14. Deja-Vu
"Why don't you just talk to her? Tell her how you feel. It'll make you feel better. Or at least, lighter" Louis tried to encourage Liam to finally talk to Kayla while they were spending time together.
"What if she doesn't feel the same?" Liam retorted insecurely.
"What if she does?" Maribel countered optimistically.
"And even if she doesn't, it will be okay, Liam. After you talked to her you know more than right now and know where you stand" Louis emboldened him tentatively.
"He has a point. It's always better to know where you stand" Maribel backed him up.
"You're both right. When she comes back from the bathroom I'll talk to her" Liam braced himself jittery. "Thank you, guys".
"What are friends for?!" Louis and Maribel said at the same time.
Only a few moments later, Kayla came back from the bathroom and Liam stood up abruptly, confusing the hell out of her. "Um ... can I talk to you for a minute? Alone?".
"Of course. Over there?" Kayla looked still puzzled but pointed at a quiet and empty corner of the café they were in.
"I hope he really tells her" Maribel was gnawing on her bottom lip.
"I'm sure he will. He will find the right words" Louis had faith in his friend. "How about you? Anything new?".
"Actually ..." Maribel started blushing. "Did you meet the new boys yet? Liron and Jordan?".
"Not yet. I think I've seen them around though. Why?" Louis pried nosily, wanting to hear about the new gossip.
"They're both really nice and while Jordan was pretty focused on H ... Liron stayed with me and let me show him around and explain everything to him. He told me a bit about why he is here and how his family and friends don't think bisexuality is even a thing. I mean, what's seriously wrong with them? Of course, it's a thing" Maribel reported slightly upset but all Louis could focus on was her short mentioning of Harry and her trying to not say his name in his presence. He wasn't aware it was that big of a deal for his friends.
"Do I sense a little crush?" Louis hooked snoopy.
"Maybe. I don't know what to do. He just came here a few days ago and obviously has a hard time. There is no room for feelings this early but he keeps coming over to me. It's not helping" Maribel sighed out downcast.
"Have you told him how it makes you feel? You should do that. Be honest with him. He will appreciate your honesty. And if not, then he's not worth your time anyway. No matter the outcome it will be better for you" Louis advised her wisely.
"When did you become so wise? I don't recognise you at all. You seem ... different. But a good different" Maribel wondered.
"I've only decided to spend more time on myself with things that are good for myself. I love spending time with you guys, I love my job and the work with the kids and I love my courses. I faced my past and 'laughed into its face' and now I feel so much better. I'm regaining my confidence because it was about damn time" Louis opened up to her, feeling good about himself.
"You're glowing and you look content. It's a nice look on you, Louis. I'm happy that you're happy" Maribel smiled at him.
"And I want you to be just as happy. So, I'm here for you whatever you decide to do" Louis smiled back at her.
"Well, if being honest ends like that every time, then sign me up. I'm next in line" Maribel motioned with her head over at Liam and Kayla, who were holding hands and looking all over the moon.
"Not every time, Belle. But most of the time" Louis caught himself thinking of Harry for a split second but shook that thought away.
Half an hour later, the four of them left the café and headed toward the house of love. He and Liam were scheduled to meet up with Sean, Niall and Jonah. Maybe Àmbar and Aria would stop by too, if they found the time. At the front door, Maribel said goodbye to go and look for Liron and Liam told Louis to go ahead while he said goodbye to Kayla alone. Just letting them be, Louis walked inside and was about to climb the stairs when he caught a glimpse of Harry's curls through the half-open kitchen door.
Against his better judgement, Louis sneaked closer to the door and glanced inside. There he was. Harry and it looked like he was cooking something. It smelled heavenly. But he wasn't alone. There was a boy with him Louis has never seen before. Maybe this was that new guy Jordan. He was handsome and tall with dark hair and tan skin. It looked like they were cooking together.
"No, I swear. You're an amazing cook, H" that guy praised him, being definitely too touchy for being open-kitchen appropriate.
"You're not so bad yourself, Jordan. You've gotten better. I'm impressed" Harry complimented him back, sounding genuine.
"I have a good teacher" Jordan was definitely flirting with Harry.
