Part 2 | Meeting
Lisa's POV:
"Are you sure about what you are about to do?" I asked Jennie unnie as she got ready to leave.
She had requested a meeting at the YG headquarters with our boss to ask him permission to continue to date Yoongi oppa.
Let's just say everyone in the dorm was a little nervous. No one could guess how he was going to react to her request.
That's the thing about YG sajangnim. He is unpredictable.
"No, but I have to do it. YG sajangnim needs to know. Fortunately for me, Yoongi has asked Bang PDmin for help so he is coming. Maybe we can find a way to make him agree to this."
I nodded, praying for her to be right and that our boss wouldn't ruin her relationship.
I know she said Yoongi oppa doesn't care but still, it would be much harder for them to see each other since our managers are always with us and would tell our sajangnim about it if she was to do it in hiding. They can't keep this charade for much longer.
She smiled one last time, "Wish me luck, girls."
"Fighting!" , the other three of us replied together.
And with that, she was gone.
"So...what do we do now?" Jisoo unnie asked after a few seconds of silence
I thought for a second, "I don't know. Do you want to go shopping or anything?"
"No, I don't want to go out." She quickly replied
Of course she didn't, that girl hates shopping more than she does me when I attack her precious Dalgomie.
"Hey guys I never asked you, who's your favorite member of Bangtan? Since we are going to meet them I thought I would ask
Such a wierd question.
Jisoo thought about it for a second, "Humm I don't know...maybe Jin sunbae? He seems to have a sense of humor like mine and his voice is beautiful. He should have more lines."
"Uhh Jisoo unnie has a crush." I teased
"Shut up, Lalisa, don't think I haven't noticed how you look at Hoseok sunbae while he dances." She threw back annoyed
"Yes, I do admire is dancing skills, he is a great dancer but it's not like I only look at him." I fought back in my high pitched voice.
"Oh yes it's true, I've also caught our maknae looking at their maknae."
As I heard that I had never wanted to beat Chaeyoung more but since since she is a sweet little thing I let it pass and simply roll my eyes.
Yes, Jeon Jungkook was probably one of the most beautiful man I had ever seen and was incredibly talented but that doesn't mean I have a crush.
"Oh my god, Lisa did you just blush?" Jisoo teased
"I didn't!"
That didn't stop her form continuing to annoy me, "Look, our Lalisa has a crush how sweet."
If she wanted to piss me then congrats because she did it.
"Yeah, unnie, why don't you go listen to Jin sunbae's "beautiful voice" and watch some videos of him because of his "sense of humor that is like yours""
This made her blush and with that I walk away satisfied that I shut her up.
It had been more than 2 hours and Jennie still hadn't said anything to us.
"Do you think it is going well?" Chaeyoung asked as she played with Jisoo unnie's hair.
She was braiding her hair to pass time and if there's someone that can touch Jisoo that way without her protesting is Rosie.
For us, Chae is this precious little thing that no one can hurt and we all have a soft spot for her.
Sometimes she is more the maknae than I.
"I don't can it take so long?" The older replied, frustrated.
"Should we call her?" I suggested.
That's when Jisoo unnie looked at me like I was insane.
"Are you crazy, Lalisa?! If she's with YG sajangnim she will kill us for interrupting."
"Ohh but I can't wait any longer!"
Jisoo rolled her eyes, "Oh my god stop whining."
And then we all went back to being in silence as Jisoo played games on her phone while Chae did her hair and I played with Kuma.
"Yoongi oppa and Jennie unnie make a good couple don't you think?" Chaeyoung asked out of nowhere
"Yeah they do. God, Chaeyoungie, how long does it take to braid some hair?" Jisoo asked as she tried tried to turn her head around to look at her.
"Wait don't move, unnie, I'm almost finished! I'm sorry but I'm really bad at this."
2 minutes laters, Chaeyoung finished her masterpiece.
"Wow, Chae, it looks really good!" I exclaimed
And suddenly we heard the door open.
