Chapter 12:
I stood in the shower, letting the hot water trail down my back. My bones were back to aching, I'm so tired. I wonder if there is anywhere to get coffee close by. I would chug it in a heartbeat.
I leaned against the shower wall, placing my hand on my chest. What do I even do now? I woke up before Bree, I tried to map out some ideas. I'm making connections in my mind.
Robert... Robert is pissed for other reasons though and not even at me, only Xian.
Rodger, I haven't heard of him in a bit. But he's a bit manic, currently building this like drug empire. I don't even know what he is trying to do. I don't see with him often enough to stay caught up...
And the men chasing me. I never got to know their names, or their group exactly. They weren't friendly. They weren't easy to get past either. It's no wonder the job failed . I brought my hand to my neck, biting my lip.
One of them did grab me by my neck and slammed me against the wall, wasn't a first but, Xian did end up saving me there. I remember fleeing, coughing and throwing myself with the bag in my car.
I wonder if it would've changed anything if I just dropped the money and left? They didn't chase Xian, but he also didn't have his mask ripped off and get punched out. Do they think I masterminded the whole job?
Then what is it about me and the people close to me? Bree, they probably think she's something to me, so if they took her for blackmail, it'd be a way to lure me out.
But, why not go after Xian and Coal if they seen us together? Though, they haven't that I know of... Ugh, I'm making myself spiral.
I shut off the water of the shower, I had finished washing, I just got stuck in my head. I stepped out and grabbed the towel. I dried off my hair first, before my body. I stretched out my shoulders, glancing to the mirror.
I guess I'll just go back to figuring out what I can until Mr. Clyde gets back to me...
Bree was still asleep, but it was only 8 AM. So I just leaned against the wall, trying to connect dots in my notebook. Rodger, Robert, unnamed group... I tapped my finger against the corner of the page.
I drew a line to Robert and the unnamed group. Where did Xian even find them? What was he doing? But, I guess if Robert was connected to them, would Xian still associate with them..?
Would he do that to me..?
Ugh, this is a mess... I gritted my teeth, setting down the notebook on the window seal and grabbing my phone. I flipped it open and began searching my shallow contacts.
Coal, Mich, Mr. Clyde, Xian. I only had some of them for now. Not anywhere close to my old phone before I had to discard it... It'll take a while to get all the contacts back. I had a smooth operation before this.
I clicked on Coal's contact, sighing. I don't want to talk to Xian, so maybe Coal will have answers...
I pressed my phone to my ear and stayed to the corner of the room, trying to be quiet as I could be.
"Hello..?" Coal answered, making me furrow my brows."Coal, it's me.." I whispered, clearing my throat as I glanced back to my notebook.
"Oh- Where are you?" Coal's voice perked up."Pennsylvania. I had some questions.." I began, biting my lip. Coal made a noise of interest, before setting down whatever he was doing.
"Alright. Do you need something like a gun? A drug? Worse...?" He questioned, catching me off-guard. For someone often shy, he sure is quick to do business.
"Woah- no, I was wondering if you know anything about- you know..." I paused, pursing my lips.
"The guys after me. Do you know what happened that night?" I tapped the paper, hearing Coal softly go 'Oh..'.
"Uhm... Why did you not call Xian..?" He questioned, though I expected that."I don't want to talk to him right now..." I explained, laying my head against the wall.
Coal hummed before sighing."Well..." I heard him sit down, the chair squeaking.
"Do you know their names?" I bit my cheek, hearing Coal his through his teeth.
"Nash... I don't even know the exact details of that night. I remember Xian came in panicked, said he thought you were going to be dead soon, and that he wrecked his truck." He explained, sighing as the end.
"He was almost inconsolable for a bit, we couldn't even go out and search for you properly. He had all that blood on him for the entire night... What happened piece by piece?" Coal turned the question around to me. I puckered my lips, looking out the window.
"Are you sure..?" I stretched out as he huffed."Nash, come on... Just open up. Why don't you want to tell it?"
I picked at the skin on my lip, recalling the beginning. I haven't talked about this in full since it happened. Not even with Xian.
"We went go to do the job, Xian set it up. But, gosh- everything went wrong, Coal..." I groaned, keeping my back to the bed.
"They were this group of tough guys, I only saw a few of them though. We were there under the guise of just offering our help to the boss. But we ended up sneaking in." I fiddled with the papers page, listening to Coal's sniffle.
"And... Sneaking in was so stupid, we didn't know what we were doing at all. Not in that setting at least and if Xian would've listened to me, it wouldn't have gotten so messy.." I ran my hand through my hair, closing my eyes as I recalled it all.
