Jisoo's POV:
Me and Jinyoung ended up taking on the phone for almost an hour last night, him helping me calm down and trying to distract me from the whole mess going on in our lives.
It was sweet. The way he heard me when I needed the most. I may have embarrassed myself by crying but I just really had to. I don't want to cry in front of my members. I have to be strong for them.
I just really needed to let it out. I may appear strong and be known for never crying when all my members do so but I too am sensible, especially when it comes to them.
All of this meant I had gone to bed late, which isn't really usual of me since we normally have to wake up early and I prefer to get as much sleep as I can instead of doing like Jennie and staying up late catching up on Netflix. Sometimes, I wonder if that girl actually sleeps or just she runs on 4 coffees a day.
So right now, I was enjoying my sleep for as long as I could before something or someone woke me up and by someone I mean Lisa. Waking us up is her favorite hobby, as she has the ability to be an early riser if she feels like it. It's incredibly annoying. She wakes us up by yelling and pulling us out of bed. Somehow, she gets fun out of it.
Turns out, it wouldn't be that the reason that would make me leave my bedroom soon. But Jennie, calling Lisa out frenetically like the world was about to end, leaving me confused.
This never happened. She never went around the house yelling one of our names in such a worried tone.
"LISA, IT'S SERIOUS WAKE-UP!" I heard yelling once again.
I stood up from my bed, wanting to know what's up with all the screaming, my body still half asleep as I made my way across the hall into Lisa's room, which was where the sound came from.
Until I heard another person yelling.
It was Lisa. And I didn't need to think a lot to know what had happened.
It was what we had all feared. Her relationship had been exposed. Our boss hadn't been able to do the damage control he had promised.
I stopped right in front of the room, taking everything in before dealing with the chaos inside and that was to come in the next couple of days.
This is going to affect our careers. YG sajangmin won't have another choice but to put us on an even longer hiatus.
It's not that I blame Lisa for this, I would never. I blame this sick mentality that idols are toys for the fans. It hurts but I know most of them don't really love us. They love the idea of us that is sold to them and that they are naive enough to believe. We are just regular young adults.
From now on I know Lisa and the rest of our members are going to need all the support we can provide to each other. I don't know what will happen to our maknae's relationship but I hope this doesn't break them apart. It would destroy her.
I took a deep breath before coming into the room my younger sisters were talking and what I saw was heartbreaking.
Lisa, on the phone with someone as she cried, and Jennie with an arm around her, trying to comfort the brown-haired girl.
"People are being so mean." Lisa cried and my first thought was that she was talking to Jungkook.
Good, he can give her the support she needs.
I sat down on the other side of the bed, in the same position as Jennie, creating some kind of protection wall for the younger girl.
"How bad is it?" I mouthed to our main rapper, not wanting to interrupt the phone call going on in the middle of us.
"Very bad, but Tzuyu's having it worse, I guess. The bastard leaked those photos as well. The fans are not taking it lightly to a female idol being caught drinking in a bar. Sehun really ended his own career just to see Lisa and Tzuyu fall as well. He had nothing to lose, he was getting fired anyway." Jennie explained in a low tone.
"He was fired already?" I questioned.
That was fast. Usually, these situations take a long time to be solved. Contract termination can take months to negotiate and idols usually don't accept the first conditions that are presented to them, wanting more.
"Oh no, but the public is mad at him as well. Not as mad as with Lisa and Tzuyu, though. Misogynist fucks. The guy committed literal crimes and these people are worried about a couple of drinks and a couple. Still, I doubt he will survive this." Jennie told me and I felt anger rise within me.
I can't believe people are more worried about dating news than about a case of invasion of privacy. In what type of country do we live in? When has this escalated to this ridiculous point?
The door to the room opened once again to reveal an almost-crying Park Chaeyoung, she probably already saw what is happening online.
Chaeng is a really sensible girl. She hates to see her close friends suffering. I know she will be one the people who will take this situation harder way due to that side of her personality. She just cares. That girl is way too sweet for this world. Not to mention, her and Lisa are the same age, meaning she has a different bond with her than me and Jennie.
The Australian girl ran to the bed, sitting right in front of the three of us, the tears on her eyes finally coming out.
"Okay. I'll wait for you. Bye." Lisa declared before ending the call.
"Jungkook will be here after lunch. His boss wants to have a meeting with the boys to define what they are going to do about the AMAs and their trip to LA after this. I can't believe they might have to cancel it because of me. It would be huge for them, they don't deserve." She ranted, more tears and hiccups coming out.
I have never seen her like this.
I wonder why we haven't gotten a call from our managers yet. I mean, they probably texted Lisa, I guess, but I expected them to be calling nonstop to all of our phones till someone pick up. This means that they are either on their way or things are chaotic at YGE that they are too busy. Maybe both and I don't know which one is better or if that is a good thing.
"It's not your fault, Lisa, don't you even dare blaming yourself. This is Sehun's fault, he is the one responsible and I'm sure he will pay for it- wait, you know what? I know he will because if YG sajangnim doesn't do anything about him, I will." Jennie threatened, the anger in her voice coming out as she spoke.
"You better believe he will and please, do your best to ignore the comments, they are all full of jealous teenage girls who wished they were in your place. You can't let them get to you." I explained, my hand running up and down her back, trying to soothe her.
"I know, but they are so mean. How can people write that on the internet?" The younger girl asked and my heart broke hearing those words. She doesn't deserve any of this.
Lisa is our happy virus. She brings joy everywhere she goes and cheers us up when we are down. She is one of my best friends and I never expected to live to see a day Lisa would be helplessly crying and sobbing like she is now.
It makes me want to go after Sehun for causing all of this.
After our small intimate group moment, Lisa asked to be alone. We, of course, agreed to it, wanting to respect her privacy in such a moment, all of us leaving the room and moving to the kitchen to eat something. We don't want to push her into talking or spending time with us. We understand that she needs to be alone. I would too. Receiving such a large amount of hate isn't easy and some people really know no limits to what they write online. It affects your self-esteem.
I sometimes make the mistake of reading comments about me and while there are good comments, we always pay more attention to the negative ones. Stuff like "you can't sing", "you can't dance" or "you are just a pretty face" are common, and they hurt like hell.
Yes, I know I'm not the greatest but I'm doing my best to improve while those people stay at home typing their salty lives away, and I know it but still, it hurts. I can't imagine what would I do in Lisa's place.
This all made me wonder. Does Jinyoung already know what happened? Did he saw what is going on? It's too early so I don't know if he is up yet.
And if he was, would he call me? Text me?
I want to talk to him. To hear his voice telling me that everything will be okay and that Blackpink will remain together for many years, that certain affection I can always sense when he talks to me.
I hope he does. I need that friend who helps me escape everything when I need the most, and I hope YG sajangnim won't terminate my contract as an MC due to this.
I just want all of this to go away.
I'm trying my best to slow this down, adding new parts what weren't seen in House of Cards and I guess it's working.
I said this story would go over the slightly over-shadowed parts of the first book and the scandal was one of them since the original story shows the majority of things from Jisoo's POV in that one chapter at the Inkigayo studios and it's rushed. I did it on propose so I could leave something to add to the plot here.
Anyways, I'm still getting used to the new story, I was used to Lisa's POV and that whole plot so starting something new is being really interesting. I hope you enjoy it.
If you are a new reader, I once again suggest you read House of Cards to understand what is happening to Lisa if you don't know already.
I'll come back soon with a new chapter. I love you all
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