Don't forget to vote and comment! Every one helps keep me motivated to write and update, and so I know you're enjoying the story:)
Katsuki Bakugo, as a child, has been overpraised growing upㅡ constantly having attention on him due to his flashy explosion quirk, so it was no surprise that he developed a cocky attitude and a superiority complex, believing that he was better than everyone else. That he was the strongest.
But the day he stumbled up in the playground near his home with his two lackeys and a scrawny green-haired boy behind him, that was the day his pride, ego and belief of himself was threatened. By a girl.
The moment his eyes landed the peculiar looking girl in the swings alone, drawing on the sandy ground with a stick, he was quick to react and march over towards her with a puffed out chest to appear bigger, hands formed to fists as he pushed his shoulders back. "Hey!"
The young foreigner looks up at him, a look of confusion and intrigue adorning her dark features complimented with her golden irises, hair in messy waves colors mixed with different shades of yellows and orangesㅡ the sight as mesmerizing as the rising and setting sun in golden hour.
Unfortunately, due to the strong rays of the afternoon sun, she had to force herself to look back down to avoid irritating her sensitive eyes.
Katsuki, the supercilious child he was, took that as a gesture of submission.
He grinned with pride, raised his brows as the muscles of his body slowly relaxed, staring at the girl who was rubbing her eyes.
He kicked the sand below their feet, ruining the random lines that was drawn on them as the granular materials hits the girl's bare shin. The two lackeys behind him laughed, with the freckled boy the only one showing concern for her.
"Hey! This is our playing spot! Get out of here!" Katsuki demanded, a smirk-like grin stretching his lips as he kicked the sand harder for the last time.
Not tolerating the disrespectful behavior, the girl stood up from the swing with aggression, her tall stature towering over the four boysㅡ quickly intimidating them.
She placed a hand over her brows to cover the rays of the sun and squinted her eyes as she glared down at the blond, a visible snarl on her face as she resisted the urge to spit on his face. "I do not see your name write anywhere, annoying shit worm."
"You said a bad word!" The one lackey with red wings gasped, aghast as he pointed an accusing finger at her.
"What's with her Japanese, though?" The other one mumbled under his breath, staring at the peculiar stranger with furrowed brows of confusion.
The girl merely rolled her eyes, hiding the fact that she couldn't really understand them completely, simply paying more attention to the words she did understand and knew the meaning of and just guessed what they were talking about.
It wasn't much of a surprise since she was born and raised back in the Philippines until two days ago. She barely used her mother's language there, so she was still getting used to pronouncing japnese and reading certain words with her tongue. Of course, the accent wasn't much of a problem with herㅡ though it does come off as too strong and aggressive sometimes.
"Mar!" All of them simultaneously turned their heads, five pairs of eyes immediately locked on to an intimidatingly tall seventeen year old jogging towards them. Over 180 perhaps? Or close to 190...
His hair was the captivating color of crimson, sharp eyes with irises an enchating gold, a faint mustache, a small but visible mole under his left eyebrow and skin a perfect shade of light brown.
He was undeniably attractiveㅡ if it weren't for the fact that he dresses like a homeless hippie most of the time.
Himariㅡ or more known as 'Mar' or 'Ji' in her familyㅡ the girl by the swings, couldn't help but to curl her upper lip in disgust at his hurrendous fashion sense. She was sure he had much better clothes in his closet to match with than a basketball jersey and a pair of ripped denim shorts.
"Mura kag jejemon." She insulted, her mother tongue coming outㅡ catching the four boys off guard from the unfamiliar language and rather aggressive accent.
The teen scoffed and rolled his eyes before lightly punching the side of the girl's head with mild offense. "Paghilum dira." He said back, "Mura pud di ka tig suot ug kwaan..."
Ah. The iconic 'kwaan' at the end of a sentence... that was how you know a person didn't know what to say to defend themselves. Oftentimes, it would also be used as an 'expression' you say when you're thinking of something to sayㅡ for example, trying to remember a specific word or the name of a certain person. It's actually used more often than you would think.
"Anyways..." the teen sighed, suddenly switching to english before snapping his head for a moment to stare at the four boys behind his sister with confusion and curiousity before looking back down to face Himari. He grins as he pointed behind himㅡ an open field not too far from where they were with soccer nets and basketball hoops. "Let's play basketball! 'Nahan nako praktison tung spin move."
