Chapter 11:
Bree and I rushed back. We packed our bags with more things this time. Even though I wanted to leave then Xian and Coal did their best to calm and convince me to stay just for the night.
I caved and I tried to sleep. But it's 9 AM the next day and I cannot even eat, nor bare to sleep.
I watched as Bree tossed and turned in my bed. She wasn't able to relax either. I don't blame her. I think we both need to get out quick to feel safe.
I just want to go. I need to. I feel like I can feel them breathing down the back of my neck every moment. And my fear always rushes to rage, but it isn't like I could take them out. I can't even get face to face with one of them because I'm sure they'd kill me.
I clenched my bag, listening to Bree's soft groan."Can I sleep in the car..?" She asked, turning over to face me. I nodded, standing up."Come on. I have the pillows and blankets in there." I looked out the window, taking a deep breath.
I have to get us to safety.
I waited as Bree made sure she had every last thing one more time. Xian leaned against the wall away from me, pursing his lips.
"I'll do my best to gain contact, along with Mr. Clyde while you're gone." He reassured, making me just nod. I don't know what to think. A lot inside of me doubts he will.
I can't help that much. Any contact they have with me would be a gun pressed against my head. Or a knife to my neck... I don't think I want to imagine what they would do to me.
"Okay, done.." Bree approached me, the bags under her eyes were so prominent there was no denying she hadn't gotten any rest. Xian gave her a gentle smile as she clenched her bag close.
"It was nice having you guys here, I'll be glad when you're back." He said, approaching her . She gave him a weak smile back, before hugging him. His hands went down her back, making my chest burn.
I pried my eyes away, glaring at the clock as I clenched my fist. I don't care but... I groaned under my breath, trying to block out their chatter.
We need to go. I mean, they could be close, they could kill me any second now...
"Nash." Xian brought his attention to me as Bree stepped back. I finally glanced back his way, sighing."Bye."
Xian rolled his eyes as he went to hug me. I cringed and patted his back a bit."See you later.." I mumbled, stepping back and grabbing Bree's bag.
"Come on." I opened the door, hearing her footsteps behind me.
"Are you okay?" She asked as she closed the door behind her. I kept my eyes glued to my car, unlocking it. I just want to hurry up and get on the road. I'm sure I'll find some dead town to crash in again...
I threw Bree's bag in before slipping into the driving seat."Why are you silent again, huh?" She crossed her arms, standing in front of the car. I curled my nose and shoved my key into the ignition.
"Get over it." I hissed, my frustration building up. I rolled down my window as she dug her foot into the gravel.
"Oh come on..." She huffed, pushing her hair back."You suck." She remarked, her childlike words making my eyes snap back up at her. I curled my nose.
What a grade-school insult.
She kept her arms crossed against her chest as she blocked my car."What?" I scoffed, pressing my tongue into my tooth. I need her to hurry up.
Wrapping up this temper tantrum would be nice. She makes it awfully hard to keep her safe when she is like this... She stayed stern, finally walking toward the car to get in.
"I just want to understand your mind." She muttered, sinking into the seat."I mean, I'm scared too, but I'm not giving you the silent treatment." She plucked at my nerves, even if I wasn't initially upset with her, I am now.
"Just take us wherever we are going.." She hissed, kicking her feet up onto my dash. She says it as if I even know exactly...
I gripped the wheel and tried to conceal my frustration. I need to get out of here.
Bree didn't bother speaking to me, but I didn't neither so it was fair game. She went to sleep in the backseat while I continued to drive with no direction.
I scanned through the radio as I gave myself a break. I have been driving for hours. I need to find a motel soon enough. But for now, I'll just try and relax. Bree was fast asleep herself, I'm sure once we get to motel she isn't going to need anymore rest.
I shook her from my thoughts and back to where I was. I haven't seen many signs. I'm honestly lost, but I know it's somewhere unfamiliar, and unfamiliar is safe.
Well, for the most part at least...
This is such an exhausting way to live... I lifted my bottled water to my lips, glancing out the window.
"Where are we..?" Bree's voice croaked as she leaned up."Maybe Pennsylvania." I replied sharp and quick.
I'm still very angry, if I am being frank. I don't see myself getting over it just yet. She rolled her eyes and went to shove the door open, only for it to be locked. Where does she even plan to go?
"Dude.." She groaned, resting her head against the door. I rose my brow as I stared at her through the rear view mirror.