"Sometimes I wonder if Xian was on something because he was acting so foolish. Then, when I got the money and ran out to the alleyway, one of those big guys saw me and he slammed me into the wall by my neck." I cringed, it's almost like I can feel it.
His hands were rough and my head hitting that cold brick wall ached for hours. He started choking me, and I almost dropped the bag. I should've just dropped it.
"Okay... How did you get away?" Coal waited, tapping something against his desk.
"Xian grabbed up a piece of metal by the dumpster and slammed it into the guys head." I sighed, closing my eyes.
"..And blood splattered on us both." It never occurred to me how gruesome this really is.
"Hm... I didn't think you would call and actually be so open about something for once.." Coal laughed, before halting. I curled my nose and rolled my eyes.
"Did he kill him?"
"I don't think so. He looked like he was breathing, just knocked out.." I adjusted my black shirt, biting my nail.
"Are you sure?" He pressed, my heart falling a bit."No."
"Well... You guys were hiding your faces right?" He asked as the wind swayed the trees outside the window.
"Yes. But the guy ripped my mask off and choked me." I bit my nail lower- "Ouch.." Too low.
Blood began to seep out of it as Coal's breathing slowed. He held his breath before huffing.
"Gosh..." He mumbled as I overheard Xian in the background.
"Xian is going to talk to Mr. Clyde if he can today." He started, clearing his throat."Do you have any other details you want to share..?"
"No." I pinched my fingers together, trying to stop the blood."Okay..." Coal's voice trailed off.
Xian was ranting as he closed some door. Coal inhaled. "I think we have to go now."
"Okay, I guess Xian will probably call me..?" I closed my notebook, hearing a sudden yell on the other side.
"I'll talk to you later. Bye." Coal hung up, my phone beeping in my ear. I sighed and snapped it shut. Wow, answers my question perfectly.
I turned around, Bree was still asleep. She would have let me know if she was awake. That's usually what she does. Right?
Maybe I should've gone in the bathroom, I'm gonna be paranoid now.
I closed my eyes as last night slipped back into my mind. When I woke up, her foot was against mine. I could feel the bandages on her fractured toes. It made my heart fall into the pit of my stomach.
"Nash.." Bree's voice reached my ears. I opened my eyes, watching as she leaned up.
"Hey." I eyed her petite figure, the blue t-shirt bagging around her arms. She rubbed her eyes as she moved to a crisscross position. Her leftover mascara smeared under her eyes.
"I'm surprised you're up." She laughed, scratching the back of her neck. I gave her a sad smile in return.
"Well... I couldn't sleep very well." I shrugged, sitting down on the end of the bed.
"Do you want to get breakfast?" I asked, watching her eyebrows raise."Oh- sure, I'll get dressed." She yawned, slipping out of the bed. I nodded, keeping my smile.
She hurried to the bathroom and I exhaled , dropping my smile. I rested my elbows onto my knees and pressed my face into my hands. Oh jeez.
The notebook was still laid open in the window seal. I grabbed it and shut it. I don't want that laying around. I don't want her to see it.
"What? It's the easiest thing to make." Bree snickered, crossing her arms as she talked to some old woman at the table next to us.
"Well, I don't think so, you may be a little chef but I'm an old mom." The woman laughed, sipping her coffee. I'm not sure what got us here. I've kept my head down, my arms crossed against my chest until I felt my lower ribs.
The woman didn't try to speak to me. I didn't give any sign I wanted to talk though. But, looking at Bree. She is an open person. Even with her punk appearance, she doesn't make it hard for others to talk to her.
"Well, moms can be the best chefs, gotta cook for picky kids." Bree gestured with her hands, her eyes flickering over to me."You seem like you were a picky kid." She smirked, the woman finally acknowledging me.
I began to tap my fingers against my arm, trying to keep my gaze down now.
"Oh, okay..." Bree sighed, turning back to the woman.
"Are you guys dating?" She asked, Bree letting out a shocked laugh. I glanced up, seeing Bree's eyes flicker over into mine. Her cheeks started tainting red.
"... No- no, just traveling buddies." She smiled, the woman hesitated before nodding.
"I see. That sounds fun, so you're not from here?" She replied, Bree turning back to me and smiling."Nope, New York and Virginia." She seemed overjoyed to be talking about this.
"Oh wow, how did you meet?"
I rose my head, unsure how Bree is even going to respond.
"He was traveling already and I was getting ready to. We became friends during his stay and I decided to come." She grinned, taking a bite of her pancakes. The woman nodded, finishing her coffee.
"Well. It was nice talking to you. Be safe on your travels." She gave us both a smile as she stood up, placing down cash on the table.