Himari simply thinned her lips as she squinted her eyes up at him, a mocking look. "'Di nimooooo mabuhat na." She teased.
"Respect!" The girl's brother bonked her head, an irritated and offended look on his face as he tried his best to resist the urge to pinch her. "Kinsa may ni biras imong diaper rung adlawa, ha? You bery bery disrespek-pul today, you kno?"
"Oi!" Bakugo screeched, immediately having all the attention back at himㅡ but the fact that two extremely tall people were looking down at him was both intimidating and irritating.
He shamelessly points at the teen, brows furrowed and an evident frown on his lips. "You! Who are you?!"
The redhead quirked his brows, a look of mild, fake confusion and surprise on his face as he points at himself and answered. "Riki."
He then crouched down to be as eye level with the aggressive blond, showing a fake smile on would normally show to young children. He tried to speak in the best japanese he could, "And who you, mister..."
"Bakugo!" The child answered with pride, a wide smile on his face as he placed his fists on his hips with a puffed out chest. "Bakugo Katsuki! Remember that name 'cause i'm gonna be the number one hero!"
Like Himari, Riki simply picked the words he understood and used those to figure out what the kid was saying. And when he finally processed it, his for-children smile broadened. "Okay!"
"Kuya." Himari called, immdiately catching the teen's attention, a frown evident on her face from annoyance of her older brother talking to some stranger. She didn't like the boy and prefered to just stay away from him before she started throwng punches.
Riki couldn't help but to chuckle at her as he stood back up to his full height before rufflings his sister's short locks. "'Li na. Dula tag 'sketball."
Himari could only sigh as she lazily followed behind him, honestly still sour of the fact that they had to move just because their mom had to keep an eye on their uncle: their mother's younger brother and only sibling, who she just recently got the news that he was being abusive to his wife and children. Himari didn't really fully understand the situation then, but the loud yelling and breaking of furniture when they came to visit the Todoroki household was a more than enough hint that it was more than just 'bad'.
She had to leave her friends back in the Philippines. Call it petty, but having to be seperated from their only friends always takes a toll on anyone. But hey, at least she finally got to meet the extended family on her mother's sideㅡ minus the aunt and older brother... one who's admitted to a psychiatric ward and one who's either missing or dead. There were also three other childrenㅡ two neglected and one traumatised with a burn scar on the left side of his face.
Himari has never seen a broken family before. For one because her own family back in the Philippinesㅡ immediate, extended and distantㅡ are all closely knit and heavily family-oriented. She could still remember when her father's older sister used to tell her how they all lived in the same house when their ages weren't even in the double digits yet.
So it was understandably a foreign and uncomfortable environment for her for the first time. Little did she know she had to get used to it as she grew older.
The shy, green haired boy of the lot of kids suddenly ran after the siblings, honestly having a hard time catching up to them and their long strides with his tiny legs. How can someone be so tall?! "H-hey!"
Riki was the only one who turned to look at the little boy, a look of curiousity and confusion on his face. First with the scene where his sister was talking to boys... and now one of them running after her?
Himari, though had quite the hadfull of male friends, had a reputation of scaring boys with her habit of hitting and pinching them and... playing with toilet water.
Understandably so, to have a boy running towards Himari instead of away was a bit foreign to Riki.
Riki nudged Himari's side when she was about to pass him, silently telling her to give the boy her attention, causing her to let out a muffled groan before aggressively turning around to glare at the green haired boy. "What."
The boy took a step back, intimidated by Himari's hostile behaviorㅡ added to that, she looks like the type to pick on younger boys and kick teenagers in the balls before spitting in their mouth. Firsy impressions were everything and she seems to be snarky and rude.
The boy, hair as green as the lush leaves in a rainforest and cheeks dotted with little stars, looks down at his oversized red shoes to try and avoid the burning gaze of the taller girl in front of him and the stares of everyone else.
To say the least, he wasn't even entirely sure why he ran to her in the first place. Maybe it was just the surprising fact that she was able to intimidate his 'friend' just by standing up without even saying something. Bakugo was known to be strong and fearless in his eyes, and even if he was being constantly bullied, he still admired the explosive blond's determination to be the number one hero.
"Talk better." Himari suddenly interrupted him, causing the boy to shut his mouth immediately as he tilted his head further down, his cheeks flushing when he heard the snickers of Bakugo and his lackeys in the background.
