Chapter 6
Max's POV
After that girl, what's her name? well I don't care went to her sit everyone started laughing especially the girl sitting next to me, I think I've seen her somewhere.
"Dude that was so harsh." a guy at the front of me turn and said with a smile.
"Don't care." I replied shortly looking back at my phone, I don't want to make friends in this school.
"Geez." the girl beside me hissed and rolled her eyes.
What's with her? don't care.
"Good morning sir." I heard and looked away from my phone, everyone stood up from their seats.
"Good morning, you can now sit" a deep bold voice replied.
When they sat down, I saw an elderly man who I think is a teacher because of the tie on him and the laptop.
"I can't believe you guys are almost done with high school" He said with a big smile
"Do we have a new student this term?" he asked then everyone turned to me.
"Nice, introduce your self dear." he said.
What! I should introduce myself again? why? they all know my name, hate all this. I'm just going to do this because I don't want trouble.
"My name is Max Ray" I said.
"Nice meeting you, I'm your English teacher call me Mr. Jason" he said with a smile.
"Ok, if you need help feel free to ask any of your classmate, I'm sure they will help you out. Addison please show Max around the school, is that ok dear?" he asked.
"Yes sir." the girl beside me replied with a fake smile.
Oh yes, I know her. She is my neighbor Addison.
"When will you be free?" Addison asked not looking at me. I think she has a crush on me already, well sorry beautiful I'm not interested.
"Any problem?" I asked back with a confuse look.
"Yes, when you be free for the orientation." she hissed looking at me.
"Oh, that. Anytime." I replied feeling like a fool.
Why does she hate me? first girl to hate me, I thought she has a crush on me, she is so weird.
I heard a bell rang and everyone ran out of the class. "What just happened?" I said to myself looking confused.
"Obviously it's time for break and every student love breaks" someone replied, I turned and saw Addison with friend.
"Oh, didn't ask you." I replied rudely since she love being rude to me .
"Cold but don't care. Lets start the tour." she hissed and her friend beside her hit her elbow but she just rolled her eyes at her. Wow this girl is something.
I'll be seeing her everyday because we are neighbors and we are also classmate.
"Fine but why is your friend here? are scared to be left alone with me?" I smirked looking at her beautiful black orbs. WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME!
"Why should I be scared of you? maybe you should be scared to be left alone with me." she hissed as she packed her books.
I was about to say something but the class door opened and I saw my annoying brother walking toward us with that his foolish smile.
"Hi Addison, how are you?" kelvin greeted but the strangest thing was that she looked up at Kelvin with a big smile.
"Good, you?" she asked with a cute smile. So she is nice to Kelvin and mean to me, this girl is not normal.
"What do you want?" I asked rudely.
"Not your business, I came here for Addison" he replied and smiled to Addison.
"Really? what do you need?" Addison asked.
"A teacher told me to come meet you for a tour in the school." he explain to her calmly as usual,
Kelvin according to people is the calm and gentle brother while I am the bad and arrogant brother and I like it that way.
"Sure, lets all go together. Are you ready?" she asked looking at me with an obvious fake smile.
"As you can see." I stated the obvious.
Why do people ask stupid questions? it's so annoying.
During the tour which was annoying and boring because Addison and Kelvin were just talking and laughing while that her friend has been trying to get my attention but I just ignore her, I don't know why this Addison girl doesn't like me. When we were done with the tour I learnt lot of things about Addison, don't ask me why?
She's seventeen, she lives with only her mom and little sister, her dad died she was little and all relatives stopped coming to visiting them. After the tour we went to the cafeteria for break and she introduced us to her friends, they were nice but things changed when that annoying girl came to our table.
"So fast," the annoying girl hissed with her arms crossed.
"What's so fast Diamond?" Addison rolled her eyes, I think they don't like each other.
"What else love, you moved on so fast after Michael dumped you for your best friend." she laughed.
"What are you saying?" Addison asked confused.
"I see, she didn't tell you." Diamond laughed even louder this time. I'm so confused what is this girl saying?
"Diamond, please leave. I don't know what you are saying and I don't have time for you today." Addison said.
"Fine, since she can't say it, I will. Joan and Michael are dating secretly, am I lying Joan?" she shouted and everyone turned to us. Addison looked shocked like the rest of her friends.
"Joan? please leave now Diamond. Joan can't do that." Addison sternly said.
I turned to look at her so called best friend Joan, just looking at her you'll know that she's guilty.
"No, she is saying the truth, I'm so sorry Addison I can explain" her friend who was with us throughout the tour said with tears in her eyes.
Yeah Joan she is the girl who was with Addison when we had dinner yesterday, Max you are so forgetful.
"Explain! explain what? Joan that you were dating Michael when I was dating him. This is so confusing." Addison said with tears rolling down from her eyes and left the cafeteria angrily. immediately everyone started murmuring to each other.
"I knew it, Michael is such a player"
"Addison is so nice, she doesn't deserve this"
"How can Joan do this?"
"what a friend she is"
After the lunch bell rang and everyone left for their various classes. I left the hall for my class hoping to see Addison but she wasn't in the class. Joan was crying throughout the whole class but I didn't feel pity for her, how can she do that to her friend. That's why I don't trust people first you gain their trust next thing they betray you. After closing bell rang everyone packed and left the class, I packed my bag and met Kelvin in front of the class door.
"Is Addison back?" he asked with concern.
"No, didn't see her." I replied as I started walking to the car pack but bumped into someone.
"So sorry." I apologized to the little girl who was on the fall.
"Are you stup..."she was about to yell at me but stopped when she looked up at me.
"Wow, Max you school here?" Angela asked with a smile.
"Yes, are you hurt?" I asked concerned extending me hand to her.
"No, I'm ok." she said standing up from the floor adjusting her clothe and Kelvin walked to us and helped her with her books.
Wow, she is nicer than her sister who I can't find in the school. Maybe she knows where her sister is...
"Do you know where Addison is?" kelvin asked handing her books back to her.
"Yeah, she went home after lunch saying she is sick, is everything ok?" she asked.
"Yes, lets go home together" Kelvin said and Angela nodded.
Thanks for reading, maybe i should do Kelvin's pov nest
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