12. voltron!!
Group Chat Name: VOLTRON!!
green_tea (admin) /Pidge
loverboy/ Lance
texas_toast/ Keith
matt_hatter/ Matt
cinnabon_jovi/ Hunk
Princess/ Allura
aesthetic_prosthetic/ Shiro
cornycorn/ Coran
goldilocks/ Romelle
11:03 a.m
goldilocks: Hiii everyone!!!
cinnabon_jovi: hey Melle! How are you?
goldilocks: I'm so good!!! I have awesome news!!
cinnabon_jovi: great! What is it?
goldilocks: hehe can't tell yet
cinnabon_jovi: :/
cornycorn: good morning lads
green_tea: GM y'all
cinnabon_jovi: hi!
goldilocks: good morning :)
green_tea: uwu what's the awesome news Melle
goldilocks: 0_0
green_tea: 0-0
cinnabon_jovi: why won't u tell us??
goldilocks: everyone must be here obviously!!
goldilocks: it's a surprise for everyone!!
green_tea: could've said that earlier
green_tea: Bruh moment
cornycorn: I'll go get Allura right quick then
cinnabon_jovi: I got Lance brb
green_tea: I got matt
goldilocks: :)
green_tea: hunk take him back
loverboy: :(
matt_hatter: hello
cinnabon_jovi: Matt get Shiro ;)
matt_hatter: oh ok
green_tea: uwu
goldilocks: hehe
Princess: hiiiiiii
Princess: aw thx Lance :)
loverboy: np babe ;))
cinnabon_jovi: hi Allura :D
goldilocks: hiiiii
green_tea: hey
Princess: hi guys!!
aesthetic_prosthetic: hello, how is everyone?
matt_hatter: good
goldilocks: awesome!
green_tea: okay ig. my essay on the placebo effect is taking TOO long I'm so tired
cinnabon_jovi: cookies?
green_tea: cookies!!
cinnabon_jovi: I got u
green_tea: oatmeal this time
cinnabon_jovi: ok
loverboy: can I comeee
loverboy: I want cookiesssss
cinnabon_jovi: of course :)
loverboy: :))
green_tea: Lance did u finish that extra project thing at work
loverboy: yes! Another reason I deserve cookies
Princess: Keith and Lance did very well on their work, I'm proud
matt_hatter: did you two finally get along??
matt_hatter: *world explodes*
aesthetic_prosthetic: I'm so proud
loverboy: thx dad
loverboy: I had to apologize tho for always being late
loverboy: pretty wack :p
cinnabon_jovi: I'm glad you did :)
cornycorn: me too, look at the positive outcome Lance!
Princess: father was very happy and now you can get your outfit and assignment
loverboy: unless silver beard pulls another project out of his ass-
matt_hatter: 0-0
green_tea: OOP-
goldilocks: I can't find my reading glasses TvT
loverboy: omg u have glasses, so CUTE
aesthetic_prosthetic: I think Keith has reading glasses too
loverboy: even better XD
aesthetic_prosthetic: don't bully him Lance.
loverboy: forgive me father for I must-
green_tea: do it Lance
green_tea: I don't understand why you're looking for reading glasses when you're supposed to be telling us your surprise
green_tea: my patience is running thin, I have an essay to get to
goldilocks: well I was about to read the book Allura got me for my birthday :)
Princess: finally!
goldilocks: plus someoneeee is still not here :/
cinnabon_jovi: Keith :(
loverboy: Keith is NEVER hereee why does it matter??
goldilocks: I said everyone
goldilocks: but I still can't find my glasses..
green_tea: >:(
cornycorn: Romelle, have you checked the kitchen
Princess: right! You wore them when you read the ingredients for Coran's soup last week, remember
goldilocks: mmmm
goldilocks: found em! Thanks guys!!
goldilocks: better go get Keith now... ;)
cinnabon_jovi: the plot thickens
green_tea: The placebo effect can even enhance the effectiveness of certain medical treatments. Patients who know about the intended outcome of therapy respond better to it than patients who do not know about therapy....
matt_hatter: AH WHAT IS THAT
green_tea: oops sorry
green_tea: accidently pasted a part of my essay-
aesthetic_prosthetic: that's actually interesting, mind sending me the essay when you finish?