"What?" I turned back to her, her sharp eyes staring into mine. She leaned away from the door, her eyes running across me. I'm not sure what to think nor what is going through her mind...
She grabbed my shoulder, making my entire body tense as she tried to get to the front seat."Bree- what are you doing??" I asked.
Of course I know but... It feels so odd to have her hands on me. She got to the seat, turning to face me.
"Should we fight it out?" She proposed, clasping her hands together.
"Fight it out, should we just fight?" She repeated, making my expression twist into more confusion. I have no clue what to say.
She crossed her legs and sighed."Alright. Let's fight then I suppose.." I shut off the engine, hearing her laugh under her breath.
"I really piss you off sometimes..." She started, digging her foot into my floorboard.
She's not wrong, but she isn't right neither. It isn't exactly her that often. It's other factors...
"It's not exactly you- like.." I growled under my breath, leaning my head back into the seat.
"How is this fighting?" I furrowed my brows and she smirked."Then what is it? Is it me? Or are you just so stressed? What is making you mad?" She loaded questions one after another, making me feel a bit overwhelmed.
"Uhm..." I paused, thinking of Xian's hands running down her back. His jacket on her, the way he flirts, anything of him on her..-
My upper lip curled as I turned my head away from her."I guess... Idiots." I snark, Bree beginning to laugh.
"What?" She furrowed her brows, adjusting her top."Like me?"-
"No- what? You're not an idiot, but you do stupid things..." I sighed, her laughter dying out.
"Like what?" She licked her lips, crossing her arms. I paused, letting a soft "eh" out. Being so honest and clear feels wrong.
"You're here with me. Didn't it make you anxious? Don't I?" I asked, watching her eyes flicker around."No... You don't," She began, shrugging her shoulders.
"I think you could be scary, but even when you're covered in a mixture of blood, I'm not too worried." Bree's entire view on this caught me off guard. I can't see this how she does.
She has no idea what skeletons live in my closet.
"You must know why... I followed you around that night, right?" She chucked, undoing her arms to tuck her hair back. I met her eyes as her face grew pinker.
I have a few ideas, one being she was lonely, the other she found me interesting.
"Not exactly." I rested my hands on my thighs as she grew more embarrassed."Are you serious..?" She covered her mouth with her hand, looking at the old building in front of us. She's making my brain spin.
"Aren't you going to tell me?" I leaned against my door, her eyes widening before she shrugged. "Maybe another day, we're fighting now." She gestured her hands before plucking at her shorts. I laughed, shaking my head.
"No we're not." I watched as she rolled her eyes, biting her cheek.
"We should just find a motel, come on." She pushed herself up, buckling up. I wish I didn't have to drive. I know this may be aimless for a while. But we are in town, so there must be somewhere close...
"I mean, I couldn't afford culinary schools yet... And, that's why I refused it." Bree ended her story, leaning against the body of my car. I nodded my head, glancing as the moon rose into the dark clouds.
We finally found a motel, after I got her some food. She tried to convince me to eat as well, but I don't feel hungry tonight. My stomach is in knots from stress.
"When did you want to go..?" I asked, placing the cigarette in my mouth. Her brown eyes followed as I lit it, seemingly curious."Uhm... In a couple more weeks was the plan." Her eyes fell to the pavement as she pushed herself away from the car.
"But, it's okay. I have time." She forced a smile, her eyes disagreeing. I blew out the smoke, nodding."I see.."
"I mean... I love cooking so this gives me more time to prep." She leaned onto the guard rails, making my focus switch.
She kicked one of her legs up and over the other, leaning back as the draft of wind washed through. I gulped as she swayed back. It's a steep hill and I don't know what lies at the bottom...
I crept closer, holding my breath. Bree's eyes remained toward the sky. This is almost suicidal behavior...
"Bree." I spoke, catching her attention. She hmmed, cocking her head to the side.
"You're being stupid." I curled my lip. Her expression soured before she rolled her eyes, adjusting her hands.
"Blunt as can be- ouch!" She exclaimed, gripping her chest. I stepped closer as soon as I processed the movement. Only one of her hands remains on the guardrail. My heartbeat began to pick up.
I threw down the cigarette and ground it into the pavement.
Now arms length in front of her, I shook my head. I peeked past her, inspecting the drop. The hill was steep, leading to the road below. I gasped as I looked back to her. She squinted, her eyes falling from the usual doe look into a sharpness.
