Chapter Five
When Calyx got told they were leaving for Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters by his mother, he began thinking of all the things that could go wrong. The stress increased his heart-rate, leaving him sweaty and even a little shaky.
What if he got a bad first impression with whatever Pure-Blooded group that was formed? What if he sat next to the wrong people when he got sorted into Slytherin? What if his secret was found out by Dumbledore? Did Dumbledore sweep all the first-year mind's as they walked in? Was that illegal? Probably.
But that didn't stop the fact that he had to be perfect.
It was a shame, really. He had spent all his life looking forward to Hogwarts, getting away from his parents. He had used it as another thing to fuel him forwards, but as he found himself on Platform Nine-and-Three-Quarters, he couldn't find it in him to care about all that. Worry clouded his mind to much, fear clogged his throat.
He could barely make out his mother's voice through the blood thumping in his ears in a rhythmic pattern, and even then it couldn't cut through the haze through his mind so he could register them. It was only instinct when he bid them goodbye, walking on the train.
Calyx had always been a quieter person, but when Quirin's goading didn't get any reaction, even he knew something was off, "What's up, little brother? Scared?" he asked, an evil grin on his face, "Do you wanna go back and hug your Mummy so she can tell you everything's alright?"
Calyx's fists clenched as he took deep breaths, trying to calm down. His brother was just trying to get to him, what would he do anyways? Trying to deny would just satisfy him, but staying silent could anger him, their wasn't anything he could do without getting in trouble. It was better to just stay silent and swallow his pride, than to speak up and get hurt.
So he kept his head down, trying to keep his gaze on the floor neutral, as though Quirin wasn't even there, he was somewhere else, some duel universe... He knew it was a lie, but it did it's job nonetheless, and he fed it a little more, his hand clasped around a compartment door.
The fantasy was shattered before he could even leave the hallway. "You running away now? Only the weak run, you know that, don't you?"
Keep calm, he's nothing. He means nothing. He doesn't matter, Calyx swallowed the sharp words on the tip of his tongue, raising his neutral gaze to Quirin's in silent defiance as he slid the compartment door shut.
"Hey! I'm talking to you-" he heard Quirin's angry, muffled voice through the cracks in the door, burrowing deep in his mind to escape the yelling. Escape... is that the same as running? his mind began to wander, leaving him staring mutely at his shoes, oblivious of the world. it worth it in the first place? I mean, they don't care about me- Calyx jumped from his thoughts, flinching as the compartment door slid open. "Anything from the trolley, dear?" an old woman ask, her eyes crinkled in a smile. Good, it wasn't Quirin, Calyx mentally sighed in relief.
He composed himself quickly, chin up, back straight, shoulders back. "Can I have a sugar quill, please?" he asked, a charming smile playing on his lips.
"Of course, dear," she smiled a little brighter, rummaging through her cart, "That'll be five knuts."
Calyx palmed his pant pockets, retrieving five knuts from them. He had around twenty galleons on him, and he knew his parents would send more throughout the year, "Here you go, Miss," he flashed her another smile, handing her the coins. Better to get a good reputation than a bad one when it came to adults, they were in charge, after all.
His greatest entertainment was his kitten, Chara, who was very intent on staring at his sugar quill until she got a little piece of it. And when she finally did, she began to play with it like it was a mouse. And when she finally did put it in her mouth she grew this dreamy little look that was absolutely adorable, Calyx almost forgot about all his worries when he was with his cat.
But nothing lasts forever, something he was quickly reminded as a voice echoed through the train, "Five minutes until we arrive, make sure you are in your robes. When we arrive, leave your trunks on the train."
Calyx frowned, wondering if that meant he couldn't take his cat, Probably not, we have to go through the feast first, after all. He let out a sad sigh, looking at Chara before picking her up and stroking her small, soft kitten fur. "I'll see you tonight," he whispered at the cat. I'll see you in Slytherin.
