Chapter 15:
B r e e
If I could rip out my memory, I think I would.
If I could reset Nash's too, I most definitely would.
I am so embarrassed, that I can't even face Nash. The car ride home had me wishing I was dead.
As soon as we got home last night, I ran to the shower and I sat there in the water, melting to the floor.
I don't even know how I got up.
How could I even read signals so wrong?
I think the most embarrassing part is even trying to sleep in that bed with him, I couldn't.
But before I could leave, he did.
I don't know where he is now. So now, I am just laying here, beginning to bed rot.
Maybe I was pushing too hard. I didn't mean to, I just... Ugh..!
Maybe he's just simply not interested in me... Maybe I should give up.
I buried my face into the pillow and groaned, hitting it.
How did I mess up so bad? Is there something I can do to make it up to him? Does he like cake? I'll make a cake. Or make him dinner? Oh gosh, what if he finds that weird too?
I jumped up and groaned, shoving my face in my hands.
'Knock knock'
"Who is it..?" I groaned as I looked at the door.
"Coal..." He turned the knob, waiting to push it open."Okay..." I sighed.
"Are you okay..? It's 2 PM. I've never seen you lay in bed before." His voice was full of worry as he closed the door behind him. He had Bella in his arms along with a cup of coffee, I suppose trying to cheer me up.
"You're not like drugged again, are you? Or did you do something..?" He asked, inspecting my face.
"No," I sighed, looking away."Coal, I messed up... Like an idiot, can you slap me?" I asked, finally leaning up all the way.
He handed me the coffee and shook his head. I took a small sip before sitting it down.
"No. It can't be that bad." He smiled, setting down Bella on the bed.
I reached for her and she ran to me.
"Was it with Nash?" He asked, sitting down on the end of the bed. I nodded, my cheeks turning bright red.
"I don't even want to tell you.." I cried, covering my face. He nodded and looked out the window.
"Well, I won't push-"
"I kissed Nash, Coal..!" I blurted, cutting him off.
Coal's eyes widened before he gave me a sympathetic look.
"Oh... And now he's avoiding you, isn't he?" He asked, petting Bella as she watched me.
"Yes... Can I do something to fix it?" I begged, seeing him nod.
"Of course. Nash isn't going to hold this against you forever anyway." He stood up, looking around. I furrowed my brows.
"He couldn't, trust me." He smiled, fixing the corkboard on Nash's wall."He did with Xian.." I cringed and Coal began to laugh.
"You also didn't do half the stuff Xian has. And even then, he's out there with him, right now." He moved one of the pins, placing it into another picture. I guess he's right...
"Can I bake him a cake?" I asked as he fiddled with something on Nash's desk."He isn't a big fan of cake."
I pursed my lips and relaxed my shoulders.
"Well, I'll do something." I placed my hands on my thighs, getting out of bed.
"Okay. Well, Nash is out there. He's sitting with Xian of all people." He laughed, looking at me before furrowing his brows.
"You went to sleep in jeans shorts..?" He questioned, pointing to the lines of red on my thighs.
"I didn't even want to come in here to get my clothes when I showered so I rushed..." I covered my face, groaning."Coal, can Nash and I still be friends, do you think?" I asked, approaching him.
"You guys will be fine." He reassured, smiling.
I really hope he is right.
I peeked around the corner, avoiding Nash as he walked through the kitchen.
I'm scared. But I'm going to have to soon. Oh, what do I do..? I put my face in my hands and leaned against the wall, sighing.
I'm such a doofus. And after such a good day too?
"Hi there." Xian spoiled my cover, making me jump as I saw Nash behind him. Nash looked away from me, looking to his side instead.
"What are you doing there? Wanted to watch some handsome guys from afar?" He smirked, brushing his ginger hair back.
Xian, please shut up...
"At least you're finally up. Want something to eat?" He laughed, approaching me a little closer.
"Uh, maybe.." I looked at Nash, who started walking away. No, ugh I don't want him to go.
He is really going to keep this up huh? I looked back at Xian and just frowned. His laughter slowed as he leaned against the hallway wall.
"Are you okay?" He looked down, his green eyes happily shimmering.