"What is it?" She questioned, lowering her hand from her chest. Maybe she'll return it to the railing...
The wind gusted more and she smirked, playfully lifting her leg. My chest grew tense."You're such a pain.." I groaned, pushing her leg down by her knee. I pushed until her foot was flat on the ground.
I glanced up, meeting her eyes staring into mine."You're worried about me?" She snickered, pressing her finger into my chest. I closed my eyes and sighed."If you die that means I've been wasting money keeping you alive."
Bree's playful expression only amplified."But, wouldn't you miss me?" She smirked, pulling her hand back. I studied her for a moment, it's hard to tell what she is thinking.
Her eyes flickered around my face, before starting to laugh."Nash?" She pressed her tongue against the roof of her mouth, before glancing past me. What does she expect me to say here..?
She placed her hand on my shoulder, breaking my focus on her face. I recoiled back just as she went to get off the railing, her hand falling to grip my shirt as she slipped back.
With a gasp, I grabbed her hips. Her knees buckled around the railing. Her eyes were wide now, the playful expression wiped clean off. That was my fault. She was fine until I had to back up.
It looked like it hurt, that metal digging into her thighs.
I kept a good secure hold on her, pulling her off the railing."What the-.." She groaned."That wasn't fun."
She turned her head back to face me before looking down. I brought her closer, my hand slipping up the back of her shirt as I tried to get her to her feet.
I sprawled my fingers against her back as I steadied her. Her skin is so soft, it's almost like cotton..-"You can't be so foolish." I scolded, quick to shut off my thoughts.
Her cheeks began to turn pink."Next time, I won't be close enough! Or what if it wasn't me?-"
What if it was Xian? My voice choked from the quick thought, making her brows furrow. Where did that even come from..?
"Huh?" She tightened her grip on my shirt as I bit my cheek."Let's go get a room." I groaned, getting her flat on the ground and returning to the car. I opened the door, getting my bags and hers.
I locked the car and took a deep breath, heading into the shady motel. She slowly followed me from behind."Thank you for catching me at least..."
"Of course.." I nodded, glancing at the front desk woman. She looked up at us, tapping the pen against her hand.
"Hello." She waved, leaning up in her chair."You're lucky, I was about to close up."
I approached the desk, feeling Bree step closer to me."I need a room with 2 beds please." I cleared my throat, seeing the woman hiss through her teeth.
"Yeah no- sorry, we've only got 1 bed left." She shrugged her shoulders, my expression falling.
"Is that gonna be okay?" She asked, her pen tapping matching my heartbeat. I looked at Bree, which she didn't seem very bothered.
"Uhm- are you sure? Do you have anything bigger?" I begged, to which she shook her head."I'm sorry sir."
"That's fine. I mean, it's not the end of the world.." Bree answered, placing her hand on her hip. I side eyed her before letting it go.
I can't fight this... I nodded while biting my tongue, grabbing my card.
She took it and swiped it, before grabbing a key and handing both items back to me.
"104, check out is at 11." She yawned, placing her chin into her hand. I nodded, keeping my gaze away from Bree's eyes.
Gosh... Does this look bad? I started out the door, my head feeling spacier as I walked.
Bree washed over my thoughts. I could feel the way my finger tips pressed into her hips. It was as if my brain clipped the memory and pasted it a thousand times.
Why am I stuck?
I watched as she walked, her hair bouncing. She seemed tired. I glanced down toward her thighs, they were a bit skinned from the railing.
Guilt grasped at my heart, feeling my chest with it's unease. I shouldn't have backed up.
I'm not going to sleep tonight. I don't think I can be so close. I could always sleep in the tub? Or the floor- what do I do? I slept on the floor back at Xian's, that wasn't horrible.
"Nash?" Bree broke my trance, standing in front of me. "104.." She pointed to the door, making my heart drop.
I guess I could sit and plan what to do while she sleeps? And once she wakes, I'll sleep..?
"What are you thinking about so hard?" She broke my thoughts again, but I couldn't keep my gaze on her any longer.
"I— I'll sleep somewhere else.." I bit my lip, watching as confusion flooded in her eyes. I should've gotten two rooms at this point...
"I can sleep on the floor- or the tub... Or..." I stuttered suggestions, Bree's expression becoming more baffled.
"No- Nash, that would be disgusting to do. It's a low-end motel." She laughed, shaking her head but my cheeks only grew hotter.
"Why are you acting so odd? We sleep in the same car? That's smaller than this big full bed." She retorted, crossing her arms.