Himari furrowed her brows in annoyance as she tucked her hands in the pockets of her cargo pants, slowly but surely getting irritated the more her watch was ticking down the seconds. She wasn't a very patient person to say the least. "What? Do you have a fluency disorder or something?"
"Stop stuttering!" Himari snapped, snarled at the boy as she took a strong step forward, causing the green-haired to stumble back and land on his bottom with a wince. He whimpered as Bakugo and the other boys cackled, and Riki simply letting out a sigh as he stood in the background, internally scolding his sister for her insensitivity.
"We don't have all day! Pag isturya na!"
The boy was on the verge of crying at this point, with tears building up in the corner of his wide, petrified eyes as he started to regret even running after the girl.
He choked back a sob, "I.... I'm sorry!"
"Cut the kid some slack, Mar." Riki said with a frown, feeling bad for the boy and the embarrassment Himari was feeding himㅡ and in front of Bakugo and his little minions no less. "We've only been here for less than a week ug karon ra baya pud ka ni gawas sa balay. He's obviously not used to your aggresive attitude."
If only he knew that Bakugoㅡ the boy's 'friend'ㅡ was not much too different from Himari. The only difference was she didn't playㅡ wasn't one to play and joke around being mean. If she was aggresive, it's almost always likely someone's going to go home with a black eye and bloodied nose.
Himari clicked her tongue, finally letting the poor boy breathe as she took a step back with a bouncy leg from impatience, grumbling curse words in a language the boy couldn't understand.
She suddenly snappee her head back towards him, creased brows and upturned lips as she stared him down. Suddenly, she asked, "You know basketball?"
Taken aback, the boy choked out a confused sound, his own brows creasing. "Wuh-"
"Whatever." Himari tsked, suddenly bent over to reach for his hand before pulling him up and beginning to drag him to the open field her and Riki were supposed to be by now. The older male seemingly hesitant with her sudden action with the shy boy, remembering that their parents had told them how some things back in the Philippines considered normal are extremely disrespectful in Japan.
Shamelessly, Himari declared something that completely suprised the boy, not having even asked for his permission as her grip on his wrist simply tightened. "You play ball with me."
UA, despite being a heroing school, was still a school nonetheless... meaning it still teaches normal subjects like math, history, literature, and etc.. God forbid the future of heroes in Japan ends up being dumb and can't even do a simple trigonometry theorem that obviously wouldn't be of much use in life.
Himari barely listened to the lectures, simply spacing out with Shoto having to constantly hit her from under the table whenever she was close to being caught not listening.
Could you blame her though? Classes are boring and she wasn't one to sit on her ass all day and listen to adults teach her things she could learn all by herself. That was probably why despite her grades being a bit above average, her participation in classes were lacking. It was safe to say she took one of her past teacher's words seriously: "You can space out and ignore me if your grades are great. I'm not going to force you to listen to me."
And so she didn't listen to his lectures. And since her grades were high, that teacher didn't bother scolding her whenever she left the classroom mid lecture and came back with food she got from the canteen five minutes before the bell rang. She did get scolded for talking loudly a couple of times, though.
"Now can anyone tell me the differences of taught, though, thought, throw, through, throughout, thorough, and tough?"
Even if she knew the answers, Himari didn't raise her hand and just simply allowed a french wannabe to give the wrong answers. She rolled her eyes and grumbled under her breath, "boring..."
And to her pleasure, the gruelling class soon finally ended and in came lunch.
The class packed their things, chatter slowly filling the room after Present Mic walked out with his teaching materials in hand as most of everyone began walking over to their group of friends they've suprisingly made in such a short period of time.
Shoto, after having finished putting his textbooks and pens away, put his bag back down under his desk before standing up from his seat and waiting at the side of his cousin's. He pulled out the familiar credit card he had snatched from her, "I want Soba."
Himari rolled her eyes and grumbled incoherent words under her breath. They made a bet earlier that day in the assessment testㅡwhoever got a higher placing could max Enji's credit card, and since she didn't have as much of a control with her quirk due to 'selective particiption' as she likes to call it, she didn't know much about it's benefits and strong points either, leading her to be a place just below him. Do you know how annoying that is?!
That wasn't much of a surprise, though. She used to always ditch whatever Enji has planned for her training and no matter how much the old man scolds and yells at her, she was just too stubborn and immature for her own good.