Gripping the door handle for support, Louis tried to push down that upcoming jealousy. Of course, he was still jealous because he was still having feelings for Harry. It hasn't even been a week. And yes, he was the one who had broken things off and for a good reason, but that didn't mean that it wouldn't affect him to see Harry with someone else and even this fast. He did not expect him to move on so quickly after he has been so desperately trying to talk to Louis after their breakup. Well, hot air. Nothing else.
Getting angry at his own jealousy and mad at Harry for everything really, Louis pushed the door handle down and slammed the door shut before he left. He knew they have definitely seen him now but he didn't care. Harry could know Louis was upset.
"So much to not cooking for everyone he wants to bone. Tz, have fun with your deja-vu, Harold. Play pretend with him but there is really nothing special or new about this. I've had it first" Louis muttered furiously under his breath, stomping up the stairs.
Before opening the door to Niall's flat, Louis dared to glance back and was met with Harry's unfaltering gaze on him. He couldn't tell what Harry was thinking but as soon as Jordan showed up and drew Harry's attention to him, Louis decided enough was enough. He didn't need to know what Harry was thinking or feeling or doing. Ignoring the way Jordan dragged Harry away, Louis turned away and entered Niall's flat in the employee area.
"Tommo!" Niall and Sean exclaimed joyfully.
"Tommy!" Jonah ran right into his arms, Sean and Niall joining their embrace only a second later." Where's Liam?".
"Still outside with Kayla. Grew some balls today. Now they can't leave each other's side" Louis updated them on the new 'couple'.
"Was about damn time" Sean rejoiced cheerfully.
"You don't look like you're all too happy, Tommo. What's wrong?" Niall sensed his weird mood.
"Just an unpleasant sight in the kitchen on my way here. All my appetite left me. Now I feel sick. No biggie. Sushi isn't for everyone" Louis came up with an almost honest answer.
"Sushi? Ew, no thanks" Niall grimaced at the thought. So, there was something he wouldn't eat. That's new.
"Raw fish? That doesn't suit Nina" Jonah noted suspiciously.
"Believe me. It was fishy down there" Louis murmured peeved.
"Guys!" Liam tore the flat door open. "I have a girlfriend!".
"Congrats, mate" Sean jumped up to hug him.
"We knew that already" Niall clicked with his tongue.
"You took too long, Lima. Sorry" Louis grinned unapologetically.
"It's fine. I'm too happy to care" Liam was beaming from ear to ear. "Even that new Jordan guy could see I was overjoyed".
"Jordan? When did you meet him?" Sean asked confused.
"Downstairs in the kitchen. I heard Harry and went inside. He was with him. I think they were cooking. Who cares?" Liam recalled what he has seen earlier. "I have a girlfriend now!".
"We're so happy for you, man" Niall congratulated him cheerily.
"Sushi, mh?" Jonah leaned over to him so no one could hear him.
"Let it rest. It was the best I had" Louis wasn't in the mood.
"Guys, we found more people to help us move. It's getting better and better" Sean informed them hyped.
"That's amazing. Who?" Louis wanted to know curiously.
Shortly before the concert, Sean and Liam had told them that they would move into a shared flat with some other friends of Sean in a few weeks because Sean wanted to move out and Liam needed a flat with his time here being over.
"Have you ever heard of the band Boys Are Crazy? They're an Indie band, rock style?" Niall asked into the round.
"I think I know them. They're not pretty well-known, right?" Liam mused thoughtfully.
"Nope. Started as a garage band and never planned on doing this professionally but here they are now. People like them" Niall confirmed casually.
"And they're gonna help us? Why and how?" Sean was utterly confused and Louis was sharing that feeling.
"My best friend dated their guitarist a while ago. It's all about connections" Niall told them smugly. "Oh, and the lead singer is the brother of Jade from Cuatro Hearts".
"Wait what? How do you know that?" Jonah looked shocked.
"I know them?" Niall stated the obvious.
"Wait, so Harry dated a rock star?" Liam checked baffled.
"He really wasn't a big rock star back then. It was in high school and his name is Max. It was only for a short period of time but now we're all gonna reunite at your move. I met Sebastian, the drummer and lead singer's boyfriend, and told him about everything, including the move and he offered to gather the boys and help us. He wants to catch up with Harry and meet you, guys. Jade talked about us apparently" Niall let them all know way too calmly.
