7. stubborn
Lance laid across his large sofa, his long legs clinging to the edge as he splayed. Matt frowned at him. "Where do I sit?"
Lance shrugged, nodding lazily at the floor.
Matt rolled his eyes and slid to the ground, before glancing up at his so called friend. "So what's wrong?"
Lance didn't look at him as he started up the Xbox. "What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean." Matt laughed. "You don't call me over for video games unless your sulking."
Lance scoffed. "Thats not true." He handed Matt the remote. He ended up sitting on the floor next to him.
"Sure." Matt sighed. "Surprised you didn't go talk to Hunk and Pidge."
Lance didn't say anything. He had surprised himself too. He wasn't sure what made him skip their contacts and call Matt. Maybe it was how they'd force him to talk about his feelings.
But he would kill for Hunk's cookies right now.
"I called Allura and Shiro. They should be here soon." Lance said.
"Hm, not inviting my sis or Hunk, or Romelle. Or Keith..?"
"I honestly only called Allura, but Shiro wanted to come see you."
Matt's cheeks turned pink and he turned away. "Oh."
Lance smiled at that, but didn't bring it up. "So how was your day?"
Matt glanced at him. "Well. I started going to Shiro and Keith's gym right? Cause Shirl wouldn't let me live it down, so I go this morning. After I attempted a mile on the treadmill I checked out the whirlpool, ya know that warm relaxing pool downstairs. And I'm about to get in, in my swim trunks and-"
His face turned pale. "This middle aged guy..he was super hairy. He was just washing himself in the whirlpool."
Lance was trying so hard not to laugh at Matt's sad memory. He failed miserably.
"He was naked, Lance." Matt shivered. Lance patted him on the back.
"That's enough." He chuckled. "Just don't go back there."
Matt's eyes widened. "Trust me. I won't."
"Hah, come on, let's play." Lance said, turning on the game.
"Lance, Matt." Shiro nodded as he walked in. He wore his signature jacket, the black and white checkered contrast matching his hairstyle. He smiled.
"Hey." Lance said without looking up. He stared glumly at the t.v. The game wasn't over but Matt had paused it.
"Hi." Matt said glancing up. Shiro waved at him and Matt smiled.
"No. NO. You tell your manager how unfair this is---the injustice, you are discriminating against an elder because of their strong opinionated actions--- well maybe lower the price!" Allura came in, screaming at her phone, her hair in a frizz framing her face.
Shiro shook his head as he closed the door behind her. She started walking around with her arm across her stomach, yelling at her phone. "No, don't call me back!"
"If you didn't want me to get mad, you should've apologized.--- I'm not going to sit here and continue this, this stupid argument.--- no you started it.--- don't call me ma'am--- You know what, goodbye." Her strong accent had turned into a sluggish one, and she was breathing heavily. She put her phone down on the counter and looked up.
"Sorry about that." Her smile was back, like nothing had happened.
"Who. Was. That?" Matt asked cautiously, glancing at the phone.
Allura waved her hand. "Store manager of the grocery store downtown."
Matt and Lance looked to Shiro for an explanation.
"Coran started a boycott against the price for butter, but it turned into an all out riot. They stormed the place."
Lance laughed. "I have mad respect for that man."
Coran was a close friend of Alfor's and had been with Allura since she was a "little tot" as in Coran's words. She referred to him as her uncle, and all of her friends had found him growing on them.
"The manager kicked him out-"
"No, she rudely punished him for making a stand. 6.99 is an OUTRAGEOUS AMOUNT-"
"Alright, that's enough." Shiro led her over to the couch, where she sat down and continued muttering to herself about butter prices and unholy people.
"Where's Coran now?" Matt asked.
"He's at Romelle's probably trying to get her to organize her watercolors again or something.." Allura continued to mutter, tapping her fingers on her legs.
"So, Lance, you called?" Shiro asked.
"I kind of just wanted to play video games with Matt. I asked Allura to come over just cause." Lance blinked at him.
Shiro crossed his arms. "You never ask Matt to play video games unless you're upset. What's wrong?"
"Hmmm." Matt turned to him, smirk on his face.
Lance rolled his eyes. "Its really nothing, I just missed you guys-"
"It was work." Allura said, finally coming out of her rage. "Lance had a bad day."
Lance glared at her but she continued. "My father placed Keith as his photographer for the Youth Line."
"Oh, I forgot to ask how the assignments went. Who are you with Allura?" Shiro asked, genuinely interested.
"Lotor." Was all she said. "Fall Line."
"So that's what's got you in a mood." Matt chuckled, nudging Lance. "You got stuck with mullet."
"Only I call him that " Lance growled pointing fiercely at himself, it caused his friends to stare at him with amused looks. "Besides, he's too annoying to work with."
"What'd he do?"
"He-" Lance remembered earlier that morning, and how really Keith hadn't done anything...
"Does it matter?" Lance got up, letting his arms fall against his thighs dramatically. "He's Keith!"
Shiro raised his brow. "...which means.."
Lance groaned. "Ughhhh, you guys just don't get it do you?"
His friends stared at him.
"We're rivalsss." He hinted.
Allura narrowed her eyes. "So you say."
"Have you given Keith a chance to prove himself, Lance?" Shiro asked.
"No, he doesn't deserve one. I know what he's like." Lance glared at him. "You are taking his side aern't you? Cause he's your brother??"
Shiro smiled. "Actually, no. Out of anybody, I should know how annoying Keith's sarcastic remarks can get. I just think this is a good life lesson for the both of you..."
"Plus, you're fired if you don't work together." Allura added. "You don't have much of a choice."
Lance frowned. "Yeah I do, I'll ask Alfor for a reassignment."
"He's never reassigned anyone Lance."
"I don't understand this." Matt said. "Keith isn't that bad. Sure he has sarcastic humor, and he might think he's better than everyone else-"
"He thinks he's better than me! And that's a problem! He's a challenge." Lance whined.
"I think you should give him a chance, just a little while, and if it doesn't work then maybe look for an alternative." Shiro said.
"It won't work! I'm not going to give Keith the satisfaction of making fun of me, and treating me like dirt."
"He doesn't treat you like that Lance..." Matt said.
"Yes he doessssss, you guys don't see it! He always glares at me, or scowls at me, or tells me to shut up. We always argue, and he says it's always my fault. I'm not letting that interfere with my modeling!" Lance said.
A long, dry sigh came from the three of them. They shared a glance and looked back at him.
"Look Lance." Matt said, "No one is forcing you to work with Keith. We understand the two of you don't have exactly..um, good terms. But we also understand you could lose your job."
"You're wonderful job that you've loved for six years now." Allura added.
"Do you want that?" Shiro inquired.
Lance glared at them. "You guys suck."
"You love us." Allura winked.
"And it's mutual." Matt smiled warmly, Shiro gave him a thumbs up.
Lance couldn't help but smile back.
"We got a smile!" Allura exclaimed.
"A smile. So you're on board?" Matt asked.
"I never said that." Lance glared at them.
"Ugh." Allura groaned.
"Lance, come on."
"Fine." He didn't look at them. Their faces broke into grins, and Allura started clapping.
"Under one condition." Lance said, eyeing them warily.
"He's gotta cut off the mullet."
Sorry this chapter was trash and it's been like three weeks since I last updated TvT
I'll try to do another before I go to sleep tonight! I swear Ima start on it right now
Qotd: favorite person in the world?
Aotd: tie between lin Manuel Miranda and my brother <3
Thanks for u guys supporting me I love y'all :D hope u enjoyed the chapter
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