Part 35 | Tell me
"C'mon, Chaeyoungie! That is not fair!!" I whined, stirring in our couch
It had been more than 5 hours since we had come from Bangtan's dorm. Me and Chaeng were the only ones at the dorm since Jisoo and Jennie unnie wanted to try this new restaurant and we were too tired to go with them.
And for all these hours, all I've been trying to do is to make Rosie to tell me if something happened between her and Jimin oppa. She was full of hope yesterday and they slept next to each other, something must have happened, especially because she doesn't want to tell me.
But she will have to, because she can't just leave me wondering! She told me the beginning of the story and now I want to know the rest!
"Lisa, it was nothing!"
"If it was nothing then you should have no problem telling me." I shot back.
Yes, I kind of have argumentative power.
She stared at me, not being able to respond.
Got her.
"He almost kissed me but we got interrupted." she finally confessed, almost whispering.
She sounded disappointed, like she was expecting more than that. I mean, if he was going to do it and someone interrupted I would be too. Also, I know she has been waiting for this for a long time so I kind of feel bad for her.
"But didn't he kiss you later on?" I asked, confused
Okay someone interrupted them, but what stopped him from trying to do it later on? What the fuck is wrong with that guy? Did he get shy all of a sudden?
She signed, "No, he actually avoided me afterwards and we got too drunk I don't remember the rest or how we ended up next to each other."
She was so disappointed. She had so many expectations for last night and was so nervous I genuinely thought something was going to happen.
I don't know what her feeling for him are but I guess he is more important to her than I thought.
I decided to drop the topic, not wanting to disturbe her even more with it.
We stayed silent, only watching TV, thinking about everything and anything. My headache ended up subsiding after taking some medication but I still felt like dying.
But I kept thinking.
I don't know anything about the thing between Chaeng and Jimin oppa.
Why was I the only one to admit to a relationship right when it started?
Jennie unnie? She hid it for months and only told us because she was caught. Jisoo unnie? God knows for how long her's as been going on. And Rosie? Well she only told me she was texting Jimin when she panicked about the party and what to do. Seulgi had commented the situation with me months ago
It's like everyone had the necessity of hiding from each other. Don't we trust each other? Being in love its nothing to be ashamed of.
I get it that they want privacy. I do too, I've made myself clear on that, but not even telling? It kind of hurts to be honest. I thought we were a family
I let Jennie unnie's case slide because she was the first one. She probably panicked a little bit because of the infamous dating rule. But after yesterday's revelations I can't help but wonder why did Rosie and Jisoo unnie kept it to themselves. Especially when I confronted Jisoo unnie about it back when she caught me and Jungkook that morning.
"Chaeng?" I called, almost in a whisper.
I don't want to start a fight with them over this, I just want to know.
My member turned her gaze to me.
"I don't want to be mad but, Seulgi had already told me about your and Jimin oppa's situation. back when Jungkook and I weren't even dating. Why did you hide it from us?"I questioned but suddenly the door opened, revealing the rest of our members.
"Hi, guys." Jennie unnie greeted, taking her shoes off.
Chaeng looked at me, as if she didn't want to answer my question.
I didn't take my eyes off her, pressuring to get an answer.
Jisoo unnie looked at us in confusion, "Why are you looking at each other like that?"
I turned my gaze to her, "I was thinking...why did everyone hide their relationships from each other except me? Don't you trust us enough that whenever something big happens no one tells anyone for months?"
My unnie's eyes softened, approaching me and Chaeyoung, but somehow, I could see some guilt in their eyes.
"Lisa...that's not it. At all." Rosie started, putting her hand on my shoulder.
"Then what is it, Chaeng? I've known about yours for months but you never told me. Jisoo unnie? I talked to her about who she had a crush on. Still nothing. I get that you want privacy, you know I do too, but...I want to celebrate those moments with you guys."
It's true. I want to see them happy. Jennie's smile when she talks about Yoongi oppa is the cutest, it makes me warm inside that someone is making her happy. If our other members are feeling the same I wish they would tell us.
"I know, Lisa, I get how you are feeling but...I felt selfish." Jisoo unnie started.
"Why, unnie? Why did you feel that way?" Jennie asked, sitting next to our oldest member.
"Because it happened during the scandal. I didn't want you guys to feel that I didn't care." Our big sister confessed, in the sad manner we so rarely see her in.
And I felt guilty. She just wanted to protect Jennie and Rosie and me. Jisoo never did it to hurt us. Now I was the one feeing selfish.
"Unnie...we would never think that. We are glad you found someone to help you through that. We were all devastated, all incapable of helping each other completely. We all felt the same pain and worry. Lisa had Jungkook, I had Yoongi and apparently, Rosie had Jimin. It's nothing to be ashamed of." Jennie unnie comforted
"And you looked so happy yesterday, unnie. I apologize for not telling you guys either. I just, I don't know if Jimin likes me or not. I was afraid that if I told you sooner I would be giving myself false hope. That it may be all in my head and I am just a friend." Chaeyoung sighed, near tears.
This is clearly something that I bothering her. She likes him that is clear and I think he likes her too. Jimin oppa gravitates a lot towards Chaeng during dinners and he even tried to kiss her apparently. He has to like her.
But he also comes off as the shy type.
"Chaeyoung, I think he is just shy. You know Jimin. Very cute and shy. Like you." I smiled hugging her jokingly to emphasize the "cute" part.
The australian girl let out a giggle.
"That's right, Chaeng! How can he not like you?" Jennie unnie shot back all excited.
"Look at us. All happy and in love. Had someone tol dme this would be us now, a year ago I would have laughed in their face." I said laughing.
"Yeah, someone dating you?! Jeon Jungkook has to be an angel to do it." Jisoo unnie replied, back to her sarcastic self.
This is the Blackpink I love.
"Unnie....stop!" I whined in my high pitched voice my members hate.
"Oh my god, Lalisa, tone it down, I have a headache." Jennie unnie asked, moaning in pain.
"Ohh everyone knows. You almost beat the shit out of Yoongi oppa this morning." Rosie laughed.
"That bitch is still going to pay for not letting me sleep."
OT4 moment because I love them to death. I didn't proof read so I'm so sorry if this isn't great.
Unfortunately, we are approaching the end of this story. Most of you probably already know I'm writting a book 2 on Jisoo and maybe even one on Rosie. More liskook moments are going to be on that one as well, of course.
But for now, enjoy what's to come!
Also, I have joined BLACKTANWRITES as an official writer so please expect my team's co-written stories there! It's going to be ao much fun!
Love you all 💚
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