Everyone was sat silently.
Michael held the unnaturally white note in his pale hand, by now crumpled up and unraveled millions of times as he fought for an explanation.
Sophia's slight wound had stopped bleeding as she held her cold hand against it, hoping the cut would just disappear.
Luke sat silently, in between Sophia and Calum. He felt almost out of place, creating a void between the two sibling like friends.
Before sound could delete, Ashton stood up abruptly. His hazel eyes stared down at his friend as his urges took over.
"I'm done." His words spilled out of his mouth in a nervous rush. "I-I'm done with this shit."
Anxiously, he stumbled around, feverishly looking for a way out of this, in his mind, small hell.
He spotted the large door and made a dash for the handle. He wrapped his hand around it, the knob creaking as it turned.
Thinking he won, Ashton yanked the door towards him, only to be met by no movement. In fact, the way the door didn't move an inch, almost caused Ashton to slam his fist into his face.
Time and time again, he tried pulling the door open. Eventually, the handle came off. It fell off so easily, it slipped out of the Australian's hand, tumbling to the ground.
Desperately, he rammed his shoulder into the door. It didn't budge. It was like the door was sealed shut with super glue.
Ashton stepped back. He burst into a run as he dashed into the living room where his friends stood.
Hadley's calls were a mere whisper to Ashton.
Suddenly, he caught sight of the handle of a slider door hidden in between elegant red curtains.
In a matter of a moment, he felt his hand wrap around the velvet drapes. He violently yanked them to the side, nearly letting out a scream of frustration at the sight.
Black bricks.
The slider no longer had the shiny glass he saw the night before. Somehow, the glass was replaced with empty, black soul bricks.
I can't be here, I can't.
Ashton readied himself to run and find away out for what felt like the millionth time, but before he could move an inch, a hand wrapped around his arm.
He whipped his head to the side as his breath ran ragged. Hadley's brown eyes bore into his.
No words she spoke.
But her eyes told her command.
Calm. Down.
Silently, Luke watched from afar as one of his best friends turned from an animal locked in a cage to a scared rabbit running from an eagle, in seconds. Slowly, Hadley wrapped her arms around him.
Luke took it as his cue to look away.
Taking a glance at the floor, the blonde sat back down next to Sophia. As if on autopilot, Sophia's head laid down on Luke's shoulder.
Michael took a glance at him and Sophia before he sighed.
"So, this note." Michael said.
He threw the, now, crumpled up ball of paper onto the coffee table. The ink, once gracefully written on the paper, was smeared in the slightest of ways, Luke had noticed.
"It's pointless, right?" Amelia asked as she looked up at Michael. "This is just some prank?"
No one answered her, so, she leaned into Michael, hoping for the normal ounce of guilt not to rush into her small but not petite frame.
It did, like usual.
"We're screwed. Obviously, this rabbit doesn't fuck around." He gestured to Sophia's leg as he spoke.
Calum took a quick glance at Sophia. "But, it was just a fork. I mean, when we were in fifth grade, Sophia did the same thing to me, and I was fine."
Michael shook his head.
"Yeah, but--"
"But nothing!"
Eyes fixed on Luke as he stood up. "But nothing," he muttered. He looked down at everyone.
"I'm gonna look for food."
It only took a few strides for the blonde to leave, he barely hearing Calum saying how he'll be joining him.
Calum jogged up next to him and looked over at Luke briefly before he looked away, quickly.
They made it into the kitchen, Calum taking a sharp intake of breath as Sophia's whimper echoed in his mind, Hadley's now tear dried face still showing her smeared makeup fresh in his head.
Luke shuffled over to the many cabinets, shifting through them quickly, with little luck. Calum did the same with the pantry and fridge.
Luke felt Calum's gaze in his back as he turned around to see what the boy had to say.
"Your stressed."
Luke shook his head and looked away.
Who can lie when looking in someone's eyes.
"I'm not,"
"You are,"
"Okay, fine, I'm fucking stressed!" Luke threw his hands up as he spoke.
Calum smiled slightly as he broke the boys façade.
"What about?" He asked lightly.
Luke grabbed his findings, a bag of chips and a water bottle, and started towards the kitchens exit.
With that, Calum was left alone in the large kitchen with his stale loaf of bread, hoping to god he wasn't about to die.
"Luke...!" He yelled as he snatched up his bread and ran after his friend.
Once the two were sat back in the filled room, Sophia looked at the food on the table.
"I thought you brought a backpack?"
Luke sighed and shrugged. "Left in the Cal-pal mobile."
Sophia smiled.
Out of nowhere, Amelia spoke.