And in from of us stood Jennie unnie together with her boyfriend.
"So..." Jisoo started
"He hated the idea until Bang PDmin came for our defense. He ended up agree to it as long as we keep a low profile." She told us smiling in the end.
"Oh my god congrats, unnie!" I yelled as we all celebrated.
Yoongi oppa joined our celebration too, hugging Jennie as they both flashed their gummy smiles.
"So, to celebrate, me and Yoongi have decided to hold a dinner with both our groups. The boys have already been warned. I just came here to tell you."
"Really? We haven't eaten out in a while!" Chaeyoung said all excited.
This girl and her food.
I decide to annoy them,"That's because you are all lazy and refuse to cook or to go out!"
"And you can't cook a simple soup. So quit whining."
Of course Jisoo unnie would take every opportunity to mess with me.
"Unnie! Stop being so mean!" I whined on my annoying high pitched voice that she hates as everyone laughs.
Jisoo loves to attack me every time she finds useful but I know it's out of love so I don't get mad.
"Well, guys I'm going to get going with Yoongi. I've already told our manager so he will take you there around 7 so you better be ready by that!" Jennie yelled as she got ready to leave again.
Her boyfriend only got time to quickly say his goodbyes before he was almost pushed out the door.
Poor guy
"I can't believe this is happening." was the first thing to come out of Jisoo's mouth as we heard the door close.
"C'mon girls, we only have an hour to get dressed. Jisoo unnie has to look good for her little crush..." Chaeyoung teased.
Sometimes I wonder if she knows that she is the only one that can pull stuff like that and not get into trouble.
People can tease me all they want, I don't really mind, but mess with Jisoo or Jennie unnie and you're done.
Except if you are Park Chaeyoung.
"Park Chaeyoung, don't!" Jisoo hissed as she went to her room, "Lalisa, you are doing my makeup!"
And so I did, because I didn't want to get my ass beaten.
"How do you think they are going to be like?" Chae asked while she stared out the window of our van into the streets of Seoul.
"Nice? I mean at least that is what I've heard from Seulgi. She must know since she is friends with Jimin." Jisoo replied.
Despite all the dating rumors surrounding the two of them, Seulgi has always told us that nothing had ever happened between the two. She says they are way too close for that, like siblings.
"Lisa, isn't Bambam friends with them?" Jisoo asked in curiosity.
Bambam was one of my best friends.
I had known that idiot since I can remember.
Sometimes I wonder if the only reason I was allowed to come to Korea to be a trainee was because my parents saw that he had also come.
He is like a brother to me and I love him to bits even though we bicker a lot but that is just us joking with each other.
"Yeah I think so, from what he has told me Got7 is good friends with them."
Rosie stared at us, "Funny how a lot of idols are friends with each other, despite the company they come from."
"Yeah, I love it." I replied
Having idol friends was amazing since they are people that you can relate to so I love meeting new people.
I hope us and BTS can also become friends.
We arrived at the restaurant not much after our conversation in the van.
We got escorted my our managers through the back door so that anyone could see us.
Just imagine the scandal it would be if someone knew we were having dinner together.
We entered the private room to find Jennie and BTS already there.
"Hello" we greeted as we bowed to each other and introduced yourselves to each other.
His stare getting my attention.
Jungkook was looking at me.
Had been since I entered the room.
And for some reason that made my heart flutter.
As we sat down I noticed that I had been attributed the seat next to his, having Taehyung oppa in front of us and Jennie unnie on my other side.
"Hi, sunbae" I greeted
"Please, no need for that. I've heard we are the same age too." I told me flashing his well known bunny smile.
And I smiled back, "Okay"
He was so nice and had been looking at me, making me feel weird inside.
What is wrong with me?
Yes I'm going to include Bambam in this story because I find the fact that he is childhood friends with Lisa really cute so I hope you like it ❤️
More chapters coming soon!
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