Part 21 | Lies
Lisa's POV:
I let my tears run down freely.
I was right, he had lied to me.
"Lisa, he spent the whole time hitting on me. It was so uncomfortable, I just went there to apologize." I remembered Tzuyu's words on the phone a while ago.
I ended up calling her after all. My curiosity took the best of me. I had to know what was her version.
It took a while to build the courage but I knew it was something I needed to do.
Needless to say I regret it now.
She said Jungkook made advances on her the whole time they were together. That Jungkook was openly flirting with her and even tried to kiss her at some point while they were alone.
But the truth is that it doesn't seem like something Jungkook would do. Even when he met me for the first time he was shy, not that fuckboy Tzuyu described. He did flirt with me but not in the way I was told he did yesterday and he didn't try to kiss me right way or anything.
But as weird as it all sounds, why would she lie? She is my friend, she worries for me. She wouldn't want to see me hurt
And what would she gain from lying? Nothing, it's not like Jungkook would start liking her all of a sudden.
Jungkook was so sweet to me, so caring. It wasn't like him to pull off something like this.
I thought he liked me, it looked like he really did. I thought I had finally found someone that would take care of me and love me
But I guess he just knows how to lie really well and I don't know him.
Truthfully I just want to know why he did it. Why did he ask me to be his girlfriend if he didn't like me? No one made him do it so why?
I have so many questions to those I can't find answers. A lot of this makes no sense and I'm so confused. I just want all of this to be a dream and that I will wake up and those photos won't exist.
So right now, I'm in bed trying to fall asleep after a whole day of crying and thinking.
I wish I had my members here so they could keep me company just like we usually do when one of us is sad.
I had talked to them during the day but I wasn't about to ruin their visit with my problems so I kept it all to myself. It's not urgent enough. I'll just tell them everything when they get here.
But in the middle of all this confusion I haven't talked to Jungkook either.
He is practicing so he probably wouldn't reply either.
Nor I don't want him to.
I just don't want to hear his voice or his excuses. I've had enough with being hurt by relationships. I don't want him to lie to my face once again and tell me he likes me when my friend just confirmed me otherwise.
But at the same time I know I'll have to sooner or later. I know I won't be able to ignore him forever.
I'm just so scared of what he will say. I don't want him to lie but I also don't want him to confirm Tzuyu's words. To tell me he really was just pretending to like me and that our relationship was never real.
Ugh why does life treat me like this? I asked myself as I turned around in bed.
I can't sleep. I keep trying but I can't.
It's midnight and I have been here for 2 hours trying to do it but my thoughts won't let me. All the questions I want an answer to won't let me.
In the middle of my thinking, I heard a knock at the door.
Who the fuck is knocking at my door this late?
I decided to ignore it. I wasn't in the mood for anyone and it was late, they would probably go way thinking I was sleeping.
But they didn't. The knocking persisted for another 2 minutes until I decided I couldn't handle the sound anymore.
With a grunt, I stood up from my bed to see who was bothering me.
As I crossed the hallway and got closer to the door I heard it.
"Lisa! Open the door!"
"Please, I know you don't want to see or talk to me but just let me explain!"
Jungkook. Desperately calling my name on the other side.
And he knew. He knew what was going on. Bambam must have called him.
"Jungkook, please don't do this." I said faintly but loud enough for him to hear as tears started to come back to my eyes.
You are not about to cry, not with him at a hearing distance. You can't let him know how broken you actually are.
"Lisa, what you think happened us false. Please just let me in." He begged once again.
He sounded so desperate.
My heart started to beat faster at the sound of his voice.
He was doing it again. Playing with my emotions, unintentionally.
Making me open the door.
I don't why I did it but for a couple of seconds it was like my feelings for him were controlling my body and seeing Jungkook ask for me in such desperate way made me just do it. I couldn't hear his sad voice anymore.
So now he stood in front of me. His eyes on me.
And I swear I saw his heart break the moment he looked at me.