Princess: me too! We can help revise it!
cinnabon_jovi: I'd love to help too :)
green_tea: omg thanks guys
green_tea: I'll share a document with you guys when I finish
loverboy: nErDs
cornycorn: being smart is a very positive thing Lance
matt_hatter: HAH get rekt
loverboy: someone get Keith so we can get out of here
cinnabon_jovi: why don't you Lance
loverboy: Keith hates me broski no way
cinnabon_jovi: I thought you two got along well yesterday
Princess: I thought so too :/
loverboy: we did
aesthetic_prosthetic: ?
loverboy: but that was for work only
loverboy: once we get out of Altea, we're back to being rivals
loverboy: that's how I like it too
matt_hatter: so you're more comfortable being his rival, then actually becoming friends??
green_tea: imagine
loverboy: being close to Keith scares me and that's all I wanna say
loverboy: Shiro just go get your brother
cinnabon_jovi: sorry Lance
green_tea: :(
loverboy: it's ok
loverboy: thought u guys understood that tho
aesthetic_prosthetic: I'll get Keith but Lance you should know
aesthetic_prosthetic: I don't think Keith feels that way :/
matt_hatter: Shiro is the best
green_tea: you always wait till he leaves to say these things dumbass
matt_hatter: .......
Princess: tEA
green_tea: there's so much, I'll spill later
Princess: thank you
cinnabon_jovi: why is Keith never here??
cornycorn: probably because he doesn't like social interaction
matt_hatter: lmaoooo
green_tea: lol
loverboy: emo
loverboy: he's too emo to like social interaction
green_tea: that's not why Lance
green_tea: plus if I was him I wouldn't come here because Lance is so rude to him
loverboy: I am NOT
green_tea: anyone wanna bet
green_tea: five dollars
green_tea: I bet Lance will be rude to Keith
cinnabon_jovi: I'm..not betting against that
matt_hatter: yeah nah
Princess: that's an entire trap right there
cornycorn: I need to keep my money
loverboy: :(( what
loverboy: I'll show u
loverboy: ALL of u
loverboy: I'll be nice to Keith
green_tea: sure Jan
matt_hatter: why is this taking so long
matt_hatter: where is heeeee
cinnabon_jovi: Shiro or Keith?
matt_hatter: hm
matt_hatter: both?
Princess: Romelle how's the book so far?
goldilocks: very good thank you :)
green_tea: I'm beginning to not wanna hear this news...
cinnabon_jovi: Pidge, Lance. Is it ok if Shay comes when I bring cookies? She is on her way to my place right now to help bake them but she might want to hang out later
green_tea: is that even a question?? Yes she can come!
loverboy: when you gonna ask her man
cinnabon_jovi: ask what
matt_hatter: ask her out! You clearly like her!
green_tea: shut up Matt and take your own advice
matt_hatter: :|
Princess: yes hunk ask her!! You two are so cuteeee!!
cornycorn: I agree, she is a very sweet girl and it's clear as day you have feelings for her
cornycorn: also what is this about Matt?
green_tea: a story for another day
matt_hatter: thx sis
green_tea: Gotchu
loverboy: hope Keith comes soon, I gotta go babysit soon...
Princess: who
loverboy: Ari
loverboy: she's still not allowed to stay home alone, and I think Marco might be over too
loverboy: he's four now!
Princess: Awww
green_tea: tell ari I said hi, that's my girl :))
loverboy: sure
cinnabon_jovi: how's Veronica doing?
loverboy: she said she hates college with a burning passion...but she has a girlfriend now!
green_tea: uwu
Princess: awesome, who is she?
loverboy: uh I forgot brb
cornycorn: I'm confused here
cornycorn: who are these people?
Princess: lances older sister Rachel has three kids- Ari (whose nine), Marco (four) and a baby boy named Olly. So those are his nephews and niece
green_tea: Veronica is his little sister
cornycorn: OHHH
matt_hatter: I'm very glad that was made clear
green_tea: Rachel lives over in San Fransisco so Lance helps babysit when he can since she's so close
Princess: and she's a single mom so I try to help too when I can
cinnabon_jovi: yup me too :))
matt_hatter: I never knew this??