"What even is our life?" Sean whistled out starstruck.
"Yeah, what even is my life?! A rockstar as competition?" Louis crossed his arms over his chest, muttering to himself. "Breaking up was the best decision of my life, I see".
"Is anyone else in that band gay? If yes, we might be able to set Jonah up on a date" Liam cackled. Having a girlfriend had turned Liam into an idiot. Wow.
"Only Max is left. Maybe you can give it a shot if he doesn't have his mind set on someone" Niall replied weirdly.
"No thanks. I was um ... actually thinking about asking Alec out on a date" Jonah cleared his throat awkwardly. "If that's okay with you, Tommy".
"Of course, Joey. That's totally fine with me. Alec and I might have dated years ago but we never were anything serious. He is great and if you like him and he likes you, go for it" Louis was totally up for that. Alec would be great for him if Niall wasn't interested.
"You're gonna ask out my flatmate?" Sean fake-gasped at him. "Please, keep it down then. I need my beauty sleep".
"You really do" Jonah snorted mockingly.
"Ey!" Sean huffed but ended up laughing.
"Jonah is on fire today" Liamcheered light-heartedly.
"Just as much as you, Lima. Now that you have a girlfriend you're a completely new person. Didn't expect that" Louis pointed out.
"I just feel so free suddenly. I can't explain it" Liam shrugged.
"It's nice to witness, mate".
"I hope you're all gonna be just as hyped when I asked out Chloe. I mean, if she says yes" Sean threw in, sounding nervous.
"What is it with today? Why are you all suddenly manning up? That's fantastic, Sean" Louis didn't understand what was happening but he was loving it. It only stung a little.
"Let's just hope she says yes. Otherwise, you won't see me for a while. Or ever".
Liam and Jonah were trying to encourage Sean but Louis only noticed Niall looking gloomy and troubled. So, he took him by the wrist and dragged him into his own kitchen, shouting something like getting drinks over to his friends. "Niall, what's wrong? Is it because Sean wants to ask Chloe out?".
"To be honest, no. I'm totally fine with that and this really surprised me but maybe I should have seen it sooner" Niall answered in riddles, giving Louis nothing he could work with.
"When it isn't Sean, what is it?" Louis asked again.
"It's weird to tell you this because you're best friends but the idea of Jonah asking Alec out is not sitting right with me and I don't know why" Niall admitted to him ashamed.
"Do you feel sick to the stomach at the mere thought of what could happen between them? Angry or upset? Sad even? Does it make you feel uncomfortable to hear him talk about Alec?" Louis checked and just knew the answer would be yes to all of that.
"Yes?" Niall looked so shaken.
"You're jealous, Niall. I know that feeling perfectly and it's not nice. I know that" Louis enlightened him.
"But that doesn't make any sense. We're friends and I really ... Shit, maybe I like him a bit too much to just be his friend. I always want him to feel safe enough to be himself and I love seeing him come out of his shell. Fuck" Niall slowly realised what was going on with himself.
"Niall, this isn't bad. This is a good thing. You two could be great together. You balance each other out ...".
"But he wants to ask Alec out" Niall shrieked in a high-pitched voice. "I stand no chance".
"Believe me, you do stand a chance. If you really like him you should go for it. You have my blessing" Louis tried to lighten the mood.
"And you had mine, still have" Niall let him know, making Louis feel weird inside. "I know you don't wanna talk about what happened between you and Harry and I respect that but I just wanted to let you know that your break-up won't change anything between you and me only because Harry is my best friend. He only told me the break-up is on him and he fucked up and deserves this. He said you're not to blame and you did the right thing. Who am I not to believe him? If he says he doesn't deserve you then I won't question it although I want to. Real bad".
Niall's words hit him harder than expected. Knowing now that Harry was blaming himself so hard did something to his heart. He was to blame but ...
"Thanks, Niall. I assure you one day this whole thing won't be as tense anymore and Harry and I will be able to talk normally and hang out with you guys together again. We just need time" Louis interrupted his own thoughts to desperately ignore Harry's mere existence but it wasn't working. He had to try harder.
"You get all the time you need, Louis".