"Xian, how do you get Nash to talk to you again after messing up..?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"Uhm, what?" His eyes widened as he glanced at Nash."What did you do..?"
I don't want to tell Xian. I trusted Coal because I hang out with him often anyway.
I bit my cheek, tugging the strands of my hair."Something stupid. Do you talk to him? How do you do it??" I begged, watching Xian's brows furrow more.
"It can't be so bad. Go talk to Nash." He rubbed my back, pointing to Nash's room.
"Just apologize and talk." He gave me a gentle smile before backing up."And then you should go eat some lunch."
I nodded and took a deep breath.
I started back toward his room, messing with my shirt as I walked. I could hear his voice, so I stopped.
"What?" Nash's voice was scratchy, a little off compared to yesterday.
"You should go easier on her..." Coal whispered, leaving the room. He gave me a sympathetic look as he passed me, carrying some of the laundry.
I took a deep breath, my heart starting to pound.
I just need to go in there and talk. Just go in...
I pushed myself forward and immediately ran into Nash in the doorway.
"Oof— Sorry, I am so sorry." I apologized, meeting his eyes. He looked away and I cupped my hands together.
"Nash, I'm so... I am so sorry, I shouldn't have done that yesterday. I don't want to ruin our friendship..." I profusely apologized, my cheeks began to start heating up.
Nash's shoulders rose as he took in a deep breath, holding it in. I can't read his face. Not even a little.
"Stop." He exhaled, backing up into the room. I followed, watching him.
"What..?" I scratched my palms, waiting for him to finally turn to me.
"Nash... Can I do something to make up for it?" I begged. I wish he would look at me. His cheeks were flushed pink as the sun washed over him.
"No. You don't have to." He shut it down, shaking his head as he rubbed his arm.
"Please, calm down.." He whispered, keeping a safe distance from me. I nodded, tapping my foot.
"It's okay." He finally turned his head to me, struggling to keep the eye contact."We're friends..."
I forced a smile, a familiar twinge returning to my heart. We're friends. Right.
We held the eye contact for a moment. My heart felt like it was skipping every other beat.
"Do you have any more leads on the job..?" I asked, trying to change the subject. Nash nodded, biting his lip.
"It's a party. We have to go to Rodger's party tonight. Zayda said she saw him have a laptop with important info on it. I'm going to ask Coal if he'll come and take a flash drive to get the info off of it." He began, walking to his closet.
"Oh, am I coming?" I asked, smiling. Nash's expression changed to worry, before he cleared his throat.
"It's not.." He paused, lowering his head."Safe."
I furrowed my brows and leaned against the bed."I can help..." I suggested, fixing my shirt.
Nash examined me for a moment, his fingers tracing down the door frame. Then, he blinked, shaking his head.
"Uh... No, I don't know what to get you to do." Nash gulped, grabbing some clothes. He grabbed his black t-shirt, black jeans, and chains, and walked out of the room.
At least he spoke to me. That's better than nothing.
But I feel so curious about that party. What it could be like, who would be there, what would happen at them?
And how did he get invited?
"Hey!" Zayda's voice echoed through the house, another door shutting.
I rushed out to the living room, Nash was now in the shower.
"Ugh..." Xian groaned, leaning against the wall. Coal smiled and approached her. His cheeks
Zayda looked beautiful as she often did, she was dressed like she was going to the party. She wore a short black dress that was off her shoulders, lots of sparkly jewelry, and her makeup was clean.
"Hey.." Coal whispered as Xian rolled his eyes, looking at me.
"Oh yeah, you know her..." He started, pointing to Coal."Head over heels." He snickered as Zayda hugged him.
"Oh, the only two I like here..." Her eyes went between Coal and me.
She likes me?
"Where's Nash..?" She asked, raising her brow."The shower." I replied, fixing my shorts.
She hummed and pushed her hair back."Good, everyone should be getting ready. We need to fit in." She clasped her hands together, looking at me.
"Wait where are we going..?" Coal furrowed his brows as Xian covered his mouth, looking away.
"Rodger's party?" She furrowed her brows and Coal's skin flushed, even his sunburn seemed to fade.
