Part 14 | Girlfriend
Lisa's POV:
I can't hurt Tzuyu, I would completely lose her trust if I did this. What kind of friend would do this?
Tzuyu was one of the first friends I made after we debuted. She helped me adjust in the first few months. It's not fair to her.
But I like him, so much, I don't want to hurt him too, he has been so sweet to me and it's been a while since someone was. I need him.
The room went silent for a couple of seconds, as I got lost in my thoughts.
I guess he sensed my mood and the smile he had on disappeared just like mine, "I'm sorry, Lisa. I shouldn't have asked."
My heart shattered. He looked so sad, like he was about to cry. It hurt me to see him like this.
Jungkook's sad face made everyone want to cuddle him and do whatever he wanted and I was no exception.
I stood up from my chair and sat next to him.
"Oh no, Jungkook, it's not like that. It's just...I wish I could just say yes, but I can't." I tried comforting him
The sad look on his face seemed to disappear a little bit but not completely, like he felt reassured of something.
Did he really think I wouldn't say yes if there wasn't anything in the way?
He now looked worried instead, "Why? Are you okay?"
I'm going to tell him. I have to. I know it's not my place to do so, it should be Tzuyu, but I'm not going to hurt him like this. It's not his fault and it's not fair.
I sighed, "It's know Tzuyu from Twice, right?...Well, I'm really good friends with her and she confessed she had a...a crush on you last night. She doesn't know what's going on between us... Jungkook, I can't do this to her...she has always been there for me."
A soft smile creeped on his lips, "I thought you didn't like me anymore."
This boy, when will he understand that I really do like him?
His face went back to being serious, as he grabbed my hand, "Lisa, you can't be selfless all the time. There are times in life where you can put yourself first. If she really is your friend she is going to understand. Don't give your happiness up like this, talk to her. She seems to be a really nice girl, she won't let you down."
I looked at him while he talked, he was trying to convince me to say yes to his question at all costs and it was amazing to see how much he wanted me to.
"I know, but...what if she really likes you and isn't just a crush? What if she terminates her friendship with me? What will happen to our friendship with twice? If I can't get on good terms with her it will affect my members too." I rambled, words leaving my mouth at a fast pace.
"Lisa, calm down, see? There you are putting yourself second once again. You can't give up everything for others.-"
I interrupted him, "But-"
"No buts."
I knew he was right, I had an habit of putting myself second. And I also knew that Tzuyu would probably understand after I talked to her.
But I can't let her find out through someone else. I have to be the one to tell her or else it will be worse.
But right now, I only care about one person. My boyfriend.
I kept looking down,"You are right..."
He smirked, "Of course I am."
Stupid bunny
"Look at him, getting all confident." I teased and got myself closer to him.
A smile creeped on his lips once again, as his eyes lightened up like the ones of a boy on christmas morning, "Does this mean you..."
I smiled really wide, "I'd love to be your girlfriend."
It was almost immediate. He took my face in his hands and kissed me multiple times before giving my cheek a kiss too.
And I giggled like a little girl the whole time, wrapping my arms around him.
I was so happy, the happiest I had been in a long time.
Sure I didn't live a sad life, but the idol life is stressful and lonely. Most of the times I hangout around my members only, except when I get to meet my friends, but Jungkook has made my life different, like I have a new reason to wake up everyday apart from being an idol and having schedules. I look forward to talking or meeting him.
"I want to give you something." He started, taking a baby blue Tiffany box from his pocket.
I can't believe him. Why is he spending money on me?
"Jungkook! I don't need you to get me expensive things, you know?"
"I know, but I wanted to spoil you this time." He said opening the box to reveal the famous necklace with the heart pendant saying the name of the brand.
I don't think he knew but it was something I was thinking about buying. It's just so simple and goes with everything.
Or maybe he talked to one of my members, they knew how much I wanted thing I can't shut up about it every time the topic of jewelry comes up.
But I'm happy he was the one to give it to me, gives it a special meaning.
I look at him in awe, "Jungkook, it's beautiful. I've wanted one for the longest time."
He looked at me smiling, "I know it's one of their most common pieces but I thought you would like it. I wanted something to mark the occasion."
