Chapter 12 | Twist
Lisa's POV:
"Lisa, c'mon! We have to go!" I heard Jennie unnie yell
I was on the phone with Jungkook while I was supposed to be getting ready.
And my members probably know it.
It's been a week since what happened in my bedroom and me and Jungkook had only gotten closer since then.
We met 2 times, to get coffee and hang out a little bit.
Nothing special happened, we just talked and occasionally kissed but always being careful to see if anyone recognized us.
Those hours we spent together, even if we just talked, were magical. Together with our texting and calling, we got to know each other better.
And he is everything I already thought he was. We never ran out of topics to talk about and he was so funny.
He even promised to take me on a real date soon but for now, I have to get ready for another dinner.
We are meeting some of our friends from Red Velvet and Twice for dinner.
Dahyun, Momo, Tzuyu, Sana, Joy, Seulgi and Irene.
But he only let me go 10 minutes before we were supposed to head out so I had to choose my outfit and do my makeup quickly, which I wasn't great at.
Stupid bunny
When I finally left my room, I was greeted by my members' angry faces.
Except for Rosie. She doesn't have one.
"Lalisa, we have been waiting for ages! We are going to be late!!" Jisoo unnie panicked getting her purse.
"I'm sorry! I was talking to Jungkook and he didn't let me go."
She sighed, "That boy...okay let's go. Manager oppa is already downstairs."
"Hi girls!" I yelled as I saw them all when we entered the private room of the restaurant. We prefer to be in these rooms for privacy and this way we can be as loud as we want.
And trust me, we are loud.
"Lisa!" Tzuyu yelled back, coming to give me a hug.
Tzuyu gives off the vibe of someone that is shy and that doesn't talk much and while that is true, she only acts that way in public.
Much like myself. Everyone knows how shy I can get in interviews but quickly become an extroverted person the second after.
In other words, when we are together and in private we become one of the craziest duos.
"Hey girl!" Seulgi unnie greeted me smirking as I went over to their side of the table.
What does she knows to be smirking like that?
Now I'm scared, I seem to be up for a lot of questions. This is exactly what I hate about us all being friends with each other.
"Hi unnie! What's up?" I asked ignoring her facial expression.
"Well I'm the one to ask you that..."
Nice try, Lisa. Looks like you are not getting away from this one.
It bothers me a little but that everyone now know of everything we both do. We need our privacy too.
"What do you know?" I asked sighing.
What did Jimin oppa tell this girl? And what does he know?
"I'll talk to you later. You did some magic to that boy, Jimin says he was never this interested in someone." She explained.
My heart flutter at her words, my annoyance from before vanishing. It means so much hearing stuff like this from other people. It makes it more real, like he really isn't joking when he says he likes me.
I decide to play with her a bit.
"Oh trust me, I did." I smirked and started to walk away from her while the girl stood there shocked.
Oh that's right, I can also play with you.
"Ohh go get it, girl." She laughed and winked. I love her.
I love Seulgi's flirty side, it doesn't show up all the time but when it does it's something you have to appreciate.
Sitting down on my seat, I noticed Joy's eyes on me. She is sitting in front of Chae who is exactly next to me.
I feel uncomfortable, I don't know how to deal with this situation.
Does she even know that I know of her and Bambam?
She seemed afraid of me in a way, like a child who is about to get scolded. Maybe she thinks I am mad at her for having a thing with my best friend?
If anything I'm worried for her, not mad.
"Hey, Joy!" I greeted her in hopes she would tell me what she wants.
Probably not since the rest of our members and Twice are here.
She smiled back, "Hi, Lisa"
And that was all I could get from her. I'll make sure to ask her when I finally get to be in private with her. She needs to know I'm on her side.
The dinner went smoothly, with Dahyun and Sana unnie doing their usual joking making everyone laugh, to that we add Tzuyu's sarcastic comments and you bet everyone will be crying from laughter in no time.
They are just really funny girls, we always have a blast with them.
In an spontaneous move, Jisoo unnie suggested a game of "never have I ever"
Why? I have no idea but everyone agreed to it.
"Never have I ever, let my pet poop in another member's room." Jennie unnie declared as Jisoo unnie slowly lowered one finger, indicating she had done it.
Me and the rest of my members turned to her in shock.
