That's Entertainment! (Part 2)
Y/n looks at Charlie and smiles at her.
You can do this. Just breathe. You got this.
Charlie smiles and nods at this, taking Y/n's advice and taking a deep breathe. Smiling and ready to go, she speaks once more.
"Look, every single one of you has something good, deep down inside. I know you do! ...Maybe I'm not getting through to you."
Vaggie: "Oh no..."
Y/n looks at Vaggie and raises a brow in confusion, wondering why she said that.
Vaggie: "I didn't want her to do this, but... just watch."
Y/n, wanting to know what Vaggie was talking about, turns back to Charlie to see her stand on the desk, making everyone else tilt their heads in confusion when Charlie snaps her fingers... and the lights go off.
Suddenly, a spotlight shines on the desk to show Charlie sitting on top of a piano with her servents, Razzle and Dazzle at the keys which they begin to play. Then Charlie began to sing.
After her song, Charlie was huffing and puffing, exhausted from her song. She looks at everyone, seeing an annoyed look on Vaggie's face but noticing an impressed look on Y/n's. Holy shit! She just impressed the Blood Angel!
Cartoon Demon: "Wow... that was shit!"
Everyone in the studio, except Vaggie because she didn't want to and Y/n because they sorta can't, began to laugh at Charlie and her idea which made her step off the desk. Y/n was turning their arm into a long, double-pointed weapon as their teeth grew into fangs. Vaggie was able to stop them from doing something drastic, but the sudden action went unnoticed by everyone as they all laughed.
Katie Killjoy: "What in the Nine Circles makes you think a single denizen of Hell would give two shits about becoming a better person?! You have no proof that this little experiment even works! You want people to be good?! Just... because?!"
She laughs even harder as she slams her fist into the desk. However, Charlie knew what to do.
Charlie Magne: "Well, we have a patron already, who believes in our cause and he's shown incredible progress!"
Katie Killjoy: *feigns shock* "Oh? And who might that be?"
Charlie Magne: *proudly as she checks her nails* "Oh, just someone by the name of Angel Dust."
Tom Trench: "The porn star?"
Katie Killjoy: "You fucking would, Tom."
Tom looks away nervously as Killjoy looks back at Charlie.
"In any case, that's not even an accomplishment. I'm sure you could get that hooker to do anything with enough booger sugar and lube."
Killjoy does a hand motion of doing a handjob, making Y/n grit their teeth in anger. WHO THE HELL DOES KILLJOY THINK SHE IS BY TALKING ABOUT ANGEL LIKE THAT! Well, she was right... BUT STILL!
Charlie Magne: "Oh, I beg to differ! He's been behaved..."
Y/n Ketsueki: 'Wrong.'
"... clean..."
Y/n Ketsueki: 'Wrong again.'
"... and out of trouble for two weeks now!"
Y/n Ketsueki: 'Is that how long we've been with her? Also, super wrong.'
News Staff: "BREAKING NEWS!"
Killjoy shoves Charlie away as she smiles evilly.
Katie Killjoy: "We are receiving word that a new player has entered the ongoing turf war! Let's go to the live feed."
The live feed shows Angel Dust stomping on an Egg Bou and throwing a grenade over at Sir Pentious, laughing with enjoyment as he does so. Charlie stares at the screen in shock as Y/n facepalms.
'God dammit, Anthony.'
"Oh, shit."
Angel Dust: *on screen* "Hahahaha! I'm a bad person!"
Katie Killjoy: "Oh, shit" indeed! It looks like the one who just joined the battle is none other than porn actor, Angel Dust! What a juicy coincidence! You must feel really stupid right now."
Killjoy and Tom laugh in unison as the do jazz hands.
Charlie was nervous and unsure what to do anymore as Vaggie was doing her best to hold Y/n back from killing Killjoy and Tom.
Charlie didn't know what to do. She had to think of something! Anything! She could insult Killjoy. No, that would end up terribly. Maybe...
It could work. However, it was supposed to be a secret until later, but it's better sooner than later, right?
Charlie Magne: "O-oh, yeah? Well, we have an-nother sponsor as well! And they're with me right now!"
Katie Killjoy: "Heheheh. Really, now? And who could that fuck-up be?"
Katie smiles and takes a sip of her coffee. However, Charlie smirks, knowing well the reactions she's about to get.
"Oh, no one too important. Just... Y/n Ketsueki."
Katie's eyes widened in shock and spat out her coffee, choking and coughing a bit as Charlie heard murmurs and whispers in the audience. Everyone was shocked.
Tom Trench: "I'm sorry... you said Y/n Ketsueki, yes?"
Charlie Magne: "That's right."
Katie Killjoy: "The Blood Angel?! Don't you know who they work for?!"
Charlie Magne: "Yup! Me."
Killjoy and Tom look at each other nervously before turning to the camera, making a "kill it" motion with their hands.
"Let's go to commercial."