"Thank you." Bree smiled back, watching as the woman walked away. Then she brought her attention back to me.
"What's wrong? You seemed happier before." Bree crossed her arms like mine, sighing. I bit my cheek, shrugging.
"I didn't know what to say to that woman..." I sipped my coffee, tapping my foot under our table. She leaned her head into her hand, nodding.
"Okay. What are we going to do after this?" She smirked, gaining back that playful attitude I was used to.
"Maybe you should get dressed?" I pointed to her t-shirt, the same one she slept in. She rolled her eyes, leaning back into her chair.
"Why? What are we doing then?" She cocked her head to the side, the long side pieces of her hair falling across her face.
"Bree, this isn't a real tourist trip you know." I said, spinning the spoon in my coffee. Bree's eyes fell as her shoulders relaxed.
"I know... I just am a bit bored I guess..." She shrugged, picking up her hair. "Maybe I could chop my hair off..." She sighed, twirling it around her finger. I followed her movements, turning my head to the side.
"If you like, but I think your hair is pretty." I shrugged, Bree's eyes brightening, a familiar shimmer returning to them."Really?"
I nodded, sipping my coffee again. Her lips curled into a grin as she held the strand of her hand across her mouth."Okay. Guess it'll stay. Maybe I'll dye it."
Her reactions stayed happy, which helped ease the panic in my heart. I'm sure she was asleep during my conversation.
I don't think she heard anything.
"We'll have to find a store." I grabbed the bill sitting on our table, brushing my hair back. Bree's eyes followed my hand, before blinking.
"Can I drive?" She smirked, cupping her hands against the table. I grabbed my wallet and laughed under her."No. What if they find us and you're driving? Would you be able to speed down these roads without freaking out?"
Bree licked her lips before looking down."Yeah, I'd probably crash.." She admitted, scrunching her nose.
"That's okay, you'll learn to be a hardcore criminal one day..." I teased, putting down a 20 dollar bill to cover our meal and tip.
She scoffed."You said otherwise when I was shooting in the woods." She tapped my hand with her finger, placing her napkin onto her plate. I watched her hand, her finger staying still against mine for a moment.
I tried to stay still without tensing.
"Uhm- Okay yes I did. But, maybe there's something for you." I cleared my throat, standing up and putting my chair back. Bree followed and let out a soft "hmph".
I opened the door for her as she went into thought.
"I don't know, you're probably right." She laughed, ruffling her hair back.
"I just can't imagine you yelling put the money in the bag..!" I snickered, watching her eyes widen."Do you really say that..??"
I closed my eyes and held my breath to prevent bursting out in laughter."Oh my gosh- No, not in my case." I gulped, looking away from her.
"Oh, you trickster." She pushed me back, walking to the passengers door. I looked toward my arm where she touched, snickering to myself.
Maybe today is a better day.
Bree was in the bathroom washing the purple dye out of her hair as I laid on the bed, keeping my phone close by. I had a map I found for free from a tourist area. I circled places for us, but I don't know anyone here. Not for jobs, help, no one.
I hate being out of Virginia or New York.
Mr. Clyde might, and possibly Xian, but otherwise it's just me. Just Bree and me...
Sometimes I hate being stuck with her a lot, but right now. I'm kinda glad to say she is here. Is that weird..?
"Nash-!" Bree yelled, startling me as I circled a spot on the map."Yeah?" I turned, the setting sun glaring through the window.
"How is it?" She leaned against the bathroom door frame, smirking as she dried now dark purple hair. Her makeup smeared a little from the water, leaving a very smokey eye effect.
She finally got dressed, though it was evening now. She had on the same outfit as yesterday. She placed her hands on her hips, sticking her tongue out as she posed.
Her majestic eyelashes fluttered as she laughed, stopping her pose. She returned to drying her hair. She looks nice..
"Did you stain the shower?" I rose my brow, returning my focus to my paper. "No, instead this is stained..."
"Might want to pay for it.." She laughed, rubbing her neck. I glanced up and saw the towel, stained purple.
"Oh well- just take it with us. They won't notice if you walk fast." I smirked, seeing Bree's eyes widen."I- I was joking when I said I'd become a hardcore criminal." She held the towel close, approaching me.
"Oh Bree, that is nothing. They won't notice and would dispose it anyway." I drew a line from where we are now to a back road.
"I guess. What are you doing?" She collapsed onto the bed next to me, laying on her stomach. I glanced at her, meeting her eyes.
She smiled, her pink lips glistened with that same pink lip gloss. She looks so soft.
