Part 1 | Surprise
Lisa's POV:
After realizing what was happening me and Chae simply stayed there completely dumbfounded. What the heck is going on?
As Jennie realized we were standing there she quickly jumped from Yoongi's lap and tried to fix her hair, as if to pretend nothing was going on even though we had just seen it.
"Humm...Hi girls..." She started and I swear I had never seen Jennie like this, she looked like she really didn't know what to say.
Jennie Kim, speechless. Sounds like a joke, she always knows what to say next, but apparently the witty Jennie we had gotten used to had vanished right there, in that moment. We really got her.
" have a boyfriend now?" Rosie asked, pointing out the obvious in an attempt to make the situation less awkward but failing miserably
Jennie looked down in shame, "I-I guess...I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."
The room went completely silent.
Why didn't she tell us? I'm a little hurt I have to admit. I thought she trusted us. We have spent every day of our lives together for almost a decade and this is something that could affect us too.
As for the man before us, he quickly stood up to introduce himself as if it was even needed, breaking the tense atmosphere that had formed after Jennie's confession.
"Hello, I'm sorry this is how we meet, I'm Yoongi. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too, sunbae. I'm Lisa and this is Rosé." I awkwardly replied.
This is getting more uncomfortable by the minute.
Chae was quick to talk after me, "Nice to meet you, sunbae. You can just call me Chaeyoung."
Yoongi smiled, "Please, no need for formals. I don't really like being called sunbae."
Me and Chae just smiled weakly and nodded.
God, this is so awkward, is this a simulation?
I take a breath loudly, "So this is why you wanted to stay at the dorm...", I ended up asking.
Yeah, because a question like that will totally lighten up the mood, great thinking Lisa.
I swear I saw Jennie blush, "Yeah..."
There were a few seconds of silence until Yoongi oppa's voice filled the room unexpectedly, "Hmm well, I guess I better get going, you clearly have stuff to talk about and its getting late."
And then he proceeded to quickly pick up his stuff, wanting to get out of the room as soon as possible, but just as he was about to do so we heard a voice.
"Girls, Dalgomie and I are home!"
Jisoo Unnie. This is gonna be great.
Her face when she saw Yoongi, ready to flee, will forever be recorded in my brain. Shocked doesn't even describe it and I don't blame her. Jisoo has been a big fan of Bangtan since their debut. We constantly have to deal with her listening to their albums in the middle of the night, so to have him, one of her idols, stand in our living room must sound incredibly irrealistic to her. It's not like we haven't seen them live before, I mean, we attend the same award shows and music shows, but this is another level.
Of course, I was too a fan of their work. At this point, they could be considered legends. They truly were big role models for us and for the whole industry.
"Oh...uh...Hello, sunbae..." She greeted all confused as she held her precious dog that hates me.
Yes, I have a beef with a dog. A tiny one, to be exact, but that's a long story.
"Hello. Please don't call me sunbae. No need for formals." Yoongi oppa asked once again, still visibly uncomfortable.
Who can blame him?
He left after that, rushingly saying goodbye and leaving Jennie to deal with our questions by herself, just like he had tried to do 3 minutes ago.
"So...when did this start?" Jisoo unnie asked, breaking the silence.
"4 months ago." Jennie unnie simply replied, looking down.
Chae was quick at asking another question, "How?"
"I once went out with Seulgi for lunch and since she is really close friends with Jimin she greeted Yoongi when we accidentally bumped into him on our way to the restaurant. We ended up talking for a while there and he later asked her for my number...the rest is history."
Again, I swear she blushed as she told us the story. What is that boy doing to our tough Jennie Kim?
"Why didn't you tell us?" Jisoo asked, reading everyone's mind. She sounded hurt.
Our main rapper kept her head low and her eyes stuck to the ground, "I know I should have told you and I'm sorry I just...We have a dating ban and I didn't want you girls to be blamed for covering up for me in case something went wrong and YG sajangnim discovered."
"Unnie, we don't care if YG sajangnim blames us if he founds out about you and Yoongi oppa. We want to know if something important is happening in your life, especially if it's something that is making you happy." I explained as Jennie finally lifted her head to look at us.
Chaeyoung and Jisoo unnie nodded while smiling.
"Thanks guys. We were actually planning to ask him if we could date privately and then we would tell you girls. His members already know but that's because they don't have a strict CEO and Bang PDmin gives them dating freedom. I feel bad for lying to YG sajangnim." Jennie sounded hopeless as she tried to explain the situation to us.
Convincing YG sajangnim to agree to a relationship would be hard but not impossible. He may not mind as long as they keep it private and don't cause a scandal.
Especially after all the bullying rumors and dating rumors that have been going around about Jennie.