Noticing the sour expression on her face, Shoto scoffed. "You're still upset about the fact that i'm better than you?" He asked with a low key mocking tone, and though his face was blank, Himari of all people knew he was feeling smug in that moment. "Don't be petty about it."
Himari snarled and simply showed him a middle finger. "Suck dick."
"...Do you want onigiri?"
Understandably so, the people they were sharing a table with all looked at Himari with confusion and covered-up disgust. The girl practically inhaled her meal like she hadn't eaten in days.
Shoto was the only one who didn't bother hiding his very much obvious repugnance at her horrific eating habbit, and kicked her shin under the table with a frown. "You eat like a pig."
Himari, with her mouth full of rice that was too much for anyone except for Filipinos, couldn't spit back an insult or comeback, so instead moved to mock him with making an ugly face before kicking him back on the shin with greater power. "Fwuk ywu."
The boy quickly recoiled in disgust when he felt a wet rice touch his cheek. He shivered, and simply just gave his cousin a nasty glare before going back to his own meal of cold soba. Sometimes he questions why they were even related. "You're disgusting."
Himari displayed her double chin with a mocking frown, "Whe? Twen wut dos thwat mek ywu?"
Shoto rolled his eyes, "Better than you."
Himari was quick to deadpan at him with a barely visible snarl on her lips. He did not just say that. Hell no.
Leaning over to the other side of the table, she quickly grabbed a strand of Shoto's hair from the front and aggressively pulled on it, causing the boy's face to smack on his soba with a sound.
She slowly pulled back to her side, ignoring the stares she was getting from the people nearby as she simply gulped down her meal and snarled. "Ugly ass bitch."
"I am here! Coming through the door like a normal person!"
Himari looks up, fixing her rose-tinted migraine glasses as she stared at the overly muscular and standout-ish person by the doorway of the classroom, one brow raised as her lips formed to a thin line, low key expressing her confusion of the situationㅡ almost everyone in the class errupted in joy, squeeling, cheering, and other fan behaviors you could think of.
She turns to Shoto, the tips of her fingers over her lipsㅡ a natural habit of hers that didn't really mean any harm, but many mistake for gossiping.
"Didn't know All Might was a teacher?" She murmured.
Shoto turns to look at her, expression indifferent and stoic as how it is most of the time. "It's been a rumor that he's going to be teaching here at UA starting this year." He shared, then tilted his head to the side with a quirked brow, "Aren't you usually caught up with media news?"
Himari couldn't help but to slump her shoulders with a certain expression on her face, as if she was tired of it. "I prefer the tea on twitch. Heroes weren't really my thing..." she shrugged her shoulder with pursed lips as she opened her tumbler to take her needed sip of water. "And, honestly, it still isn't."
"Why'd you agree to enroll in a heroing school then?"
"Dunno." She tilted her head, watched as All Might explained about the subject he would be teachingㅡ but didn't really pay much attention on it. "I don't know what to do with my life... I'll try anything I think would be fun or whatever, doesn't mean i'll geek over it."
Shoto, after hearing her response, couldn't help but to sigh. Sometimes, Himari's carefreeness was concerning. She has the most freedom out of everyone in her immediate familyㅡ and while that isn't necessarily a bad thing, the fact that she just doesn't know what to do with her life couldn't help but to make Shoto worry for Himari's future.
She has no ideal job or career she wants to pursue, she only puts half of her efforts in school, doesn't really have close friends, and has always been a little unsettled of the thought of having her own family in the futureㅡ simply because she believes that society thinks women are obligated to marry and bear children, and she's been pretty hell-bent on breaking gender stereotypes and inequality... that's probably the only thing that she's passionate about.
The wall on the far corner suddenly opened to shelves of grey suitcases with neon numbersㅡ immediately having both Shoto and Himari's attention back to the class they have been spacing out on.
"Now!" All Might beamed, grinning down at the students who shined expressions of curiousity and excitement. No one really expected a hidden shelf in the wall... UA really was advanced. "Get suited up and meet me at Ground Beta!"
"Yes, sir!"
Himari sighed as she stood up from her seat and took the suitcase labelled '15'. "I'm hungry."
Shoto looks back at her with furrowed brows, "We just ate lunch."
The tall girl rolled her eyes with a sassy look. "A girl's gotta eat, Sho." She quirked a brow, "No way in hell am I gonna eat ice cubes for the whole day."