He should probably leave. He should definitely leave. His piano lessons with Kimberly and Thomas have been over for over an hour and he was still sitting by the piano, writing down his finishing touches for his newest songs he has written. This music room in the youth centre has become his quiet place to write music and embrace himself in peace. He has been here an hour before his lesson right after his lecture to play football with some of the kids. He really loved spending time with them.
Right now, he was going over the keys for his song called No Victim. For two weeks, he has felt the need to really get in touch with his feelings and work through his mind and his past and every single emotion connected to it. The results of that he put into three songs. The other two were Straight Faced Monster and Fool For You. Getting all of this out of his system had felt freeing and like a heavy weight has been lifted off his shoulders. Now he could finally move on as good as possible and work on his quirks he had left from his past abuse. Maybe someday simple gestures wouldn't make him emotional anymore but for now, every teeny tiny act of kindness could make him burst into tears. Or made him think of ... No, he wasn't going there right now.
Collecting his notes and papers, Louis left the room and checked out with his employee card, ready to head home but Violetta stopped him by the entrance. "Wait, this was left for you, Louis".
Discombobulated, Louis took the little piece of paper she was holding out for him and unfolded it. There was only one sentence written down in a handwriting Louis couldn't recognise.
Meet me in the park by the stone bridge in ten minutes.
"Who left this note for me, Vilu?" Louis needed to know.
"No idea. I didn't know them but apparently, it's urgent and very important. So, whatever it says on that paper you better do it" Violetta couldn't help him with this.
"What if someone wants to kidnap me?" Louis doubted the intentions behind this message.
"If you don't show up for work we'll call the police. I swear" Violetta flashed him the peace sign.
"How are you an adult?" Louis groaned, simply loving her.
"My ID says I am. That's how" Violetta shrugged unfazed before heading back into her office.
"Unbelievable" Louis shook his head in amusement.
Deciding to just go to this meeting place and see what this mysterious message thing was all about, Louis started walking to the park and headed straight to the bridge. Briefly, he was reminded of Harry and him being here before. It was a very bittersweet memory.
He was torn out of this memory when he heard footsteps approaching him. In a flash, he turned around and was met with someone he didn't expect to ever see again in his entire life. His mother was tentatively walking toward him with a hesitant smile on her face, looking so nervous.
"Mum?" Louis choked out, already tearing up.
"Hey, Buttercup" his mother Jasmine looked equally as touched.
When she wordlessly opened her arms for him he felt his tears starting to roll down his cheeks. With a lump in his throat, he sprinted the last few steps until he was engulfed by his mother's arms. She still smelled the same and this familiar scent made him sob like crazy but instead of letting him go, she only held him through it and Louis could feel her crying just as much.
"I missed you so much, Buttercup. God, I can't believe I have you back" Jasmine cried into his shoulder.
"I missed you too, Mum. I never thought I would see you again" Louis nuzzled his nose into her neck to feel her close.
"I'm so sorry, Darling. I ... I think we should talk. We have a lot to talk about. There are things you should know" Jasmine brought a bit of space between them to get her words out.
"Right. Over there?" Louis cleared his throat, being reminded of reality. Of his living and life situation and the reason, he was here.
"Are you alright, Love?" Jasmine checked when they sat down.
"I'm fine. By now. I mean, I have something figured out and the rest will show but um ... I don't wanna be mean or sound rude but can you just get to the point and cuss me out? I don't wanna get my hopes up any longer" Louis couldn't look at her.
"I'm not here to cuss you out, Darling" Jasmine's frown was evident in her voice.
"No? I thought you might share Dad's opinion and are just here to try and fix ...".
"Louis, I could never agree with what he did" Jasmine cut him off, sounding upset and devastated at the same time. "What your father did to you is unforgivable. It was not okay of him to kick you out for something you have no control over. It's okay to be gay, Louis. I love you just the same as always. It doesn't matter to me who you love or which gender as long as they treat you right and make you happy. Boy, girl, both or none. I don't care. You will always be my boy, my son and I love you, Louis".
That just made him cry harder, falling right back into his mother's arms. "You have no idea how much your words mean to me. I thought I was alone. When he kicked me out I was so broken and lost. I had nowhere to go. I felt ashamed of myself for who I am and for ruining our family. I thought you all shared Dad's opinion and could never love me again. I thought that's why he was the only one home that day".
