Part 7 | Feelings
Jungkook's POV:
I woke up the morning after our dinner with Blackpink feeling extremely happy.
I kissed Lisa. Not only that, we had a full on makeout session.
I wanted to wait longer to take the initiative but it was spur of the moment thing. I just couldn't keep looking at her while she kept bitting her lips that way.
So I decided to have a little courage and do it.
Most people think I'm scared of girls, but it's not really that, I just never found much interest in having a relationship before.
Of course I've had my fair share of hookups, especially when most of my friends are playboys so I'm surrounded by those behaviors.
The boys from the 97liner groupchat really are the worst in that department and constantly encourage me to flirt with girls or even have sex with them. I have refused most of the times out of respect for said girls.
Also, they didn't really interest me. That was until Lisa.
Basically, I can control myself but having her in my lap moaning my name really did test that self control.
She looked so beautiful looking at me shyly with her big round eyes as her cheeks flushed.
"Hey maknae! So when are you going to tell us what happened between you and Lisa?" Taehyung hyung teased as I got into the kitchen to have breakfast.
"Why don't you ask Hobi hyung? He was the one to interrupt us." I responded sending a glare to the individual I was talking about.
"Hey! I wasn't expecting to see you between Lisa's legs, almost shirtless as you kissed her okay? I didn't need to see that. I prefer to see you as that 15 year old baby you were."
"Yeah she was on my lap facing me, so I was between her legs and shirtless because things were getting heated okay?"
Yoongi hyung seemed to finally pay attention to what was being said, "Were you planning to fuck her up there?! Jennie would kill me if you did that!"
"Of course not! I wasn't planning to fuck her at all, I would never treat her like that. I like her okay?" I spoke the last part almost in a whisper.
Yeah it's true. I like her.
I didn't know if I did before we met yesterday. I felt it was too soon.
The only problem was that she simply said she was "attracted" to me.
What if she doesn't want a relationship? What if she only wants to keep things physical?
Can I do that?
Shut up, Jeongguk, you're overthinking.
Even though we have known each other for 4 days, it feels like forever. We text all day and talk about everything and after last night, I'm
planning on asking her on a date soon.
But right now I have the opportunity to see her again in two days when our schedules are the same and we have an award show.
"Ohh our maknae is finally into a girl..." Yoongi oppa smirked as he went back to drinking his milk.
Why do they have to embarrass me like this?
After breakfast I went up to my room.
We still got a couple of hours before having to leave for a fitting of our suits for the show so I decide to do what I love.
Playing games.
Everyone knows I like games and play a lot, but what they don't know is that the rest of my hyungs also do.
When we are not working on new music, we occasionally play all together.
But this time I guess I'm playing alone. Tae hyung may join soon if he decides to play too.
So I turned on the computer and opened the game.
I usually loose track of time when I'm playing, it's like I entre a new world.
That must have happened again since without noticing I have Yoongi hyung inside my room, yelling at me.
"Jungkook, what the hell?! I've been calling you for 10 minutes, but of course you couldn't hear me since you have those fucking headphones on maximum volume!"
"Sorry, hyung, it's just better this way! But is it time to go already?"
"Of course it is! Look at the time! Manager hyung is already downstairs!"
I quickly turned off the computer and ran downstairs.
The fitting went well. Our stylists decided to go for suits once again which I kind of like.
On our way to the dorm, I decide to text Lisa
"Hi, love."
Two minutes later, I got a reply.
"Hi, sorry I can't talk right now! BamBam is bothering me again."
I laughed at her reply.
"Good luck with that then!"
"Talking to Lisa?" Jimin hyung asked me.
He smirked, "You really are whipped for her."
"Stop okay? Yes, I like her! She is really nice."
Why is everyone so shocked that I like a girl? Wasn't that what they've wanted for so long?
"No it's have been different since meeting's weird. A good type of weird."
I rolled my eyes at him, "If you say so..."
Jimin hyung is like me. He doesn't worry about girls that much.
He is really good friends with Seulgi from Red Velvet but he was never interested in her and she didn't want anything either. We don't even know really when their friendship began.
Yesterday I caught him talking to her on the phone about Rosé, Lisa's member.
Maybe Jimin hyung likes Rosé? She is friends with Red Velvet so it makes sense he would talk to her.
He is the type to ask for that kind of help, unlike me who has to deal with BamBam without asking
It's not that it bothers me, I love BamBam, but being friends with Got7 means my hyungs will tell them everything before I have the time to.
And that is what really bothers me.
Speaking of the devil, he called me as soon as I got into my bedroom.
"What do you know?" I asked immediately after picking up.
"Hello for you too. How was yesterday? I've heard you finally took the initiative and that it went well."
"Let's not exaggerate okay? She didn't even tell me she liked me back."
"She will, trust me. No but seriously, I'm proud of you. Just please don't act like me and the rest of the boys and play with her feelings. I really care for her and she has never been this interested in someone. I want her happy."
For once, he seemed serious about what he was saying. BamBam is usually the type of guy that just jokes around and never takes anything too seriously.
"Don't worry, I'm not like you guys."
The day of the award show didn't take long to arrive.
It's always the same thing. Rehearsals for our stage in the morning, final fitting after that and then we stay at our dorm to relax till it's time to go.
We really wanted to do something different for our Armys this time, it's exhausting but worth it.
"It's still not perfect!" Namjoon hyung yelled in frustration.
"I know it's not what you had in mind but I don't think it's possible to do exactly what we wanted, hyung" Jimin hyung spoke softly trying to calm our member down.
Apparently, things weren't going as him and Yoongi hyung had imagined and the performance wasn't looking the way they wanted.
Namjoon hyung really is the one that is most involved in the creative part of our performances and gets really upset when his ideas are not brought to life the correct way. He works so hard it pains to see him this stressed.
We were in the middle of our 2-minute break break when I saw 4 figures waiting in line for their turn.
My eyes immediately turn to her and I smile.
And she smiled right back to me.
As I dance I notice her eyes on me.
I make sure to give my all as I dance to Not Today
She looked away as soon as I winked in her direction mid-choreography.
As out time comes to an end, I see the staff all around the girls preparing them for their rehearsal.
In a moment of luck, all the staff leaves the area far enough for me to whisper in her ear as we leave the stage.
"Meet me in the girl's bathroom when you finish"
I only had time to see the smirk that appeared in her face as I left.
"What the hell are you doing? People may have seen that." Jin hyung whispered to me.
"Don't worry, I made sure no one did."
"Please be careful. Just because we are allowed to date doesn't mean they are. You know how protective how fans can be and you wouldn't want that happening to Lisa." He told me patting my back
"Of course not, hyung."
In an hour, I was done with my fitting and Blackpink's As If It's Your Last couldn't be heard anymore in the arena.
Their rehearsal had finished.
I made my away to the girl's bathroom and luckily no one seem to be in that zone of the venue.
I didn't have to wait for long till I saw her.
I'm so glad she didn't ignore what I said.
I entered the bathroom and she followed me, a couple of seconds behind.
As she came in, she locked the door.
I only had time to say "Hi" before she hungrily connected her lips to mine.
I hope this is good, I'm feeling a little self conscious of how this story is going tbh
I don't want it to seem rushed.
Also, thank you for 1K reads 💓
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