Chapter 5
A/n: I apologize in advanced for the cliffhanger.
Makoto's eyes widened.
"Yes." He was absolute.
Makoto and Sousuke have been dating for a two months now. They go on cliche coffee-shop dates, Makoto stays with Sousuke on most nights, they watch horror movies and Makoto clings to Sousuke, who doesn't mind at all. Life is good, and they're certain it's more than a fling. Makoto takes in a stray cat which he fondly names Snowball. Sousuke, however, often finds himself envying the cat, jealous of the affection Snowball receives. This is not to say that Makoto and Sousuke don't show plenty of affection themselves. Hot kisses and 20-minute make-out sessions are a daily occurrence, but they never go that far. It's slow, but good. They're happy.
Makoto listened to the even pulsing of Sousuke's heart.
Their bare chests pressed together, and their legs tangled underneath the soft sheets. They only wore boxers, which was now a norm.
Makoto was more comfortable around Sousuke, and he trusted him wholeheartedly.
Through the months, they learned more about each other. They went to the pool together to swim, and Makoto kicked Sousuke's ass at backstroke.
Sousuke brought Makoto to the Police Station sometimes, showing him off as much as he could. He spoiled Makoto with gifts and homemade meals, and refused to cease his habit of always asking if they could shower together, which make Makoto blush deeply and run to the shower alone before Sousuke could protest.
Makoto smiled lightly. Sousuke's arms were wrapped around him, and everything was quiet. Even Snowball hadn't woken yet, who usually mewed incessantly until she was fed.
Makoto slowly peeled his torso from Sousuke's to look at his boyfriends face. Propped up on his elbows, Makoto smiled at the little freckles over Sousuke's cheeks and nose that had accumulated over the sunny summer. Makoto thought they were adorable.
Makoto pressed his lips to Sousuke's chin, and soon, those brilliant teal eyes gazed down at him.
"Gmorning," Makoto said sweetly.
"Morn'n." Sousuke's gravelly morning voice sent shivers down Makoto's spine.
Sousuke's hands drifted down Makoto's back to rest lightly on his butt, which Makoto blushed at and slowly wiggled away, singing, "Pervert alert," under his breath repeatedly.
Sousuke rolled his eyes, "Notta perv."
Makoto giggled in response, then put on a look of mock-anger, "You are. Don't think I'm gonna let that clever butt-smacking stunt you pulled yesterday slide, buddy."
Makoto sneakily lifted his hips in the air and wiggled them, making Sousuke lunge forward and pin him, leaving a trail of kisses down his neck and chest.
Sousuke smirked, "Worth it. You have to leave in an hour, right? Let's shower together to save energy-" But Makoto had already shut the bathroom door.
Sousuke chuckled softly, then pulled himself from the bed. Why bother with pants?; Sousuke walked into the kitchen in his grey boxers, yawning, and turned on the coffee pot for the both of them.
Snowball slinked into the kitchen and Sousuke stiffly gave her a bowl of food, eyeing her innocent blue eyes.
When Makoto finished, they sat at the same small table that they had sat at on their first date, which was now carved at the legs with long scratches from Snowball etched into the legs. But Sousuke didn't mind.
They clasped hands over the table while they sipped piping hot coffee and talked about their dreams.
Sousuke loved Makoto's hands. They were big, warm, calloused, and fit in his perfectly. In fact, it seemed everything about Makoto fit Sousuke. His strong back, tousled hair, and long legs...
Sousuke blinked hard. Makoto had stopped talking and was giving Sousuke a curious look.
Sousuke opened his mouth to say the words, but then shut it, "This isn't the right time."
Sousuke smiled, and Makoto cocked his head to the side. "What's wrong?"
Makoto nodded slowly, only half-believing Sousuke reassurance.
"Help me with my tie?"
Sousuke grinned, and they stood up, heading back into the bedroom, where Sousuke grabbed a tie from the side of the dresser that Makoto messily shared, and then backed Makoto up against the wall.
They pressed their lips softly together and Sousuke draped the tie around Makoto's collar, then absentmindedly tied the knot, as soon as he was done, bringing his hands down to Makoto's hips, pressing his fingertips into the soft, warm skin.
Makoto hooked his fingers into the waistband of Sousuke's boxers, and then pulled their hips closely together.
Sousuke breathed a quick gasp through Makoto's mouth at the contact, and the kiss deepened, their bodies pressed tightly together.
Makoto's fingertips danced down his boyfriend's waist, and he melted under Sousuke's own hands, which were now at the small of his back.
It was then that they remembered they needed to breath.
They pulled back gasping, and Makoto smirked, "Thanks for helping me with my tie."
"Anytime. You wanna ride to work?"
"You don't mind?"
"Nah, let's go."
"Bye! Have a good day!"
"Don't forget to pick me up! See ya!"
Sousuke waved at Makoto as he disappeared into the Fire Station.
"I love you..." he whispered under his breath, blushing slightly, then drove off to the Police station, blasting the radio.
After parking, he sauntered into the building, waving to the receptionist, and then retreated to his office.
At exactly 2:47 PM, he got a call.
"Mr. Yamasaki! Sir, there's a fire on Otterbrook Road, and we need backup. It's gonna come down soon."
Sousuke froze, eyes wide with fear. He could hear the fire engines across the line, along with people's shouts and screams. But-
"I'm on my way."
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