Part 28 | Coming Clean
Lisa's POV:
"Lisa, you are worrying us. What did YG sajangnim and JYP do?" Jennie unnie asked
Ever since I came back from the JYP building my unnies have been dying to know what is going on.
And I will tell them everything. As soon as Jungkook gets here. He accepted my invitation. Luckily he had the time to.
"Unnie, I already said I'll tell you everything when Jungkook gets here. Please wait."
My unnies were getting impatient, they wanted to know what YG sajangnim had discovered when we went to talk to Tzuyu. And they wanted me to tell them right in that instant.
I mean, this has also to do with them so it's normal.
As I finished talking the doorbell finally rang, ending my members' wait.
He arrived.
I quickly opened the door to let Jungkook into the building and waited for him to come up.
And two minutes later there he was, my boyfriend. But his smile didn't quite reach his ears.
I kissed his lips, "What's wrong, baby?"
He kept smiling sadly to me, like he was worried.
"Why did you ask me to come here?" He asked, coming in, asking me straight away.
My face turned stern, "I need to talk to you."
And the worried look in his eyes got clearer. A mix of anxiety and sadness.
Why is he looking at me like that? I didn't say anything yet.
Wait...Does he think-
Oh my god, he probably thinks I want to break up with him.
"Oh no, baby, it's not what you are thinking. I'm not breaking up with you, that's not it." I explained, caressing his cheek.
He looks like a whole baby, it breaks my heart a little to see that look on his face. He is too cute.
He is known for his baby-like angelic face, everyone knows that. He makes everyone want to make him happy right after just once glance in his direction. His smile lights up the room and his sad face leaves you feeling extremely uncomfortable.
But I'm not sure if he knows the affect he has on people. He really is the cutest and has the power to mess with your emotions, even if he doesn't know it.
And the fact that he can be manly as well when he wants to just makes it even better. Most people can't pull out sexy AND cute. Jungkook definitely can.
The moment those word left my mouth, I felt him instantly relax.
And his soft smile appeared, "Really? I thought that's why you had called me here. You were so serious over text."
I rolled my eyes at him, "You are so silly. Of course, not. I wrote "I love you" in the text message and all."
This boy.
His face changed to an expression of understanding, the moment he realized his worries were dumb, "Oh..."
I don't know what to do with him.
"C'mon, my members will be joining us as well. I really have to talk to you all." I said, my face going back to stern, leading him
Honestly I expected myself to be much more nervous than I actually am. I thought I would be panicking, not wanting to do it and afraid.
It's not that I think my members or Jungkook will be mad it's just that I don't know how they will react. I mean, my members may get mad at me for hiding it but nothing serious.
I just really don't know what to expect but I'm unexpectedly calm and relaxed.
I watched as Jungkook bowed to my unnies and sat down of the couch together with them. I just sat on the small chair next to it.
"I know you must all be worried and wondering what Jungkook is doing here." I started getting nods from everyone
"After talking with YG sajangnim and JYP we have finally gotten an answer for what is going on with Tzuyu as she admitted it to us herself."
The faces if the people in front of me seemed to relax a little bit, happy for finally being able to know what is going on. Suddenly I feel bad for them, they are suffering the consequences of my actions, their careers on the line because of me and not even knowing who wants to ruin them.
It wasn't fair. It wasn't their fault.
As I noticed this, I finally took a deep breath, getting ready for the heavy part.
"She was being blackmailed. Sehun was blackmailing her with pictures of her partying and of me and Jungkook. He has been following us around or asking someone to do it, we don't know but he has those photos and was using them against Tzuyu." I explained as their faces grew into shocked, even outraged ones.
"Sehun? Why would he do such a thing he doesn't even know you and his members are friends with mine." my boyfriend asked, his face the most confused out of the 4.
Of course he is, my members just have to put 2 and 2 together to know his motives. Not Jungkook.
"Jungkook, I never told you but we had a brief relationship a couple of months ago, I'm sorry for just telling it now." I admitted as his face show went to show the same emotion as my members'.
"Lisa, but wasn't he the one to break up with you? Why is he doing this now?" Jisoo unnie asked
I took another deep breath, "No, unnie. There's parts I haven't told you all yet."
Well I guess this is hard after all.
