3. pose
"Beautiful- wonderful! Give me a spin! You're gorgeous baby, give me a smile!" Allura spun on her heels, grinning at her photographer over her shoulder.
"Now Lance if you could come up."
Lance stood next to his friend, their blue eyes glaring as they posed for the camera.
"Amazing my loves. Spectacular." Click, click.
"Lance only now."
Allura smiled at Lance as he took the stage, sauntering down the runway towards the camera man.
"Beautiful dear! Chair now." Lance took his spot on the chair, tilting his head just a little to show his collar and choker. He flashed the camera a bright smile, before winking and shooting a pair of finger guns.
Allura joined him as they sat on the floor, legs spread, arms pressed against the cool ground staring at the camera with wide eyes.
"Just darling!"
Their photographer grinned wide as she slung her camera over her shoulders. "Very impressive." She winked.
"Thanks." Lance said beaming. Allura smiled back.
"I'll be back in twenty, you two go change for the next shoot." And off went the photorapher.
"You're a ladies man aren't you?" Allura joked, placing her arms around Lance's shoulders.
He winked. "Am I?"
She chuckled. "When the next magazine goes out there, the girls are gonna be asking for your name, I don't doubt it."
Lance popped his collar and wiggled his eyebrows. "Can I test that theory?" He leaned towards her on the balls of his feet.
"Sure loverboy." She pushed him away giggling before turning on her heel.
"You were great out there too Lura, and who knows... We might make front cover!" Lance exclaimed.
She sighed. "Don't get your hopes up Lonce, I don't want you breaking down again."
Lance dramatically placed his hand over his heart, falling on one knee. "Rude much?"
Allura shrugged as they started for the changing rooms. "There's a lot of talented models out there Lonce, you gotta be realistic about this."
Lance scratched his neck. "I mean I get it.."
"Don't think we will make every cover because my father owns the place Lonce."
Lance blushed. "Whaaa..why would I do that??"
She smiled at him. "Come on, our outfits are here."
"Ya know Lura, I'm ready for the new line... a new photographer, new outfits. I'm excited."
"Yeah..but there's a good chance we'll get split up." Allura frowned.
"Don't think like that! It's going to be me and you against the world." He pulled her closer. "Lura and Lonce against the fashion world!" He beamed, adding in her signature accent.
She pulled away. "Okay Lonce..I'm just warning you now, you could be put with any photographer."
Lance laughed. "As long as it's not Keith, I'm fine with anyone."
Allura nodded before leaving him to go change. Lance grabbed his own outfit and set off.
The rest of the day flew by with a ton of pictures, majority of them going to be destroyed, only a few would be chosen for the magazine.
Lance was anxious, the next day he would get a message on who would be his photographer and the new fashion line he'd be working for. He prayed he wouldn't get split from Allura.
The two had been modeling together for years, and Allura had been the first person to accept him as a male model.
Lance pulled into the filled parking lot of the Samoan Cuisine resturaunt down the street from Altea Modeling Agency, the work place of his best friend.
"Hunk! My man!" Lance exclaimed as he crossed to the counter of the resturaunt. People glared at him as he obnoxiously called for his friend, shoving past customers trying to order. The smell of tropical spices filled his nose as he entered the kitchen.
"Lance?" Hunk's cousin Lina glanced up at him. She was holding a thick knife poised over some raw meat.
"Hey, have you seen Hunk?" Lance asked.
She pointed across the kitchen to the storage room door using her knife. Lance thanked her and walked past Hunk's family members to the door. They all knew him, and greeted him as he passed through.
"Hunk?" Lance asked as he entered the cramped room. Millions of packages of food covered every inch of the walls. And there hunched over a large cardboard box was Hunk.
"Lance! Hey man!"
"How's my best bro doing?" Lance asked.
Hunk grinned. "I'm good, thanks for asking. It's been hectic today, I'm trying to prepare though, Shay and her family are coming later tonight and I'm trying to get my family prepared but no one wants to listen to me-"
"Ohh Shayyy." Lance smirked. "I'd be nervous too if my girlfriend was bringing her fam over to eat at my resturaunt-"
"She's not my girlfriend Lance." Hunk frowned.
"Yet, you mean. She's not your girlfriend yet." Lance smiled.
Hunk shook his head. "How was your day Lance?"
Lance followed behind him, hands deep in his pockets. "Good, my photographer said me and Allura did outstanding today." He grinned.
"Doesn't she say that like...every shoot?" Hunk asked as he started grabbing vegetables.
Lance gasped. "Noooo. She says we do amazing and really good and incredible and...oh, I think I see what you mean."
Hunk laughed. "But you and Allura are really good, I'm not surprised. You might make the cover this time!"
"Thanks Hunk, but Lura said not to get my hopes up..you think she has some inner info on this?? I mean she totally shut me down when I said we could make it, as if her father said 'Oh dear Allura, you and Lonce will not make it on the front cover ever.'"
Hunk smiled. "You sure it wasn't more like 'My darling daughter Allura, pass me the tea please. Thank you darling, now about your Lonce friend..'"
Lance laughed. "Probably yeah."
Hunk shrugged. "But don't give up man, you guys are really good. Have faith."
"Thanks man, you're the best." Lance said. Suddenly, his phone rang.
"Whose that?" Hunk asked.
"Oh god it's Pidge, I forgot to pick her up.."
"Shes gonna kill Matt and she needs a ride, she said you would let Matt know he needed to run so she asked me." Lance explained quickly.
"OHHH got it." Hunk nodded.
"So I gotta dash, good luck with your girlfriend!" Lance said as he headed out of the large kitchen.
"She's not my girlfriend!"
Sorry I couldn't update, I was on a trip lol but I'm back now!! Lmao I'm so tired, I've been updating for my oneshots and then this but hope you enjoyed!!
Qotd: favorite song?
Aotd: international smile by Katy perry lmao don't bully me it's good
I'm sure you can see who lances photorapher is gonna be right? AHAHAHAH
SNS out
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