"You are crying." He thought out loud, eyes wide open.
No shit, Sherlock
"You just flirted and tried to kiss one of my friends what did you expect me to do? Congratulate you?" I hissed as more tears fell down.
The moment I pronounced those words his face went from sad to confused, like he had no idea of what I was talking about.
Here it comes. He is about to start lying again.
"What? I didn't do any of that!" He replied, coming closer to me and shutting the door behind us.
I took two steps behind, getting way from his body, "Jungkook, don't lie to me! I'm sick of it, Tzuyu told me what happened. Just tell me the truth and go. Please."
He came closer once again, "Lisa, I swear that is not true. I didn't flirt with her. I didn't try to kiss her either."
He talked slowly, like he was explaining something to a child who could not comprehend what was going on.
And I wanted to trust him, I wanted to believe what he was saying.
"B-but Tzuyu-" I started only to get interrupted by him.
"Tzuyu lied, baby. Think about it, we rarely get photos of Twice or BTS from gossip websites and suddenly we do? Right when it's convenient? Tzuyu coming into BH at such late hours? To "apologize"? It doesn't make sense. I know you don't want to believe me but she is trying to break us apart, Lisa. I'm sorry but she is."
I start to feel anger rise from inside me as soon as he started speaking. How dare he say my friend is lying? Or even imply that?
He was trying to control me by lying again. But turning me against my friend.
The anger built up finally reached it's peak as I exploded. I hadn't been this mad in forever but I just couldn't control it. Not in this situation.
I'm not letting another boy play with me.
"How dare you accuse Tzuyu of such thing?! She had absolutely no reason to lie! She is my friend, she loves me! Stop lying and just say you never liked me! I don't want to go through this shit again!" I yelled as tears ran down my face.
As much as I was begging for his confession, at the same time I was afraid of it, because if he said what I was asking him to it would be the end. The ending I never wanted and the confirmation that I had once again been used.
God, Lisa, you are so dumb.
But out of all the possible scenarios I was thinking about was definitely not one I had expected.
"And why can't you understand that I love you too?! Yes, I love you! And I'm sorry you've had bad experiences in the past but I'm not like that. Look, you don't have to tell me who the fucker was or what happened but trust me when I say I am incapable of doing anything to hurt you. You are the first girl I've ever been reading interested in, Lisa, you've heard that from my friend's as well so please tell me how Tzuyu's story makes sense!" He yelled back and I had never seen anyone so desperate for understanding.
Did he just say he loves me?
Jungkook just said he loves me.
I looked at him shocked as his chest moved up and down quickly due to his heavy breathing from talking so quickly
And I knew he was right. The behavior Tzuyu described looks nothing like Jungkook or the description his friends make of him.
He would never act like a playboy. He was always grossed out by those behaviors and he had no reason to do it now.
But part of me kept trying to protect myself by thinking that he might be lying. That it wouldn't be the first time for something like this to occur.
"Say something please." Jungkook insisted as he noticed my shock and silence.
I sighed, "What do you want me to say? I want to believe you but I don't know. Tzuyu is my friend, Jungkook."
"Say you forgive me. I don't know how many times I have to say this but I love you and I would never do anything that could cause those tears on purpose. I don't know what made Tzuyu change her mind about our relationship but I swear what she said is not true. Please believe me, baby." He begged, looking straight into my eyes, as the sad look I hate so much started to show up on his face once again.
He sounded so sincere, the way he looked at me was enough to see how desperate he actually was for my forgiveness.
And he did it again. The "I love you".
Which made me want to just hug him and tell him to forget all of this. To just take him to my room where we could do our usual cuddling and kissing as he showed me with cute sayings. To just go back to how things were before.
But I'm confused. I don't know if I should trust him or my friend. Both people who apparently had to reason to lie to me but one of them did. And I had to decide which side to take.
"Jungkook, I don't know." I confessed with a sigh.
"Come here, trust me" He asked before kissing me right on the lips.
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