"A buddy system," she said. "We should make a buddy system."
Without any kinds of approval or disagreements, Amelia started to list off pairs.
"Sophia with Calum, Luke with Kristen, Me with Michael, and Ashton with Hadley."
There was moment of silence before Kristen spoke up from her spot on her chair, of which was Calum's.
"I don't know Luke, and he doesn't know me." She advised as she looked over at Amelia. "But," she switched her gaze on Sophia, then on Calum. "I do know Calum, slightly, even if he doesn't really know me that great."
Calum sighed and looked over at Sophia. "She's got a point," he agreed. "Is it okay if we switch, Soph?"
Luke rolled his eyes, the way Calum spoke made him sound like an item.
An item.
A stuffed penguins an item.
He shrugged lightly.
Never mind.
Sophia smiled at Calum and tilted her head in a slight way, motioning it Kristen.
"It's fine, go pair up with red over there."
As Calum stood to go sit next to Kristen, the sound of a smashing pot stopped him from walking.
Luke's head turned his head over to the sound, then stood up cautiously.
Through his vibrant blue eyes, he spotted a lamp missing and its pieces scattered across the white floor.
Slowly, he walked to the scattered antique, he assumed it was at least.
He bent down and grabbed a piece of porcelain, immediately nicking his finger and dropping the shard to the floor; it scattered into even more pieces.
He stuck his finger in his mouth on instinct. As he started to get up, another item fell, merely inches ways from him. He bit down on his finger as flinched. Hastily, he yanked his finger out of his mouth as the metalic taste of blood laid on his tongue.
As if time sped up, everything around Luke fell, shattering to pieces. Every pot, every lamp, every antique.
He crawled back wards as he tried to dodge all the things breaking around him.
It's not as easy as it seems.
As Luke moved to be on his knees, a flower pot fell of a shelf and onto his back. It shattered, causing Luke yelped out in pain. He bit his tongue as he felt the pain subside in the smallest way.
Luke scrambled up as he ran from the chaos erupting. A bookcase fell down next to Ashton and Hadley, snapping in half, wooden splinters fall to the floor.
"Go, go, go!" Luke shouted. As he yelled, everyone hastily got up and ran to the exit. Sophia being the last to get up, Luke grabbed her hand and yanked her towards him. In seconds, almost everything was broken. Just as Sophia and Luke slipped into the hallway, a bookcase fell, a case that could had fallen on top of the two.
The eight teens huddled in the hallway, trying to keep far from the door.
Silently, Kristen counted the seconds as the smashing faded.
At one point, Sophia peeled herself away from Luke and took a daring step forwards. Her foot crushed bits of a discarded vase as she stepped down.
She looked to her right and spotted a flower vase that was untouched, a single red rose tucked inside. She looked over the flower and spotted a delicately thin string attached to the antique and the wall. She gently grabbed the Rose out of the base and held it in her hand. The thorns pricked her skin as she felt Calum's hand wrap around her wrist gently. When he pulled her away, the flower pot fell forwards, missing Sophia by an inch.
Calum guided Sophia away from the the small end table and back to the group.
As she left the entrance, Ashton shut the doors gently and turned around.
"Let's, let's look around."
They decided to go in their pairs.
No one decided to have set places to visit, just go in blind.
Hadley walked next to Ashton as they walked through the wide hallway. There was plenty of room for her to be, she just chose to stand next to the boy, afraid of what would happen if she didn't.
Apparently, it was one of those times when Hadley hated her ability to be scared so easily.
"You know," Ashton chuckled as he crossed his arms. "You don't have to stand so close to me Hadley, there's not much to be afraid of right now."
Hadley looked up at him. "Besides the fact there's a psycho with most likely a knife in his hold? No, not much to be afraid of, Ashton."
Ashton shook his head and smiled.
Out of nowhere, he jogged forwards to a set of doors.
"Lil' shit." Hadley muttered. She caught up to Ashton as he opened the wide doors.
"Damn," he muttered. "I seem to be a door keeper today."
He grabbed on to Hadley's hand as he walked into the room. Hadley shoes slapped against the floor, being the only sounding the room besides her and Ashton's breaths.
There were tall, white columns in each corner of the room, complementing the light wood floor. The windows, which would have given off light, were blocked up with black out paint and the only light was a barely broken chandelier. Candles were situated on the chandler instead of crystals or lights.
"It's a ballroom," Hadley said. Ashton looked down at her and cocked his head to the side. "I didn't realize, you baby bean."
He walked forwards to the middle of the room as Hadley muttered, "baby bean?"
He took a look around the room before he glanced back at Hadley, holding his hand out.