matt_hatter: I know lances parents are in Arizona but the rest of his family is in Cuba
green_tea: correct
cinnabon_jovi: and his brother Daniel is in Arizona too, Veronica goes to college there
cornycorn: very complicated
Princess: not really
loverboy: Acxa
loverboy: Veronica's gf is named Acxa
loverboy: from what roni tells me, she seems like a female Keith *throws up*
Princess: she sounds cool! I'd love to meet her :)
green_tea: same same
cinnabon_jovi: you should take us to Arizona with you when you visit her next time
Princess: yes!!
matt_hatter: I'd go
loverboy: aight
loverboy: I'm going for Christmas
cornycorn: we should all go!
loverboy: yeah that'd be super fun :))
cinnabon_jovi: omg shays on her way which means I gtg soon
Princess: SHIROOO
Princess: KEITHHH
green_tea: Ik Keith doesn't like social interaction but damn..
texas_toast: 5,341 messages guys?
texas_toast: really?
loverboy: ah yes there he is
Princess: KEITH!!
cinnabon_jovi: keithhhhh
green_tea: about time!!
cornycorn: hello Keith
matt_hatter: hey!
texas_toast: hi
aesthetic_prosthetic: he was out with Kosmo
aesthetic_prosthetic: but left his phone at home
texas_toast: I didn't need it
cinnabon_jovi: what if you got hurt??
cornycorn: what if you got hit with a car?
Princess: Coran.
matt_hatter: wow
loverboy: he should've been hit by a car
green_tea: no my five dollars-
texas_toast: I'll run you over Lance
aesthetic_prosthetic: that's enough
Princess: Romelle!! Keith is here!
goldilocks: thank god!
green_tea: so what is it
goldilocks: ok so I'm taking my two week vacation off from my job @ Starbucks
loverboy: no my discount :((
texas_toast: there's only so much she can take off for someone whose poor
loverboy: shiroooooo he's bullying me!!
aesthetic_prosthetic: I'm done
texas_toast: I just made a joke
matt_hatter: dry humor be like
cornycorn: what's that
cinnabon_jovi: it's like sarcasm to a very high extent
Princess: lmao the definition of Keith
texas_toast: I was serious though
green_tea: GUYS SHUT UP
green_tea: continue Romelle
goldilocks: so I got another job for a few hours a day for a week
goldilocks: at a water park for the last bit of summer
cinnabon_jovi: I love water parks!!
loverboy: sameeeeee
goldilocks: I get a free day where I can invite whoever I want :))
Princess: that's so cool Melle!! So we can all go?
green_tea: I'm kinda mad u made us wait that long but it's worth it
green_tea: I rly like water parks
aesthetic_prosthetic: I'll go :)
matt_hatter: me too!
green_tea: ;)
cinnabon_jovi: haha
texas_toast: I don't know if I'll go
cornycorn: I'm definitely going
loverboy: Keith why notttttt
texas_toast: idk
aesthetic_prosthetic: I gtg to work soon, what day are we going Romelle?
goldilocks: is next Sunday good for everyone?
cinnabon_jovi: yes! Can Shay come?
goldilocks: of course!!
green_tea: I can go
matt_hatter: same
cornycorn: I'll be there!
Princess: me too!
loverboy: sameee
aesthetic_prosthetic: I'm coming :)
goldilocks: awesome! We can all meet at my apartment at 9 a.m that day
loverboy: great :)
green_tea: awesome I'll be there
green_tea: ima go finish my essay
green_tea: I'll share the document with Shiro Allura and hunk when I'm done
cinnabon_jovi: Shay is here so I gtg
cinnabon_jovi: I'll bring the cookies later!!
loverboy: see u guys then bye hunk!
green_tea: see ya later Lance
green_tea: bye everyone
loverboy: Byee
Princess: bye Pidge, bye hunk!!
aesthetic_prosthetic: bye guys
matt_hatter: bye
texas_toast: bye
goldilocks: I'm gonna get back to my reading now :))
Princess: tell me how it goes!!
goldilocks: of course! Byeee
Princess: Byeee
cornycorn: Bye!
texas_toast: bye Romelle
loverboy: Byeee
aesthetic_prosthetic: bye
matt_hatter: bbye
cornycorn: Allura are we still on for lunch?