He shot around to Xian."You said it was just a party. You lied because you knew- What??" Coal panicked, making both Zayda and I glance at each other.
"It's- we need you. Can't you just suck it up..? Why don't you want to be around him?" Xian asked, crossing his arms.
Coal gawked at Xian before shaking his head."No- you will catch me 6-feet under before I attend his party." Coal walked away, Xian rolling his eyes.
"I'll convince him.." He sighed, chasing after him.
I smiled at Zayda. I'm not even sure what to do right here. I feel out of place, like my body might sink through the floor.
I want to just wait until Nash gets out of the shower and figure it out, but shoot, I don't know what to do.
"You look tired." Zayda pointed out, setting her bag down on the couch. I laughed and rubbed my eyes.
"I am." I admitted, walking toward the kitchen."Well, maybe tonight you'll have some fun and feel better." Her voice faded away as she walked toward Coal's room as well.
Nash finished his shower and got dressed, he was sitting next to me on the couch watching the news.
He had on his black shirt, tucked into his black jeans with a belt, and then his chains. He looked good, especially with his tattoos.
His cologne smelled so good right now. But I kept a good distance. I tapped my foot, waiting to hear from Zayda, Xian, and Coal.
They were still back there trying to convince him to go. But I don't see why he's so reluctant to go there.
Isn't he selling drugs and guns to these people..?
Zayda returned, her eyes falling on me."What are you wearing?"
I furrowed my brows and so did Nash."Me..?" He questioned, but she shook her head.
"I wouldn't talk nicely to you. What are you wearing tonight?" She repeated, approaching me.
Nash's eyes flickered over to me."She's not going..?" He crossed his arms, but Zayda shook her head.
"I have the invite, and if I say she can come, she can. Do you want to, Bree?"
"Isn't there a limit of plus-one's?" Nash pressed his bandaged nails into his nail, looking back and forth.
"You know he loves a full house. So, Bree?"
I didn't even realize she knew my name...
I looked at Nash, but he looked away. "Do what you want."
"... Sure."
I don't want to stay here alone while they all go to do this job. I guess I'm curious. I don't think that's wrong.
Zayda clasped her hands together.
"Okay, well can I help you get dressed?" She asked, grinning. In the corner of my eye, I noticed Nash's subtle glare at her, before he returned his cold gaze to the TV.
"Yeah, sure." I stood up, glancing back at him. Zayda grabbed her purse and dug through it.
He didn't return the gaze. Instead just remained on the TV. He was cold as a corpse. "It isn't going to be a fun little party, you know. We have things to do."
I gulped and nodded, feeling Zayda grab my arm. "It won't be that bad. I have a use for you." She smiled, making my heart drop a little.
Nash's eyes immediately snapped back up.
Zayda laughed as Nash groaned."Don't you dare make her do anything stupid.." He mumbled, adjusting his pants leg.
"Oh, don't be so worried. She'll be fine it's for your job anyway." She said as I kept my gaze on him.
"I blame you if anything happens..." He grumbled once more, standing up and turning off the TV.
I felt inclined to smile, the tugging at my cheeks rising. It's not that he's angry but, he cares about me.
"Alright, what clothes do you have?" Zayda asked, starting down the hallway with me.
"I don't really have much. But I'm sure we could do something with the few I do." I smiled as she nodded.
"I have makeup in my bag and a few hair accessories, don't worry." She paused, furrowing her brows."Whose room are you staying in?"
That question seems so unnecessary for the amount of times she's assumed Nash and I are dating.
"Nash's." I pointed to his door and she nodded. She pushed it open and I grabbed my bag, pulling all the clothes I had from it.
She began searching through them, humming.
"You dress pretty punk. I like it." She smiled. She grabbed my black skirt I haven't worn.
We've been running so much, I wasn't going to wear something like that. But I suppose when I packed this bag to leave town, I did like the idea of clubbing.
"Well, let's start there..." She handed it to me, glancing at my shirt.
"Try that together. It could be cute." She smiled, looking around more. Will this look good? I glanced in the mirror, biting my lip.
Why do I feel so insecure?
"Shoot, you don't have anything else do you..?" She held my sandals and Converse shoes, sighing.