Chara seemed to get the fact that he was leaving her for a little bit. She didn't know how long, she just knew it was too long, because neither of them wanted to leave. The dread on Calyx was rolling off him in waves, and he seemed to get that he needed to be calmer, because he began petting her more, taking deep breaths. His heartbeat relaxed, and his body wasn't as tense, but he still knew what was coming, and he couldn't hide from it anymore.
He was out in the open, heading towards his doom.
Heading towards Hogwarts.
"Ge' in a boat!" was the one sound he could properly distinguish from the buzzing of everyone. And looking in the general direction of the voice, Calyx could see why.
The man was giant, if you could even call him a man. A giant would fit better. He had a mane of dark brown, poorly brushed hair, dark black beetle eyes, and a large brown patched-up jacket. He was walking towards the little beat-up boats on the edge of a lake.
The Black Lake, Calyx thought, remembering what his brother had said. It wasn't supposed to be informational, no, not at all, but Calyx had picked up a few things when his brother was complaining. All the first-years had to ride a boat across the lake to get to Hogwarts, all while the older students road magical carriages that pulled themselves.
All in all, the Traver's children could agree on one thing: That was rather unfair.
Silently, he padded over to an empty boat, seating himself down, and stared boredly at the lake, waiting for the boat to get moving. Please let me be alone for this, please let me be alone for this, he begged to himself, slowly it began to become a chant in his head, repeating over and over, Please- he mentally cursed as two girls sat down in the same boat, laughing at something.
They had wavy strawberry blonde hair, one with shorter hair, tanned skin and big, brown eyes, widened in excitement. They were both pretty much identical if not their hair, the other having longer hair, reaching the small of her back. They were definitely twins.
Trying to ignore the two, he turned back to the lake. Then another vibration shuddered through the small boat, signalling a fourth person.
Against his judgement, he turned back around to study the stranger.
He could see her long, silky raven hair, and her dark blue eyes, and her silvery pale skin. There was something about those eyes, though, they seemed... familiar. Like in some far off dream, he had seen them before. But he couldn't quite remember where from.
Then the two twin girls spoke up, "Hi," they both said in unison.
"I'm Gabby-" the one to the right waved a hand.
"-and I'm Dya-" the other one said.
"What's your guys' names?" they both said, in unison once more.
Calyx and the girl stayed silent. He could feel a burning gaze on him, but he didn't look up, deciding to pretend he didn't notice. Better to save embarrassment.
"Gabby," Dya failed to whisper. "I don't think they want to be our friends."
"I think you're right," Gabby whispered back, then asked in thoughtful tone, "Why are we whispering?"
"I-I dunno," Dya started giggling uncontrollably. Then the other started giggling. It was so stupid.
Why are they so unpolite? Calyx wondered, sharing a look with the familiar-yet-unfamiliar girl. He knew one thing for certain about the two: they definitely didn't grow up through the same life-style he had. They were too carefree, and there was something bitter in him when he saw it, and he wasn't sure whether it was at him or them. His family or theirs.
He didn't pay much attention to anybody for the rest of the ride, trying to stay steady on the boat. It didn't rock much, but he still didn't trust it.
Next thing he knew, he was staring at the beautiful castle that was Hogwarts, something his brother mentioned was just how beautiful it was. And for the first time since he'd left Chara, he honestly didn't mind the fact he was going to be going to the school.
The giant that had led them to the school landing a big fist on the door. "I've got yer studen's, Pr'fessor Mcgonagall," he said, a grin on his face.
The door slowly opened revealing a stern looking woman with her black hair pinned tightly into a bun. Her emerald green robes and black hat was proof enough to probably even muggles that she was a witch. But then again, Calyx contradicted himself, Muggles were supposedly about the most oblivious beings to walk the planet.
"Yes," the woman Professor Mcgonagall said, looking over the group of students in front of her. "I can see that, thank you, Hagrid."
Then she led everyone into the castle, walking through a main corridor to a much smaller one. There were giant pillars and fancy staircases all around the room, It was so tall you couldn't even see the ceiling, leaving you with an enchanting, foggy look. The stone walls were lit by torches, leading off to a magnificent staircase that led to the upper floors. Following the professor across the jagged floor, everyone could hear the loud talking of older students, signalling that they had already arrived.
