Chapter 7
Makoto stared silently out the window of Sousuke's car, hands folded against his stomach. They had just left the hospital. Makoto's crutches rested against his knees.
Makoto had not yet seen the wounds on his legs, but his muscles were stiff from lack of use, not to mention he was still healing. Apparently the slat had burned past his epidermis, but no muscle damage. He sighed, his breath fogging up the window.
Sousuke looked nervously over at Makoto, eyes pained. It hurt him to see his boyfriend like this. Makoto had been virtually emotionless ever since he heard about the accident. Sousuke was confused, he was just so happy that Makoto was alive. Wasn't Makoto happy too?
When they pulled into the drive, Makoto reached to situate his crutches, but Sousuke stopped his hand and shook his head. "I'll get you."
"Sousuke, you don't have to-"
"Wait there. I'll be right around."
Sousuke got out and then crossed and opened Makoto's door. He reached to his boyfriend and carefully scooped him up into his arms, picking him up bridal-style. Makoto slung his arm around Sousuke's neck and rested his head on Sousuke's shoulder as he was carried into the house.
Sousuke flicked on the lights and set Makoto down on the sofa.
"I'll get you some ice packs. The doctor said that they would help."
Sousuke stiffly walked to the kitchen, Makoto laying back against the pillows. He was tired of laying down. He was tired of being motionless. He was tired of resting.
He was tired of being tired.
Maybe he just needed some sleep in a bed that didn't smell like bleach in a room that wasn't just a little bit too cold in an unfamiliar building. He needed to sleep in this house, in that room, in their bed. Makoto sighed heavily.
Sousuke returned with the two blue cold packs, and handed them to Makoto. "I'd like to go to bed now... I'm exhausted."
"Okay." Sousuke sounded dull. He lifted Makoto easily, walked him into their bedroom, and laid him on their bed. He reached to help Makoto undress, but his boyfriend waved him off.
"I can do it myself."
Sousuke, stung, backed away, then angrily walked into the kitchen.
Neither knew why the other was so upset, and that obliviousness made their frustration rise higher.
Makoto slid off his pants gingerly, the large bandages creating bulges under his boxers. Suddenly furious, Makoto slammed the heel of his hand on top of the bandages, then immediately snatched his hand away, whining in pain.
Sousuke re-entered, worry in his eyes. Makoto sat on the end of the bed, shirt still on, tears in his eyes, a red patch spreading slowly under the bandage on his thigh.
And suddenly Makoto was sobbing, and Sousuke was next to him, pulling him closer, pressing his lips to the top of Makoto's head.
"It's okay... it's gonna be okay..." Makoto cried harder, one hand clutching the bad of Sousuke's neck, the other clenching Sousuke's shirt in a fist.
"Why'm I so weak?" Makoto cried, and Sousuke could only wrap his arms around Makoto, who now seemed so small.
"You're not weak... you saved so many people.. you risked your life for them. You survived a building collapsing on top of you. You're so strong. My strong Makoto."
Makoto continued crying, but his sobs were slower now, just holding onto Sousuke. He missed those warm arms around him, he missed the lips against his neck, he missed the steady breath in his ear.
When his crying had reduced to sniffles, he reluctantly pulled away. The blood under his bandages was spreading. It was beginning to throb painfully.
"We should change those before you go to sleep," Sousuke murmured. Makoto nodded slowly.
Sousuke carried Makoto into the bathroom, and sat him up on the sink. He quickly walked back to the kitchen to get more gauze and bandages, then returned, took a shaky breath, and began unwinding the gauze around Makoto's thigh.
After unwinding several layers, Makoto started to wince, his knuckles turning white as he gripped the edge of the counter.
Sousuke continued, but slower. Soon, Makoto's burns were out in the open. Makoto winced at the sight. He turned away.
The skin was red and irritated, wrinkles and raw skin... A large gash was only slightly bleeding. The stitches only made Makoto's stomach clench harder.
Sousuke tried to take deep breaths, carefully cleaning the burns. When done, he wrapped them again with new gauze, and then carried Makoto back into the bedroom.
"I'm sorry..."
"There's nothing to be sorry about, 'Koto."
"I wish you didn't worry so much," Makoto blurted. Sousuke looked up, confused. "I'm okay now."
Sousuke sighed, "I know that... I guess I'm just still recovering myself."
They both laughed softly.
"Let's go to bed, huh?"
Sousuke climbed into the bed beside Makoto, pulling the covers over the both of them. He pulled Makoto close, their noses brushing.
And then they kissed, and it was long, and soft, and something they both had missed. They took it nowhere, but that was okay. Sousuke didn't want to hurt Makoto anyways.
When they pulled apart, they spent for what seemed like years staring into each other's brilliant eyes.
"I love you," Makoto whispered.
"I love you more," Sousuke whispered back.
And they fell asleep.
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