I pushed open the door and walked inside, setting our bags down on the bed. Bree stared at me, closing the door behind her.
"Nash. It's okay.." She soothed, leaning against the bed. But, as soon as her thighs touched it, she winced.
My fault...
"Let's just go to bed..."
How come I can knock out some guys teeth but... When she get hurts, the guilt is worse?
Do I even have anything to help? I dug through my bag, hoping to find bandages. I had to have packed them, right?
"Why aren't you speaking..?" Her tone was growing sadder as I dug causing me to halt.
"I'm just trying to get bandages for you..." I explained, finally finding the first aid kit. Oh thank goodness! I placed them down, glancing back at her.
"Here. Go patch up.." I gulped as she nodded, taking it.
"Thank you. I'll be back." She smiled, walking into the bathroom with her bag as well.
As soon as the door clicked, I let my hair down, exhaling. I looked at my bag, half of my clothes scattered on the bed, the others dangling from it.
"Mmph.." I rubbed my eyes, trying to pry them open after. Oh- no. I slapped my cheek, glancing toward the TV. I'm fine.
Perfectly fine.
I stared at my body in the cracked mirror, my legs sure are beat up. I held my bigger t-shirt I plan to sleep in while stuffing the others back into the bag. Today feels like it's been a month long.
My thighs feel like I have glass stuck inside of them... I grabbed the antiseptics from the kit, trying to lean against the cheap sink. I swear if this thing falls out of the wall. I took a deep breath as I soaked it onto the cotton ball.
I wiped against the scrapes, wincing as it burned. It didn't have time to get infected. I gritted my teeth and pulled away the cotton ball. It bloody and orange, a few flakes of rust. I scrunched my nose, throwing it into the trash.
How am I even going to bandage this..? I glanced back at myself, tugging at my crop top. It hung off my left shoulder, it was red with 'STUPID' written across the front. I'm dreading taking off my jeans shorts though.
I grabbed the band aids, trying to turn enough to see the wounds in the mirror. I'm too short for this... I propped my leg up onto the sink and did my best to cover the wounds.
I gritted my teeth, it burned as I smoothed out the wrinkles in the bandage. I'd love to not get hurt on these adventures.- Well, I guess it isn't so much an adventure. We're trying to not get killed.
The more I learn... I haven't called my aunt in days. Oh gosh. I placed my hand over my mouth, groaning. I threw my leg off of the sink, groaning as the band aids tugged on my skin.
Maybe I should call her. But she was so angry. I pressed my tongue into the cheek of my mouth. Ugh, I don't know.
I stripped off my shirt , before unbuttoning my shorts. I glanced back at the mirror, taking them off.
I placed my hands on my hips as I did, memorizing where Nash's landed. I puckered my lips and looked down.
I feel embarrassed...
I just... I wanted to play with him. Even if it sounds juvenile, that's all I really wanted to do. But I keep making it awkward.
I fixed my sports bra and slipped on my bigger plain blue t-shirt. Then grabbed up my black shorts slipped them on as well, getting comfortable.
That feels better. I let out a deep breath and stretched my back. Now I just need to gather it all up and hopefully we can just go to bed.
But, what is that about sleeping in here or the floor..? I don't bite. I shoved my clothes and the first aid kit into my bag, shaking my head.
I opened the door and saw the room was now empty. Where did even go? I didn't hear him leave.
I placed my bag down and sighed, brushing my hair back. Why is he so... Unpredictable?
I hurried to the door and yanked it open, looking back and forth for him. He was at the car, smoking again.
Didn't he just finish one a bit ago? I walked onto the cold concrete barefoot, the dim lamps through the walkway were almost ready to go out. What a truly cheap motel... I rubbed my arms for warmth as I closed the door behind me, hearing chatter from a few doors down.
I stepped onto the parking lot pavement, watching him from afar. Still, he just tapped the ashes off onto the ground, leaning against his car.
"Nash?" I spoke, watching his shoulders jump before he turned to see me. He frowned, glancing toward the men speaking a few doors down.
"You should rest. You look tired." He yawned, shaking his head after. I pursed my lips and rubbed my arm.
"You are the one who barely slept..." I laughed, trying to keep eye contact, but he kept looking toward something else.
"I'm fine." He retorted, lowering his head. But, his features argued otherwise. His eyelids looked so heavy he seemed to be fighting with every muscle.