"Welcome to Hogwarts," began Professor McGonagall. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory and spend free time in your house common room.
"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the House Cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours.
"The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarted yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting. I will return when we are ready for you," Professor McGonagall concluded. "Please wait quietly."
She trekked off, leaving the room somewhat quiet, to which was countered quickly by whispering, Most people were wondering how they got sorted, then dreading about it, although, Calyx considered that was fairly reasonable. He'd probably be worried too if it were him.
Then the girl with the dark blue eyes was confronted by a boy. "Kyla!" the boy called out, an easy going tone to it.
Even just looking at the girl, it was unmistakable that she would rather be anywhere but there. "Hi, Sirius," she responded, her voice nothing less than polite. Then she sent Calyx a look, Please get me out of here.
And for some reason, Calyx actually considered it. "Why weren't you in our compartment," Sirius asked, oblivious to Kyla's behavior.
After seeing the girl hesitate for a moment, Calyx knew the conversation would boil own to an unwanted argument that would be talk of the first-years for weeks. Something Kyla must've known even as Sirius walked up to her.
So he spoke up, "Kyla," he called out, his mind rushing towards some topic. Finally he decided on one, the thing most first-years often wondered. "What house do you think you'll get into?"
"Um," Kyla stalled, taking it as a chance to walk closer to him. "Slytherin," she decided.
"Same." Lie.
Then he blurted out, almost against his will, "My names Calyx by the way." You stupid, stupid boy, he mentally cursed himself, You weren't here to make friends. But looking at her eyes, he knew he didn't regret it.
"Kyla," Kyla said, then said amused, "But you already knew that." Then she spoke up again, "Thank you."
Calyx looked at her for a moment before brushing it off, "Your welcome."
Then Professor Mcgonagall walked back in, "They're ready for you." she told them.
The professor walked them into the Great Hall. Calyx didn't think he could be surprised about the place after seeing the outside, but just the amount of food mounted up on four tables was enough. There was probably everything, he couldn't even count. All the other kids stopped talking and stared at them, whether it was amused, bored, or interested, he wasn't sure. But he also wasn't quite sure he wanted to know the answer.
The first-years stumbled to a stop as Professor Mcgonagall walked up to a stool in front of a fifth table-like area with a tattered old hat in front of it. Then, much to Calyx's surprised, the old hat grew a mouth in a way he wasn't sure he wanted to know, and opened it's mouth:
"In times of old, when I was new,
And Hogwarts barely started,
The founders of our noble school
Thought never to be parted.
United by a common goal,
They had the selfsame yearning
To make the world's best magic school
And pass along their learning.
'Together we will build and teach'
The four good friends decided.
And never did they dream that they
Might someday be divided.
For were there such friends anywhere
As Slytherin and Gryffindor?
Unless it was the second pair
Of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw,
So how could it have gone so wrong?
How could such friendships fail?
Why, I was there, so I can tell
The whole sad, sorry tale.
Said Slytherin, 'We'll teach just those
Whose ancestry's purest.'
Said Ravenclaw, 'We'll teach those whose
Intelligence is surest'
Said Gryffindor, 'We'll teach all those
With brave deeds to their name.'
Said Hufflepuff, 'I'll teach the lot
And treat them just the same.'
These differences caused little strife
When first they came to light.
For each of the four founders had
A house in which they might
Take only those they wanted, so,
For instance, Slytherin
Took only pure-blood wizards
Of great cunning just like him.
And only those of sharpest mind
Were taught by Ravenclaw
While the bravest and the boldest
Went to daring Gryffindor.
Good Hufflepuff, she took the rest
and taught them all she knew,
Thus, the Houses and their founders
Maintained friendships firm and true.
So Hogwarts worked in harmony
for several happy years,
but then discord crept among us
feeding on our faults and fears.
The Houses that, like pillars four
had once held up our school
now turned upon each other and
divided, sought to rule.
And for a while it seemed the school
must meet an early end.
what with dueling and with fighting
and the clash of friend on friend.
And at last there came a morning
when old Slytherin departed
and though the fighting then died out
he left us quite downhearted.