"He got a text to come home earlier for some work stuff. That's why he was home so suddenly. I still don't know what stuff we're talking about here but it doesn't matter. I kicked him out. We had our issues before this happened but I can't be with some sick homophobe. I want my children to be able to be whoever they are and love freely. We don't need him in our lives but we need you, Louis. The girls keep asking for you since you're gone. Travis wouldn't tell us what happened. He claimed you just left because you wanted more than our family but I knew it was a lie" Jasmine told him what went on in his absence.
"I could never want more than our family, Mum. I love all of you and miss the girls so much. Can I see them?" Louis asked her, still fearful this all might be a dream or an illusion.
"Of course, Louis. Any time you want" Jasmine reassured him.
"Great but um ... Mum, how did you find me if Dad didn't tell ...".
"I didn't find you" Jasmine talked over him, a weird tone to her voice. "Your friend did. He told us what went really down with your father and where you ran off to".
"Which friend?" Louis hooked sceptically.
"His name was Harry? Is that right?".
And just like that all of the air was punched out of Louis' lungs. He felt his head spinning and his heart racing. Harry had contacted his mother behind his back to reunite them without saying a word. Why would he do that? He didn't owe Louis anything.
"Yeah, Harry" Louis croaked out overwhelmed. "What did he tell you and how did he find you? I never told him your name or anything really. Nothing specific enough to find you".
"I have no idea, Darling. I only know he showed up at our doorstep and wanted to talk to me. He said he knew you and where you were and what made you leave. He said your father kicked you out after an incident. He mentioned some violence but wasn't very specific. Louis, what happened?" Jasmine sounded broken.
"Remember that Sean had a stepbrother? His name is Kyle and he was my boyfriend for over a year. Kinda around the time Emily died. Obviously, I never told you because I was deep in the closet and never planned on changing that. To cut it short, Kyle is a bad person and it was a dark time but it's behind me and he is out of my life for good now. I'm better but he really did a number on me. On that day it was rock bottom and dad only made it worse. After Kyle had abused me, I ran into dad and he only screamed at me and slapped me and told me to leave. With what you told me I'm one hundred per cent positive Kyle was behind that text message and had planned for dad to walk in on us originally. He wanted me out of his life and ruined mine completely while he was at it. It would suit him" Louis opened up to her calmer than expected.
"My baby" Jasmine pulled him back into her arms. "I wish I would have known you were hurting so much".
"That's only on me. I kept it to myself but I learned to talk about it and accept the past for what it is. Now I can move on and I did. I am currently moving on and I couldn't be happier to have you back" Louis hugged her tightly.
"You sound a lot more grown up and mature. You changed but it's not a bad thing. I'm proud of you, Buttercup" Jasmine kissed the top of his head.
"Just to clear that up again ... Harry really showed up at the door and made this moment happen?" Louis still couldn't quite wrap his head around the whole situation.
"Yes, he did. He was very insistent on making this happen and doing this for you without taking any credit. I couldn't let that happen. He didn't want you to know it was him but I thought you should know how much he cares about you" Jasmine confirmed with gentle eyes and that typical mother's expression on her face.
"Well, he cares a lot. I knew that but damn. I'm shocked, to say the least. It's complicated with Harry. Well, not really. Just messy and ... weird? I don't even know" Louis was at a loss.
"I don't see how this can be complicated or messy. He deeply cares about you and wants you to be happy. That's pretty simple to me, Louis. Sometimes you don't need to know more than that and it's enough. Do you care just as much about him?" Jasmine stroked some hair out of his face soothingly.
"I'm not sure I ... There is nothing comparable like this that I could do for him or even want to do for him. His parents are dead and his sister is already back in his life. As long as I'm not magical and smart enough to turn back time to bring back his parents I could never even this out. I would but I can't. I was never able to show him ...".
"Did you hear what you just said?" Jasmine stopped his rambling. "You said you would bring his parents back from the dead if you could. That's huge. You care lots about him, Sweetheart".