"No, you seem exhausted. Go get some sleep." I pushed, but Nash shot me a glare. I curled my nose and looked down."I'm not doing anything wrong by caring about your well being. Just like the blood."
"You do this to everyone, don't you?" I could feel the fuse inside of me beginning to burn again, just as it did earlier.
Nash bit his cheek and tightened his fingers against the cigarette."I'm not..." He pinched his lips shut as that odd tension grew stronger. He finally met my gaze, locking eyes with me.
I took a deep breath and tensed my bones, remaining still."You're not..?"
"Sleeping... Next to you." His eyes shook, but never left mine, even as he pushed out the words. My lips parted as I pressed my tongue into my cheek.
"Why?" I questioned, holding my breath deep as I could. My chest twinged, but I won't let this get to me. Not now. Please...
"I..." Nash's words fell flat, his eyes finally leaving mine instead trailing a bit lower.
"I don't bite. I-I don't kick. I don't sleep talk. I won't move.. I'll build a pillow wall if it will suffice." I convinced, squinting my eyes as I spoke. Nash's cheeks began to turn red , making him turn his head. Such a rare reaction from him... My eyes widened a little before I furrowed my brows.
"It's not-... Bree, I'm sure you are... A lovely sleeper..?" His voice grew softer as he placed his hand on his shoulder, placing the cigarette into his lips. His eye bags were so heavy, it was obvious as he closed his eyes.
Maybe his emotions are heightened from it?
"Please, let's just go rest." I begged, placing my hand on his arm. He flinched, jerking his head back toward me. I retracted my hand.
What is it with me..?
"Why do you act like I am poison?" I finally asked, my heart filling with dread.. "You jerk from my touch, you won't even just sleep in the same bed as me with me making adaptions. What is it?" I started, watching his eyes begin to be unable to even look my way.
"Am I that repulsive to you??" My words came out faster than I could process them, and as soon as my own ears heard them, regret sunk in.
Nash's mouth actually fell open as he threw down the cigarette."No- no it's not that at all!" He was quick, approaching me a bit. He glanced down at my feet, furrowing his brows before returning to my eyes.
"I don't want it to be weird- I don't want to get too close.." He frowned, more emotion lied on his face than I think I have ever seen in the time I have known him. I dug my nails into my skin and huffed.
"It's not. Please... We've been fighting all day because we are exhausted." I threw my head back with a groan as I turned around, starting to the motel. Nash let out a soft "eh" before I heard his footsteps.
Giving up the fight...
We both laid in the cold bed. All that we heard was the air conditioner, the static of the TV that wouldn't work, and each others breathing.
This wouldn't be weird, if Nash didn't say it would be. But now, we are both stiff on our backs. Both squeezing as close as we may to the edges.
A part of me just wants to say relax Nash, I won't touch you, but it wouldn't do any good. I'm freezing, unable to wrap up the way I want to. And gosh, I am not a back sleeper at all. All I can do is imagine what Nash is thinking.
It honestly doesn't even feel too good to be laying on my back right now, my thighs are still aching a bit from the scrapes.
All he did when we walked in was change, try to fix the TV, turned off the lights, and laid down. It was rather uneventful. Almost bleak compared to the rest of today.
"I'm sorry." Nash broke the silence, finally releasing my ears from the repetitive noise of 'brrrr'.
"What?" I furrowed my brows, finally turning my head to the side. He kept his straight, staring at the ceiling. I can't believe he broke the silence though.
"I'm sorry." He repeated, still not moving. I puffed out my right cheek as I watched him."I let you get hurt. If I hadn't moved, you wouldn't have scrapped the back of your thighs."
"Oh.." I furrowed my brows before relaxing my expression."You don't need... Why do you do that? Do you have a problem with being touched? I can stop-"
"No, no." Nash cut me off, gently fiddling with his hands."I think I'm just being... Stupid." He sighed, finally glancing over to me.
"Don't never touch me.. That'd probably be weirder." He laughed, both our bodies starting to relax. I smiled, finally adjusting my legs.
"Maybe we should just talk about it another time?" He suggested, the clock finally hitting 2 AM. I nodded, putting my hand out to him.
He furrowed his brows, glancing from it to me. I motioned it toward him, smirking.
Hesitantly, he took it."Goodnight Nash." I shook it, laughing as I let go and rolled over.
Nash laughed under his breath, doing the same."Goodnight Bree.."
Maybe I'll get my answers tomorrow...
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