And never since the founders four
were whittled down to three
have the Houses been united
as they once were meant to be.
And now the Sorting Hat is here
and you all know the score:
I sort you into Houses
because that is what I'm for.
But this year I'll go further,
listen closely to my song:
though condemned I am to split you
still I worry that it's wrong,
though I must fulfill my duty
and must quarter every year
still I wonder whether sorting
may not bring the end I fear.
Oh, know the perils, read the signs,
the warning history shows,
for our Hogwarts is in danger
from external, deadly foes
and we must unite inside her
or we'll crumble from within
I have told you, I have warned you...
let the Sorting now begin."
The students all began to clap, much to Calyx and Kyla's confusion. Then, Professor Mcgonagall spoke up once more, "As I call your name, please walk up to the stool," this part, the two understood. "Abbot, Essie!" she began.
"HUFFLEPUFF!" the hat shouted, it's voice echoing across the room.
Calyx didn't pay much attention until, "Black, Kyla!" Wait... Black?
Kyla's gaze was suddenly sharp, and her footsteps were calm and filled with confidence. She sat on the stool and the hat was placed above her head. Then they all waited. The silence was uneasy, most people would've been sorted by then, what was going on?
Then a loud voice rang, piercing the silence, it was sudden as well, causing them to all jump, "RAVENCLAW!"
A Black sorted in any other house but Slytherin was practically unheard of, it was unnatural. It broke tradition.
It was different.
There was no clapping for the poor girl, who tried to keep herself together. Her face said she expected it, but her legs said she was terrified. they were wobbling slightly as she strode over to her table, and even Dumbledore, who was seated at the staff table, leaned in slightly. He obviously found her intriguing.
That was when the fear clogged Calyx's throat once more, he hadn't even thought of the possibility of him getting in a different house than Slytherin. It was unheard of. Impossible. Yet the girl seated at the Ravenclaw table said otherwise, her head down slightly to avoid all the curious or angry gazes while still not looking afraid or weak. Her composure for the most part, was still up.
But the world didn't stop spinning for just one person, and the professor at the stool continued, "Black, Sirius!" so Sirius was her brother...
This time the sorting was much shorter, lasting only seconds before the hat called out, "GRYFFINDOR!" the silence was broken this time, because as unheard of as it was, Gryffindor was still a more popular house than Ravenclaw, and he already was surrounded by a group of friends.
Said friends were picked off one by one, "Lupin, Remus!" the tallest kid of the group walked over to the stool.
He had dirty blonde hair, and his face was covered in peculiar scarring. "GRYFFINDOR!" just like his friend.
Then the one with plumper and shorter one was called out, "Pettigrew, Peter!"
A wider silence than most kids, but still shorter than Kyla's, "GRYFFINDOR!"
"Potter, James!" another tall one with glasses and an arrogant smirk walked forwards. The blood-traitor Potter's, I assume, Calyx thought. He wasn't the most biased kid, not by far, but he had no reason to be unbiased either.
"GRYFFINDOR!" came a rather quick response.
"Kamo, Dya!"
"Kamo, Gabby!"
Calyx quit paying much attention to the names, but still heard the hat call out different house names, it was almost impossible to tune out, after all. Then finally his name was called, "Travers, Calyx!" He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves, and walked with steady legs over to the stool.
He felt like plastic, his calm facial features were fake, the steadiness in his legs was only there from practice, and the nod he gave Professor Mcgonagall to put the hat on his head was just a lie.
Ooh, the hat began to speak in his mind, I see you have the same predicament as that girl... The girl? Which one? he wondered. Headstrong, I see... hmm... rather smart... good imagination... let's see, Ravenclaw would suit you well, though I can tell you'd rather have Slytherin. "RAVENCLAW!"
(A/N - Sorry about how long this is, and for the long wait for the upload, HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!! Hope you all have a good 2021! If you notice any mistakes, plz point them out, thank you!!!!!)
(Edit - It was late when I posted it, and I was tired, so I think I fixed the chapter up a little. Also, thank you guys so much for 134 views <3)
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