"Despite what people say, he is actually very nice to us. It could be worse if we don't tell him." She continued
"And what will happen if he says no?" Jisoo asked the question that every one was thinking.
"Yoongi says he doesn't care and to be honest I don't think I do too. Also, it's not like I'm the first idol to break their dating ban." Jennie sighed.
That boy really isn't afraid of going against YG Entertainment or of making a bunch of fans mad, he must really like Jennie unnie.
"So...does this mean I will finally have the opportunity of being friends with Bangtan?" Jisoo unnie asked clearly excited.
That fangirl.
But I have to admit, I was too excited. The only time I had spoken to the boys was at awards shows and it was just a casual greeting out of politeness.
Jennie laughed, "I can ask Yoongi that. I told him you girls were big fans. Apparently Taehyung, Namjoon and Jungkook really like our songs too so they probably won't mind."
"Unnie, I can't believe you told him we were their fans! How embarrassing." I said in my high pitched voice which made Dalgom bark at me.
What does that dog have against me? This is exactly why I prefer Kuma.
People have the tendency to think I do that voice on purpose as an attempt to be cute but it really just happens.
"I'm so done with this dog." I throw back
"Dalgomie has an annoying-radar. Of course it turns on when he sees you. Doesn't it, sweetie?" Jisoo cooed as she picked up the dog and started to pet him.
This made the rest of our members laugh. My constant bickering with the dog has become usual in our dorm.
Still, I constantly try to befriend him. He just doesn't seem very excited about it.
"Well, I'm hungry who's cooking dinner?" Chae asked, her eyes shining at the thought of eating.
I wish I could as much as her and still be that skinny.
Everyone one refused to cook, nothing new here. We were the laziest girls ever.
Well I actually wouldn't mind to but I can't cook anything apart from instant noodles and the girls probably wouldn't let me since I once almost set fire to the kitchen as I was trying to me a good friend and cook them a meal.
The irony of it all is that my dad's a chef.
We ended up ordering food, once again, and decided to watch a movie.
"Have you guys ever watched Fifty Shades of Grey?" I asked, jokingly even though I'm half serious.
Chaeyoung choked on her water, "LISA!"
"I bet Jennie has. With Yoongi oppa." Jisoo exclaimed, clearly just trying to mess with her.
Jennie frowned, "So this is how it is going to be from now on uh? The teasing I mean..."
Our oldest member just smirked, "Learn to live with it."
"Just wait until you guys also get boyfriends."
I had never thought of that.
Me in a relationship with someone that loves me. It's just too wierd.
My life had always been about dancing and practicing. I never had the chance to date anyone or even think about it.
Will I ever find someone like that? Someone that I can love just as Jennie unnie loves Yoongi oppa?
Jungkook's POV:
"So her members caught you two? Right when you were making out?!" Hoseok hyung asked trying not to laugh but failing miserably.
And to be honest, so did I.
All of us were laughing and Yoongi hyung seemed as uncomfortable as ever. I'm pretty sure he wants the beat the hell out of us right now.
"It's not funny! I just stood there without knowing what to say!" He threw back, pouting.
"What did you do?" Taehyung hyung asked, laughing.
"I just introduced myself!"
That's when the laughers got even more intense.
"Hi I'm Yoongi and I've been getting it on with you friend for the past few months, nice to meet you." Namjoon hyung said, imitating his victim's voice but breaking into a laugh right after together with the rest of us.
"No but seriously, did they take it well?" Jin hyung asked after the laughing stopped.
"I guess, Jennie never thought of that as an issue. They were clearly in shock but they seemed to be really nice. She told me they are our fans." Yoongi hyung explained.
Wow Blackpink is our fan?
"Jungkookie is blushing!" Jimin hyung pointed out.
He really just couldn't stay quiet, could he?
Hobi hyung smiled, "Ohh Jungkookie is just a big fanboy."
"Oh stop that! I didn't even blush."
Taehyung hyung pinched my cheeks, "Yes you did, kookie. But don't worry I'm also their fan."
I take his hands out of my face, "Hyung, stop that."
"Remember when Taehyung hurt his elbows while dancing to Boombayah?" Jimin asked and he started laughing.
Oh yes, that I remember. Taehyung got so hyped because of the song that he started dancing frenetically and ended up hitting his elbow on the chair behind him.
He got teased by us for weeks.
Just as I was when I was caught lip syncing their songs during an award show.
I just really like their songs okay?
"Don't worry, Taetae and Jungkookie, now that the girls know we can set up something like a dinner so you can all meet them." Yoongi hyung promised as he smirked.
Taehyung hyung got hyped after that and I have to admit, so did I.
So here's the second chapter.
I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
As I promised, it was much bigger than the Intro one but that was supposed to just be a small contextualization ☺️
Lots of love
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