The connection ends and the channel goes to commercial break. Charlie sighs a bit in relief and looks towards Vaggie and Y/n with smiles. Vaggie looks relieved everything went relatively well. Y/n, however, looked upset. He had a soft glare held onto her which made her feel uncomfortable. Anyone, maybe even Overlords, would feel uneasy with that stare. It felt like one that you would get when you did something and your older brother/sister or mom/dad wasn't angry at you... just disappointed.
Charlie was confused on why she was getting that look. Wasn't Y/n impressed with her just a few moments ago? What happened? Did she do something wrong?
The Blood Angel turns to walk away, making Charlie panic as she chases after them. Vaggie notices this and follows.
Charlie Magne: "Y/n! Wait! Where are you going?"
Y/n Ketsueki: I'm going to get my brother. You two can head back to the hotel and wait for us there.
Charlie Magne: "But--"
She earned an even harder stare, making her quiet down and look down.
Y/n huffs out a breath and nods, making their way out out of the 666 News studio while Charlie looked upset.
Charlie Magne: "Did I do something wrong?"
Vaggie: "I don't know. Did you say something?"
Charlie Magne: "I don't know..."
Where Cherri Bomb, aided by Angel Dust, and Sir Pentious and his Egg Bois were fighting, Sir Pentious had slithered away to fight another day. Angel and Cherri were celebrating their victory with some laughs.
Cherri Bomb: "And stay out, ya fucking asshat! Or I'm gonna have some new boots!"
Angel Dust: "Haha! Yeah! Fuck off!"
The two laughed some more before Cherri turned to Angel.
Cherri Bomb: "It's good to have you back, Angie. But aren't you worried about getting in trouble? Particularly with Y/n?"
Angel Dust: "Oh, he's definitely gonna give me an... eyeful? Handful? Uh... what do you call getting chewed out by someone who can't actually talk?"
Cherri Bomb: "Like Hell I would know."
Cherri laughs a bit with Angel joining in, but a red tendril suddenly wraps around his leg and pulls him away. He screams in fright and confusion before he sees that the one who grabbed him was his brother/sister.
Angel Dust: "Oh. Hey, Partner! What's up?"
Y/n Ketsueki: You're in so much trouble, Anthony.
Angel cringes at this, realizing he's about to get told off. Cherri sees Y/n and smiles at them.
Cherri Bomb: "Hey, N/n!"
Hello, Cherri. How are you?
They greet back without looking away from Angel, making him more nervous.
Cherri Bomb: *walking up to Y/n* "I'm good. About to chew out Ange?"
Later. But I'm gonna do my best. We'll be at the Happy Hotel, Firecracker. We'll see you around.
Cherri nods and waves Angel and Y/n goodbye as they said their own goodbyes as well. Y/n then went to the Happy Hotel, hauling their brother with them along the way.
At the Happy Hotel, Charlie is seen sitting with Vaggie as she was still trying to figure out what she did wrong. Vaggie was also upset, but more towards Y/n for making Charlie feel bad about herself. When they got back with Angel, she was gonna give Y/n and piece of her mind!
Speaking of Angel and Y/n, they suddenly entered the hotel and Y/n sat their brother down on their feet. Charlie immediately sat up and walked over to Y/n who was walking through the lobby. She stopped them.
Charlie Magne: "Y/n... can we talk?"
Y/n Ketsueki: There's nothing to talk about. I'm just gonna go to my room and we'll talk later.
Charlie Magne: "But... but I wanna know what I did wrong! Please, tell me!"
Y/n Ketsueki: "You betrayed my trust!"
Y/n said in a demonic tone, their face contorted into a Hellish monster that made even Charlie take a step back. Y/n shook their head and their face returned back to normal, calming down as Charlie looked at her friend in shock. They then spoke again, but with Sign Language.
I told you when me and Anthony came here to not talk about me being here. I didn't care what you said about my brother because he's Anthony. He wouldn't care. But I didn't want people to know I was here until this place had more recognition and guests!
Charlie Magne: "I-I'm sorry. It was the only thing I could think of that could solve everything somewhat peacefully."
Y/n softened their stare on Charlie but still had to be hard, so they just clicked their teeth and turned around. However, Charlie spoke again.
"Are you ashamed of us?"
Y/n stopped and turned around to look at Charlie, seeing tears in her eyes.
"Are you... ashamed of me?"
Y/n sighed and turned to face Charlie again, being around the same height as her and looking at her in the eyes. Then they hugged her, Charlie widening her eyes in surprise before she hugged back. They then parted as Y/n wiped away the tears in Charlie's eyes, making her laugh a bit and try to push Y/n's hand away from her face. She was eventually nonteary-eyed as she looked at Y/n.
Y/n Ketsueki: I would never be ashamed of you or anyone else here. Trust me. Anthony is my brother, so if I can hang with him, I can hang with you.
Charlie laughed a bit at this and blushed as well, realizing that Y/n had their hand on her cheek and she placed her own hand over their's. She smiled and Y/n smiled back, but suddenly...
... three knocks were heard at the door, making the two turn to face it. Someone was at the door, but who?
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