"May I have this dance?"
Kristen walked two feet exactly in front of Calum. She lied when she said she was comfortable with him. She knew the boy the most, but barely by a minute.
He was still the drunk guy who was checking her out at a party.
Eventually, they found themselves in a library of sorts.
One thing Kristen remembered, is that they went up two levels from the first.
Third floor: a library
Calum walked up next to the redhead as she shuffled through the books on the shelves.
"Uh, look," he started. "Sorry for not leaving you alone at the party, and ruining your night, and bringing you into a house with a psycho in it."
Kristen sighed as she pulled her hand away from the books.
"Calum, I get it, you're sorry. You were drunk, you didn't know this would happen, I was just being nice. I mean, if I do die, it's fine. I'm just a college kid with thousands of student loans to pay and two dead parents. It chill over here."
Calum started at her blankly as she calmly picked a book up and flipped it open.
"Your parents are, are dead? Oh-oh God, i-I'm so sorry." Calum stuttered.
Calum's cheeks flushed red. "If, if I'd known I wouldn't have dragged you out if the party. Wait, how the hell would I know," He laughed nervously. "Look, uh--"
Kristine slammed her hand over the boy's lips, cutting him off from speaking. She peered over his shoulder and sucked in a breath.
Calum took her hand off his mouth and opened his mouth to question her, but she cut him off once again and pointed behind him.
Slowly, the boy turned around and to his dismay, he spotted white and pink.
Kristen and Calum took a hesitant step back, careful not to make the floor creak.
The rabbit was looking down at a book, silently scanning the page.
Kristen looked over her shoulder, spotting a door. She grabbed Calum's hand and slowly pulled him backwards.
Caution coated her actions and she felt the doorknob touch her back. With a shaky hand, she wrapped her fingers around the knob. Slowly, she managed to turn the knob and open the door without a noise to fill the silence.
She pulled Calum closer to her, to the point where her chin was against he shoulder.
Taking one last step, she pushed Calum gently into the closet and shut the door without a sound.
She looked over at Calum, only to see him staring blankly at a wall.
She tiptoed over to him and wrapped an arm around him. She took a look around the closet.
Coats seemed to filled every inch. Coats of black, red, yellow, everything, even leather.
Third floor: library and coat room.
and, apparently, the rabbits den.
Sophia stuck her hands into her pockets of her jenns and she shuffled closer to Luke. the two stepped away from the stairs as the went further into the hallway.
She looked over at the said boy, he wore his black jeans and a black hoodie.
He's probably thanking the fairy lords he decided to wear normal clothing compared to Calum and Michael's suits.
The faint ticking of clocks entered Sophia's ears. She rubbed her ear against her sweater, hoping the sound would go away.
"Do you hear that?" Luke whispered. She nodded.
The ticking got violenter and louder as they neared a room. Sophia moved her hand forwards and turned the door knob.
Immediately, the two were hit with a wave of ticking.
Luke's hands went to his ears as he hissed, Sophia doing the same.
She opened a brown eye and looked into the room. Dozens of clocks decorated the walls and ceiling.
Hastily, she reached forwards and slammed the door shut.
She grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him away from the door. Once a few feet away from the room, Luke stopped Sophia and sat down.
He still had his hands over his ears as she sat down next to him. Slowly, she pulled his hands off his ears.
"Please tell me you hear ringing too." He said as he looked up at her. She nodded as she sighed.
Eventually, she stood up and pulled Luke up as well.
"We've got more rooms to look at."
On the way down the hall, Luke said he'd counted the rooms, there being in total eleven rooms minus the clock room.
They checked each, finding eight to be bedrooms and three to be bathrooms.
Sophia stood in the doorway of a bedroom as Luke finished looking through another. She turned around and looked at the one she stood in front of.
It seemed to look slightly like Michael's room, but not exact. She took a step in. As she did, she noticed a crisp piece of paper in the side table of the bed.
She picked up the paper. It only reading one word.
What Sophia didn't expect, was the feeling of a cloth over her mouths and a pair of arms covered in fur to wrap around her. She felt a wave if drowsiness rush over her as she fell into the person's arms. The last word she heard, was whispered in her ears.
It seems, never pick up the notes.
Michael and Amelia stood in front of the door. They both knew what room they were stuck with.
The basement.
Of course the couple gets given the basement.
It's probably filled with bodies. Michael thought.
Hesitantly, Amelia opened the door and grabbed Michael's hand.
What they didn't know, was that what they would see, wasn't half as bad as what happened to Sophia.
chapters kinda short to me. if your reading this, i apologize.
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