Chapter Seven
Calyx woke up the day disorientated, the previous day had seemed like a haze. He could distantly remember the hat's words to him before roaring to the world, 'RAVENCLAW!' and he walked to the table, sitting next to the Kyla girl. Next thing he knew, he was shoved into a room with three other boys he honestly couldn't remember the names of, and was laying on his bed in silence, wondering when sleep would take him.
He wasn't sure when exactly he'd fallen asleep, but he did know that he woke up a few minutes later than he normally would have had he been at home. Home, he pushed the thought out of his mind, his parents wouldn't really disown him for being in Ravenclaw, right? He didn't want to think so, but a part of him was almost sure he would.
It was seven o'clock when he walked down to breakfast, sitting at the same table he had yesterday, the difference was the array of foods before him. While with yesterday, it was filled with desserts and dinner items, the morning was filled with much different foods. There was french toast, oatmeal, bagels, fruit, cereals, waffles, pancakes, crepes - he couldn't even see all of it from where he was.
Calyx was born into a very wealthy family with lots of money, but he didn't get nearly as much food during his meal-times. Hogwarts was certainly a new beginning, he just wasn't sure whether it was going to be a good one.
As he began to stack pancakes on his plate, Kyla slid into the seat next to him. "Hey, Calyx," she nodded at him, grabbing a waffle and placing it on her plate.
"Hi," he began cutting up his pancake.
"So you're more of a pancake person?" she asked, mischief in her voice.
"I suppose you could say that."
"Waffles are better."
"If you say so."
"I do."
Just as Calyx was about to open his mouth to add to the argument, he felt a light tap on his shoulder, he turned around to see a small, brown-haired wizard, handing him a timetable, "You're Ravenclaw timetables," he said. "I'm Professor Flitwick, and will be the Head of your House while you're here," the Professor introduced himself.
"Hello, Professor," Calyx flashed a charming smile, Just like with the old lady on the train, he thought.
"Oh, hello..." he waited for a name.
"His name's Calyx," Kyla entered the conversation, beaming at Flitwick.
"Ah, well hello Calyx," Flitwick welcomed him.
"She's Kyla," Calyx nodded in Kyla's direction when he saw his Professor turn towards the girl.
"Oh!" Flitwick's eyes widened as he realized who the two were, "You're those two!"
'Those two' Calyx thought bitterly, his eyes going dark. So that's how we're gonna play, huh? he looked over at Kyla and could tell she was having somewhat similar thoughts. Calm down, he scolded himself, we're going to have to deal with him for the next seven years, might as well have him think we like him.
"'Those two'?" Kyla quoted teasingly at the Professor, not a hint of malice in her voice. She's good.
Flitwick gave a little jolly laugh, smiling, before handing out timetables to the other Ravenclaws. "We have History first," Calyx read off, a frown on his face. "My brother told me that class is teached by a ghost."
Just then, owls began to fill the hall, swooping low across the tables. Calyx couldn't tell which owl was his until his parents' landed gracefully in front of him, an envelope tied to it's foot. "Thanks, Arch," he tossed a piece of his pancake at the owl, untying the letter while it was eating. He'd been pushing away the nerves of what his parents would do with the fact he wasn't in Slytherin and now he would find out, he wasn't sure if he was exactly happy with the prospect, though.
After an internal debate, he tore open the letter, reading what his parents had to say.
Dear Calyx,
We were not pleased when we got a letter last night saying you were in Ravenclaw, I'm ashamed you didn't tell us yourself. If you had gotten in any other house besides Ravenclaw, you would've been disowned from the moment we got the letter. Be grateful.
Calyx stared at the letter in shock. His father never sent letters, and when he did, it was definitely serious. He would've been disowned? He knew he'd be in trouble, and he'd thought about the possibility, but he didn't think it they would ever do it. The fact that they said they would have done it terrified him. Where would he ever go? He'd be alone.
He'd be alone.
That was one of the first times he'd felt so vulnerable, after years of prep for Hogwarts, he was afraid of something completely different than what someone would think he'd be of. He was afraid of losing his family, the family he thought he hated. the family he knew he hated.
"Calyx," Kyla's quiet voice cut through his mind, "It's time for History."
(A/N - I'm so sorry this is like two weeks late, I've been stressed over homework that I really shouldn't be that stressed over, and obsessing over everything I've been doing wrong. But anyhow, I'm really sorry this is late and shorter than my chapters normally are)
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