『 2 』
Day Two: Trust
1. firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.
❝I don't trust people who don't love themselves and tell me, 'I love you.' ... There is an African saying which is: Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt.❞ Maya Angelou, Annie-Clark-Tanner Lecture
Your feet distorted the gravel from below as you walked, slowly, nervously walk up to the door. The sign at the door read 'Uzumaki'. You inhaled sharply awaiting your fate.
"Remember... it's for her... for her." You raise your fist. You tried to concentrate and knocked on the door as softly as you could.
You exhaled with relief as you felt absolutely blessed the door didn't splinter. But that was the least of your problems.
Nobody answered the door.
You felt that your plan just did a nose dive straight into hell. Where's this kid? Where could he be at dinner? Shouldn't he be at home eating? As all these questions piled up in your head you realize something; he had no one to cook for him. Just like you. You hung your head lower than thought to be possible with melancholy.
"Darn..." You were practically dragging your knuckles on the floor as you walked down from the little apartment Naruto called his home. From the corner of your eye you saw a flash of orange and yellow. What the hell? Just as you were about to turn around you felt something grab your... bottom. Without thinking you wind your fist back and did a righteous blow to the culprit's shoulder.
"AH WHAT THE FUUCK!" He yelled. He lands on the ground with a painful thud. You looked at him. He had spiked-up blond hair, cerulean eyes, he wore googles and he looked about twelve. But then you looked down. His shoulder (where you had landed your blow) was crippled and distorted in directions an arm is NOT supposed to be facing.
"Shhhhhhhiit." You cursed. You took a deep breathe, figuring out a way to console the kid, "Hey dude calm down. I got this." You consoled. But he was still screaming in agony.
"THIS HURTS WAY MORE THAN A bUtTcHeEk On A sTiCk!" He yells. You slowly trying to grab at his arm, but with him squirming it was becoming difficult.
"Can you just hold still?" You asked, a bit annoyed at yourself.
"yOu'Re JuSt GoInG tO hUrT mE aGaIn." He yelps as you grab his arm.
"I promise you with all my heart that this'll make it better." You took a deep breath as you cracked the arm back into the right place. "See? All better." You smiled warmly as you look at the young boy look at his arm.
"Hey... you actually did fix my arm. Thanks!" He says as he gets up, almost dashing out of your way.
"Hey kid!" You shouted. "Can I at least walk you to your parents?" You asked. He slowed from his run to a complete halt.
"I don't have parents..." he frowns. You close your eyes as you remembered what happened to your parents. Even though it was twelve years ago, it still stung as if it happened yesterday.
"My parents died when I was eight. I'm sorry." You sighed as you did all you could in your power to not cry. "Can I still walk you to your apartment?" You asked. The blond boy nodded in agreement.
"If it means a hot mama like you can come into my apartment than hell yeah!" He rejoice as he runs, leaving you behind.
"Hey wait up!" You yelled as you pursue after him. You giggled as you make all the way to the door of his apartment.
'This path is all too familiar...' you thought to yourself. And then you were at the place you were at at the beginning of this chapter
"Are you by any chance Naruto Uzumaki?" You asked, cringing at this cliché of a moment. Like Kame, could your life be more predictable?
"Believe it! I'm Naruto Uzumaki!" He boasted, "the next Hokage!" He let out his signature grin. You yourself actually smiled out of relief.
"I like ambition kid!" You admitted as you rested a hand on his smallish frame. "Do you want to know something?" You beamed. "I made a promise to someone that I'd take care of you." You began. Before you could finish Naruto jumped on you, wrapping his arms and legs around you.
"Holy crap I get to live with a hot chick!" He exclaimed. You froze up uncomfortable, hoping he'd get the message. "Oh sorry... hehe." He gulped with a crimson face. He dug in his pocket, fishing out his keys and fumbled a bit with the lock of the door.
"Stupid piece of... gosh darn this..." he cursed as he rammed himself onto the door, finally allowing entrance to his humble abode. "Welcome to Naruto Kingdom." He cheered as he pushed the door to let you take a peek of his flat.
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