"Uhm-... Just figuring out some roads for now." I slammed the notebook shut, placing the map on top of it. She nodded, glancing behind us toward the broken TV.
"I guess you gotta do it that way since the TV is broke..." She pointed out, resting her head back into her arms.
"If you're that bored, why don't you go talk to other people here? You're good at that.." I rolled my eyes, drawing another line between roads.
"Oh yeah." She leaned up, making my pencil halt. "Uh no." I leaned up as well, seeing her expression break back into a smirk.
"I'm just playing." She laughed, laying back down. I shook my head, circling the town.
"Maybe I should go find me a little fun though. Go to a club.." She smirked, leaning a bit closer to me.
"If they serve alcohol they usually won't let a 19 year old in." I replied, hearing her laugh."I'm not serious." Her fingers curled into her palm as she relaxed more.
"What can I do in all seriousness while you... Map?" She questioned, curling her legs up to her chest.
Before I could reply, my phone started ringing making me slap down my pencil and grab it.
I answered before even checking it.
"Hello?" I said, Bree's attention was caught too.
"Hey- I'm with Mr. Clyde and the others right now." Xian chimed, chuckling. His voice caught me off guard, but my adrenaline kept me up.
I fiddled with the collar of my shirt, leaning up all the way."Okay, yes- any news??" I asked, Bree following.
"Well... Mr. Clyde got some contact.." He started, Mr. Clyde's voice coming through in the background.
"They want all 50,000 back before August 1st.." His voice got higher as he delivered this news, chills running up my spine."What."
Bree watched me, worry filling her eyes."Nash..?" She whispered, but I just cleared my throat.
"Uhm- What?" That's all I could get out. My throat felt like thorns wrapped around it, restricting me from speaking.
"Nash..?" Xian whispered, clear anxiety in his voice."Xian... How do you expect me to get any of that!?" I yelled, Bree wincing as I did.
"Nash- calm down, we'll figure it out." Xian tried to shush me, making me grit my teeth. I stood up, tightening my fist.
"No, every time I listen to you you get me in more trouble!" I hissed, Bree covering her mouth."Nash, we aren't alone here you know.." She whispered, pointing toward the walls.
I tightened my jaw and took a deep breath."Nash... We'll figure it out really." Xian's voice got lower, quieter as he walked away from the others.
"And what if I don't get the money? What then?" I argued, watching Bree's eyes follow me.
"Let's not think about that right now, we just need to try now at least. They won't be on your back for the next while at least. That's what Mr. Clyde said, do you want to speak to him?" Xian asked, but every word from him only made me angerier.
"Yeah, I'm done talking to you. Go get him." I barked, Bree watching me with wide eyes. I turned away, growling.
"Hey, Nash." Mr. Clyde's voice came through, remaining calm and deep."I know this is awful, I know you're mad, but I need you to breathe. I will do what I can to get you jobs..." His tone began to sound wobbly, a bit doubtful.
It wasn't making me feel any better.
"Michael can help you too, I'm sure, haven't talked to him."
"Mr. Clyde, I don't know what to do.." I brought my hand to my head."Nash... You really shouldn't have ever done this job."
And that struck my nerve.
"It wasn't even my idea, Mathew!" I shouted, Bree wincing again."Calm down. We'll talk to you tomorrow. I suppose you're coming back, aren't you?" He asked, to which I scoffed.
"We'll see." I snapped my phone shut, Bree still eyeing me.
I gritted my teeth more, meeting her eyes."Are you okay?" She asked, standing up. I nodded, looking at her soft eyes."I can't do this.." I groaned, pressing my palms against my eyes.
"I don't even know where to begin, I don't even have 10,000 in my account, more or less 50,000." I cried, my heartbeat starting to speed up.
Bree let out a soft gasp."50,000 dollars..?"
"No, gold coins- what do you think?" I hissed, watching her eyes sadden. Shoot.
"Sorry..." I sighed, feeling her subtle touch on my shoulder. I met her eyes, tensing up.
She soothing rubbed my shoulder, making me finally take a moment to breathe."What am I going to do..?" I whimpered, relaxing my shoulders.
"I don't know. But even if we can't get the money, we'll get out of it." She smiled, stepping closer to me.
We? Why does she throw herself to the wolves in this way? I can get her away, far away now. I can get her home.
Why does she still see herself in my mess..?
Nevertheless, I caved, lowering my head as she gave me an empathetic look."Maybe we should just rest up. Figure it out tomorrow."
"Okay, but let me go smoke first..." I sighed, her hand slipping down my arm before returning to her side."Alright."
I'll figure out what to do with her tomorrow... Maybe Mich can help?
I'll see.
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