"Well- here, I have some black tights, they'll go good with your shoes." She gave me them and I glanced to Nash's closet.
"Alright, one second.."
I slipped into the closet, turning the light on. I slipped off my shorts and gulped, glancing around the closet.
He had actually quite a few more clothes than I thought. But also, just shoe boxes. I furrowed my brows and slipped on the tights and skirt, then leaned down.
I opened one of them and saw it full of papers. I furrowed my brows and began to sift through them.
What is this..?- Maybe I shouldn't be doing this.
Nothing in here even says his name, it's all other people.
Could it be things from jobs? Why did he keep them? Future use?
I backed up and put the lid back on. I shouldn't be snooping...
I feel guilty.
I fixed the skirt and my shirt, fluffing out my hair before opening the door and revealing it to Zayda.
"Pretty! Too bad you don't have some boots." She sighed as I slipped on my shoes."Maybe I'll buy some soon." I shrugged, tying the laces.
She nodded, digging out her makeup bag from her purse.
"Zayda, can I ask you something?" I furrowed my brows, a sudden thought popping into my mind.
"Go ahead."
"How did you get invited to this party if we are all going to basically deceive the guy..?" I questioned, adjusting the skirt.
She laughed and placed down the makeup on Nash's desk.
"I'm good at social circles. You have to know someone who knows someone. I got lucky enough a few parties back with a friend to run into Rodger personally." She opened a pallet full of pretty purple eyeshadows.
"A couple of drinks, some flirting, and the inevitable end of our conversation being him passed out on the couch, I was invited to all his gatherings so far." She explained, laughing.
"Call it good timing. But, Rodger is always throwing some kind of party. He's just a lonely man.."
"Now sit down. I'll do some punk party makeup..."
I did as I was told and sat down. That left an eerie feeling in my chest. Could some of it be from whatever happened that night that started this mess?
Maybe one day I'll have the courage to ask for the full story.
Zayda did my makeup in an enticing fashion. She highlighted my eyes with black eyeliner and smudged it underneath, then left my lips pink with lip gloss.
Now we were all in the same car. Coal was convinced to come but he looked more than unhappy.
I got in before Nash, Coal and him were behind so by the time we left, it was dark.
I guess that's better though because I feel like I'm wearing the guilt on my face from opening the box.
He sat in the front seat, Zayda was driving. Xian was to my right, Nash was to my left, and I had to sit in the middle.
At least Zayda's car was comfortable.
"I don't want to be the one to get the laptop." Coal sighed, tapping his fingers on the window seal.
I don't know where we are right now. But the city lights alone were so bright. the drive was close to an hour I heard, 48 minutes.
I've tried to keep to myself back here. I didn't have a phone, which I've got to be honest, still sucks, so I just tried to lay still.
I glanced at Nash, he was watching the lights of buildings as we drove into a much more populated area. It lit up both our faces.
"Is this anything like New York..?" I whispered and he shook his head."No."
He glanced at me, meeting my eyes. He pinched his lips shut despite his eyes softening. I smiled and turned my head to the side.
He looked away, back toward the buildings."Be careful tonight." He warned, tapping his fingers on his leg.
"She'll be fine. She's wild anyway." Xian interjected, smirking at me. I shrugged my shoulders, laughing under my breath.
I don't know what to expect...
"I think this is going to be pretty busy. But, Rodger will probably be out of his mind somewhere..." Nash sighed, resting his head against the window.
The car came to a stop at a fancy house. Fancy enough with a gate and seems like a password is needed.
Oh, shoot.
Zayda got out first and motioned us."Come on, you're all with me so we need to be seen together."
I followed Nash and Xian was close behind me. And Coal sunk into the seat nervously.
"I don't want to go..." He groaned, but Xian huffed."Come on, we need you. Just avoid him, okay? He'll probably be wherever it's loudest so go wherever is quiet."
Coal stayed still, staring at the flash drive."Fine.." He shoved it into his pocket and got out, joining the group of us.
Zayda grabbed a piece of paper from her purse and rang the bell.
"Password?" A British female voice answered, catching me off guard.
"Secrets to my deathbed. Jeez, is he always so unnecessarily melodramatic?" Zayda scoffed, the other woman laughing.
