Part 18 | What?!
Lisa's POV:
"Well, I've decided to follow your footsteps." Bambam told me out of nowhere.
What the hell does this boy mean by that?
Sometimes he gets this weird ideas, to be honest I don't know what goes on in his head.
I looked at him confused, "I don't understand..."
Follow my footsteps?
"I've decided to ask Joy to be my girlfriend."
What? Playboy Bambam wants to settle?
I looked at him shocked. No words coming out of my mouth.
Is he for real? Does he actually like her that much?
"I thought you would be happy..." He said, confused.
Of course, I'm happy but...I don't know how this will go.
"Bammie...I'm really happy for you but look, Joy is from SM and we both know how strict they are when it comes to dating and meeting. Are you sure you are ready for that?"
We have this problem with Ten from NCT.
We talk to him almost everyday in our groupchat but every time we try to meet up his manager doesn't let him and he is a man. I can't even think about how they deal with girls.
Even we struggle to meet Red Velvet and I'm not sure SM accepts our friendship as well as JYP does when it comes to Twice.
People would except us to be under the same strict rules but it's actually not that bad. We can break any of the rules in our contract whenever YG sajangnim lets us and have freedom to leave the dorm and have friendships as long as we don't get caught and tell our managers what is going on.
Basically we just can't drink, drive, party and date publicly.
But we all know how our sunbaes, BigBang, love to break that first rule.
My fear is that BamBam will lose interest in her after a while of not seeing each other.
My best friend sighed, "I know, but I really like her. I'll have to learn to live with it."
"Whatever you want. I'll support you. Just don't mess it up. I'll rip your face off if you hurt her."
He faked a shocked expression, "You wouldn't."
"Try me"
3rd Person POV:
Practicing was hard and tiring. Even if Twice's choreographies weren't very different.
Tzuyu looked forward to the breaks, especially the bigger ones like lunch where they would get access to their phones.
Usually their phones would be taken away at the beginning of practicing and given back to them during breaks and after it.
She was leaving with her members to the cafeteria when her phone beeped.
Unknown number:
I need to talk to you.
She started at her phone, confusion evading her mind. Who the hell was texting her?
She usually gets back the numbers of the people she gives her own to.
Who is this?
She ran a list of the people who have her phone number as she waited for the person to reply
Unknown Number:
Sehun from EXO ☺️
She looked at her phone shocked
Why does he need to talk to me? When did i give him my number?
And then she remembered on how they had exchanged number later that night.
"Tzuyu, is everything okay?" Sana asked, noticing the slight change of facial expression in their maknae's face.
She seemed shocked and slightly uncomfortable.
"Uh...yes, unnie, don't worry." She replied. Her members could not know of how she had gotten slightly drunk a couple of days ago or of how she ended up befriending Sehun accidentally. For their own good, they couldn't, just in case JYP sajangnim found out for some reason.
She looked back at her phone.
She didn't really want to talk to him but at the same time was curious as to what he needed to tell her.
It's probably about Lisa. You fucked up big time, Tzuyu. You shouldn't have told him that, it wasn't your secret to tell...even if rumors were already going around.
You will shut your mouth and don't talk about the issue with anyone else.
So she started to type, hoping the conversation would be quick.
Oh sorry, sunbae, I hadn't saved your number. What is it you want to talk to me about?
Without her noticing, they had arrived at the restaurant they had picked to have lunch at.
A small one, but since it was near the JYP building it that was where it's artists and trainees usually had their meals at when they were tight on time.
While they ordered, her phone rang again.
Unknown number:
It needs to be in person. I'll meet you outside your dorm at 2am, no one will see us then.
She freaked out as soon as she read the message. What the hell was going on?
The guy was being so creepy and what could be so important that it couldn't be told by text and that needed to have her running away without anyone noticing at such late hours of the night?
And how did he know where they lived?
Okay that one was easy, he may have asked one of his friend but was creepy.
And Tzuyu couldn't get over that.
She spent the whole afternoon thinking about it. Wondering what could be the matter of such secretive conversation.
And why her? Someone he doesn't even know well.
Things seemed off. She felt like she was getting into trouble.
And then the fact that she had to run away was also pressuring her. It was a huge risk, even at 2am.
Their managers sometimes left late, just to make sure of exactly that...that no one leaves without permission.
Hours passed and Tzuyu was becoming impatient and anxious. Time was going by slowly.
Part of her was scared, I mean who wouldn't be? She didn't even know the guy and he was asking her to meet him at 2am.
But the time finally came and she went down their building in only a t-shirt and leggings to find the boy she expected outside.
Her heart beating faster than never before and anxiety dominating her.
"Hello, sunbae." She greeted politely even if being polite was the last thing she wanted at that moment. She wanted to go to bed.
"I'm not here for a friendly conversation so let's go straight to the point: you are going to help me." Sehun started, his voice scaring Tzuyu.
Where was the sweet person she met last time?
He was acting so cold and weird, words came out of his mouth violently.
"What do you mean, sunbae?" She decided to act innocent anyways and wait for him to explain to her what he meant.
"I mean, you are going to help me break Jungkook and Lisa's relationship." He spit
What. The. Fuck.
"And why would I do that?" She asked, fury rising inside of her.
Who does this boy think he is?
No one was going to make her betray her friend's trust and it offended her that he even thought of that as an option.
Also, why does he care about Lisa?
He took a file from his bagpack, "Because I have these."
She took the file from his hand and opened it.
Inside were photos of her, drunk and dancing. Photos that could easily destroy Twice's whole career and make their hard work go to waste.
She thought she had seen it all when she found other photos inside. Photos that were not of her.
Photos of Lisa and Jungkook, kissing.
No one passing by would notice who those young adults were, especially because there was no one in that street besides them. They were clearly hiding.
But anyone who knew that that couple was them could confirm it, despite the hats. They just had to be attentive and know what to look for.
He smiled, "I included those in there just in case you decide to snitch and tell the little happy couple what is going on. So, are you ready to listen to what I have to say or do you prefer to end yours, your member's and your friend's career?"
She was shocked.
Why would Sehun go to these lengths? Stalking them? Why did he want Lisa and Jungkook broken up so hard?
And she felt trapped.
"I have a question...why?" She asked
And she didn't expect his eyes to show so much anger.
"Because Lisa belongs to me and we should have neve broken up. Jungkook has no right to do this. Lisa can't do this to me."
And as he said this it was like the pieces of the puzzle started to make sense.
He was that boyfriend Lisa had for a short period of time.
He was the reason BamBam was worried about about Lisa for days after the end of that relationship. The topic he refused to explain for being "too private" and "not his business".
We all thought he was just worried because his friend was going to a break-up but looking at the way Sehun was acting it was clearly not that simple, he was acting crazy and whatever happened was serious.
"What do you want from me? Why me? What did I do?" She asked in disbelief, everything made sense except the part where she came in.
This story had nothing to do with her so why was she being dragged into it?
"I needed a girl, and since you were so simple to manipulate due to your state that night..." He explained
You are so stupid Tzuyu, you really had to go out that night. This is exactly why the rules exist, so that pictures like those are not taken.
"What do you expect me to do?" She finally asked.
She couldn't hurt Lisa.
But she also couldn't risk Twice's and Blackpink's career.
She was in big trouble.
Im so sorry i took so long to update! I have been studying for my exams and i've been way too stressed but I have found time to update...its currently 3am (i didnt proof read im sorry)
Also, disclaimer: I don't hate EXO not am I feeding the fanwar. I actually really like them. I just needed a big boy group member to use as Lisa's ex. Just that.
I love you and thank you for waiting ❤️
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