Part 26 | Dificulties
Tzuyu's POV:
I'm in trouble. I'm in big trouble.
I thought it wouldn't happen so soon but I should have imagine. It was bound to happen at anytime now.
It happened when we were in JYP's cafeteria having lunch and Got7 came in and greeted us as usual.
Most of my members trained with them so we are all friends.
They sat next to us as a conversation started, we all laughing and telling jokes as it happens every time our lunch break happens to be at the same time.
Except that Bambam kept looking at me in an extremely weird way. Like he was mad.
And he is never mad.
"Oppa, what's wrong?" I asked which apparently made him even more pissed judging by the look on his face.
Without saying a word, he took his phone out and unlocked it.
What is he doing?
"I was just wondering..." He started as my fear grew.
Our members ended their conversations as they realized the heavy atmosphere between us, wanting to know what was going on.
Only Bambam's voice could be heard.
And he kept looking through his phone.
"...what these are." He finished, turning the phone to me.
One the screen, the photos of me and Jungkook Sehun took were seen
My members all gasped and smiled but by the looks seen on the rest of Got7 members' faces I realized they had understood what those meant. That they weren't just photos of me with a boy.
But photos of me with a boy whose girlfriend is my friend, which is something my members didn't know.
Of course the boys knew, they are all friends with Bangtan.
"Tzuyu, do you have something with Jungkook?" Jihyo unnie teased as the rest of my members smiled but quickly stopped as they saw I wasn't doing the same and nor was Got7.
"Wait, what's so bad about those photos? Who took them?" Mina unnie asked innocently as I lowered my head to look to the table.
It's over, they are going to be pissed at me.
It's all Sehun's fault. Of course Bambam would know and even have the photos.
He did it on purpose to fuck me over. I had no idea he would get them as well.
"Well, you see, here Tzuyu is all smiles with Jungkook, and that would be awesome except for the fact that Jungkook has a girlfriend. Lisa." Bambam told everyone.
I could feel their eyes on me. The disappointment in my members faces.
"Lisa is dating Jungkook? Is he the boy she said she was seeing? You knew about this, Tzuyu?" Momo unnie asked turning to me.
But I couldn't, I couldn't look at them.
"Yeah, she did. And she lied about what Jungkook had done, telling Lisa he flirted with her the whole time they met and apparently that isn't true according to him, which is supported by the fact you were the one to meet him at Bighit Entertainment out of nowhere. Tzuyu, what was all of this for? Was it really necessary to hurt Lisa?" Bambam answered for me.
I felt tears run down my face.
I want to tell them what's going on. I want to make all of this stop. I want Sehun to leave me alone so I can move on and let my friend be happy.
I don't want all my members and friends mad at me and turn their backs.
"Tzuyu! Why did you do that?!" Jihyo unnie asked outraged.
Tears and more tears ran down my cheeks.
And I left. I stood up from the table and left.
I didn't want to be rude but it was the only thing I could do. I had no answer to give and I felt overwhelmed.
I don't blame Bambam for being mad. I would be too. I know he is really close with Lisa.
And I don't blame my members. We are all friends with Lisa.
But I'm scared of what will happen if I tell them. Of what will happened the moment Sehun notices his plans aren't working out.
He will expose me and them. It will be over for all of us. Especially Blackpink and Twice.
So I ran, and locked myself up in the artist's bathrooms. Crying my heart out, letting all the frustrations leave my body.
I felt trapped. I had nowhere to go. My friends and members hated me, and rightfully so.
And even worse, I didn't know when this was going to end or how.
I kept crying until I heard a knock and steps on someone coming in.
"Tzuyu?" Sana unnie asked, getting closer to the stall I was in.
I didn't respond.
"Tzuyu, I can hear you crying. Let me in." She asked once again.
And I opened the door, letting her come in.
I quickly wiped the tears away from my face.
She entered the stall, closing the door and kneeling before me.
"Tzuyu, what happened isn't like you. I know you would never do something like that so please tell me. What is going on?" Sana asked, caressing my hands.
I started shaking my head immediately.
"I-I can't." I sobbed
Her face when from soft to concerned, "Tzuyu, you are worrying me. What is happening? What is so serious that you can't tell me?"
I kept quiet. Trying to stop all the crying and sobbing.
But I was done.
I was done with being controlled like I was some toy. I was done with Sehun's obsessive antics over Lisa.
If she broke up with him it's because she had a good reason to do it and I'm starting to see why she did. He is crazy. An abusive jerk and I'm happy my friend is free of him.
I couldn't handle all of this anymore. I couldn't just wait for it to pass as I tainted my relationship with other people over something it's not my fault.
So I started talking, "After Lisa told me she was going out with Jungkook, I got sad. Really sad. I went to this bar and got drunk. Sehun from EXO was there and he helped me. I ended up telling him everything thing. Apparently he already knew but he used me. He took photos of me at the bar. Unnie, he is threatening me. He dated Lisa a while back and wants her back. He made me do all of this. He also has photos of them."
It took me a good 2 minutes to finally be able to tell everything, the crying stopping me.
I broke into endless sobs right after I finished my story as Sana unnie seemed to be processing everything that had just been told to her.
"Tzuyu...we need to tell the others, blackpink and JYP sajangnim. You can't deal with this alone!" She exclaimed
"No!! No blackpink, not got7 and absolutely no JYP sajangnim. I-I can do this alone." I almost yelled.
"Tzuyu are you crazy? What will happen the moment you actually break their relationship? What if Sehun ends up releasing everything after all? This is very serious!" She tried to reason me.
I can't let everyone discover. I just can't.
I shouldn't even had told Sana. My members will know and if any of them tell any Got7 or Blackpink member it's over for all of us.
"Unnie, not now! Let me see what he wants, please. Don't make risk our's and blackpink's career. I will solve this!" I begged
"Fine, I won't tell anyone from those groups. But you have to solve this! Tzuyu this is serious."
Lisa's POV:
"What?!" YG sajangnim asked right after I finished my sentence.
I did it. I told him I was dating Jungkook.
It took me a while to gain the courage to do it but it had to be done.
I am scared. This Tzuyu situation scares me. I want protection from my company.
"I'm sorry, Sajangnim. I broke the rules." I apologized, looking down.
Please don't break us up, please don't break us up.
I felt myself trembling and shaking, not being able to keep my fingers without moving.
YG sajangnim giggled, "Lisa, calm down. I can feel your nerves from here. I'm not going to break you guys apart."
He won't?
"I bet you already know idols dating in secret is pretty common. We just hide it really well. I'm glad you told me so we can prepare any eventual scandal. I have to call Bighit." He explained.
That's why Jennie unnie was allowed then. YG sajangnim just wants to hide everything, that's why he wants to know.
I thought everything was pretty strict when no one really minds what we do as long as the public doesn't realize what's going on.
Smart tatic.
That's why I didn't tell him about my past relationship.
But I have to tell him the rest, the heavy part, "Thank you, sajangnim. But I have more to tell. I feel like someone already knows."
"What do you mean?"
So I told the story again, minus the part of Jungkook staying at our dorm. I told about the anonymous number and the photos plus Tzuyu. How I have no idea how the person knows or why Bambam got the photos too.
And I tried to study is face as I did so.
He seemed to be deep in thought and a little shocked over the whole story and I prayed for him to help me. I don't want my career to die so soon. I didn't work so hard for it to end like this.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." I finished and looked down on his desk.
He stared into the void for at least a minute, thinking about what to say.
"Lisa, that's easy to solve, don't worry." He finally said
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