Part 20 | The start
Lisa's POV:
Today had everything to be the most boring day ever but I was determined to make it fun.
I was alone at the dorm, with nothing to do.
YG sajangnim gave the girls 2 days off to go visit their families and, as we all know, my family doesn't live here, I was doomed to boredom once again.
It happens quite sometimes. YG sajangnim let's the girls visit their families a lot and that makes me happy for them.
Usually I would have had the time to ask my parents to come here so I could spend those days with them but that didn't happen this time since it was last minute.
So with Jennie and Jisoo unnie at their parent's house and Chaeyoung at one of her aunt's, I had to find a way to entertain myself for the next 48 hours.
Even worse, Jungkook is busy with comeback preparations so we can't hangout.
So I decided to take a bubble bath first while listening to music to start my day right.
For some reason, I love bubbles. I don't know they are just so pretty and perfect. They relax me.
I filled the bathtub with water and took out a pink sparkly bathbomb i had just bought a couple of days ago.
And after getting my speakers, I was all ready.
The warm water relaxed my muscles immediately after I got into the water, which was pink from the bathbomb and smelled like roses.
See, Lisa? Being alone isn't that could never do this if your members were here.
So I stayed there. Thinking about everything and anything. Just appreciating the moment and allowing myself to relax.
I don't know for how long I stayed in there but it was for sure a long time since my fingers got all wrinkly and it was already 10am.
I got dressed in comfortable clothes since I don't have to go anywhere and sat down of the couch looking through my phone.
Then it hit me.
Lisa, you can't cook for shit, what are you going to eat for the next two days?
Usually my unnies cook for me and when I'm alone there's cup ramen ready for me. But I've never been alone for two days in a long time and last time they left me food to eat since there had been enough time to plan it out.
And I'm not eating cup ramen for two days, my skin wouldn't handle it.
So that leaves me with two choices: either go knock on Winner's dorm next door and ask for food or go knock on CLC's dorm and beg for Sorn to feed me.
If non of these work I'll just scam BamBam into buying me food.
Luckily, all of us live pretty close to each other and YG has his artists all living in this building.
Sometimes we act like children and play ding-dong-ditch with each other, even if iKon are forbidden from having any contact with us.
But since our boss doesn't live here nor does he know what goes on around here, we usually break that rule. We have all gotten lessons from the kings of breaking the rules, BigBang, on how not to get caught while doing it.
We are just closer than most people think.
But for now I guess I'll just watch TV instead of worrying about food and then decide which option to use.
I decide to catch up on my dramas since I haven't had much time to do so as we are preparing for our Japan debut.
With the same 5 songs. No new ones.
I should be more excited than I am, I know, but it's a little frustrating to know most groups debut in Japan with new songs but not us.
Unfortunately, we are already used to having the bare minimum.
As I'm watching TV I hear my phone beep, indicating a message just came in.
As I pick it up, I noticed it's a file and not a text.
From an unknown number.
How does someone I don't even know have my number?
I open the message to find a text attached to it.
"You should be more careful when it comes to your boyfriend."
What is that even supposed to mean?
I started to feel my heart beating faster each second, as my finger approached the screen to touch the "open file" option and I waited for it to load.
And there it was.
Photos of Tzuyu and Jungkook, leaving the Bighit Entertainment building together last night, laughing.
What was Tzuyu doing there? And didn't Jungkook tell me they didn't know each other?
A million questions rise to my head as the worst scenario suddenly becomes a possibility.
Jungkook lied to me.
I mean, he wouldn't, would he? But again, there's no other explanation to these photos.
They looked so comfortable with each other.
Tears start to form in my eyes as my breathing became more and more heavy until I started sobbing.
You should talk to him first, Lisa, don't assume things.
Why would Tzuyu do this? I thought she was okay with our relationship.
She said she was!
I put down the phone as I sobbed, waiting for my emotions to calm down before doing anything.
I can't let my emotions take over. I need to think about the issue rationally.
But my phone rang before I had the chance too.
"Bammie, it's not the right time." I said into the phone, talking as normally as possible trying not to let my sobs come out.
I'm not going to bother anyone with this, I can so it myself.
"L-Lisa are you crying?" My best friend asked worried before making a pause to speak more calmly, " got the photos too, right?"
BamBam got the photos too? Why? What is going on?