How is someone this sweet?
"I like simple things, but you didn't need to get me anything."
"I already said that I wanted to. Here, let me put it." He said before putting the box on the table and carefully removing the expensive necklace from it.
I turned around on my seat and pulled my hair up so he could put it around me.
I then felt the cold silver piece on my body and let my hair done as I heard the clasp close.
I turned around again, this time to meet the boy in front of me, who was still smiling like there was no tomorrow.
I could see him smile like this forever and knowing that I was the reason behind that smile made my heart flutter.
Did I really make someone this happy? Does he care that much?
"It looks beautiful." Jungkook gushed, his eyes beaming.
I touched the gift without taking me eyes off him, "Thank you, I love it."
"Come here." He asked, standing up and pulling our bodies towards a couch the room had for people to hangout after their meal.
As he sat down, I sat right on his lap, my legs straddling his him.
His hands went to my face and tucked my hair behind my hear as he studied my face.
The action made me blush, "Don't look at me that way."
He pretended to be annoyed by the comment, "Look, my girlfriend is cute. I want to look at her."
The word sounded so weird.
I am Jungkook's girlfriend.
Yup, sounds really weird. But I love it.
I smirked, "Oh really? How about you kiss your girlfriend?"
I needed to feel his lips.
"Gladly" He answered, returning the smirk before connecting our lips.
The kiss began soft and gentle but soon he was using his hands to pull my body even closer to his.
His hands ran up and down my back before resting on my butt and mine tangled with his brown hair.
I then felt his soft lips leaving mine to kiss my neck and the same hunger of past times started to rise.
But we can't do anything here, we are technically in public still
"Jungkook...let's not...s-start something we can't finish." I sighed, trying to pull his face away from me.
And he did, "Are you sure you want me to stop, baby?"
This bastard really has a healthy self-confidence.
"No but I don't really have a choice, do I?"
The smirk came back to his face.
Oh no.
"Yeah, you do. You could just relax and let me do my thing." He started, picking me up slightly before laying me horizontally on the couch we were seated and climbing on top of me.
This is so hot.
I wanted to make him stop, tell him that it wasn't appropriate to do there things here since we are still in public but I couldn't.
Fuck it, this is a private room, Lisa. No one is about to come in. Let your hot boyfriend do whatever he wants.
His lips came back to my neck as his hands ran up and down my thighs to which I unconsciously responded by wrapping my legs around him.
"I don't plan to do anything you are not comfortable with okay? I know how you don't want to go all the way." He said, his soft side appearing once again.
Always the gentleman.
"Especially not in a restaurant." I completed.
I'm not about to have my first time in this couch nor am I ready too.
I want it to be special.
Some of my friends find it weird that I'm still a virgin due to the fact that I've had a boyfriend before.
An idol boyfriend, actually. The relationship didn't go well since he started to become abusive over the time.
It started off sweet, like a regular relationship, but in no time there was shouting and insulting. Never physical abuse but psychological.
But only Bambam knows of that part. He broke us up and protected me from the guy after he caught him during one of his abusive moments.
I will forever be thankful for that.
I never told my friends or members what really happened and made Bambam promise me he wouldn't tell a soul. In their minds, we had a fight and broke up like normal couples do.
It took me a while to get over it. More because of the abusive factor in our relationship than because of feelings. I knew it wasn't normal but what could I have done? He is from a group much bigger than mine and is a guy. If he went to the media, Blackpink's career would be dead in a ditch since everyone blames the woman around here.
The only reason I was able to get out was because my best friend is a male also from one of the big3 and threatened him. This is exactly what is wrong in this industry. The stupid hierarchy and double standards.
Thankfully after a while I went back to normal. Like it had never happened. I was lucky I got Bambam's help before it got worse.
But since this wasn't too long ago, my best friend is still acting protective, which in a way I understand.
I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Jungkook, "Especially not in a restaurant. You deserve better."
Yes, I'm with Jungkook now and he would never treat me the way I was before.
You all really thought I would make Lisa say no? Of course not, I feel like that would be forcing unnecessary drama.
But for now I leave you with a piece of Lisa's past.
I love you all 💜
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