Her cousin couldn't help but to groan out of irritation. Sometimes, he just wishes she would shut up.
Stuffing his hand in his pocket, Shoto takes out a sour candy Fuyumi had secretly tucked into his bag earlier that day and tossed it over to the annoying girl. "Eat that and shut up."
Himari snarled at him, "Don't talk to me like that!" But still proceeded to rip off the wrapper and stuff the candy in her mouth before childishly showing him her middle finger.
Himari has never been one to be conscious of her skin; whether it was by her darker skin tone, her ridiculous height, muscular build... she doesn't even have the 'desirable' 19 inch waist or straight, slim legs.
What she had, though, was self-love and confidence.
That was the reason why the moment she began changing into her hero costume in the locker room did the stares of the girls in her class not bother her.
People staring at her was already a normal thing for her at this point ever since she moved to Japan, after all, she stood out like a sore thumb. However, what she did with that attention? Simply proudly displayed how different she was. "I'm different, i'm not 'normal'. But guess what? I'm unique." And if people didn't like her, that's their problem. Not everyone can like the same thing.
"Nice birthmark you got there."
Himari turns around and looks down to land her golden eyes on short, purple hair before the girl looks up to make eye contact with her with droopy, laid-back eyes whilst playing with the earphone jack that served as her earlobe. Kyoka Jirou.
They both simultaneously tilted their heads to the same direction, causing a snort to pass of the morena's lips. "Yeah?" She smirks, "Thanks."
"Woah!" A pink skinned girlㅡ Mina Ashido was it?ㅡ suddenly piped in, a wide smile on her face as she stood on her tippy toes to get a better view at the darker patch on skin located around Himari's right shoulder blade. She brought her pink hand up, inspected for a bit with her eyes batting from her hand and to Himari's bare back. She gasped, "It's the same size as my palm!"
Himari couldn't help but to chuckle at their reaction. She gave them a few more seconds to stare at the darker patch of skin before finally putting on the white bodysuit of her costumeㅡ the 'base layer'.
The birthmark was rather larger in size, but it's design was unique and held such an honorary meaning and historyㅡ which made Himari more proud than self-conscious of the darker patch of skin. The mark was like a sun in the middle with three stars surrounding it.
"Pretty cool, huh?" She grinned, and laughed when Ashido energetically nodded as she fixed her utility belt and fitted golden skirt before grabbing her golden colored boots that had a similar design to a brunette's who was on the other side of the room. "It kind of runs in my dad's side of the family depending on who inherit the clan's quirk-"
"Clan's quirk?" Both girls simultaneously asked, which irked Himari a bit with the interruption.
"...yes." She said through slightly gritted teeth.
Himari took the see-through, golden shawl from her suitcase, inspected the fabric used considering how she knew the original inspiration for it was itchy, had limited flexibility and was a bit annoying. Fortunately for her, while the new fabric for her hero suit had an identical look the original inspiration, it was more comfortable and easy to move around in.
Taking the shawl, she drapes it over her shoulders before keeping the front in place with a custom-made three star pin.
"Didn't know there was a 'clan quirk'.." Jirou mumbled out, finally halted in playing with her earphone jacks as she helped the morena with putting on the arm braces before her gauntlets.
"It's a hereditary quirk passed down for centuries now." Himari vaguely explainedㅡ which was basically the only thing she knew of her superior quirk: an ancient, hereditary ability that's been with her Filipino family for a long time.
It sounds amazing, but it's not as usefull or impressive when you don't know how to even use it to it's fullest potential. Himari, due to her lack of training and knowledge on the quirk due to her immaturity and negligence, was a victim of that. Added to that, it also deals with alot of helioseismology, universal gravitational law, and other sub abilities that's going to take her awhile to understand.
It's most likely as overpowered as a time manipulation quirk, but Himari's practically just a 'heater' right now due to her lack of knowledge on the topic. However, that didn't mean she was useless or weak.
"Aren't these things heavy?" Jirou asked, referring to the gauntlets and boots whichㅡ if she had to guessㅡ was a little over Himari's actual weight. Mina had left sometime earlier to chatter with an invisible girl.
Himari pursed her lips with creased brows, thinking for a moment as she felt the added weight on her body before shaking her head with a grin and peace sign. "No problemo! I can handle it pretty well."
The music-quirked girl couldn't help but to chuckle at her lively energy. "Alright."