"That's Rodger for you. There's 4 people with you, right?" She asked and Zayda spotted the camera, backing up with a nod.
The gates opened, letting all of us through. I could hear the music before we even reached the ajar door.
The lighting was red, catching me off guard again. I didn't expect this. Zayda pushed the door open, forcing people to move in the crowded room.
I stumbled back as I noticed how many people were here. Strong arms grabbed me, but when I looked down, I noticed they weren't Nash's, there was no tattoo.
I glanced behind me and Xian smiled."You okay?" He was a bit hard to hear, but I nodded, took a deep breath, and walked inside.
I could smell all the things happening. Weed, vapes, cigarettes, and other unidentifiable substances.
I didn't even want to question it. I glanced for Nash, but he was watching Xian.
"Hey," I spoke louder to him, having him glance at me as some man laughed across the house.
"Told you. Want to go home?" He asked but I shook my head. He sighed and began to push through the loud crowds after Zayda, I followed close behind.
I'm not even sure where we are trying to get right now. Well, I don't know this house..
"'Nash?! You made it! Oh, I haven't seen you in so long!" A man's voice called out, slurring his words.
We got to some stairs, the area was finally a bit clearer.
"It's so loud," Nash replied as the man approached us. He had messy black hair, and brown eyes that were bloodshot from whatever he was on.
"Yeah! It's so loud I can't even hear myself think man, haha!!" He laughed, patting his arm.
"Let me get you a drink, oh you look rough. What happened to you? You were missing." He laughed, putting both his hands on Nash's shoulders.
Nash looked so uncomfortable, as if he could he would rip the man's hands off of him in an instant, but he remained still.
"I'm good. Just here to catch up. Let everyone know I'm alive." He lied, flashing a smile.
Xian slid past me and put his elbow onto Nash's shoulder."Oh- the duo, where's sweet Coal?" His tone got off-putting as he smirked, glancing past me. But Coal wasn't there.
"Not sure. But you do have us!" Xian laughed, Nash nodding.
"Oh, is she with you? Or are you like a new one..?" Rodger pointed right at me, starting to walk to me.
"Oh, I'm just their friend." I nodded, putting my hand out."Bree." I don't feel safe giving this man my full name.
"Rodger. Oh, you are so cute! You should go mingle, go dance- go get a drink from my bar." He winked, the heavy alcohol on his breath was enough to gag me right now.
"Oh, okay!" What am I doing?
"Now, let me go find some others." Rodger patted my shoulder roughly, knocking me forward a bit. What a mess.
I looked at Nash and Xian, Xian was laughing and reached for me."Don't be alarmed, he won't remember you."
Nash glared at him and sighed."I'm going to find the laptop. Distract him and text me if he comes this way." He started up the stairs, leaving me downstairs with Xian.
Xian nodded and smirked at me."Go do anything you want, unless you want to stay with me?" He laughed but I shook my head.
"Don't wanna stay near Rodger. Zayda said she had a use for me though." I laughed, glancing around the busy house.
I don't know where Coal is but I'm sure it's somewhere quiet like Xian told him.
I heard some girls squealing behind me, a few clapping as a new song started.
What could Zayda want me for? She always seems to run her operation herself. I thought she was a middleman getting information.
I started looking around. I don't think anyone I know is going to be here. That'd probably be awkward...
I started into the kitchen, adjusting my skirt. I made eye contact with a few people as I passed.
One blew his smoke as I passed. I held my breath as I walked through the cloud, seeing Zayda leaning against the bar as I walked in.
"I lost you for a bit." She smiled, glancing at the bartender. He handed her a martini and she took a sip.
It was a lot calmer in here. A good break from the ruckus.
All the people yelling, dancing, and doing whatever they may be were out in the other rooms.
I took a seat in one of the barstools."So... What are you wanting me to do?"
"Would you maybe..." She bit the olive off of the stick."Get some info out of Cyrus?" She finished her sentence, the bartender paying no mind to our words.
"How..? Is he even here..?" I gulped as the bartender slid another drink.
