for our dragons to get water and fish if they needed. It had everything we needed and wanted.
Ash looked at me and said "Hiccupa your sure you will be happy here?" I replied "Yes, Ash it has everything we want its not to far for me to walk to the forge on my leg. The dragons will be happy here. You'll be happy here." I said smiling back at him. "Alright then well tell Stoick we know where we want our home to be" he said then he gestured over to a fallen log sitting.
"Now that we know where we want to live. When do you want to be married?" he asked me looking me in the eyes. "Well I was thinking if you didn't mind we could wait till next year so we have time to plan. Also, I thought an autumn wedding since I like the colors of leaves at that time of year and it won't be too hot or raining as much" I said. "I could live with that. I always assume everybody wants a spring wedding but it does rain too much" he said in agreement. He leaned in and kissed me on the temple.
"I have a question I need to ask you that is really important to me Ash" I said. "Of course what is it?" he asked. "I want to know if you will be OK with me working at the forge still and working on my inventions after we are married. I don't have a lot of traditional womanly skills so if you want a housewife I can't off you that" I told him. He looked taken about and said "Hiccupa of course you'll work at the forge its apart of who you are. Just because your marrying me doesn't mean I expect you to change and turn into a wife who stays home and cooks and cleans. I love you and want you to be happy" he said looking at me seriously. He pulls me into a tight embrace and says "Don't try to be someone your not for me be yourself because that is who I fell in love with."
"Thank you Ash I love you. Don't change for me either" I told him.
He stood up and helped me up well shall we head back it is probably starting to be dinner time. "Sure" I said. We mounted our dragons once again and took flight when I heard a sound that sounded like a dragon in trouble. "What is it Bud?" I asked Toothless "Should we go see if they need help." I called over to Ash saying I heard something coming from the far side of the island and we flew over.
When we reached the far side of the island I looked around trying to see if any dragons were in trouble but I couldn't see any. "That's strange Toothless I could've sworn we heard something over here" I said. We kept flying till we came closer to the coast I could see a ship and when I saw the insignia on the sail my blood ran cold. "Berserker's" I gasped. "Toothless we need to go back and warn the others" I said. We were about to turn back when bolas started flying through the air "TOOTHLESS LOOK OUT" I screamed. I could hear Ash screaming "HICCUPA" behind me.
We tried maneuvering away from the worst of it but I was overwhelmed all of a sudden something came up and smacked in me leg knocking me peg leg loose from my flight controls. "Hold on Toothless, Hold on" I said frantically trying to reattach my leg when something else came flying at me and knocked me loose from my saddle "TOOTHLESS" I screamed as I fell through the air. Toothless dived down catching me in paws I held on tightly to him. Ash was diving in on Stormfly but was soon overwhelmed by flying projectiles. Toothless was about to lift up we were not that far from the ground but something knocked into him causing me to be knocked loose and sending Toothless off course. I braced myself crashing through tree branches which slowed down my descent but I still hit the ground with a thud. I hit my head and everything went black after that.
Ash's POV:
We found where we wanted to live now we just needed to tell Stoick and after talking to Hiccupa we now have some idea of when to be married. I want to be married right away but I know these things can't be rushed. I am older than Hiccupa I know it is hard for her to be the youngest out of all us. I don't expect her to want to have children right away either. She's a strong independent woman and that's what I fell in love with. When she asked me about stopping work at the forge I was surprised she would think I would even consider such a scenario.
I need to make sure I reassure her I want her to stay herself after we are married and not to feel the pressures of being a wife. I know many in the village we can pay or barter with to help with chores such as sewing or other traditional womens roles. I'll be sure to let her know after all where else can I get someone to sharpen my axes so well but the woman I love I think with a laugh.
As we start flying I hear a loud roar coming from the far side of the island Hiccupa calls my name she wants to see what it is about. I smile my Hiccupa can't resist a dragon "Alright milady lead the way" I call to her. We reach the far side of the island Hiccupa and Toothless farther ahead of me as always when I see the sail of the ship "Berserker's" i hiss. Thankfully I Hiccupa and Toothless are turning around so I follow suit and start heading towards the village when I hear the whistling sounds of objects flying through the air.
"Come on Stormfly, Hiccupa and Toothless need us" I said easing her around what I see makes my heart stop. Hiccupa screaming for Toothless and I scream out her name as we come into help but are overwhelmed by bolas and boulders flying through the air. I pull out my ax swinging it around knocking at the bolas and arrows struggling to get to Hiccupa but it is all in vain when I hear Hiccupa screaming and falling through the air. My heart catches in my throat when Toothless manages to catch her only moments later to have her knocked loose from his grasp. I watch in horror as she falls through the air crashing into the trees.
"Come on Stormfly" I shout as we fly down into the trees where she fell. It takes some time to find her as we hover above the ground frantically but when I find her it only gets worse. She's laying on the ground unconscious surrounded by Berserker's wielding weapons. Toothless comes in crashing towards the ground not far from Stormfly and I roaring.
"You have have five minutes to get away from her or I will cut you limb from limb" I bellow hefting up my ax.
"Not so fast" a familiar voice calls out making me cringe. Stepping out of the throng is Dagur the Deranged himself and in his arms is the limp form of Hiccupa.
"Now, Now Ash we wouldn't want to do anything that would hurt Hiccupa would we" he said holding a dagger to her throat.
"Alright, Dagur I'll do anything you want just don't hurt her" I pleaded. "What will make you release your hostage?" I then added.
"Who said I wanted to release my hostage" he said. "I want a clear passage out of Berk and no threat of repercussions when we leave here."
I was shocked and wide eyed this was not the usual Dagur he rarely took hostages especially taking them with him back to Berserker island. "You can't be serious. Stoick will never stand for this allowing his only daughter to be taken away by the likes of you without a fight" I said.
"Oh he will if he values her life at all" he said moving the dagger closer "In fact I expect you to keep quiet and wait right there. Ash!" he spoke my name like a swear word.
"Fine. Fine whatever you want just move that knife away from her I beg of you" I said in defeat laying my ax down on the ground.
"All right my fellow Berserker's we have what we came for now let us move out" Dagur called out. I watched helplessly as he passed Hiccupa to one of his men and they moved off. "Oh and just in case to buy us some time" Dagur said then snapped his fingers. Out of nowhere a net sprang out and surrounded Stormfly and myself. We started struggling against it but it was dragon proof. Toothless was nearby roaring out pitiful cries as he watched them take Hiccupa away from him. Dagur looked over smirking "That goes for you to night fury." he said as another net landed on Toothless.
I watched in my struggles as Dagur and the Berserker tribe warriors marched off carrying the love of my life with them. I made a vow that I would get her back with my last dying breath.
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