For a moment, Louis was silent and thought back to every tiny moment between Harry and him during the last couple of months. Maybe he had never shown it as much as Harry did because Harry had been mostly fine but he would do anything for him and that was still true. It hadn't changed. "Yeah, I really do".
After talking to his mother for another hour and making plans for tomorrow to talk about some organisation stuff and seeing his sisters again, Louis rushed home as fast as he possibly could. Without any kind of plan or idea of what to say, he headed straight towards Harry's room but he wasn't there. Out of instinct, Louis knew where he was and made his way up to the roof terrace, where he found Harry leaning against the railing, staring into the distance with a wistful look on his face. It felt like forever since he had seen him like this and Harry hadn't even noticed him yet.
"So" Louis clicked with his tongue, startling Harry, who jumped around to gape at him. "You contacted my mother and made us meet up. Why? How did you even come up with that and why did you not want me to know it was you? And who wrote that message? It wasn't your handwriting. Who else was involved?".
"No one. Jordan actually wrote that note for me without asking many questions" Harry answered one of his many questions.
"Jordan". The name tasted damn bitter on Louis' tongue and he knew he couldn't hide the fact he wasn't like this part of the information. "Great. You asked your new boy to write that message to you so that I wouldn't know it was you ... makes sense. You didn't want me to come here. I get it. So, err ... Thanks for doing all of this. I appreciate it. Really. Means a lot to me. I should um ... leave now. Yeah ... gotta go. I'll see you around".
"No, Louis. Wait!" Harry stopped him from reaching the staircase leading back inside, causing them to crash against the glass railing. As if being close to him was the worst idea on this planet to him, Harry immediately backed away. "There is nothing going on with me and Jordan. That's not why he helped me. I mean, maybe that's why but still. I'm not into him".
"That looked different" Louis noted against his better judgment.
"Even if you think I was having the same cooking date with Jordan like I had it with you, that isn't true. No deja-vu here, Louis. He is actually an old friend of mine and we used to cook together as kids. I suggested it to make him feel better" Harry explained the kitchen incident to him. "We're not a thing".
"Because of Max, right? I know he's back" Louis felt every bit of jealousy from the past two weeks washing over him.
"How do you ... Niall" Harry got it on his own.
"He told us about your great rock star ex and that you wanna reunite soon" Louis knew he sounded spiteful. "Why are we even talking about this? I wanted to leave. So, thank you again. It wasn't necessary. You don't owe me anything but I still really appreciate what you did. Thank you, Harry".
Feeling awkward and so embarrassed, Louis wanted to leave again but Harry stopped him again by stepping right in front of him, being so close now. "Please, don't go. Can we talk? Please, I really wanna talk to you and explain myself. I know you want me to stay away but it's so hard. I just miss you every fucking day".
"Harry ...".
"No, please. Don't push me away before I can apologise for what I said and did. I'm so freaking sorry. I went too far and I know that. I should have never tried to keep you from doing what you want to do. I should have never raised my voice and ordered you around just because I was insecure and scared. I deserved everything you threw in my face and I will hate myself forever for breaking your trust and everything we had the way I did" Harry apologised desperately before Louis could leave but he had actually never planned to leave. Talking had sounded good to him.
Scared he or Harry might fall down the stairs with one wrong move, Louis beckoned Harry to follow him and sat down on one of the loungers with him. "I don't want you to hate yourself, Harry. You're not a bad person. You only did something really stupid and triggered the shit out of me. Around that time, I couldn't look at you anymore without getting angry and feeling so sad and disappointed because I had thought we had something really special. Something good and real but at that moment, I saw all of that shatter into a million pieces. You broke something that day but ...".
"And I'm so sorry, Louis" Harry started crying in guilt and shame. "I promised to treat you right and failed to do so".
"That's not true, Haz" Louis touched Harry's cheek hesitantly, wiping some tears away and shocking Harry completely. "From the very beginning, you treated me better than almost anyone else. You have been so careful and patient with me. You have shown me every single day how much you care. You've treated me like the most precious person. One big fuck up doesn't erase the rest, Haz. You are a truly good person, who has just been scared I might get hurt and chose the wrong words. The wrong way to deal with his fear and it came out wrong. I know that, Love".
"What are you saying?" Harry stared at him with huge eyes.