"He's Rodger's little artist, if he wasn't I'd be surprised." She snickered, pushing the drink to me."And it would be more realistic someone like you to talk to him, instead of me"
I heard a glass break and some yelling, but it died down.
"How do we know Cyrus will even tell me anything?" I questioned and she took another sip."Just talk. Get his basic schedule, what he does on weekends. You don't have to say, hey are you washing money with Rodger."
"Figure out his lies about what he's doing. Ask him how he knows Rodger, just be really friendly." She explained, my heart starting to drop a bit more.
I don't feel good about this.
"Come on," she finished her drink. "Let's go find him."
This is horrible...
It took us a long time to find the room Cyrus was in. I didn't think he'd even be here. He doesn't belong at all.
I stood next to Zayda, waiting for a minute to walk into the quiet room.
"I'll stay here, just go in and talk." She instructed. I nodded, taking a deep breath.
He was sitting on a couch, sinking into it. He wasn't even on his phone. He wasn't drinking, he wasn't smoking, and there was no one but a couple across the room flirting.
He tapped his foot, matching the part of tapping his fingers against his leg.
I inched inside, pushing my hair back.
"You're all alone..?" I asked, sitting down next to him. His eyes examined me before he realized who I was. His pupils were heavily dilated.
Oh that's not a good sign, is it?
"Oh— you're Nash's date." He gulped, blinking a few times.
"Yeah, that's right... You okay?" I asked. I genuinely feel bad for him.
He doesn't look harsh. He looks sad. Anxious. Just plain out of place. How did someone like him get roped into this?
"Sure.. Why are you here..?" He asked, furrowing his brows."A friend invited me to come." I cleared my throat, holding the drink Zayda gave me.
She said it was just water. I'm trusting her...
"Oh..." He flicked the rip in his jeans, staring down at his plain tan shoes.
"Why are you here?" I asked, crossing my legs. Cyrus remained staring down.
"I don't know..." He whispered, tapping his foot. He looks like a wreck."I— Rodger tells me to, but I can't ever enjoy myself.."
He admitted that rather quickly... But he is acting odd."Why don't you say no?" I asked, watching as his eyes flicker around.
"Uhm... What?" He coughed, his hands shaking as he raised them to his hair.
"You can say no, right?" Something about this is making my heart pound.
Cyrus blinked a couple more times, shaking his head."Why do you want to talk to me..?"
I went a bit pale and glanced toward where Zayda said she'd stay.
Friendly. I can do this. I'm friendly. I deal with Nash's questions a lot.
"You were sitting all alone, and I'm nervous here myself." I lied, much like Nash. Guess I'm taking notes.
He nodded, looking at my hands."Are you okay..?" His questions were getting more odd. What could he be on right now..?
"So, you're an artist?" I started, leaning against the seat.
"Yes...- how do you know that?" He asked, gripping his shirt for a moment.
Paranoid as can be.
"Uh..." I looked down at his hands."There's paint on your hands, at least I thought." I pointed, knowing I couldn't even see many colors in the red light.
"I do?? Oh gosh. When did I do that..?" He panicked, trying to see it.
"Well, is that your job?" I asked as he investigated his hands."Yes. It is." He answered a bit more confident now.
"Oh wow, that's awesome. I'm a chef." I lied. "Do you work somewhere with your art?"
Cyrus looked like he was about to be sick.
"Sorry... Uhm, yes I do." He covered his mouth, coughing.
"Oh, where? I'd love to see your art, maybe buy it." I smiled, but Cyrus sunk into the seat.
"No- no you don't... It's not good..." He shook his head, lowering his head.
Oh, can Zayda please come in here?
I'm struggling. He's having some bad trip.
I glanced around the room, trying to find whatever he could be on. But all I saw was an almost empty glass of tea.
"I'm sure it's not that bad."-
"No- you don't get it." He cried, panicking a bit."Trust me. Just don't get involved with my art..."
I nodded, trying to not show the discomfort on my face.
Oh, Zayda, please...
This is ridiculous. I stood upstairs in what I presumed to be Rodger's bedroom, hiding by his bed with the laptop.
I had 90% of the files downloaded currently. But I have no clue what's going on downstairs. The music was echoing up here. It was muffled, but it felt better than it blasting in my ears.