Who took those photos? Why did they do it? How do they have our numbers? What are they gaining from this?
It all sounds like something straight out of a movie.
"Why would he do it?" I cried, giving up on trying to conceal my emotions. It's no use, he already knows.
"I have no idea, but Jungkook isn't the type of guy to cheat This is the first time he likes someone! It doesn't add up! All he does is talk about you!" He almost yelled, outrage and confusion in his voice.
Thank God, no one can understand what we are saying. No one else needs to know about this.
"Bam, I'm scared." I confessed while crying.
And I really am. What if our whole relationship was fake? What if Jungkook never truly liked me?
Was he using me?
Wait, no he is too sweet for that. He is a respectful person.
But I'm scared, I'm scared of being hurt again. I'm scared of all of this being fake.
"Lisa, call Tzuyu and ask for an explanation. I'll call you in a couple of minutes, okay? Calm down." He told me before I turn off the phone call.
As much as I know I have to talk to Tzuyu, I don't want to.
I don't want to hear anything she has to tell me. She went to Jungkook to do or say God knows what and didn't tell me. That is shady in itself.
I close my eyes as as I wish for everything not to be true and for Jungkook to have a good explanation.
I don't want to lose him.
Jungkook's POV:
Thank god we finally got a break, I don't think I was able to handle practice for any longer.
The DNA choreography is so physically demanding, I hope our armys like it.
That's the reason behind all of our practicing and why we work so hard to get better and better each comeback.
As I sit down of the room's floor, I pick up my phone to see that I have two missed calls from BamBam.
We usually just text, what is so urgent for him to call me? twice?
I stand up and leave the practicing room with the intent of calling him back.
To which he picked up at the first ring.
"Hey, why did you call me?" I asked.
"To know what the hell you were doing all smiley with Tzuyu last night." He responded and he sure as hell was angry.
What is going on? I had never seen this guy angry.
Ever. He is most chill person on earth. But right now he sounded like he was ready to kill me.
"She came here to apologize for the whole "crush" incident? Bam what is going on? How do you even know that? Why are you pissed?"
I heard him hiss on the other side of the line.
"Don't play dumb, Jungkook. You are better than that. I got photos of you two together from an unknown number and guess what? Lisa also got them. Needless to say she is heartbroken."
Lisa thinks I cheated on her? With Tzuyu? Someone I don't even know well?
I mean, it was fucking weird of her to show up here and she did hit on me the whole time we were together, which made me uncomfortable. But I was just trying to be nice! I couldn't just tell her to leave!
And who the hell took those photos? Dispatch? Unlikely, they would have been published by now.
How is the weirdo that has been stalking me? How did the photos get to them?
But now I have to fix this mess, I can't afford to lose Lisa over a misunderstanding.
"Bam, I swear whatever you saw in those photos is not the truth! I would never do something like that to Lisa, you know me!" I said talking quickly and desperate.
He has to believe me! What reason does he have not to?
"Really? Because it looked like you guys were all friendly with each other! Jungkook, Lisa has been hurt enough in her past relationship but I trusted you not to fuck it up! Is that so hard? What has gotten into you?" He yelled
Past relationships? What happened in her past relationship? Who hurt her?
"I already told you I didn't do anything! Please trust me! Bam, I would never hurt her! I liker her way too much for that! This is a misunderstanding." I yelled out of frustration.
I have never lied to him why is it so hard believe me?
I like Lisa so much. I would never do anything to hurt her. Seeing her sad is the worst thing someone can do to me.
I have to meet her today and explain everything to her, I can't let her think something like that.
And I have to find out who the fuck is trying to ruin our relationship. Who took those photos.
"I sure hope it is, Jungkook or else I don't know what I'll do to you. You better fix this and quickly. Lisa was crying on the phone, do you know how hard it is to watch your friend cry and not being able to do anything?" He said, this time in a much more calmed tone but desperation consuming his voice.
I didn't know BamBam could react like this.
I guess I underestimated how close they are and how much they protect each other. They really are like siblings.
"Bam, I promise I will fix this. I'll go to her dorm as soon as I am allowed to leave but please believe me when I say this is a misunderstanding."
I'm back and finally out of school!
I can update more frequently now so I hope you are excited about that!
Please give me feedback on how you think the story is going (good and bad) I appreciate it a lot!
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