Chapter 2
Makoto flopped onto Haru's soft couch, phone in hand. "HARRRUUU," Makoto groaned, and his best fiend walked in from the kitchen.
"You should call him," Haru replied nonchalantly, his blue eyes staring emotionlessly into Mako's.
Makoto sat up, staring at the contact Sousuke had saved in his phone. He closed his eyes briefly, imagining those teal eyes again, those strong arms, his collarbone peeking past the first few unclasped buttons on his police uniform.
Mako sighed, and Haru sat down next to him. "I'm going to mess up. I'm going to say something wrong."
"You're not. And it seems like he already likes you enough," Haru retorted, referring to the encounter Sousuke had left Makoto with. Red flushed upon Makotos cheeks.
"Maybe he's not as good as I think he is. Maybe I'm building it up-"
Haru grabbed Makotos phone and quickly pressed Sousukes phone number.
Makoto let out an indignant, "Hey!" Before Haru passed the phone back to him. Makoto held the phone to his ear, the dial tone humming blandly.
Then, a shuffling murmur, and finally,
Makoto let out a quiet sigh of relief. "Hey, Sousuke. It's-its me. Makoto?" He questioned his name, seeing if Sousuke remembered him from two days ago.
"Makoto? Hey!" Sousukes breath was coming fast and labored. Makotos brain jumped to conclusions. Having sex with someone else? "Sorry, I had to run to find my phone. I'm at home."
"O-oh," Makoto stuttered, "Well, Uhm, have you had a good date- I mean, day?" Makoto slapped his forehead in exasperation of his words.
From the other end of the line, Makoto heard Sousuke chuckle lightly. The sound echoed through Makos head. "Yeah... My day's been good. How 'bout you?"
"Good, that's good..."
There was a short silence over the line.
"Makoto... would you like to get coffee with me later this afternoon?"
Makoto froze, eyes widening in happiness. "Really?" He knew he sounded like a little kid.
"Yeah. How about that new place-"
"Brewbakers?" Makoto mentally slapped himself for interrupting Sousuke.
Again, that laugh, "Yeah, Brewbakers. You free?"
"Absolutely! What time?"
"Does 3:00 work?"
"Yeah, I'll meet you there."
"Okay, well see ya later."
The awkwardness of saying goodbye crept in. Makoto didn't want to stop listening to Sousukes's warm, throaty chuckle and deep voice. "Bye..." he said softly. The line disconnected.
Makoto slowly brought the phone down from his ear, an expression of awe on his face. "I'm... going on a date... with Officer McHotStuff." Haru allowed a smile to reach his lips.
"That means you need clothes. The date's in an hour. Go shower, you smell."
Makoto gave out an offended yelp before rushing to Haru's bathroom.
Makoto walked from his car nervously, tugging on the hem of his green sweater. Haru had picked it out for him, along with dark jeans and a grey beanie.
Makoto pushed through the doors of Brewbakers, and immediately the smell of strong coffee beans and pastries filled his nose. The coffee shop was warm, cozy, and somewhat dimly-lit.
Makoto scanned the room for Sousuke, and upon finding that he wasn't there yet, began to mindlessly worry about being stood up.
He nervously sat down at a table-for-two to wait, and pulled out his phone to text Haruka.
Haru, he's not here yet.
Moments later, his phone buzzed.
Give it time. You're early. Off to swim, text me if need help.
Makoto sighed and began texting a reply when he heard the door open. He turned and saw... holy shit.
There was Sousuke, standing in the doorway, eyes locked on makoto. Makotos eyes, however, were locked on Sousukes choice of shirt: a tight v-neck navy long-sleeve that showed off his very nice abs and pecs.
Makoto's gayer-than-Tyler-Oakley mind and hormones exploded.
Makoto sent the 'He's here, text you later' text to Haru and then stood up to greet Sousuke.
"Hey," Sousuke said when he arrived at the small table, "you look nice. Thanks for coming."
Makoto blushed pink, "You do too. And thank you for inviting me."
They nodded and went up to order coffee. Sousuke insisted on paying, even though Makoto had already pulled out his wallet, whispering, "My treat," in Makoto's ear, promptly shutting him up.
When they got to the table, was they launched into conversation, talking about work, previous schools, friends and family, music, basically anything that came to mind.
Makoto found that Sousuke was actually surprisingly hilarious, and was constantly making Mako burst out in his gentle laughter.
Sousuke was charming, witty, and understanding, but was constantly sending Makoto these suggestive looks when silence set in, making Makoto blush deeper and look down at his empty mug.
Soon, it was 5:00, and Makoto knew it would be rude to keep Sousuke away from whatever work he probably had to do.
Sousuke got up and brought the dishes to the bin by the ordering counter to be washed, then returned to the table where Makoto was getting up.
They walked out of the café together, but before they could begin to say goodbye, Sousuke grabbed Makotos arm.
"Do you want to... come over to my place? I'll make dinner... I'm afraid that I don't want to say goodbye just yet."
Makoto stood, stunned. "Yeah! Sure!" He said a bit too enthusiastically. Sousuke smirked, and realization crept into Makoto's head. Was Sousuke planning on doing that with Makoto?
Makotos feelings were jumbled, but he nodded as Sousuke told him to follow him in his car.
With a shaky sigh, they headed to Sousukes apartment.
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