"What do you mean?" Jennie unnie asked looking worried.
"We...we didn't fight, that's what I invented to hide the real reason. The truth is...Sehun actually became abusive over time. He would yell and insult me when we were alone. We broke up because Bambam saw it once. I'm sorry for not telling you but I didn't want everyone worrying for me and Bambam was already enough. I knew I shouldn't have done that but I don't know...I didn't want you guys to worry." I finally spilled out watching my friend's and boyfriend's faces become more and more mad at the whole situation.
And then I turned my gaze to Jungkook.
He looked like he was about to kill someone. His face looked so angry and shocked that it actually scared me
"HE DID WHAT TO YOU?" It wasn't like he yelled that but rather talked aggressively and outraged.
He was still sitting down but was clearly impatient, looking at the way he tapped his foot on the ground quickly.
"Lisa...You should have told us. We could have helped you." Chaeng said sadly, tears starting to form in her eyes.
I knew she would cry. She is just sensible and cares. Chaeyoung is the sweetest person I know and it hurts her to see her loved one hurting.
"I know, I know I was wrong but at the time I didn't want anyone to know and I'm sorry." I answered back before turning my eyes to Jennie unnie.
Who also looked like the was about to do something crazy.
"I'm going to fucking kill the guy. Who does he think he is?! I can't believe this shit. First, he treats you like shit and now he has the audacity of wanting to break your relationship when you finally find someone who treats you right?! And uses Tzuyu to do it?! He can't get away with this shit!" She exploded in a very Jennie-like mode.
Jennie is a very passionate person just like Chaeng. But in her case, she becomes aggressive, yells and fights backs with twice the strength. Hurt someone she loves and she will do whatever is in her reach to make your life miserable. She didn't get to where she is now for nothing.
And that's the Jennie I am now witnessing.
"Oh trust me. He won't." Jungkook said much more calmly but still nervously tapping his foot on the floor and aggressively talking.
No. He won't do anything to Sehun. It's unnecessary and dumb. They might get into trouble because of it and our bosses are already on it
"No! Don't do anything. Neither of you! YG sajangnim and JYP are already on it. They know of everything. He will get what he deserves." I explained talking louder.
Jennie hissed, "You think? SM won't give a flying fuck. He brings them a lot of money."
"Yeah but YG sajangnim and JYP do and you know how sajangnim is when he gets mad and trust me, he was. Sehun is not worth your attention, let them take care of him, please." I begged
Congratulations Lisa, you have caused a war between the biggest entertainment companies in this country. Amazing. You have truly finally made it.
But at least, Sehun will kiss his career goodbye for sure. The guy doesn't know what's coming to him. Not even his country will be able to protect him from something like this.
"Lisa, he mistreated you! I'm not just going to sit around and wait for something to happen!!" Jungkook fought back but I cut him immediately
"Yes you will! You won't do something stupid that will turn on you afterwards!"
"But Lisa-" Jennie unnie started.
"ENOUGH" I heard someone yell.
Jisoo unnie.
"Lisa, is right! You two are not talking to the guy or doing anything to him. It's unnecessary and extremely dumb. You are better than that!" She yelled
I had never heard her yell.
But I guess she was done with everyone yelling for a dumb reason. It's in these situations you see how Jisoo really is our oldest. We may not have a leader, but Jisoo is almost like an unofficial leader.
She is really good at managing crisis and that's exactly what we need in a leader. She has the ability of staying calm even when we are all nervous and leads us through the right way.
"I'm sorry, unnie." Jennie said immediately.
Here, this is Jisoo's power.
The aura in the room settled down, everyone still mad and frustrated but not yelling.
No one was speaking. Jisoo unnie's yell had been enough to end the argument.
I don't blame them. I want Sehun to get what he deserves too. I want his career done and everyone knowing how much of a coward he is for insulting his own girlfriend for no reason at all.
But we had to wait instead of doing what he wants and acting on our own. He will just blackmail us again then.
Jungkook continued to look like one of his vains was about to pop. His baby like face no longer looking so baby-ish but very angry.
I hope he is not angry at me too for not telling him sooner I thought
I feel like this story is getting so boring I'm sorry. I want to write an amazing story for you all but it's like...I can't
But I love you tons and thank you for supporting me ❤️
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