Princess: I believe so :)
cornycorn: awesome
loverboy: Keith you gotta come to the water park with us Sunday
texas_toast: I might
texas_toast: idk
Princess: you shouldddd
matt_hatter: it wouldn't be fun without you
loverboy: it would
loverboy: but you should still come
aesthetic_prosthetic: you have no reason not to Keith
aesthetic_prosthetic: you and Lance both have the day off
texas_toast: whose gonna watch Kosmo
texas_toast: I don't trust anyone else with him
loverboy: Rachel can watch him for the day!
loverboy: I'll drive you to her house before we go to romelles place
loverboy: come on pleaseeeee
loverboy: she's already met him before and you've known her forever
texas_toast: not forever
texas_toast: seven years
aesthetic_prosthetic: come on Keith don't be so difficult
matt_hatter: just let Lance take you
cornycorn: Rachel is very trustworthy from what I hear
Princess: she's awesome
texas_toast: fine
loverboy: so you'll come!!
texas_toast: idk
matt_hatter: BRUH
loverboy: why notttttt
texas_toast: It's embarrassing
aesthetic_prosthetic: ?
matt_hatter: what is it
Princess: we r ur best friends, u can tell us
texas_toast: Lance is gonna make it a joke
loverboy: I promise I won't
loverboy: I won't if your embarrassed by it I swear
texas_toast: ok
texas_toast: I don't
texas_toast: um
texas_toast: I don't like going into public like that
loverboy: like what
Princess: in a bathing suit?
aesthetic_prosthetic: you look fine in swim trunks
texas_toast: idk tho I'm insecure
matt_hatter: ur super handsome dude, no homo XD
Princess: I'm sure you're gonna look great
texas_toast: you guys say that cause you're my friends
texas_toast: you have to
loverboy: well I've always hated you so hear it from me
loverboy: you have absolutely nothing to be insecure about
loverboy: Matt's right you are super handsome
loverboy: and anyone who sees you knows that
loverboy: so
loverboy: push away your insecurities and walk in their with confidence
loverboy: ok?
texas_toast: ok
texas_toast: thanks Lance
loverboy: no problemo amigo
loverboy: I gotta head over to Rachel's now to babysit Ari
loverboy: talk to you guys later <3
loverboy: bye
Princess: bye!
aesthetic_prosthetic: bye Lance
cornycorn: Byee
matt_hatter: bye
texas_toast: I'm gonna go now too
texas_toast: I'm coming on Sunday
texas_toast: bye
matt_hatter: woah
matt_hatter: I know y'all saw that
cornycorn: we did
aesthetic_prosthetic: that was very interesting
Princess: omgggg Lance was so nice to Keith for once!
cornycorn: pulled my heart strings a little bit
aesthetic_prosthetic: I've never seen Keith like this
Princess: wdym
aesthetic_prosthetic: he was blushing a lot and then threw his phone and didn't look at me
aesthetic_prosthetic: he just got on his motorcycle and left
matt_hatter: Ik why
matt_hatter: Lance said Keith was handsome but never said no homo
matt_hatter: !!!
Princess: okie dokie
cornycorn: artichokie
aesthetic_prosthetic: sure Matt
matt_hatter: :((
Princess: well it doesn't matter, Keith is coming!!
Princess: it's gonna be fun!!
cornycorn: very
cornycorn: Ima go get ready for our lunch date now Allura
Princess: I should do that too lol
Princess: bye guys!!
cornycorn: bye guys
matt_hatter: Byee
aesthetic_prosthetic: bye
matt_hatter: you think Keith was just embarrassed by what Lance said?
aesthetic_prosthetic: I'm not totally sure
aesthetic_prosthetic: I gotta think about it
aesthetic_prosthetic: also Matt
matt_hatter: yes?
aesthetic_prosthetic: I wanted to talk to you about that job you needed
matt_hatter: :)
Omg I love chat room chapters XD they're super hard and tedious to write but I think it's worth it :)
I've been in so many group chats and I know the Voltron characters personalities like the back of my hand so lmao add those two things together and you get chat room chapters!!! I do them a lot and they're always super fun :)
I hope you enjoyed the chapter as much as I did!!! Took me a whole day to write cause of having to bold the name and unbold the message..anywayyssss
this chapter was pretty gay, u agree? XD
thanksgiving is tomorrow and if u celebrate it hope you have a good one!! If u don't have a wonderful day tomorrow!!
Either way I am so thankful for each and everyone of you and your votes and comments, I LOVE YOU ALL SOO SO MUCH <333333
Qotd: favorite word?
Aotd: a tie between Hana (my gfs name XD) and Klance, my life Lmaooo
Hope everyone liked this!! Much love <33
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