I keep worrying about Bree. And it's frustrating me. I should've said no honestly, but... I can't control her.
Ugh... I pinched the bridge of my nose as I adjusted my sitting position, staring at the computer processing.
I want to stop worrying.
But, where could she even be right now..? I went to chew my nail, biting into that stupid bandage. Ugh- stupid...
I closed my eyes and kept them there. She did it to try and keep me from being in pain.
Gosh, she is too sweet to be here.
99%. Thank goodness, get me out of here. I waited for the 100%, gripping my pants leg.
Finally. I took out the flash drive and put it into my pocket. I picked up the laptop, shutting it back down before putting it back into the bedside table drawer.
I took a deep breath and started to head out.
Now, I have to find Bree. I just want to know she's safe...
Oh, this is such a pain.
Maybe I should've got her to go home. But, the thought alone makes me feel bad. I looked around the hallway, all the paintings were eerie.
Rodger is so weird. He scratched out people's faces. And in some of the images, scratched them all out but him.
I started down the stairs, keeping my gaze away from most of the people.
Xian was sitting on the couch in the living room with Rodger and several other people. He had them distracted. I waved to him as I passed by, pushing through the crowd.
He smiled, looking back to Rodger."I'll see you later!" He yelled, jumping up and following me.
"So you got it?" He asked and I nodded, keeping my focus on finding Bree. Where would she even be?
"Did Rodger ever see Coal?" I asked and Xian shook his head."Nah, Coal is hidden wherever he went. I'll text him."
He grabbed his phone while we walked down the long hallway. I hope she didn't drink anything...
I heard laughter, seeing Zayda leaning against a doorframe. She held a glass in her hand.
"Hello." She greeted, losing her smile.
"Where's Bree?" I asked as Xian leaned against the wall, staring at his phone.
"I'm not sure. She did what I needed her to and left the room." She shrugged, crossing her arms.
"Ugh, you shouldn't-.." I give up, it's not worth it. I'm not going to chew her out when I can be finding Bree.
The music changed as I walked into the crowded room once again, smoke clouded in front of the lights.
I glanced around. I know her purple hair is going to be hard to spot in this lighting.
But maybe the cut might make it easier. She's unique. That's definite.
I searched around more, trying to not end up in Rodger's gaze anymore. The more I search, the worse I feel. I just wanna at least see her to know she's fine.
I backed up, knocking over a smaller frame. I shot around and saw Bree on the ground. She blinked a few times.
"Bree..!" I leaned down, pulling her up by her arm from the crowd she was with. Please don't be wasted..
"Oh, I was looking for you." She cleared her throat, wincing a bit as she looked at me.
"Can we go outside..?" She groaned, rubbing her back. I nodded, letting go of her arm only for her to grab mine, holding her head with the other hand.
I took a deep breath and started to the door, pushing it open for her. She rushed down the stairs and into the grass, rubbing her eyes.
"What time is it..?" She asked, smearing a bit of her makeup. She didn't look drunk, high, or anything, which relieved some of my worry.
"I don't know." But I suppose she could have a secondhand high from the amount of smoke in there.
I wouldn't be surprised if we all do.
She adjusted her skirt, looking up at me.
"Are we leaving..?" She whispered, almost inaudible and I nodded, grabbing my phone.
"Either they're coming or we're getting a cab." I scoffed, texting Xian to get out here with the others.
Bree continued staring up at me with her tired eyes. She tugged at the skirt more, seeming to struggle to get comfortable.
"Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded, yawning."I'm just so tired..."
"Cyrus was acting like he was on something heavy." She dropped. That actually caught me off guard big time.
"Like what?" I asked and she shrugged. "His pupils were dilated and he was so paranoid. I didn't see anything he could've done in the room though."
"Could be a number of things." I looked toward the gate, the music still echoing outside of the house.
I guess I'll have to decode whatever was on that laptop tomorrow.
Bree kept staring up at me. Even with the makeup smeared, it didn't even touch her appearance, she still looked so pretty...
I wish she hadn't kissed me that evening.
Because now that's all I want to do.
"They're on their way. Let's go to the car."
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