It was then at Ground Beta did Himari realize that her hero costume was almost like a fusion of both Bakugo's and Uraraka's due to her own gauntlets and boots, which made her unwillingly curl her lipsㅡ not really knowing how to feel about the whole thing.
'Petty' was probably the only thing Shoto could describe her as right thereㅡ getting all upset just because two people had somewhat of a similar style as hers. He has no idea that most girls have the same problem of getting petty when they see a stranger wearing the same outfit as them.
He nudged her with his elbowㅡ quickly regretting it as he moved away and winced as he rubbed the sore area. He didn't expect her gauntlet to be that hard.
Just the look of pain in her cousin's face made Himari's sour mood disappear as she breathed out an airy chuckle and smirked. "Dumbass."
"Not quite! I'm gonna move you two steps ahead!" All Might answered to whatever Iida had earlier questioned, showing two fingers in a peace sign with his iconic grin.
"Most of the villain fights you see on the news takes place outside, however, statistically speaking, run-ins with the most dasterdly evil doers takes place indoors. Truly intelligent criminals stay in the shadows." He explained. "For this training exercise, you'll be split into good guys and bad guys and fight three-on-three indoor battles."
"Isn't this a little advanced?" Asui Tsuyu, a girl with a mutant type frog quirk, commented. She was cute, Himari had to admit.
"The best training is what you get in the battlefield!" All Might explained. "But remember you won't be dealing with robots this time, you're dealing with actual people!"
"Sir, will you be deciding who wins?"
"How much can we hurt the other team?"
"Do we need to worry about getting expelled?"
"Will you be splitting us up on chance or compared to skill?"
"Isn't this cape très chic?"
The numerous bombarding questions left All Might a little upset. "I... wasn't finished talking.! Listen up!" All Might pulled out a what seemed to either be a book or script that looks too small in his big hands.
He quickly explained the situation and what they were supposed to do: the villain team having hidden a nuclear missile in the building, having the responsibility to protect the weapon. The hero team must either capture the villains with a capturing tape or retreive the weapon before the timer runs out. Likewise, the villain team wins if they get to capture the heroes or protect the weapon until the time runs out.
"We'll choose the team by drawing lots!" All Might grinned and enthustiastically pulled out a yellow box.
"Is it bad I wanna be in a villain team?" Himari shamelessly asked out loud, ignoring the little looks of concerns and suspicion from her unidentified classmates, not really expecting an answer to her question in the first place.
She walks over to the hero, making guesses in her heads of which team she'd be on and the teammates she would be working with. 1 and E are her favorite number and letter, so she hopes to get either of those and have at least a decent team.
She unconsciously turned to two males: Midoriya and Bakugo, making her frown and barely visibly curl her upper lip. 'At least don't put me with either of them.' Being in the same class with a cousin was already weird enough, but to also deal with those two? God was really testing her, wasn't he?
"I." Himari pursed her lips like a duck, tilting her head as she looked to the side with a deadpanned expression in a failed and useless attempt to hide her disappointment.
"How sad." Shoto monotonely teased, peaking at the scribbled letter in his cousin's paper before looking down at his own. B. He was teamed up with Shoji Mezo and Sero Hantaㅡ one who could duplicate the limbs of his arms and another who dispenses tape from his elbows. "Don't start making your teammates look bad now."
Himari simply sounded out an mocking pitchy cry with an ugly expression on her face.
Shoto could only sigh as he shook his head.
"Now for the first battle!" All Might beamed, pulling out two balls from two boxes.
It wasn't obvious to everyone, but the moment the letters were shown, the air had suddenly become tenseㅡ uncomfortable to breathe even as two of the main characters in each team locked eyes of green and crimson with each other, one with fear and another with annoyance.
D and A.
Midoriya's team versus Bakugo's.
Himari has a history with both Midoriya and Bakugo, but she's not friends with either of them. There's no labels either.
I also unintentionally made her look mean soooo... whoopies👀
Riki is the first family member mentioned but lemme tell you... I simp for Himari's older sister moreXD
Himari's hero costume rough sketch:) :
She does also have a 'helmet' similar to Uraraka's that serves as her migraine glasses with the design by the ears inspired by Catriona Gray's iconic ear cuffs minus the starts. The shawl is also inspired by the design of the Maria Clara gown.
The different uses of her support items and choice of clothings will be discussed in the next chapter✌
(it honestly looks way better in my head:/)
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