Anticipation filled the room, our friends trying their best not to laugh.
"Hmm Lisa's room...a while ago. I cleaned it up before she could notice it"
Of course it was in Lisa's room. Where else could it have been, right?
"Ahhhh why is it always me? Why does your dog hate me?!" I whined.
Once again, I hate that freaking dog. I've tried for years to get along with him but he refuses to accept me. I still try once in a while but it just won't work. I might as well get myself a pet. Maybe a cat.
"Ahh, Lalisa, stop whining. I've already told you Dalgomie doesn't like annoying people."
I shut up, pretending to be mad. I'm done with that dog.
"Never have I ever have a crush on a boy group member right now." Sana asked and everyone except Jisoo, Seulgi, Sana and Irene unnie put down a finger.
"CHAEYOUNG?!" I yelled in shock.
Chaeyoung has a crush? Well, that has never happened before. It's probably Jimin oppa according to what Seulgi unnie said at the award show.
They are both so cute, what the hell?
"YES!" Seulgi unnie yelled but it seemed more like she was thinking out loud rather than wanting to share her enthusiasm.
Rosie looked at her with a weird expression on her face. Poor girl is probably so confused.
"Tzuyu, Lisa and Joy? Well that was a surprise." Irene unnie said. I'm actually surprised that she didn't know.
"Yeah..." I said shyly, looking down.
"Our maknae right here not only has a crush but that crush is her boyfriend." Jennie unnie replied, messing with me.
"Stop, unnie, we are not dating." I fire back still looking down, here we have my privacy being taken away from me once again. I hate being put on the spot like this, I never know what to say.
"Yet! And still, it's like you were. You talk and meet all the time and seem to enjoy getting hot and heavy with each other." She continued earning gasps from everyone around us.
"Unnie, please stop! You know I don't like having my life exposed like that!" I plead, trying to make it all stop.
"Okay, sorry, we understand and won't bother you anymore, but Joy...we had no idea." Irene unnie seemed confused by the information.
"It's nothing special, unnie." Joy looked down.
Uhuh, will she speak?
She is uncomfortable you can tell that. I really do hope she is this way because she is shy instead of being because of me. I would never get mad at this angel, why would I? She just likes my friend it's not like she is betraying me.
"Well, I'm actually pretty interested in knowing who he is. Do we know him?" Seulgi unnie asked turning to her member.
"'s..." She mumbled looking down and then looked at me and I could see guilty somewhere in her eyes.
"'s okay." I told her sweetly and she looked taken aback but quickly smiled back at me.
Everyone around the table seemed confused as to why I was involved and why I wouldn't be okay with it. I don't blame them, of course.
"It's Got7's Bambam, that's why Lisa knows. We have this thing, I don't even know what it is."
That was the moment where the whole room went silent.
"No offense to him, Lisa, I know he is your friend, but isn't the guy kind of a playboy?" Seulgi asked, curiousness filling her eyes with a hint of worry.
It's not that everyone knows Bambam is a playboy. If they knew he probably wouldn't be so successful in it, but after a couple of years of course some people have noticed. He is just really good at it and makes everyone think he is innocent.
"Yeah, he is, but it's a different kind of playboy. He doesn't hurt girls on purpose, he is one of the sweetest people I know." I said gaining approval nods from the Twice members, being from the same company it's obvious that they also know him well.
"But, he does hurt them and after I saw him and Joy I got worried and went to talk to him. The guy usually tells me everything and is sincere. He admitted to me he likes Joy more than he has ever liked a girl and that the feeling was strange for him. I wouldn't trust this completely but it's definitely a start. Just don't tell him that I told you this. He would murder me." I finished.
That got me a smile from Joy and a nod, "I thought you were mad at me for not telling you. I panicked when he told me you had seen us"
This girl really is the sweetest.
I give her a smile of my own, "Of course, not. I respect your privacy."
"Well that only leaves Tzuyu to tell us what is going on, because we had no idea." Momo smirked and got closer to the younger one, looking at her.
"Oh mine is nothing special guys, he doesn't even know I exist" The maknae laughed.
"Well then tell us!"
"Spill the beans, girl!"
"I want to know!", were heard across the room
"It's-It's Bangtan's Jungkook."
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