"I forgive you, Haz. We can leave that ugly incident in the past and move on. I don't want you to keep blaming yourself. You're nothing like Kyle and I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I should have never compared what happened to his actions. It was wrong of me" Louis let him know gently. Two weeks apart and talking to his mother had made him see some things clearer than ever before. Spending so much time on and with himself has been good for his confidence and progress.
"It was justified, Louis. I have no right to allow or forbid you anything and I never meant it the way I said it. Luke was such a red flag for me that I snapped and I'm sorry for what I said" Harry apologised all over again, still with tears running down his cheeks.
"Haz, you're forgiven. You can move on now. Let it rest" Louis forgave him again, hoping Harry understood it this time.
"But I don't wanna move on. I can't move on. I tried but I can't seem to forget about you. I know it's only been two weeks but you mean the world to me and I've never felt this way about someone before I met you. I'm holding onto the past because there I had you and I keep reminding myself of the reason why I lost you" Harry marked brokenly. "Sorry. I don't wanna bother you with my ...".
"You didn't lose me, Haz" Louis grabbed his hand gently, locking eyes with him bravely. "For two weeks, you may did but I can't and don't want to live without you. I'm not gonna lie, you hurt me and I wasn't sure if I could do this but the last two weeks have been good for me. This time alone. I was ready to forcedly move on from what we had but I don't have to. You're good for me and that one little incident doesn't change that but I needed to figure myself out on my own first. I did and I can see now that I still want you. So, if you still want me too ...".
"Fuck, isn't it obvious that I will always want you, Lou?" Harry broke into a blinding smile. "I could never reject you".
"Are you sure?" Louis bit down on his bottom lip, Jordan and Max appearing in his mind against his will.
"There is no one else for me, Lou. Only you. Always you. I tried to get over you but it's impossible. When you told me that your crush would go away it broke my heart but I wanted you to be happy ...".
"My crush did go away" Louis looked down, feeling scared.
"I don't understand" Harry frowned deeply, looking dejected.
"I don't have a crush on you anymore, Harry. My feelings changed" Louis lifted his head, looking deeply into Harry's sad eyes only wanting to light them up. "They evolved and have grown and there is no turning back now, Haz. You're stuck with me now because I love you, Baby".
Saying these three words out loud was the scariest thing Louis has ever done. He had never said that to Kyle and never felt that way about him. Harry meant everything to him and being apart for two weeks had made him realise how deep his feelings were.
"I don't expect you to say it back just yet. I only wanted you to know, Haz. You're everything to me" Louis added hurriedly.
"You're everything to me too, Lou" Harry teared up again." Shit, is this real? Am I dreaming?".
"You're not. This is really happening, Haz. And you know what else is real?" Louis smiled happily at him. Harry only shook his head cutely. "My need to kiss you right now".
"Kiss me, please" Harry just got even cuter.
Both of them leaned in and closed the distance between them. Feeling Harry's lips back on his own made his heart expand and his whole body was tingling and warm. Everything fell in place at that very moment. This was the place where he belonged. With Harry, he felt safe and sound and secure and just at ease and genuinely happy. He felt at home.
This right here was a moment he would remember forever. Just them on this roof terrace kissing after getting back together and clearing the air between them. This moment felt so special and precious and fragile. Nothing could ever make this better.
"Lou?" Harry panted out when both of them had to take a deep breath after kissing for so long.
"Yes, Baby?" Louis traced with his finger over Harry's bottom lip absent-mindedly in pure fascination.
Harry gently lifted his chin up, making them lock eyes again. He looked determined and sure and so much love was present in his eyes, that it made Louis swallow dryly. "I love you, too".
And maybe this moment could get better. He didn't expect Harry to say it back any time soon or even be there yet emotionally but here they were now, confessing their love to each other. To some outsiders, this might seem rushed, naïve or rash but to Louis, it was everything. It was perfect. Harry was imperfectly perfect.
So, they cleared the air and declared their love to each other. Thoughts?
That is the chapter I'm not happy with because it was planned differently. The two weeks were supposed to be longer and fuller of Louis' inner progress but somehow this felt more right while writing it. It was more natural this way. I don't know. This story didn't need more drama and dragged out Larry issues for me. But I might change that.
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